Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

From Cris lor, if not how? I wanted to change agency but hb said no point changing. Maids are all the same no matter which agency you go to. Because most of them will be getting supply from the same company in Indonesia.

It is your luck if you can get good one.

i also get my maid fr crisxx, same as tamarind, jo n babycutie n some other mums here. i believe maid agencies also hv shortage of indo maids now due to hari raya. u c which agency u r comfy with then choose ur maid fr there n wait 4 documentation to b done which will take ard a mth 4 ur replacement maid to come.
jo - i think yr case is really headache..Liana previously recommended me her agent who deals mainly on Filipino. Maybe you can try...i didnt use the agent is mainly becos I wanted a transfer maid whom I can see the person and I needed someone in a rush. But looks like Liana's new maid of abt 3 mths (?) is very sport on...
may i noe which agency Liana reocommand u? can share?
think of changing 2 phil liao... cos Indo cause alot of problem.

juz found out my camera gone, which cost b abt 600+, it is a conventional type, hw 2 question her? she sure denied rite?
hi everyone
been following thru but erm lazy to post

1st is angpow money now camera
think u got to faster get rid of her ar bo more things gonna disappear!!!
Hi Jo, Eileen,
Ya, I find my agent good but I think Jo doesn't want a Filippino.

1. Post dated cheques, no extra charge
2. All maids (that I saw) older, experienced, professional.
3. Affordable agency fee of $288, $388.
4. Run by Filipino lady and her ang moh husband
5. Salary is not set for maids, you offer whatever you want depending of what you deem appropriate then they ask the maid if they want to accept. If they accept then fine. If not, get another one who will.
6. You can offer the off days yourself. No off day during loan period.

1. Must give off day at least once a month after loan is finished (if any).
2. All the maids are experienced and know thier rights so if you try and make them work overly long hours, get up really early etc. they will not take the job.

The reason why I think my maid is good might not be good enough for other people. I like her because:

1. She never talks back, ever. She is humble and genuinely sorry if she makes a mistake. She never repeats mistakes.
2. She loves my girl and my girl enjoys her company.
3. She cleans the house the way I tell her and she is consistent in the quality of her work. Always clean and job always finished to my expectation.
4. I don't need to ask her to do anything at all. If she sees I am doing some sort of work she will stop what she is doing and take over.

5. She has never used our house phone and only uses her mobile at night after work.

6. I hardly have to talk to her and she hardly talks to me and we are happy with the arrangement. She is always in a good mood.


1. She doesn't have to do childcare. We bathe our baby, feed our baby and during the day a nanny comes to our place to just do baby care although she will join in games and make milk.

2. We give her every Sunday off from as early as she likes to 10pm.

3. She has her own room and bathroom, own tv, vcd and I provide her shampoo, toothpaste, shower gel, pads. She turns in at 9pm.

4. She can eat anything she wants in the house, we do not impose any limits and we buy her extra food (as per Tamarind's list) as well, although she doesn't really eat our snacks or drink our coke etc.

5. She doesn't have to cook. We have catering for dinner and it's just for her. Sometimes we will eat too but hardly ever. She makes the rice and gets the plates ready for all of us but she eats first as hubs and I eat late. She eats the leftovers for lunch the next day...if she feels like it, otherwise my hubs will buy her whatever she wants. Usually fried rice, chicken rice, noodles or whatever. If he doesn't go out in the morning because it is raining she may make her own lunch from whatever we have.

6. Every month, if she has done an exceptional job, I give her extra cash. The first month it was $10. 2nd month nothing. 3rd month $50. She doesn't take us for granted. She refused to take the cash.

It's hard to find a maid who is willing and able to take care of more than one kid and the housework, especially if they have to cook as well. If I had 3 kids, I would get 2 maids or at least hire a baby nanny but baby nanny cost per month is much higher than maids salary + levy.

It's not easy to find a good maid. Even if you give them a great life doesn't mean they are going to be honest, good and reliable. We treated all our maids the same but this one is our 5th maid in 1 year. It makes me look bad for having so many, but I can honestly say that my 3 bad maids were definitely NOT MY FAULT, it was their own lazy, dishonest half arsed attitude they did not last.

