Advice needed!!!overseas trip

dear mummies,

i need ur advices..i will be bring my 16 month old gal to hong kong end of this month.As this is our first overseas trip,i m not sure whether we shld bring steriliser along with us..and if i use a sterlising tablet,she dun wan to drink her milk?

pls give me some advice..

Of course you DO NOT need to bring the steriliser! You won't need the tablets either - btw, if you check the find prints, none of the manufacturer recommend using the sterilising tablets. What you can do is to rinse the bottle with tap water, and then rinse it again with hot water. If you are particular about the milk grease, you can put some dishwashing liquid in a tiny container. At 16 months, they should be eating outside food already - and none of those are sterilised anyway, right?

Oh, do bring lots of snacks and always have some handy - e.g. onboard flights, in the taxi, when going out, etc. Snacks does wonders in many ways. If your kid is into those mini UHT milk, you should have some handy as well. Of course, all these are easily available in any 7-11 or Mannings (Guardian) and supermarkets in HK.... but you should bring some with you for the journey.

I usually store the milk powder in a double-zip lock bag. This means that it's a big bag when we begin the trip, but emptied (and thrown away) by the time we return. Sometimes, we also store the milk powder in those 400g milk container and throw them away when we check out from the hotel.

Your post is so useful. Am going for my first overseas trip to Sydney next month with my 2 YO. Am still having a headache thinking if i shd buy a compact steriliser. Actually alternative cheap way is to boil the bottles in a pot of hot water cos we are staying in serviced apt.
When my kids were young, we simply put the full zise home sterilizer back into its original box and brought it along as it fits nicely into the suitcase corner.

In Europe, we didn't bring along, and sterilized bottles using hot boiling water and ice bucket and a pair of steel chopsticks (after I burnt my fingers on another trip doing the same,,,.), after the first few days, we bought another sterilizer at the store for convenience.

For a short trip, it should be ok using hot boiling water and pour into a clean pot or ice tub or to boil. Just schedule to do all your bottles late when you have amassed them.
mummies..thks so much for the advice..will not bring along the i believe there r still more things to bring..haiz
headache la
Hello, actually I did bring a travel sterilizer (pigeon brand) to HK when I brought my 1 yr old son along. Just want to be safe. but then when he turns 2 yr old, I did not bring sterliser and use hot water to rinse when we went to Perth. I brought the sterlizer for convenience sake cos I was still pumping also and needed to pump my parts.

Richelle, I think for a 16mth old you need not bring sterliser anymore. if you are still worried, I suggest you bring your own travel kettle. I got this 0.8l travel mug which can boil water and used it to boil mineral water for my son's use. I am alittle too careful i think ..hahaha dun dare to let him use the water in other countries and dun dare to use the hotel kettle for his use. so I bought mineral water and boil in my own kettle for his use only.

Also, it is quite difficult to find changing rooms in HK. so, good to bring along pull up pants cos easier to change in normal toilets where there is no changing table. HK is quite pram friendly but then in small alleys where the road is uneven, it can be quite a bumpy ride.

Sogemini, do take note that you cannot bring food items into Sydney cos they are very particular about it. you can bring milk powder but must be in sealed container (so, good to buy those 400g tins over) I suppose your child can already take outside food cos if not, they do sell lots of food jars in supermarket. quite easily available.

Oh yes, bring lots of things to entertain your child on board. I nearly went crazy on a 5 hour flight to perth that time cos my boy couldn;t zzz well and wanted to be entertained.
thks rachelle for the suggestion..

my worst nightmare came true..little gal is sick..

nt too sure she will recover in time anot..she dun wan to eat
med n her milk..having big headache here ...

When i brogt my son to Perth when he was 18mths, i went to the PD to get some med for standby.
Esp medicine for fever, diarrhoea, cough, running nose.
And perhaps a flu jab? But not sure if yr gal is too small for that. Adults shd take too.
Yes, sponging her with tepid warm water will help loads.

Keep applying a thin layer of tepid water on her forehead and warm areas to let the evaporation of this water take away the temperature by theory of energy conversion. Works wonders.

Not ice baths or ice packs, these often do the contrary and provokes the body to shiver in response to warm the body which then makes the body temperature go even higher.

Keep the dosages and timing of paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Hope your child gets better soon.
During holidays, if needed I will use hot water and raise thru. Snack is really useful and necessary to keep them down.
You should NEVER boil mineral water. As it is stated contains mineral which will change the properties of water when you boil it. If worried about water supply, boil distilled water.

Just be prepared and enjoyed your holiday, otherwise its better that you dont go or you may be the one ended sick due to stress. Or even worst, becomes so stressed that spoilts the mood for those going with you.

I had brought my 7 month old to US in Nov a few years back (not by choice, its for my father-in-law funeral). I was worried sick, being a first time mom who had to take a 20+ hours flight with 200 over strangers who dont know carrying what germs/virus/fungi, etc... Given no choice, I went to have my boy vaccinated with watever needed, packed a whole lot of meds and got on with it. Turned out that he was a better traveller than I was and nothing watsoever happened, except for a slight runny nose due to the colder air.
hello mummies,we are back from our trip..

its was quite an experience.

well when we landed at hk, kana stopped by the custom officer cuz of gal's temperature..38.4 degree..we tried to explain saying it was due to the crying and the hot and stuffy in the plane..but they insist on doing a detail check.went downstair with the custom officer..she explain tat it was their protocol to check on visitor with temperature exceeding 36.7degree..i tried to argue tat even 36.9 degree is still consider normal..but husband stopped just let them do their "interview"..
in the end they gave us a doctor letter to see doc if the fever persist..lucky for us is aft we reach hotel,the fever was gone..but she was coughing..just before we came was gone..

so consider us quite heng la..
