Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi KC, I have checked Ming Employment agency - no demerit points, but guess what I found?? The agency i used at Furama has 6 demerit points. How dare they claimed that they are NUS graduates who are professional blar fren had a shock when I proved to her abt the demerit points!!

I told my mom and maid already. It's almost one year since I sent her away, I can't believe I still have to worry now.

Yes do not be afraid to change hehehe
Sorry to hear that u encounter such bad service from agency. So far the agencies I approached are still acceptable.

Because I chose reputable ones. Frankly I never heard of AUK Management before. Only stumble into this agency when I visit the Maidlibrary website in 2005. They told me that they only bring in maids that are away from cities so that it is easier to control them and more obedient.

True enough, both maid supplied by them are considered obedient and never give attitude problem to me at all. I used their first maid for 2 mths but the maid requested me to transfer her. Then i get another replacement again and used till May this year because she requested me to send her home as she complained that her body is aching all over and cannot tahan.

But the agency fees are very steep. I paid a hefty $688 for EX-SIN maid from them. I also didn't received any personalised service from them. We have to bring the maid for hand print ourselves. A person will meet us at the place and do all the necessary process for us. After finishing, we will bring our maid home ourselves. They don't have home service. There is good and bad lah. Good is our maid won't have opportunity to talk to other maids during the whole process. Bad is we have to purposely take leave for this issue.

So I stop gg to them after I send off my maid and went to Crisxx instead since agency fee is low.
Crisxx called me and informed that the maid will be handed to me on next Mon. Do they have home service? We have to pick up the maid ourselves? I have to call them later to confirm.

I have to get ready the mattress and her daily necessities.

glad that there is this thread for each other to support on the maid issues.
Just back from my bb 3rd dose injection, current maid really act smart, simply talk to another sitting beside her..haiz..dont bother boy was there too,asking mummy,why kakak can talk to stranger? Even my house rules dont talk to other domestic helper/stranger..she never follow or even not bother,as what she said the maid's hand book is not important..

Cutie, I'm not exp employer, so nothing much to share about agency n their far only 1st. CM Manpower(now Global...)previous 2yrs maid n 1 lazy maid,2nd, Fu-seng(tried myammar maid)..,3rd Crislo(worst maid ever)..
After reading abt ur maid, I feel that she is just bo chap liao. Maybe can consider sending her back asap. But of course, provided you have helper to help u during interim period. Cant imagine why these maids cant think properly, they are here to work and earn $ and but seems like play play here only. Waste time.

If u return maid to Crisxx, u will be asking for replacement?
Blue, Crislo hav delivery but need to pay..or pick up n return by ourself.

About daily of maid said, u didnt know which shampoo suite me..should asked me the brand/type before u buy.. haiz.. provided still want to choose.. I will only buy this type(sunsilk/dove) n if u want your own brand then you pay the balance..
Blue, ya,waiting for my replacement maid to come...
No one to help me..there is 1 time, I handle my 2kids n new born for 2weeks w/o any helper..

I need domestic helper, cos my hubby n I travel a lot for business.. like now, my hubby overseas.. only me, maid n children.. both parent(too far, in M'sia) n in law(not staying together n too old, also need maid to look after them)..
I see, delivery got to pay...then forget it liao. Better pick up myself then.
Some maids r choosy huh, got shampoo still said should ask her for the brands. Duh..

My hubby told me got to close one eye when we employ maid or else we sure got more upset than without a maid. Cant imagine work is so stressful liao, come home still hv to settle domestic issue. Cross my fingers on my new maid...
Hi Eileen10

I know of two agency in furama, almost used them but did not eventually.One of them is homenest and the other one is operated by an old men.

I think to find an agent that has ethnic is hard to come by. If they already know a maid has problem, they should not have pass it on....Busines is one thing, ethnic is also impt.Of course, if for a brand new maid, they know nothing about them, then its a matter of draw for the employer....

Just now, neighbour told me her hubby said that am a paper tiger cos I am not very fierce to my maid. To me, am not overly fierce cos at times my son is alone with her and I do not want things to happen.But, now though she hint to stay, I alreay set my mind to let her go when time comes...
haha..Rainbow you know your stuff..I wont say which one here but if anyone is on the verge to use them and is keen to know, can PM me.

Another hint, they got 6 demerit points provided by the info from MOM and their retention rate is not so fantastic...

