Advc Needed - Runaway Maid

"Most of the runaway maids were Indonesians, according to statistics from the Philippine and Indonesian embassies, and the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home), a charity that runs a shelter for migrant workers.

The Indonesian Embassy said about 2,530 runaway maids sought refuge at the embassy last year, up from around 2,030 in 2009. In the first five weeks of this year, another 230 women turned up.

At the Philippines Embassy, the number fell slightly from 630 in 2009 to around 570 last year"

dieu>> If maids are made to manage their own recruitment fees, they would be compelled to hold on to their jobs to pay their creditors back home lest their families are harassed if they fail to do so.

They would also have the satisfaction of receiving their full salary in hand even if it means having to send most of it home.

Employers too, would be spared forking out nine to 10 months’ salary upfront on top of having to pay their share of the recruitment fees to their agents and offering monthly levy to Ministry of Manpower.

Be it runaway to HOME or embassy, both organizations aware that their actions subverted the contract laws binding the maid ... pretend you're naive, unaware they helped put the employers at disadvantage.

MOM is not helping at all in such cases. Thus, indirectly turning HOME and embassies into legal bullies, targeting our hard earned money.

When maid waiting to be found and enjoying free F&B at HOME or embassy, you need a helper fast, I think MOM will allow you to hire a 2nd maid in the household with no concession till 1st maid's work permit is cancelled.

If you can afford the time and money to play with your maid, heard staying in embassy is like a prison so she'll surrender in weeks when embassy pressurize her. She has to ask her family to remit money to pay off the loan and buy her own airfare, in exchange for freedom. Of cos, some embassy staff will pressurize employers instead to repatriate maids at your cost. Do browse the internet and read others' experience. We need to protect ourselves, nobody will help us.... u know?

If maid has her own passport and money, she could be gone, neither at agent, HOME or embassy. Modern maids are not poor, they have money, friends or relatives in Spore to borrow money and escape home, their native land.

With the help of technology like mobile phone, all maids can contact each other and words of mouth somehow corrupted their naive little brain. From an innocent lady, she can turn in a scheming person in days. Heard at training centres and agencies, maids and their trainers exchanged tips to manage their Spore employers.

Then, there are some dump maids comparing themselves with their relatives who work here as Foreign Talents or Work Permit holder. Thought getting a better pay job is easy, just find an employer and show time!

<font size="-2">Hanis came to Singapore in August 2009 from East Java for a job as a domestic worker.

The first family she worked with lived near Bedok Reservoir Road, and her main job was to look after the elderly lady in the family, someone she referred to fondly as Ah Mah. She was happy there. Unfortunately, six months into her contract, the old lady passed away, and the family decided that there was no point keeping her. Shortly after, she was transferred to another employer, also an elderly couple.

When Transient Workers Count Too caught up with Hanis in mid-2011, she was about to be deported. Except for the first six months, she had not been working. “In Singapore . . . I never make money,” she said, summing up her experience. She was someone we might call a runaway maid, and hers might be the kind of story Singaporeans pass around as salutary examples of how we should be watchful of our foreign employees before they get up to no good.

Hanis, by then, was, and had been for close to a year, an inmate at a government-run dormitory for female foreign workers. It is not a prison, but ‘inmate’ is an apt word, since the individuals are effectively confined and seldom allowed to go out. She was put back there by the the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) after police had caught her at 3 a.m. living — if one could call it that — among the bushes in Bedok Reservoir Park. Hanis said she had been in the park four months, lying low.

How did she manage to survive that long? TWC2 never got to the bottom of it. She denied doing any illegal work, yet she managed to get food to eat, though there were days when she had to do without. She also denied having been anywhere near the Geylang red light district.

Prior to that, she had spent a month at East Coast Park. At about that time, she entertained the idea of sneaking back to Indonesia via Batam, which may explain why she chose at first to live near the beach.

The details so far suggest that her misfortune was entirely her own making and there should be no reason for TWC2 to look into her case. She should not have run away — not from the dormitory, not from her second employer. Resourceful and spunky she might be, but if workers don’t want to work, they have only themselves to blame.

