Advice pls: Starting on Solids

Hi mummies,

Thanks for the inputs. I'm thinking of sterilizing them since the container is stated to be dishwasher safe? Just keeping my fingers cross the stuff don't deform in the sterilizer.

Any good recommendation for grinder? or the good old fashioned use spoon and mash will do?

hi mrs wong,

i read that porridge is not very nutritious and i was planning to start porridge for my gal who is turning 6 mths old. wat do you recommend other than porridge? thanks a million!
hi annissa,

i also thot of using the avents one..but it says that we should only sterilise up to 6 times and not i'm also not too sure..

hi dino,

i dun have a good recommendation for grinder but i tried the spoon and i find it too difficult to mash it to smooth consistency...coz my gal only 5 mths plus so i use a normal grinder
i using pigeon food maker. cant comment much cos just started to intro solid. so far only used it for potato puree
hi yl,

i read in the 1st food cookbook that should not put potato in blender as the mixture becomes starchy and it messy?

how old is yr baby.coz i wanted to introduce potato also then i read on website its better after 6 mths.. so i thot i'll wait and do avocado 1st
the pigeon food maker is nt an electric blender. it has function like juice squeezer, sieve, grater and grinder. it's a bowl like n can stack together for storage. I'm sorry if i din explain clearly. hb is stationed here

yes all friends and relatives is in time i get it i think my bb will be so deprived..

i'll find some other alternatives..i guess i have to slowly sieve it
Esther, starting some porridge is alright if mixed with fruits/vegetables.

Start with brown rice porridge if you can. You either get milled brown rice (still need to be cooked) from medical halls (tink vietnaem can get this) or grind the brown rice on your own at home. If doing it at home, grind the rice grains when they are dry, cook them, then blend them again to ensure that the consistency is smooth.

Usually I would advise to start on pureed veges first. Porridge will come in later at around 7 mths when they need more carbohydrates.
thank you so much for your advise mrs wong!

but i dun see any medicine halls in can i grind brown rice?? is it good enuf if i give brown rice cereal? milled brown rice means they dun have the "shell" anymore, is it??
Hi Mrs WOng,

Regarding the biscuit can I start to give the Heinz brand one... my bb now six mths 2 weeks old... but how to give... blend it wif milk or can we give 1 piece to him?
try organic brown rice cereal like Earth's Best or Healthy Times. one packet is enough becos you will give other foods after a week or two, right? I'm using Earth's Best and bb likes it. it tasted nice.

the reason i suggest Earth's Best or similar is becos it is iron-fortified as opposed to brown rice you grind at home.
can someone pls adivse..

i going to start rice cereal when my gal reaches 5mth. currently she,4 mths old, is taking about 4oz of milk(4 scoops of formula) on every feed. a friend told me that if i give 1 tsp of cereal, i reduce a scoop of formula on tat feed. but i read from the previous post of this thread, we gotta feed her with her milk 1st before give her cereal... i abit confuse leh..
bb below 6 mths, milk is most important, so feed milk first and do give the full feed. after that, can let her try the cereal, hv fun!
hi, sunny,
how big is yr bb? for my son, after his first solid meal is establised (eat reasonable portion every day), my MIL started him on second solid meal.

my son a bit slow, he's going to be 1 yo soon but still on 2 solids a day, his 3rd meal sometimes MIL will feed a bit sometimes milk only, sigh...
my gal just turns 6 mth yesterday.
normally 1 yr old should be taking solid 3 times a day like adult?
most bb b4 or by the time they 9 mths already on 3 solids.

re: milk
anyone can advise how many times we should offer milk to bb above 1 yo? or how many oz per day?
if i want to prepare some grinded chicken in advance to be used in the
next few days time.....should i grind cooked or raw chicken? when i
put in the frezzer, do i put in container or plastic bag?
my 6mth baby refuse 2 take cereal/porridge after she try 4 2 mouth. She will pretend to vomit after that.
How to overcome this? Pls advice.
minimum milk intake after 1yr is 350ml daily.

Same thing happened to my baby when we first started solids. Its all about experimenting. Maybe she doesnt like the taste (different brands taste different). Perharps she prefers it warmer? I found out after awhile that my baby likes to alternate between a spoonful of food and water, and warm porridge. Experiment! But remember not to force feed cause they get scared at the sight of the spoon!
thanks for the info. Is there any max limit? Is it ok to limit solids to 2x and 5x 6oz milk a day? my MIL is practising this method, she's taking care of my 16-mth old niece and my going to be 1 yo son this way.
Hi moms!

Hope someone can help me!

I'm planning to start my baby on solids soon and I have bought the Heinz cereal.

My questions:
1) I know we start off with one teaspoon of cereal for one feed. When do we increase the amt of cereal we feed? After how many feeds? When do we add in a second feed?

