Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

hi friends, thanks for all the concernc. my kids are better now, thou still have som loose stools vomitting. but much better.

BTW, dun think your troubles r over after u transferred the maid out. my fren who transferred her maid out more than 1 yr ago, now got to go to MOM to be interviewed. Her ex maid complained that she was being abused when she is being employed by my fren.
Draw up a salary list for your new maid. Get her to write & sign her name each time you give her the pay. You keep her pay every month. This way, you are safe as money issues are stated in black & white.
Hi ladies,
Some maids complain to their embassy that they are not paid. So, to safeguard yourself, draw up a chart and make her sign against her name. However, keep the money.
Hi Janet,

Please kindly email me your timetable and a sample of your salary list?
Btw, do u ask yr maid to sign any "employment contract / rules that she have to follow" when she started? If yes, pls send me that too?

My email is [email protected]

Thank you!!
janet, my email is kel_vone99 @ tks a lot.
i wish tt i knoew ur advice earlier. i jus found out tt my maid took her salary & went 2 d provision shop opp my blk 2 buy biscuits & slippers. d best thing is: i didn't even noe tt d provision shop sells slippers.

tamarind, hehe... ya, i aso hope tt my nxt 1 will b gd. getting veri sian of re-training maids liao. aiyo... if i even caught my maid doing tt, i'll send her back straight away. hw can she do tt?? tt's so dangerous.

butter8, 2 add on wat babycutie hv advised u, ask ur selected maid whether she looked after her own children herself or nt. my current maid gt 3 kids, her youngest 1 is abt 6 mths older than mine. thus it shld b a gd choice rite?? nope!! it turns out tt she didn't look after her children at all. thus she noes nothing abt taking care of my boy. mmm... $400 is veri ex leh. my 1st maid wk in sg 4 abt 10 yrs liao & she oni asked 4 $350 wif no off days somemore.

liz, aiyo... how come gt ppl like tt 1. so mean!!

lay tin, oh no... u better take care k.

ribena, i aso hv d same prob. bt mine is underage by 2 yrs. haiz... seems like our situations r veri similar!!

b2b3m4, gosh... ur maid is terrible. then hw did u found out??
hi ladies,
I'm gonna settle the paperwork with the agency on monday. As for the agent fees, there are 2 options. $488 if we pay the maid's loan upfront and $588 if we pay the maid's loan by instalment. I remember reading somewhere that paying by instalment (post-dated cheques) would be better in the event that we need to transfer the maid. Is it true? So it's better for me to incur the extra $100 in agency fee? Would appreciate your advice. Thanks!
The agency that I went to will prepare the salary drawn up each month for 2 years contract. So I don't have to prepare it myself. Just wanna check are we suppose to keep the salary for the maid or we suppose to give her or open bank a/c to bank in the salary for her? To my agent, we suppose to open bank a/c for her.
mine is a myanmar maid, hence the higher agency fee. In fact i was told that some agents for myanmar maids charge about $600.
Does the schedule make sense to you ?
When my maid first arrived, I woke up at 545am for a week. Taught her to wash cups and make coffee/breakfast. After my son & hubby left for school/work, taught her how to wash clothes and hang the clothes on the bamboo nicely.

I have 2 mops - 1 for kitchen & 1 for rooms. Demonstrated how to vacuum the floor and mop the floor. Everything was hands-on then, from showing her how much Magiclean to put in the water & mop.
If your maid wants to send money home (after 1 yr plus), make sure she doesn't send every cent home. You always keep $400 (in case she tries to be funny) and the maid to keep $10 (she needs to buy postage/sanitary pads). If your maid is a Filipino esp & has off days, her friends will teach her tricks not to let the employer hold her money.
Each agency charge the fees differently. It can range for $88 - $688. U hv to check with the agency whether their fee includes the insurance u hv mentioned.

Can u share with me your time-table? My email: [email protected]
sharon, usually they don't include the insurance on this security borned. U have to purchase additional around $80-$120 depends on which premium and fr which agency.

