Advice needed - Pregnant?

Thalassaemia minor wife + Thalassaemia minor hubby may produce Thalassaemia major babies. It would be advisable for a Thalassaemia minor's hubby to check his blood too.
Hi Advice,

The best time to plan for baby should be between 3 - 6 mths. That's what my doc advise me.

But the doc say not definitely must wait until the 6 mths. If really get pregnant by the 3 mths is also ok.

The Hep A & B vacc are not as strong / harmful as compare to Rubella vacc.

It's a definitely NO NO to get pregnant within 6 mths if you had just taken the Rubella vacc. Your baby might be in danger.

Better check with your doctor again.
Hi Advice

The blood test i took cost me $90.

Folic so far have not been proven for any side effects. Its advantages outweighs most other anyway.

Hehehehe...I didn't go for Rubella test... :p Thot I had it in school liao so no need.
hi all,

I am new here...
I need some advice, would our stomach be totally recognisable by wk 17? that is abt 4 mths. i am going thru my wedding at that time and am getting a bit paranoid abt my physical appearance & abilities....

One should be able to feel the baby from the abdomen as the uterus starts to "grow" into the abdomen after 12th week of pregnancy. However you can try to wear not so tight gown to hide it as it should be quite small even at 17th weeks.
my fren was 4mths pregnant when she hold her wedding.. but cos of her skinny frame, it's only a tummy loh... nothing obvious leh..

anyway, congrats to you!! take good care of yourself and dun stress yourself too much on the wedding stuff..
hi poohbear & biibip,
Thx for your replies, very sad to let u guys know that i had a miscarriage on fri, now trying to recover. I'll be ok.
1'm 34 weeks pregnant and still suffering from vomiting.. dont want to term it as morning sickness coz it's miss leading.. poor me huh!
Hi gals,

I had missed my periods for a week and I'm very worried as it had never been this late. Had tried the pregnancy test kit twice and it's positive. I'm not sure how accurate it is as it's different from what you all are using. It shows double purple lines when you are positive.

Thinking of trying it again in mid-Feb and consult my family doc thereafter if the test is positive. And breaking the news to hb and our parents after receiving confirmation. Am I right in doing so??
hai bonjon ... actually u can go straight to ur family doc if u wan immediate test result .. normally .. after two tries on the pregnancy kit .. should be quite accurate liao ...

once u rec the 'triple' confirmation fr ur doc ... congrats!
hi bonbon,

sorry for the intrusion but can you let me know how many weeks are you at now..

i also missed mine for 1 week but tested negative...a little disappointed and so dunno how long i will to wait for the next self-test...

fyi my period has also been on time and never over-due by a week!

Hi disappointed,

Neither doc nor I can tell how many weeks I'm now. He said I could have been pregnant between 26/12 (LMP) to now. But all these are just estimated as it is still early.

My period is always on 26 or 27 of every month. I had tested on 29/01 and 01/02 respectively, both positive.

Did your test aid instruction mention anything about doing the next test after first? My 3 days after first try. If you are at the early stage, the test will take a long time (a few min). It is advisable to try in the morning.

If you are not sure, consult the doc to clear your doubt.

Good Luck
wow bonjon ... congrats .. have you shared the good news with ur hubby and in laws?? ... seems like this year is a good year ... a few of my frens are already pregnant
Hi Nanshee,

I had told hb, he was surprised as it is very soon. Our AD 03/01 and we yet to go honeymoon.

I'm not going to tell PIL and my parents right now, after the 3rd months when doc confirm bb is fine.
maybe it's good to let parents & PIL know 1st cos then they can adjust the dishes they cook when u go back for dinner, etc.

for me, my mum making me some tonic tmr
well, it's up to u. i juz feel that it's good to let them know so that i can get advice from them anytime. also, they'll be more tolerant if i begin to throw temper due to the hormones changes

I understand. Thanks.

I had mixed feeling, I eager to break the news but I just can't so I decide to keep slience about it until the later stage. It is our 1st.
hi curlymoo,

think we encounter something similar leh. i have been feeling nausea since this week and stomach discomfort....btw my period is only due in a few days time so was rather puzzled too...

wonder is it i have eaten too much junk food during CNY that cause indigestion or i over eager to get preggies... :p

anyone can share some light...when is the ealier you feel nausea before you discover u preggie??
hi bonjon
guess it is up to individiual .. but if one day u ever wanted to tell them .. go ahead .. ;p .. dun keep covering up as good news are meant to share


I had told my mum about it. She had given me some advise. She had also told dad about too as he kept buying papaya for me.

