Advice needed - Pregnant?


I was young. Around 23 when i got pregnant. First my frens are still happy-go-lucky kind. They already can ask me WHY i marry so early. No one helped with my preparation and all. Not much friends support. Then when I got pregnant right after that...they also can ask "WHY u so early pregnant, you sure anot?!?!?"

I guess they mean it in a good way. Never really took that to heart but it did hurt that no one share the joy with me. I was lucky i manage to find a mother's forum and website that helped me thru the pregnancy.

hung, italy is a great cty to visit...i love their pizza and coffee...remember not to order latte cos it means milk (one glass of milk) in italy...hahaha...oh...italian men also quite charming..

i feel that ttc during holidays is more romantic..
Hung, no lah...just sharing some tips..hee..we took holiday to europe last yr..was fun n tiring..

how come u feel tired n headache after folic acid? hmm...maybe should check it out...first time i hear that. which brand u taking? mine is from GNC..

icebaby, i was never a great advocate of babies in the past...guess i know better now...
guess baby instinct comes with age...hee...i am definitely feeling the instinct now.....icebaby u are so lucky...yr kid should be quite big now??
Correct. I had different views from them. At that age, they were thinking of partying, having fun...tying down is a no-no to them. For me, I guess I mature earlier, so my tots are abit different.

Kids for me came part and parcel. After we got married, I told hubby why not try for a baby cos who knows we may NOT be lucky. If not lucky, it might be some reason (i.e. then must go thru body checkup, etc)...I don't want to wait till like I was 28-30 then figure out i couldn't have a kid because of XYZ reason. But part of my fear was also cos we already indudge in pre-marriage sex (heehee) and nothing "HAPPENED"...hence that increased my fear of not having kids.
But then, who knew really so "heng", 1 month after marriage and first try...kena! HAHAHA
hung, can try taking green tea too. i read somewhere that it helps in TTC. I am drinking alot of organic ginger tea now...somehow feel that organic tea seems to taste better and feel more safe drinking it. I bought them from Marks & Spencer...they have many diff varieties like lavender, mint etc.

icebaby lucky u...u got more foresight than most of your peers..hee...
Elizabeth, actually tea should be avoided. Tea contains phenols which will decrease iron absoprtion by the body. this may lead to anemia and it means your body is less ready for pregnancy.

Occasional green tea is already, but not having any form of tea everyday. Coffee should also be stopped if possible.

The best formula for those who TTC is to build up your body through good diet and exercise. When one is healthy and ready for pregnancy, it will be much easier.

Icebaby, my hubby and I had same mentality. We saw so many got probs conceiving, we tot we better start immediately just in case it will take us years to concieve. Plus the fact that I have thyroid problems which will result in infertility. However, we striked on first try. strike 4d or toto also not so lucky..haha...

plus my hubby not v young already, he dun want his kids to be full of energy want to play this and that, and he dun have e energy to bring them out
hi hung,

how's weekend?
i am on my 9th day after O. Not much symptoms..not sure...when do u think i can test for preggie? i bought 3 test kit but dont want to waste them..too expensive lah...hee

how abt u?
hi Janice,

after 2 wks of what u posted in the forum, i use HPT to test, i really pregnant. when i went to the gynae, it was only 5 wks.

saw tat u also pregnant, Congrats!

btw, did u experience morning sickness? ever since i pregnant, i experience everyday till now like giddy and vomitting. it was a terrible feeling.
Hey Iceblue
congrats!! when i see my gynae also 5 weeks....hehe....waterbag only 6mm.

me so far still so good.....just abit nausea at times...else doing good. u so early experience all the MS liao just keep eating...every few hrs get hungry.....
hi janice,

U seem to have a easy time than me. i everyday felt giddy and nausea, sometimes i dun even feel like eating.

i now still on medication cos i do experience menses cramp last 2 wks.

how i wish i can be like u.
halo girls,

im new to the thread and requires some advice from experts here.

today is the 2nd day i missed my menses. But all along, i have irregular menses 1.

I haf backache and haf some red/brown discharge last week. Yesterday started to feel nausea but it does not really affect my appetite. Still able to haf my regular meals.

This morning, I haf tested HPT and was negative.
Hence, wanna know if i can take it tat the symptoms are PMS?

darbebe, hung is rite, wait for few more days to test again...if still -ve, then maybe it is false alarm..but hard to say lah....

i am feeling super tired today...cant wait to get home to zzzzz
Hi hung,

Yes, though irregular but it did comes every month.
Thanks, will read up the website you given.