I paid about sgd 450 inclu of "maid run away" and
"day surgery' is it exp??

apple. your maid come already ?? how much have you paid ???
sharon, the agent just called up said got approval and medical report show hepB neg too. So she shd arrived on time somewhere around 10th Mar.
I paid additional $88 for the maid run away insurance. The surgical insurance is covered by the agent.
janet, tks. i rec'd d file liao. let me adapt it 2 my schedule. tks.
ya, i totally agree wif u. m going 2 do tt wif my new maid.

sharon, my agency fee is $388 + $50 4 d wk permit + $70 4 d insurance. tink i bought d cheaper insurance. it means tt shld my maid run away, i need 2 pay $250, then d insurance will pay d bal.
Hi babycutie,

Emailed to you. It's easier to modify to your own schedule with a 'skeleton' to work on. If the maid picks up fast, she should be able to adapt after 3-4 weeks.
Receive the schedule. Thanks. You fix a time for your maid to do certain chores at certain time which is good. For me I can't do that because she has to take care of a newborn which timing is quite inflexible at the moment because of frequent feedings and needs to attend to bb when cry.

I only specify timing on sterilising milk bottles, bathing kids, feeding kids, cook lunch and cook dinner. The rest of the chores like washing laundry, sweep and mop floor, ironing of clothes, cleaning tables/TV tops and etc are up to her to arrange herself.

Otherwise do u hv any suggestion that I can improve my schedule for my maid? She has to take care of a 21mths old and a newborn including general housekeeping and cooking.
oppss sorry, missed out on my email! its [email protected] Thanks a million!

good to hear that you're having your maid pretty soon
sorry can i know the agency you went to again? is it reliance?
ribena, I din take up the package offered by Reliance. The current agency I'm with is Inroads at Far East Shopping Centre Orchard.
My mum's prev maid taught us a lesson, that was why I found it necessary to have a schedule which is more systematic.

It's quite hard for you to fix a schedule now because there is a newborn & active 21 month old around. If your new maid can handle the 2 kids, it good enough for now.
hi all!

thanks for all the advice.
I am definately not taking the maid at $400.
will run through more bios and interview. I rather get a new one, and train too.

as both hubby n i will be traveling, maid will be to happy to be left alone at home. further sometimes are travel for work.

will prob need to learn from your schedule & signing off for pay once i get the maid.
Something to share.

As we often read abt maids being abused. My poor sis was "mentally" abused by her maid ! Just repatriate her maid home last sat as maid abused her freedom & trust of her employer.

My sis found out that maid has boyfriend or rather boyfriends, brought him home when employer r not at home, possess handphone. Best part is she sneak out during the day & at night to "sell" ! At the airport, she even bark at my sis saying that she has too much time & freedom ! Fyi, after working for less than a yr, she requested for off day & my sis gave her.

Thank goodness, no harm was done else it could be worst.

Part 2 :- my maid

Coincidentally, I also found out that my maid has a handphone for the past 6 mths ! I ask my sil to "dig" info from her indirectly. At the same time telling her that police caught my sis's maid, blacklist her & was sent home immediately. My maid took it for real becos my sis's maid did sms her saying she's leaving s'pore (that same am).

Asking my sil to dig info from maid is not so obvious & maid can relate to her better without any pressure. Subconsciously, she'll blah out which she did :p

My sil gave her a "lecture", told her that she's suppose to tell, inform & not hide anything from me if she's keen to work for me (her permit is expirying in June). Timidly she cried, confess & apologies.

We were wondering when & where she has the lobang since she only fetch my gal from sch (home within half an hour), doesn't have any off day & my mom is always at home. Super isn't it !

The truth came out that she bought mobile from my sis's maid whom she herself got a new mobile with camera from her boyfriend ! Maybe, my sis's maid exchange a mobile for her "service" ??? CHEAP !!!!
U can also do a list of Sundries Expenses for your maid in case she needs to buy anything.

I kept all money for my maid including those Ang Pao she received during CNY. I have drafted out a "Letter of Appointment" and "Rules and Regulations" for my maid and one of the clause states that she cannot keep any $$$.