However, at this point, some readers might wonder if there was more to the story than that. Why wasn’t she charged with overstaying? Why such leniency with domestic workers who repeatedly run away?</font>

Domestic helpers are taking advantage of Spore system. Enough with all the craps that they are the one more pitiful and helpless ones. Wonder what happened to Hanis' employer. Security bond flew away... levy still continued to be sucked by MOM .... feel so stranded and sad that I'm also a FDW's employer.

I hope my current maid is my last maid.... enough of giving free in-house training, burning annual leave and feeding our MOM, as well as agencies. If I really must quit from my job (I like my job), I'll rent out a room or downgrade to 3-room .... not a PR, unable to return to a cheaper country like Malaysia, Indonesia or China... better than to have endless FDW worries and frustrations. Some people were right to say hiring psychos, ticking bombs &amp; drama queens of the 3rd world into our home.
Resisting repatriation - runaway

<font size="-2">Alice's maid Betta Tudie ran away as soon as they arrived at Changi Airport. According to Alice, she was such a terrible maid. She lied and cheated, she smoked, she burnt her hubby's dress shirts, she did everything a maid should not do. Well, almost everything.

The employer of Betta, Mrs Candide Knott had posted a notice on a bulletin board in Cold Storage 'I have a wonderful maid and I hate to let her go. But I am going home to San Fran next month when my husband's contract expires. She is an excellent cook and fantastic with children'

Betta was nothing if not wonderful. Her steak was edible and she could really entertain the children with stories if she was in a good mood. But after a couple of weeks her true colours began to show. Alice was confused. When ex-employer called up, could offer no plausible explanation, admitted to Alice that if told the truth, no one would hire Betta.

So after some hesitation, Alice purchased a one-way ticket for Betta, cancelled the work permit and the next morning gave her one hour to pack and go to the airport. Sounds cruel, giving her only one hour. But Alice had been warned that if a maid was told in advance she would run away to the embassy and she would have more problems.

And even after the work permit has been cancelled, maids are known to run away. Some would even threaten to jump from a great height, for in their moment of distress they thought it was betta to die than to be repatriated.

Having been thus forewarned, Alice's husband John came along. However, upon arriving at the airport, Betta who had given no hint that she would resist going home, suddenly opened the door as soon as the car came to a halt and bolted.

John sprinted after her and managed to restrain her. But she simply refused to go home. The airport police was summoned, but they said that they had no power to force the maid to leave. They would not arrest her either because she had a Special Pass which would only expire at midmight. Only after that would she be considered an overstayer.</font>

What can an employer do to shield herself from this? Nothing, the law here is set to protect maids and agencies, not employers. Blame your lucky stars for not smiling.

Consolation: Maid runaway and cannot be found, employer has to pay $5k to our government.

Some insurance company selling maid runaway protection + Basic medical benefit. If you paid for it and maid runaway, insurance company will pay government amount less policy amount.
MY maid ran away yesterday. Day before we told her we r sending her back. Her WP is cancelled and we have no clue where she is? Have made a police report but the police says call the agency. But we dont have an agency as we renewed her directly just 4 months back. She is a filipino and walked out of our house (in front of us) saying i will make your life difficult now.. She didnt take anything with her except her mobile (her life) and maybe some money..

She had made the last 3 mths a living hell for me (After we renewed her). Anything and everything she would shout at me, wont take any instructions, will do things her own way and on the phone all the time (when sweeping, washing and almost any activity). she said she is doing some business. Also started doing facebook from mobile with over 200 friends...

What is our responsibility in this case as we have already cancelled her WP?
U shd not have told ur maid u're sending her back until the v last min.
What I do is to tell the maid only half an hr or so b4 I'm suppose to send her back n make her pack immediately n go.
U were just giving her a chance to plan her "escape" by telling her a day in advance...
I have same problem my maid run away to home today n ask to transfer agent n employer. What should I do? REALLY REALLY don't want to let her find other employer here,as other will suffer the same as me.
I told my hus not to tell her. But he was like she is with us for 2.5 yrs also if we tell her last mt wht if she runs away and we will loose the ticket money. (We feared cos whenever she asked for a transfer we said we will send u back then she would say let me see how u will make me sit in the plane! And why does she want to transfer cos i object to her phone usage.) But when we told her on Fri that we will send u back she didnt protest said ok as long as u pay for the ticket.