Hi Elizabeth,
Okay, probably will test again few days later ba.
hi hung,

maybe just plain lazy lah...hehehe....
been sleeping early these days...age is catching ttc so draining...

yr wedding soon rite? how's prep?

icebaby...soon lah....we all v soon will be preggie.......v v sure..hee..
allo girls,

is OPK use to gauge for ovulation period?
How does it works actually?

Sorry arh if my question sounds silly. but i really dont know.

darbebe, yes u r rite. u can purchase OPK from pharmancy. The usual brand u will find is clearblue off the counter. expensive but works for some.

if not, u can use those free online ovulation chart...
Gals, I have lobang for cheaper ovulation (LH) and pregnancy (HCG) test strips.

Just pee into paper cup and dip the strip into the pee. Only costs ard S$3/strip, cheaper than clearblue, etc etc.

Confirm it works cos I used it and got preggie on first try

These strips are those that doctors use in their tests, so accuracy is there. If you are interested, can email me at [email protected]
Hung, cramping is normal during pregnancy as long as no bleeding/spotting.

The uterus is stretching and growing to accomodate a growing fetus, so it feels like cramping. But if one really observe carefully, it feels more like muscle stretching rather than muscle tightening (cramping).
ice blue,
me on hormone pills leh cos 2 weeks ago i was spotting so the gynae put me on theose ok liao but still on the pills cos gynae told me better to take till 1st trimester.

me also have cramps every now n then no long as u dun have spotting/ brown discharge, should be fine.

i remember when i test 2 days b4 my mens is due, it tested negative too....but 2 days after i missed my mens, it test positive....n i test it with the 1st urine...more be patient n test a few days later if ur mens still haben come ba
Icebaby, really ar? Cos the strips I get from my school's lab
We buy from a US company cos we got teach the students about urine tests. We also have those protein test strips used at hospitals.

I know there are people selling on Yahoo Auction too, but those I bought before, they are from China and not reliable, got alot of false positives.
Hi darbebe,

you go to the top of the forum there is a profile. Then under Preference, there is a box that u should untick Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users

Then u can pm me and I will inform you.
harlow Janice..

first of all, Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Ya, I'm waiting till weekend or maybe next week to test again lo.
Btw, is it normal to have some clear discharge now? My menses is due and dont know why I have some discharge for the past 2 days. Just curious.

Hi Ryes,

yippee! I have turned on my PM. Its so easy and still got trouble you. dumb dumb!
Hi Ryes,

just read through some of the previous post and realise that you are preggie too.
How is everything for you?
hey darbebe,

alamak, think those posting is outdated liao leh..coz I had a miscarriage just 2 days after I found out I was pregnant. so upset that time, but now okay...
arghh...Ryes, so sorry to mention that. pai seh pai seh. But Im glad that you got over that.

Hope you will conceive soon okay? Jia you
hi darbebe
as long as no brown discharge or blood should be ok. i also have white n yellow discharge....i check with the gynae n he say its normal.
Hi gals ,

Need advise..
My AF already 6 days late.
Tested HPT last nite still negative...
I am normally on the 31 days cycle...

There is some brown+red discharge...I really duuno what happen...
Anyone encounter this before?

Hi darbebe ,

How is the results?
Good luck to you...
Actually i used those cheap pregnancy test kit...
tested negative.I think I worry and think too much already.
Hi msreal,

I tested just last night but got -ve again.
My menses is already late by 1 week.

Those symptoms are gone so I think did not succeeed this time. However, my appetite seems to increase and get hungey easily.
Must be that my menses coming.

Oh ya, I had some discharge 2 weeks back after I climbed 1 fleet of steep stairs. It flows out immediately after I reached the top. But it only lasted for a few secs. Nothing after that.
Msreal, is the discharge light brown? or red?

you should see a doc to do blood test cos for some pple urine test is not accurate.

Implantation bleeding is very light brown. If red it might be miscarriage.
Belle, implantation bleeding happens when the embryo implants itself into the uterine lining which will cause some of the uterine linig to shed (brown discharge). The implanted embryo will then attach the placenta to the uterine wall to allow for nutrition from the mother to the fetus.

It is normal and usually lasts 1-2 days.