If she wants to buy anything, let me know and I will pass some $$ to her. Whatever she buys back I will check and record down the description and amt in the sundries expenses and get her to sign on it. I will keep the changes (if any) from the $$ I pass to her.

In this way we can control their expenses. Otherwise they will buy so much things and chalk up the wardrobe space.
I always discourage my maid to mix ard. Its not tat I m selfish or wat. They r not as educated as us hence their mentality is not so high and can get easily influence by others.

Also, I would never leave my maid alone at home without supervision.
Something to share.

As we often read abt maids being abused. My poor sis was "mentally" abused by her maid ! Just repatriate her maid home last sat as maid abused her freedom & trust of her employer.

My sis found out that maid has boyfriend or rather boyfriends, brought him home when employer r not at home, possess handphone. Best part is she sneak out during the day & at night to "sell" ! At the airport, she even bark at my sis saying that she has too much time & freedom ! Fyi, after working for less than a yr, she requested for off day & my sis gave her.

Thank goodness, no harm was done else it could be worst.

Part 2 :- my maid

Coincidentally, I also found out that my maid has a handphone for the past 6 mths ! I ask my sil to "dig" info from her indirectly. At the same time telling her that police caught my sis's maid, blacklist her & was sent home immediately. My maid took it for real becos my sis's maid did sms her saying she's leaving s'pore (that same am).

Asking my sil to dig info from maid is not so obvious & maid can relate to her better without any pressure. Subconsciously, she'll blah out which she did :p

My sil gave her a "lecture", told her that she's suppose to tell, inform & not hide anything from me if she's keen to work for me (her permit is expirying in June). Timidly she cried, confess & apologies.

We were wondering when & where she has the lobang since she only fetch my gal from sch (home within half an hour), doesn't have any off day & my mom is always at home. Super isn't it !

The truth came out that she bought mobile from my sis's maid whom she herself got a new mobile with camera from her boyfriend ! Maybe, my sis's maid exchange a mobile for her "service" ??? CHEAP !!!!
It's good to be able to control the maid's expenses so that she doesn't go on a spending spree and then jam up all the space. Maids, esp new ones, cannot be trusted to be left alone with young children without any supervision. So, if I have a doctor's appt, I need my mum to be around.
Hi babycutie,
I only keep my maid's salary every month. As for CNY red packets, I let her keep. She is very thrifty and only buys what she needs.

Are you really sure it's a good idea to leave maid and bb home alone ? The poor baby will be at the maid's mercy. If you are going to be travelling a lot, it would be better to find another alternative.
My maid has worked for me for 2 years, but I still don't want to leave my children alone with her, not even for a few hours. It is not that I don't trust her, but better be safe than sorry.
I guess you understand how I feel since both of us are in the same boat. It's not so much the issue of not trusting her, but I just don't feel comfortable leaving my kids alone with her even for 1/2 hour. We never know what is going on in their heads.
didnt say i wan to leave my baby with maid alone. lucky my mum is helping me. she just has some bone prob so need the maid to help her do the heavy carrying or chore. in fact our plan is to oso not let maid know our schedule, my mum will pop in when I am working and supervise at my place or drive her over to her place.

my hubby n I do not trust to leave maid alone. even our parttime maid, comes only when I am around.

I have a part-time maid now, filipino, she has a niece who may wan to come. i am waiting to see her biodata and talk with her, she has not come to spore b4.

anyone know what is the procedure for getting a maid that I want (in this case not introduced by the agency)? I need to pay agency to help with paper work?
Hi butter8,
Whew! At least you have your mum to supervise the maid. If your mum comes over to your place, then your schedule for her won't be affected. But if your maid & bb goes over at times, then you have to let the agency & maid know she will have to go where the bb goes. I did inform the agency beforehand.

Would greatly appreciate if someone can email me the spreadsheet that Lenny has sent out previously.
My new Filip maid will be coming in this weekend and being a first time employer, i would appreciate if someone can share with me yr experience and things to lookout for.
Hi Ladies,
Am back again in this thread..
Think my hubby still insist to have a maid again. Haiz.. Long story~

This round I am getting a Indo maid, if u think yor agent has serve u well & give u good maids, can recommend me?