On sat morn she asked me for 15$ to buy phone card to call her mom. I told her to ask sir. She went and asked him, he said i wont give u the money, but tell me which card and I will get the card.. Then she started arguing that she wants the money only and doesnt want the card... MY hus also didnt relent.. She then threatened she will make our life difficult and walked out with just her phone. When my hus went down to check she was on the public phone for a while and then walked away in front of him..
I would never tell my maid that. For the last few that we had to send back due to unhappiness, they cannot have the time to react at all. We will always be on the losing end. See them pack, send them to agency, agency check their bags - Sayonara. Cleanest way. Always make sure you have more than 1 person around when you decide to send your maid away. Make sure kids/children are away/safe at the point in time.
I had a maid 1 week after renew WP tell us NOT HAPPY AH, you don't like then you cancel my WP lor. We renewed the WP on our own too... I wonder if maids got expiry date, how come after 2 yrs is always a downhill slide?
And the good ones won't stay with you forever... I think a decade ago the maids were better, probably because they were more mature too. I had one back then, worked 8 years with us. Gone are the good ol days.
Employers are always exposed. Practice more caution.
My maid runaway last Sunday.

She has been with us for 3 months and you can count with your five fingers the things that she does at home daily. Most of the time it's just washing the dishes and mopping the floor for 10 minutes in the morning. She can't cook, can't be trusted to go the market as she doesn't know how to buy fresh, she doesn't send &amp; pick up my kids. She stained the clothes of my kids, she broke plates &amp; glasses..

I was just waiting for a replacement from the agency and she was the one who requested to be transferred as she said she can't handle kids. What she's so good at is using her handphone, goes to the toilet almost every 15 minutes, eating ( abig eater actually). She can't prepare meals but when my mom cooks, she will devour the food, even eating before us!.. She is lazy, always complaining &amp; even answers back even if she's the wrong one.

She ran away because she want to have a ticket back home, and doesn't want to pay her existing loans with the agecny.. in short, that is her "easy way out". Truly a very irresponsible person! Gave me and my mother a headache for that 3 months she was with us...

For those whose maid ran away, did you buy her a ticket? did u include a check in baggage allowance? How about if she left some things? Would you deliver it to the airport.. I would want to burn her stuff, if you may ask me.

Please pm me and let me know the procedures. I am really pissed with the attitude. She wasn't maltreated at all, she was having the time of her life eating any food she can eat, using the phone anytime she wants even if we had an agreement, and lastly, most of her duties were done by my mom!! And she has the nerve to ran away?

The fact that we are from same country also, so I don't think there would be any communication problems.

she runaway to agency?
maids these days ae scheming and lousy. You must inform MOM, get our useless MOM to do some work! Let them know a lot suffering but forced by their policies to recycle bad maids.

Use MOM to pressure agency refund you if maid wants to go home without paying you back. Understand runaway maid can be recycled but leaving a record so that prospective employer can contact u if they so hard up for maid.

Yes, if i were you, I wont give her any air ticket nor absorb her loan, why should i pay for a fdw to come to Spore enjoy? I would dump her stuff into the dustbin, including her passport (claim I didn't see lor, everything gone) if she forgot to take.
YOu are lucky she ran away beacuse she wants to go home. Mine ran away because she doesnt want to go home. We had told her the previous night that we are sending her back as her work attitude had deteriorated to alteast 300% ( i dont know wht else to say, horrible horrible is all i can say. Gave me night mares, i was so stressed i had irritable bowel syndrome, headaches). Next day she runs away to HOME and then complained to MOM.

We had 2 many things going in our favor cos we had already cancelled work permit and got a flight ticket before she ran away ( we lost the flight ticket money) also we had written a detailed letter to MOM telling her all the trouble that she is giving her incld bringing strangers inside the house and MOM had told us we can send her off.

Her complaints against us were very silly cant post here since it is still going on. We were able to show proof against her complaints but for her it is a win win situation. she will be on a special pass and will work till the case is over (may take couple of mths) and after that she can continue on a 2 yr contract if she wants to ..