Look at Jacky Cheung. 21 maids in 3 years but 4 maids at one time. If you average that out, 21 divide by 4 divide by 3 is only 1.75 per year! What's the big deal!
Cutie, if u r getting from cris, can choose from data once u decide to replace, its take time to come in nov.

Eileen, thks for concern..

Liana, u mentioned if have 3kids get another maid or nanny.. I tot of this but..

My boy Primary 1,half day at home,he is independant,shower himself,go to school by bus..instead my boy remind her to keep cloths when raining,off electricity/water,help maid to look after his sister..

My girl 2.5yrs old in full day childcare, 8am-6pm,
I help to feed her if she didnt finish her meal as she like to help herself,some time i shower her..and after dinner she will be with me for a while n sleep at 8.30pm.

My FDW need to do hse chores like washing clothes, sweep n mop floor,iron only business wear n boy uniform twice a week,bfast for my children is make milk,hubby n I will make bfast ourself,cook lunch(but now I'm cooking,current cant cook),wash dishes after lunch,warm up food(balance from lunch) for dinner, clean up kitchen..and major responsibility for FDW is attend to baby(current I'm doing,she dont like baby).. that's why she said my hse too bored(dont know wat to do), like jail(small,no garden,no land).. I can do all this by myself when no maid,I still can take afternoon nap(current maid also allow her to afternoon nap if we went out,cos she is very tired after outing).. Just that I hope to work n not stay home.

I use to treat my ex-maid like Liana, can eat anything, hav her own bank acc with atm card(keep herself), sleep n wake up anything time she want(so she sleep at 9pm-7am), treat her like family member.. end up I learn my lesson. I think all this previlage can give provided she dont take advantages.
Liana, i will def share my story soon when hv more time. I think you have the spot on attitude for creating a positive environment for your family, yourself and your maid. It sounds like this maid is quite good and unfortunately as w/many of us, you had some 'bad seeds'. You are correct in the fact giving a great life or being more liberal will not always ensure honesty, reliability, and quality. And on the flip side important for us to remember they are people too.

There will always be great help out there but a lot of them who are not, and have every intent on taking advantage. People are like this everywhere as we all know. We are quite lucky to live in a culture that provides for this luxury of maids when much of the world does not work this way. In turn, these women are lucky to have to opportunity to come to places that allow them to make a living that otherwise wouldn't happen in their home country.

My mom had said in the past, never hire a maid if you don't like the look of their face, whether the reason be an odd look in eye or all around appearance. It sounds shallow, but you do have to look and interract w/these women all day, almost every day. I should have really tht abt this since the troublesome maid of mine had a mean glimmer in her eye. I was in a rush to get new help which was a shortcoming on my end and also tht i was being too sensitive. I learned to trust my 'gut instinct'.

Personally I couldn't hire someone w/out meeting them. It's a two way street; you need to like them professionally and personally, and other way around. It is v easy to look good on paper but upclose and personal a dif story.

I have a friend who will 'trial' maids by bringing them home to interract w/kids and also
cook since that is what she expects. She actually asks them to cut up an onion and see how they handle it!

Many of these agencies are not doing us any favours as mentioned above. They make money by 'maid hopping'. That is why I think it is preferable to be able to speak w/former employers and also take one on one time. Can't take the agency word in most cases sadly.
Hi All

I have just spoken to my friend, who is a lady boss of a maid agency...she told me if really want to get or change maid, better do after the hair raya, as most of the maid you get right now, may not be good....better luck after hari raya...just for info.
Sounds like you are doing more work than your maid. Haiz.
I agree with you. One maid should be enough to take care of your household since your girl is out all day and your big boy only at home half day. There's definitely enough time for her to do the housework when baby is sleeping but I think most maids will generally not take the job if you expect them to do night feeds as well. From 3 months, my girl sleeps through from 11pm (last feed, either hubs or me will do) til 7am - maid will prepare milk and leave outside our bedroom door and we will feed. If you can train your baby to sleep through then easier for you. These days maids are damn picky. Even with one kid some maids don't want the job. When will they understand coming here is not a holiday!