2) How long after feeding cereal do you feed brown rice cereal and veg/fruit puree? Also, how do you determine how much to feed?
Cuz my baby is a small eater (its a struggle for her to finish 150ml of milk!) and I do not want solids to replace her milk intake.

3)Do you feed your baby white rice cereal only or alternate with brown rice cereal?

4)For purees, do we have to blend? Or is pressing the food thru a sieve enuf?

Thanks very much!

From Babycenter...

How should I go about introducing solid food?
A good rule of thumb is to start with rice cereal, which is gluten-free and less allergenic than other foods. First nurse or bottle-feed your baby. Then give him one or two teaspoons of dry cereal mixed with enough formula or breast milk to make a semi-liquid. Use a rubber-tipped spoon when you feed your baby, to avoid injuring his gums. Start with just a small amount on the tip of the spoon.

Begin with a once-a-day feeding, whenever it's convenient for you. Your baby may not eat much at all in the beginning, but give him time to get used to the experience. Some babies need practice keeping food in their mouths and swallowing. Once he gets used to his new diet, he'll be ready for a few tablespoons of cereal a day. As the amount he eats increases, gradually thicken the consistency of the cereal and add another feeding. Your baby should be able to eat about a half-cup of cereal a day before you add other solid foods

How should I introduce other solid foods?
Gradually, one at a time, waiting at least three days after each new food. Even though it's a good idea to get your baby used to eating a wide variety of foods, it'll take time for him to get used to each new taste and texture. Introducing foods one or two at a time can also give you a heads-up if he has an allergic reaction to one of them (signs of which may include diarrhea, tummy ache, or a rash).

Every baby is different and will have unique food preferences, but the transition should go something like this:

1. Semi-liquid cereals
2. Strained or mashed fruits and vegetables
3. Finely chopped table foods, including meat and other protein sources

Once your baby is ready for more than cereal, offer a few tablespoons of vegetables or fruit in the same meal as a cereal feeding. Good foods to start with include sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, bananas, carrots, peaches, and pears. All food should be strained or mushy for a 6-month old; at this stage he'll be pressing the food against the top of his mouth and then swallowing. If you're feeding your baby from ready-to-eat jars of baby food, scoop some into a little dish and feed him from that. Otherwise, if you dip his feeding spoon into the jar, you won't be able to save the leftovers because you'll have introduced bacteria from his mouth into the jar.

Some experts recommend introducing yellow fruits and vegetables first because they're easiest to digest, but others advise going green from the get-go so your baby doesn't develop a preference for the sweeter taste of the yellow it's up to you which route you take. Either way, don't leave any food off his menu simply because you don't like it. Do stay away from foods that might cause an allergic reaction early on, and foods that might cause him to choke.

If your baby turns away from a particular food, don't push. Simply try again in a week or so. He may never like sweet potatoes, or he may change his mind several times and end up loving them.

By the way, don't be surprised if your baby's stools change color and odor when you add solids to his diet. If your baby has been exclusively breastfed up to this point, you'll probably notice a strong odor to his formerly sweet-smelling stools as soon as he starts eating even tiny amounts of solids. This is normal. If his stools seem too firm (rice cereal, bananas, and applesauce may be constipating), switch to other fruits and vegetables and oatmeal or barley cereal.

How many times a day should my baby be eating solid foods?
At first he'll eat semi-liquid cereal mix just once a day. By around 8 months he should be eating solid foods three times a day. A typical day's diet at this point might consist of:

Breast milk or iron-fortified formula
Iron-fortified cereal
Small amounts of non-citrus juice
Yellow and green vegetables
Small amounts of proteins such as poultry, cottage cheese, tofu, and meat

There are certain foods that you shouldn't give your baby just yet. Honey, for example, can cause botulism in babies under a year old. And commonly allergenic foods such as peanut butter, cows' milk, shellfish, and egg whites should also be avoided for a year or more, depending on how careful you want to be about potential allergies. (For more details, see our article, Foods to Watch Out For.)

I started feeding my DD white rice cereals for 1 month before starting her on other grains (i.e. brown rice, oatmeal and etc) because white rice cereal is among the easiest to digest. As for purees, I steam the veg/ fruits and blend it using a blender especially for bb foods.

Hope this help!

thanks very much for the info!!

hmm so feeding cereals for one months is ok huh! cuz i read that must intro fruits n veg in 2nd week or so n i am afraid my baby cant take so much food cuz she is a small eater!

thanks thanks!
hi mummies
can seek some advice?

i read from above that we need to blend the porridge. we cannot use slow cooker to cook until soft and then give to a 6 month old baby? what does it mean to blend the porridge?

also, what's the difference between giving solids and giving pureed fruits/vege? isn't that considered solids?

currently, i m giving my baby rice cereal and some pureed carrots.