Anyhow, in the MOM site, there is some information that says Agencies Placement Volume and Retention Success Rate...i think its a good reference document. Tamarind - maybe can include into yr blog....
-look at the expanded list.

we all are becoming a maid guru through our painful experiences...

Hi Jo - I can yr moment, help is really desperate. Just tahan!! You will see smiley clouds in time to come. I struggled to cope with my toddler son and a 7 mth baby also..That time, my maid at agent's hse enjoying life and the agent does nothing abt it!
Don't bother abt them. When we go travelling, hotels oso provide us with shampoo and soap. We have to use our own if we do not want to use theirs.

So inject the same rules to your house. U will provide. She want she use, she dun want, buy her own.
Hi ladies,

I'm new to this thread. I'm a SAHM looking after my two kids my own. But now, I've to resort to employ a maid soon cos' I'll be delivering my #3 in Oct. Don't think I can cope three on my own.

BTW, any mums here hired maid from Nation before? Any comments? Thanks in advance for any input.
Thks, Eileen for ur encouragement. We really learn from the hard be guru..haiz.. I told my hubby this too..all the maid teach me a lot of thing.. make me a better person in handling them, be inspector/spy..actually I'm a very easy person..I dont check on maid's work but accidently get to know when I want to help prepare milk,noticed milk bottles stil hav stain..hang wet clothes..all mixed w bb n hubby's business shirt..many them n treat them well but get shit in return..remind me to beware..

Thinking they are so poor thing hav to leave their home to work for $, make them at home but.. they think mdm is stupid.. haiz.. giv chance for them to change for better but end up worst.. only God knows.. anyway just bless them.. one of my maid even told me that mdm u easily bully by other maid.. so easy trust ppl.. that's sentences make me awake.. u r easy for maid to take advantages..
I told my maid no point always say "I am sorry, I forgot, I don't know". She is always very apologetic, but she always smiled at her mistakes. I hated it most. To me, they are just lame excuses, and it is not funny. Like that day, she use my vacuum cleaner steaming function to steam my sofa, while my 2 kids are sitting on it! I asked if she was going to kill the children. She said she will learn, but how do I teach common sense? Set my heart to replace her. But if the new one also same pattern, then how huh ?
Their culture also no common sence ah? Mostly same patern, change till u find a suitable one..

my maid also like to smile at mistake,just dont understand..what's so funny? I think tis is childish..
Thks, dramaqueen, send invitation to u liao..jusst sign in ur email add n password. But so far only me n babycutie...any mummy want to contribute..just let me know ur email n i will send to u..thks.

Add u in my msn too.
Jo / Suzie,
Mine too. Make mistake, told her off. She said sorry and smile..... Really pissed.... No sign of remorseful at all.... Said sorry for the sake of saying....
thanks jo, babycutie n kc for ur advice earlier on.

last friday my maid also dropped a bamboo. after which she told my mil she was going 2 throw rubbish. agree with jo dat they think we r stupid, can throw rubbish empty-handed. cos my mil saw her go out quite hurriedly but seems to hv nothing in her hands. then she came up with a bamboo stick. when we asked her, she smiled n said bamboo stick dropped.

gracious! wats so funny abt dropping bamboo stick? i told her if the bamboo stick hit someone, she will hv to go to jail for dat! she is also not 2 lie.
I used Nation before. Find their maid so so. It really depends on luck. Their training centre is in Batam which is not very advisable.

Maybe u can try other agencies. So far I used Nation, AUK & Crislo for Indo maids.
I used Nation before. Find their maid so so. It really depends on luck. Their training centre is in Batam which is not very advisable.

Maybe u can try other agencies. So far I used Nation, AUK & Crislo for Indo maids.
Hi Tamarind, i saw one comments in your blog and I do want to contribute...but I have no google account..

Not sure how free you are and if you want to post it up.

the so called "contract worker" is that the worker has gone through the embassy to seek employment. Via embassy, the maid has some "priviledges" sought by the embassy. If my info is correct, the contract will say some of these things:

1. Strictly cannot work in 2 households
2. Weekly day off
3. Cannot wash car

And they make you sign the contract. So please be very aware of this.

There are still some other PH maids who dont go through via the embassy. So when the maid agency tells you re the contract, please make sure you get a copy to read the clauses first.
Hi Eileen10

I know which agency liao. Cannot stand the staff, so pushy...agent fees not cheap too.My gf recommend them to me, but I do not have a good feeling while talking to them.