Can't wait to read your story
Yes, agree 100% Gut feel counts for alot and if you don't like her face it's definitely not worth facing her every day!

Even though my current maid is quite good I'm not holding my breath she will stay good. I remember reading a story of a great maid who baked her employer's jewellery in cake before she left. She accidently left the cake behind and that's how the family found out. That is why I have a safe and I still check her room every Sunday as well as the cupboards and pantry. It's the first chore I do on Sunday morning! haha! That's how I found all the stolen goods my no. 1 maid was keeping for her friends as well as her little "loansharking" business, That stupid woman thought that just because she locked her door I would not go inside! hmph.

I think you do have leadership capabilities from the way you are so decisive with regard to your rules and organisation of your household. So many of us here use the rules and tips from your blog. I think you are the most organised and experienced of all the mummies here. Can re-consider the President role for the Employer's of FDWs Association of SGP? I will be your Vice President or Secretary. My job is in the Financial Services Industry so I am not allowed to join any Political groups, Unions or Associations that lobby the Govt.

Mummies, will you be keen to join the Association (test water first). Some things the Association can do include:

1. Lobbying the Govt, MOM, Foreign Embassies for fairer and more transparent employer/maid contracts. No more being held hostage by maid agencies.

2. Lobby for maid loans to be borne by maids or agencies and not employers. Really, who cares how a maid gets here as long as when she arrives she is ready to work. Any debt incurred to get here should not be the responsibility of the employer. The employer's responsibility should be to pay the FDWs salary on time and make sure her working environment is conducive to performing her job adequately.

3. Lobby for no transfers except on "special request" to MOM. If maids are not suitable they should be sent home except under special circumstances ie. family cannot afford her anymore, family is migrating etc then can write to MOM to allow transfer.

4. Standarisation and Transparency of Agency Fees. All agencies should offer the same level of fees. Then the differentiation between agencies (why people would choose one over another) would be purely based on: 1. SERVICE 2. MAID QUALITY.

5. Maid salaries should be based on current "free market economy" but on an offer and acceptance basis as determined by the EMPLOYER. Afterall, when we apply for a job, the market will determine how much we are worth but it's up to the EMPLOYER to make us an offer...not an agent. If we think the price / conditions is/are too low we can reject. Maybe the employer will counter offer or maybe they will choose someone else who will take the salary the employer offered. Let the employer offer a higher salary to the MAID if she is a college graduate or has extra skills. The extra money should go to the maid not into the agency fee. Currently, agency fee for high school education is say, $388, for college graduate $488.

5. Lobby Govt. for reasonable FDW LEVY. I think the reason why there is a levy is because maids DO NOT pay TAX. But a Levy of $170 per month out of $350 salary is a 48.75% tax rate which is higher than any income tax rate in the world. It's fair enough the Govt. collects taxes from all workers so let the FDWs pay their own tax out of their own salary. If the rate is reasonable it will be about 15% which is about the same as normal tax rate for salaries under $60K...correct me if I am wrong. Why make the employer pay? I just don't understand. If this is the case, I would expect the "market rate" for FDW salaries would increase by at least $100 per month.

6. Accident and Health Insurance for FDWs.
This costs about $100 per maid for the full 2 years of the maid's contract. How come, when we change maids, we don't get a pro-rata refund and when we get a new maid we have to pay the full amount all over again? Is this fair? So for me, I have spent over $600 in the last year for 5 maids insurance because I also buy bond protector.

7. If an agent is found to have forwarded bio-data with false data on it, then they should be fined and if it continues they should be shut down. Make them take more responsibility for the "products/services" they are supplying. Look at the Slim 10 case where Andrea D'Cruz got over $1 million in a lawsuit against local company TV Media even though they (TV Media) only distributed/sold the product. The manufacturer was a China company. The law deemed that as a retailer, they were still responsible for not checking the ingredients. So agencies should also be held responsible for the "product/service" they supply. They can buy insurance to cover their "Errors & Omissions".