I checked with my PD and she said that it is okay to start off only with rice ceral until the bb is used to solids then introduce other fruits and veggies. My DD adapted really well with this method but again every baby is different so you might want to check with your PD too.
souffle, thanks for the info. my PD give me a schedule for weaning. it mention feeding rice cereal for about 2 weeks then intro brown rice cereal then proceed to fruits/veg puree. i read books etc, all recommend puree after one week. so terribly confused!!

Totally understand your confusion. I was in the same boat as you.
I am on the more conservative side of things and would like to make sure that my bb is adapting well to rice cereals before introducing her to new food. Alternatively, you can go with the schedule your PD provided and see how things goes. If it does not turn out as smoothly as you like consult your PD again.

Let me know how things turn out! HTHs

Forgot to mention... try to get iron fortified rice cereals (which I think most rice cereals are
these days, but double check just to make sure).

My PD is very strict on this rule because babies after 4 months old of age would need additional iron to prevent anemia.

thanks for the advice. seems that alot of people also give purees very soon. i was also thinking of feeding cereal for sometime before i go the puree road. thanks!!

oh yes yes i got the iron fortified cereals. hmm i think someone mention before that it will hinder the absporbption of calcium if given together with milk?
how long did it take for you to know that your bb is adapting well to rice cereals before you introduce other new food like puree.

Sorry for the very late response. Have been busy. According to Gina Ford, 1yr old and above would have 3 solid meals a day plus 2-3 milk feeds. There isnt a maximum milk stated, but if I remember reading somewhere in the book... you wouldn't want to give too milk as this will cut his appetite for solids, which is now the main source of nutrition for toddlers.

Anyone pls correct me if I am wrong.
anyone introduce yu ren sheng brown rice cereal powder to ur six mth baby before introducing anything else? thx so much 4 the attention.

I am not aware about the hinderance of calcium absorption. However, IMO I think similar to most vitamins and minerals, an overload of iron has the possiblity of side effects too.
When do you plan to start your bb on solids?

I found this on on the importance and myth of iron.
Question: Could iron make my baby sick?

Answer: No. Iron is essential for your baby's health. Iron deficiency can cause significant problems in overall development and has been linked with lower intelligence in school-aged children. Despite what you may have heard, iron doesn't cause constipation or any other kind of stomach upset. Several studies have shown that iron is not responsible for constipation, colic, diarrhea, flatulence, or reflux in babies. This misconception about iron often begins in pregnancy. Many moms believe that their iron-fortified prenatal vitamin is at the root of their own constipation, when in fact it's the hormones associated with pregnancy that are really to blame.

Iron is so important that even breastfed babies need a supplement starting at 6 months of age, which they can get from fortified cereals. Healthy, full-term babies have adequate iron stores to see them through the first six months when combined with what they get from their mother's milk.


I am blessed in the sense that my DD did not reject her solids from day 1. Thus, that is one thing checked off the list. What I did was slowly increase her rice cereals intake from 1/2 tablespoon per meal to 3 tablespoons per meal and from 1 meal to 3 meals a day. After which, I added vege/fruit puree in her meals. In addition, my DD is continuing her daily consumption of 24 oz of milk a day.
For both my kids, I never blend the porridge. What I did was, soak uncooked rice in water for 15 - 20 mins before cooking. When porridge is cooked, simply use a spoon to mash them.

Blend means to put food into blender and make it into smooth texture.
hi, melbz,
thanks so much for the info! so for my coming to 1 yo son we shld aim for 3 solids and 2-3 milk feeds.

anyway, here's an update on my 16 mo niece, past few days she has gone off milk!!! I never thought she would do that as she used to love her milk. Aiyo, so waste, everyday at least 3 full bottles of milk throw away.
Anyone added ikan bilis powder to porridge for your babies? How do u clean the ikan bilis thoroughly before grinding?
Hi ylyl

I add ikan bilis powder to my son's porridge. I buy the ikan bilis without bone and head and wash it a few times. Then bake it in the oven until golden brown and grind it.
I buy from wet market. I didn't soak, I just rinse through and pick up dirty things loh. If soak, all the taste will be gone...
Hi mummies
When is it all right to give eggs to the baby? See that some biscuits actually contains eggs in it.
Hi Melbz
According to my paediatrician's advice, milk should still form a large part of his diet as all the necc nutrients are in their milk. Better for the child to take milk than force on solids if the child is not ready.
feeding cheese to bb:
for those who feed bb cheese, there seems to be salt content, i am thinking whether can they eat at this age?
Anyone has the receipe to make mashed potato?

Tried making it over the holiday using potato, baby's milk and unsalted butter, but unsuccessful. The end results tasted very much like raw potato. Baby shivered a bit when was given a bit of it to taste. Me also dun find it nice too.

Anyone can help me out here?
