Prune juice whenever needed. LO started to be constipated at 3mos, now she is 21 mos and prune juice help whenever i see her poop is too dry or she strains whenever she poops..
Hi my two kids also has severe constipation. We tried every type of milk, including those with prebiotics, comfort etc. Finally our recipe for success is pumpkin in porridge and honey papaya for dessert. My toddler can have constipation and no poop for 7 days! Its scary. After introducing honey papaya, he poops every day. Somehow bananas or other fruits didn't work. I tried prunes and prune juice with other stuff but he rejects it cos he hates prune. So we settled with papaya.
Hi mummies, my baby is suffering from constipation. Where can i get Friso Comfort ? I went to Cold Storage, Guardian, Watson, i can only find Friso Comfort for 0 - 6 month. I can't find Friso Comfort for 6 months above.
Any ideas ?
Hi, may I know if you able to buy Frisolac Comfort for 6 months above? Where can I buy from? Please advise, thanks
My 32 month has severe constipation issue too and the pd actually suggested us to stop FM, she asked us to replace with fresh milk as kids above 1 do not need FM.

We will try first and see whether it helps.