I wonder what will happen if all these things were put in place. Would it mean that maids that come here would be more serious about doing their job well or would it mean less maids would come because they can't afford to pay their loans upfront? If less maids come, would it mean that market forces (scarcity) would push the salaries up higher than what we are currently paying?

Comments, suggestions? Will it work or will it cause more trouble in the long run?
Liana, I feed my baby midnight 12am-1am and bb next feed will wake up at 6am(which the maid feed her,cos she need to wake up at 6am,rest 9.30pm) and I also wake up 6am when baby cry for milk(sometimes at 6am, too tired I will sleep back for another hour after ensure she feed,latest still hav to wake up at 7.30am,need to bring my girl to child care myself by I sleep about 5-6hrs daily..

No afternoon nap for me(even now not working).. cos can hear bb cry n she just continue her hse work which is not require to this noon.. while I prepare dinner.. she can tell me to look after bb(baby awake) cos she want to wash toilet.. aiyo, that moment I feel I'm maid instead and I told her,cant you see I'm preparing dinner, you can wash when you free.. basically she dont even want to play w baby..everytime rather find some hse work to do, n giv me that reason she is busy w hse work..I mentioned to her many time,hse work not important n I will not scold her even she didnt do hse work.. thats is why I know she dont like baby..

I never scold maid, even they do any wrong, my worst maid break my office glass panel n I hav to pay more than her salary to my company also I didnt scold her.

Haiz.. my hubby just told me that actually he find that my agent talk to FDW very rude but all FDW listen to them.. maybe we too polite n maid take advantages..we always ask, can you help me...,please... that's is how we ask maid to do something for us.Everytime, will say thank you after she did something for us..
There's nothing wrong with you. It's your maid. Need to change already.
I remember reading about your previous worst maid. Even I felt like slapping her.
Really wish you all the best finding a good one.
Wah, so steady... Liana.. u r great.. think most employer will support/agreed with you..I will.

For sure the maid's salary will increase,when levy go down,when upfront to be paid by maid,less supply n cos demand to be high.. all that you mentioned are possible.If maid can pay upfront mean they are not that poor/work in other country before.. have standard like what u mentioned also hav another set of problem(but I'm not sure)..just like rich ppl hav rich problem,poor ppl hav poor problem..but for me I rather rich hav problem than poor hav problem.Rich at least hav money.. 1problem less compare to poor ppl.
Something interesting to share abt my childish maid.

As I told you guys, I dont bring her out. My hubby and I handle the 2 young kids outside. Yesterday, my mum dropped by my place to take some stuff while we were out. My mum commented that while the kids are out, she can complete her tasks fast and easily. Guess what she told my mum that she is scared to be alone. My mum asked her scared of what in broad day light? Then my mum said' Your Kampong is worse right, no electricity and no lights at night. Why are you not scared? She was loss for words.

FYI, mine no bungalow or palace. Just a 5 rm flat. heheheheh. Moral: She wants to go out.
Thanks for your compliments
But I am really not that capable, I made a lot of mistakes in the past, and I am just learning from them. I am sure there are many more capable ladies out there who can take up the job.

You have written very good points. These will certainly help all FDW employers in Singapore.

If the maid is not allowed to be transferred at all, they will certainly be more serious about their work. If they are sent back, they will never have a chance to work in Singapore again. I heard that this is the case in Taiwan.

If the maid salary is higher, this would mean that maids are more willing to work hard and create less problems. If the government can reduce the levy, then we can afford to pay the maid more.

I always hear comments that only Singapore has so much problems with maids, but there seem to be a lot less problems in Taiwan/Hong Kong. MOM should review their policies, and not just put the blame on FDW employers.

The problem is how to get these points accepted by MOM ? I have a feeling that MOM is being run by people who never hire maids before.
Hi mummies,
does anyone of you know the website(S'pore Poly?) which we apply for permit b4 getting the maid?