Your maid says sorry maid does not even bother to say sorry...Now, my attitude also bo chap towards her...I think I had enough mind game with her for the last one year plus...This morning, she just hinted me she wanted to continue...I just ignore her....
is it legal for a maid to work for 2 household? Someone mention that it is ok if she needs to look after kids at another house, where can i find the clause from MOM .

It did not state in details. Just mentioned a 70 year old was found dead.... And the maid went missing for one day before police found her in the hawker centre at Tiong Bahru vicinity........
She only worked with the family for 10 over days!!!

Damn sick.... these maids are becoming our silent killer.....
Vone, yes... how can a 23yrs old girl so cruel to elderly??? if not happy dont work ask for transfer or go back..why KILL? Haiz..really dont know how they think....
That maid could be mentally ill. Or if she is not crazy, it may be that her maid agency made it impossible for her to ask for transfer.

I actually blame it on the maid agencies. I know some agencies will find the maid a new employer, even though they know the maid got serious problems.
Hi tamarind,

Can check with you when terminate maid's contract don't have to go back to agent? My maid is with me for 1-year but we were thinking to change maid, so either transfer her or cancel her contract. We want the fastest way, so thinking of canceling her contract. So, just go to MOM website cancel her work permit, but one-way ticket back to Jakarta, sent her to airport. That's all. Do I need to inform the agent? Who will collect back her work permit? She needs to fill in any embarkment form? Thank you.
You will need to read your agency contract.

Most agencies will not require you to send the maid back to them, if she has already finished paying for her loan.

So you can just send her back to Jakarta. Don't need to inform the agent.

Checkout my blog for more information about sending a maid away.

Her work permit card will be collected by the immigration officer. Don't need to fill any form. But remember to bring the cancellation notice.

Actually if you want to save on the air ticket, you can send her back to the agency to find her a new employer. She has to pay 2 month salary to the agency, but you don't have to pay anything. That is provided she is willing, and she has no serious problems lah.

The killer's maid might be unsound on her mind, or abused by the employer or family. She might not be able to adapt to the lifesytle of Singapore (since 10 over days) or whatsoever.

I guess for us employer if we find the maid is really useless and cant help, giving problem, unsound mind is to send them back to agent or back home. No point scolding, verbal abuse or pity them and end up being a slaughtered. Ultimate is if they are under our employ, treat them with respect and relatively as a employer cum employee relationship.
Thanks, Tamarind. If I'm sending my current maid back to agent, I was told I still have to pay levy and S$10 per day till she can find a new employer. I would rate her average as she can do housechores, cook and look after my boy. The cons are her english is very poor (till my boy can teach her 1-20), and do things no common sense. What I cannot stand is scold her, she can smile like I'm an idiot scolding for don't know what for!

That's why I thinking of changing to an exp-Indo. maid (ex-Sin) with higher salary, but they asked for off-day(higher pay I'm fine). I don't have any relatives who can spot-check my new maid, and I need the new maid to handle my 7-old boy and 4-month newborn when I'm back to work.

Ex-Sing exp-Indo. better in handling newborn? But harder to train them?

My neighbour has a maid to look after their grandmother. Then after the grandmother died last year, I asked if they can transfer the maid to me. They said NO, because they said the agency told them it is the law to use the maid for 2 years. Where got such law ? Some people just believe everything the agency tell them.

That family may be thinking that they cannot send the maid back. Or the maid thinks there is no way she can get out of the situation. So tragedy happens.

So it's the maid agency's fault.

I previously had an ex-SIN indo maid who is very good with babies, no training needed at all. In fact, I got to learn from her. But remember that most maids will lie about their experience. They may say they have experience taking care of babies, but after they start work you will find out that it's their ex-employer doing most of the baby care, they only help to prepare bath water and do other housework. So the problem is finding the right maid with the right experience. It will be better if you can speak with their ex-employer.

Hi Tamarind,

That's what happen to my current maid. Her bio-data claims she has 3-yr exp. in Malaysia looking after 2 newborns. After I employed her, she told me she only make milk, prepare waters and etc. All others done by ah ma! At that time, I'm not pregnant, so thought, OK loh! Now, I'm pregnant and I need a maid to look after, if not have to sent my newborn to Infant Care (sob! sob! heard they always fall sick at Infant Care). So, switch back to maid. We will install CCTVs at home. How do we speak to their ex-employer? In fact, how do you find ex-SIN who's good with newborn? Care to share some with me?