Hb wanted to tell his parents about it but tongue tied. ha ha I guess later la.
bonjon, I was told that if you can see the baby's heartbeat between 7 to 9 weeks, then your pregnancy is considered very stable, so you can happily break the news liao. any idea how many weeks you are now?

My gynae said should be about 4 weeks. I had intended to keep it between hb and myself. But when my mum brought up this issue, I told her.

I'm thinking of telling PIL later after my 1st check up (in Mar) when doc confirm things are ok. Dun want to disappoint them.
Hi Pregnant mum, from what I know, the pregnancy is not consider stable until you reached the 2nd trimester. It's still very vulnerable even if you see heartbeat around 7-9 wks. My gynae did a washout recently for someone @ 10 wks. My friend's sister lost her baby @ 9 wks though heartbeat was detected @ 7 wks. So it's still better to be careful.
Hi everyone,
need some advise as i am not too sure if i'm pregnant or not.abit stress up now.
my period will usually come ard 8 of each month..and it lasted for ard 5days.
if i had sex on 25 of Jan and missed my period this month. is there any chance that i might be pregnant?
I saw all the postings on the timing and i am totally lost.
harlo evyone,
me just begin my 2nd trimester. glad that the 1st tri is over as i had bad MS then too. just feeling better now. if u do experience MS, take heart, the mummies-to-be are all on an exciting journey...vy soon u will be able to feel the bonding with the little one within u, a special feeling beyond description n only the mummy will know, right? remb be positive n smile more n don't worry unnecessarily, otherwise will make one more stressed n make the MS worst. if need tips on MS, maybe i can share. books give such info too but diff methods work for diff people : )
hello raine77 and some,
- try a reliable pregnancy test kit, result is quite accurate. test at around 10 days ++ after missing period (if period is usually regular). the "Clear Blue" (if i'm correct with the name) brand is quite easy to use and see. the sign at the window will clearly show either negative (-) or positive (+). other brands usually show 1 line or 2 lines.
- 1st trimester must be careful, rest rest rest more n gynae said avoid chinese medicine at this stage.
- if MS, eat small meals as digestion really slows down during pregnancy, otherwise can suffer lots of discomfort n bloatedness. if nausea, plain biscuits n dry toast will help.
Hi sanrio,
tested after missing 3 days but -ve so i am not too sure whether i tested too soon.
also, now i realise that my 1st urine in the morning seems to be a mixture of blood. horribly worried now, moreover, menses still have not arrive.
hello raine,
3 days may be too early as HCG level if too low can't be detected in the urine yet. 10 days is a gd time to test agn. how many days have u missed?
if there is little blood with urine, maybe menses coming soon. but if u do experience pain or discomfort unlike usual cycle, probably u ilke to consult a doctor.
hi sanrio,
suppose to come on 8th, so now will be abt 5 days liao.can test again?
its not blood, it seems to be really dark color urine.sigh.
hi raine,
can lah, clearblue brand shd b quite sensitive, use morning urine. but if still -ve, then the test kit wasted lor as quite ex. or u like to wait few more days? meanwhile, don't b too stressed. remb if u feel unwell, do see a doctor.
hi sanrio n berry,
went to a female gp liao.not pregnant,my hubby seems disappointed but deny when i ask him. i've got some form of a infection but doc cant explain my urine color,so monitor now.sigh.
thanks for all ur advise!
Hi Raine77,

Dun be despair...victory will goes to the one who never give up. Take it as a break first cos when u are preggie, u cannot enjoy lotsa freedom as u are now. U will make it soon!
Hi all,
thanks for your support.will try again.i begin to take things easily now even thou i might lose my job..mayb full time try to make bb.
Hi, i missed my menses for 10 days liao. worried that I am pregnant as I dont wish to have another baby so soon. going to buy a test kit tonight and see how. Hope i wont hit the jackpot yet.
Hi Kelly,

Thank you. I will know tonight. Keep you informed.