I am singapore PR & my hb is Singaporean.Who shld be the appropriate person to apply for the permit?
actually, what is the levy all about? how come we have to pay a "fine" for needing a maid? I've never understood this..
hi Jo,
I oso went to Best Helper Employment Angency at Coronation Shopping Plaza before.The lady,Linda is quite helpful but she didn't reali hv maids to choose from.

I am oso looking for reliable maid agency.My SIL went to JPB & my boss tried Budget Maid at Thomson Rd. But I am at the west so don't wish to travel so far....
When FDW is abuse by employer they can go ambassy...
When employer become victims go where?? Not dont really help employer cos they are doing for $..not really help..
Like worker hav union member...

Maybe we have this organisation..with FDW employers supported by ppl like us..send a proposal to MOM. Anyone know how to go about it?

Also if possible have training center here in Singapore, and say cant adapt to environment. Anyway its paid by FDW for their training. Then lower levy and we can afford to pay higher salary. I'm sure we dont mind pay higher for good helper compare to now, cheaper but all shit n all fees,insurance,bond...bla bla end up also not cheap but waste $ n time.
I think you can read your maid well...
My maid also no difference....She want to go back for hari raya and before the contract ends, and beat around the bush says her friend employer renew the contract,do new passport and now go back for hari raya, and go back to work after hari raya....I just ignored her...not the first time she is saying all this.......

This type of thing they are so good, other thing, can always say forget...think I will use the same word back to them when she asked me buy phone card etc...
Hi tamarind,
i saw ur website,very informative.Can I chk wf u if agency u went to?

I've a 3y.o boy & we r planning for 2nd child.We plan to hire a maid b4 my preggie,so we've time to train her up.
hi mummies,

anyone can share the procedure/experience with INDO maid passport renewal and workpermit renewal? thanks
Anyone has deal with the investigator from MOM? I wonder how they look like and what they do in their daily job. Like police investigator? Must be a very interesting job. Saw MOM placing ad in Straits Time on last saturday.
I have been to 6 agencies, Nation, Crislo, Gold Year, CM Manpower, Brooktree all got bad comments from other people in this forum
One more agency is owned by my hubby's auntie, I got a very bad experience and lost a lot of money to that evil auntie.

Your maid is not under your name ? Under your hubby's name is it ? The maid levy of $170 is deducted by GIRO from our bank account every month. Every FDW employer needs to pay this levy to the government.
i guess the question is why the govt need us to pay that levy?? I dont see what they have done for the workers that they deserve to be paid S$ 170 every mth? I also dont understand whats the logic?
tam, actually, I was wondering more WHY a levy has to be imposesd. I think this is the only country in the world that imposes a levy on hiring staff!! Maybe a one time processing fee is understandable... just what Eileen said...

BTW, can you tell me what are the steps in getting my maid transferred? I'm just exploring the option to transfer her thought she plans to go to Canada mid of next year... but at least if she can get an employer (who doesn't mind that she will work for a while only), she can still earn some income for while before she goes.

Ribenagal, just re-read bout your maid, maybe she's afraid to be at home alone in your flat not because of ghost types but because she's alone..i.e. what if someone knocks on the doors, etc? We had a maid who was like that who would get so scared when we had guests and always hid in their room.. i think overly shy, specially those from the provinces who do not meet strangers often and are young, how old is your maid?
3 packets in 1 go? do u noe how my maid eat? 1 big moon cake + 2 small moon cake + bean nut biscuits + half of papaya + 2 bananas, better than yr 3 packs of noodles rite?
suzie, haha, yah.. think possible if really hungry?? coz i ralize these maids are carbo addicts, they need a lot carbo to feel full, specially those taht are used to eating rice, they need to eat a lot of other carbs if no rice.

sandra, didn't your maid puke after eating all that? just reading about it makes me full!!
Sandra/Patsy: noodles very cheap, no problem for her to eat as much as she like. Just that I dunno whether she is really that hungry, or she is greedy. If end up with indigestion worst right ?

Avocado: For agency, try Super Employment Specialist (Far East Shopping Centre). Look for May. My indo maid from them, was good for 1 yr...before she was influenced by my neighbour's maid.
On the other hand, I have come across maids who claim that she cannot swallow noodles (!?!?!?)..but rice can swallow....weirdos.....

actually if my current maid cant make it, i am really contemplating to try again a fresh PH maid. I am really sick of the communication problem...and based on my past experience, i dont get non-sensical nonsense from PH maids and ID maids mentality is really v v questionable..
My maid likes to eat junk food. I give her rice or noodles, she will say " too much, cannot finish mdm." Yet, steal st. micheal biscuits, pork floss, chips and drink organic honey. Even my hubby is pissed with her. Trying to act like she doesn eat much but behind our back, steal our food when we are not around after finishing her tin of biscuits, milo, 10 packs of maggi mee, abox of chocolates on 2 weekends. I told her straight in the face that I will call her bro to tell him about her misdeeds and I am keeping a theif in the house. Well, she got scared of course.

The bottomline I feel is that some maids feel that the stuff is not paid with their money so it is like free flow buffet for them.
Suzie, Sandra, your FDW really eat a lot.. so full how to work..

Ribena, ask ur maid to buy herself all her junk food and u might be surprise that she cut down.

Sandra, Linda called me just now asking for ur contact number, I said only can let you know but cant giv her. And I tell her better give us good service cos there are mummy looking for FDW, only will recommend if she is good(not sure yet I didnt get from them).
Your maid sounds a bit like my maid...on diet, everything also do not want to eat....but prefers to eat our expensive staff without asking...more thrilling, maybe...
Anyone want to volunteer for President Role of Employers of FDW of SGP Association? Patsy, how about you? I can write the articles, set the mission and vision statements etc.

I think if we get some good un-dying support then the Association can really make a difference and eventually we can change the way employers are cheated and abused by both agencies and maids!

I also think we can help member mummies who are having difficulties with finding good maids by giving them tips like Tamarind's blog as well as referring them to good and fair agencies.

We could even help them when their maids turn bad by advising the best and cheapest way to get rid of them.

But most of all, we can help set good guidelines for maid integration into a family including a reasonable timetable, food, rest time etc to ensure there is no exploitation (on either side)and the maid is treated fairly so she has nothing to complain about.

If there is genuine interest and we have some numbers then I will take it further.
My maid is ex-SIN 4 years. I pay her $350 per month and every Sunday off. She is a nurse and has done a childcare course. I've seen all her certs even though she didn't tell me so herself.

I mentioned your family size and situation to her and she has a friend who is also a nurse and did the childcare course together. She wants to come to SGP to work. She is 25 years old but has never worked as a maid before. According to my maid, she is a good and honest person. She can wash, iron etc and is clean. I believe you will not need to train her much, according to my maid she is automatic. BUT I would never vouch for her or recommend her myself as I do not know her so it's up to you. Then if you are both ok with each other you can negotiate salary and days off and how fast she has to get here etc. My maid suggested you sponsor her so she can come here on a social visit pass. I don't think it will cost you any money to do so. Then you can arrange the agent to do all the paperwork and she will pay for it via salary deduction of only 3 months ($900). I think she will need to pay for her own way here, not sure. You may not even have to pay agency fee. You interested? I can ask my maid to contact her and you can call her.

I would not suggest you take a maid from the agency I went to as all the maids are experienced and are asking for off days and will not work beyond 10pm. On their off day, they will not work. They expect a full day off. My maid does clean up downstairs before she leaves and she still makes milk and she still washes dishes when she gets home but she does not do laundry on Sunday nor does she scrub the bathroom or mop the floor.
Good, Liana, please pm me the details. She has biodata? Can I have ur contact number(pm me), easier to talk on phone if you dont mind,thks a lot.

Hi Liana, haha, probably not me.... not very mobile these days coz am on complete bed rest. I will support the association! I can help to be liason with the embassy and the maids since I speak Tagalog!

Jo, just FYI, if you want to take the advice of Liana, it's better to go through an agency because there are a lot of documentation to do with the embassy and MOM, cost will be about S$1500 all in but this can be deducted from their salary (partially i think). I brought in my current maid direct hire and we also got an agency here to help.