Now we are trying to fight against this. We want her to go back..She wanted to continue in singapore and just to get that she does false complaint against us and she gets what she wants. That is not fair to any employer in singapore. We have written a very detailed complaint against her and we are waiting to hear from MOM on this. Max they will do is black list her i think cos unless she has done a criminal issue they wont ban her is what i understand from other friends. Will have to wait n see. But i will fight. .The mental torture she gave me in the last 4 mths was unbearable with me developing physical sympts cos of that and she goes scot free..

But all said and done all rules n laws are favorable to them and mine being a filipino knows that way too well. She had told me on the face you cant do a thing against me I have not broken a law and she knew exactly what to do to stay on in singapore. (bringing strangers inside is not considered breaking the law?) I didnt know there was a place called HOME (which supports them 100% and does everything for them) till the day she ran.

In ur case loan amount is there. All you can do is try and fight like i am doing.How successful, only time will tell..
Its not fair to us.. I asked the MOM guy where to harassed employers go..He said u can complain but if for all the effort she is only black listed what is the point. My friends maid was blacklisted but came back to singapore in a mths time..

BTW, even after all this drama ( we lost one flight ticket already) if at any point of time they send her back we have to fork out flight ticket money. That is the rule it seems... So u will have no option to pay for her ticket unless u transfer her out.. We didnt want to do that cos she will make any other employers life hell.. She is a night mare i tell you..

Angry bees- I was also so angry i wanted to destroy all her stuff (She went with her 3 mobile phones n money only) but i didnt dare. I had to surrender the passport to MOM and then she came one day with HOME people to get her stuff. I had packed it up and my hus took it out but she checked each n every piece even turning the pockets inside out so if we do anything to her stuff we will get into even more trouble. We are the ignorant and gullible ones and always at the receiving end..

IN short, we cant do much.. Rules are all favorable to them cos accord to govt the are the underprivileged.. Dont know when the govt will realise what the actual situation is..

Wish i had never renewed her.. Wish i had never employed her. BUt i strongly believe in Karma. she will get her due..

Im facing the same problem, my maid run away yesterday after she quarrel with my 7 yrs old son. Today MOM ppl call us to inform us maid request to transfer to another employer due to cannot handle my kids &amp; housework. If i dun allow i can just buy a ticket send her away.

Can anyone pls advise me, should i let her to transfer or just send her back.
This is the letter I wrote to MOM this morning. Pls advise whether anything will be done to make justice.

I would like to bring your attention to injustice n unfairness that had happened to me last week.

There is a False Allegation from my domestic maid, Sanda Win, that she had been abused by me during her short working period for me, 16/4-30/4.

She complained to the maid agency that I had beaten her, locked her in the toilet for 2hrs, strangle her on the 23/4 afternoon.

She reported to MOM that I made the above abuse on the 30/4 morning.

She reported to the Police that I had inflicted those scars on her arms on 29/4.

Those arm marks scar was self made. Sanda Win is from Chin state in Myanmar , they have old ways of depersing heat from one's body by what we call from Chinese physician, spooning/coining, widely known as 'Gua Sha'. By doing so, in appearance of red petechiae which will last for a few days. The belief of 'Gua sha' , experiences immediate relief of pain, stiffness, fever, cough etc.

Both the MOM n the Police department never inform me about the complaints. I was only made known on 2/5 7pm when the maid agency came to collect my new maid. As there was no written memo from the MOM n Police department to be presented to me, the new maid was not hand over to the maid agency.

My questions, My Doubts:

A) I called the agency on the 23/4 at 7.45am,when Sanda win refused to work that morning n requested to go back to Myanmar. Sanda win pushed me down to the ground in the kitchen knocking my head on my kitchen cabinet, when I stood in her way to block her from packing her clothes. As I was falling to the ground, my hand swang up n hit on her lower cheek. She started screaming n ran to the main door. When I stood up, I stopped her from opening my wood door, removing her hand(only the fingers part) away from the door knob. I took my mobile n called Royce, the maid agency personnel. She arrived my place at 9.55am with another maid to assist in translating our conversation. Sanda insisted to go back Myanmar, phone calls were made to the agency in Myanmar to settle her loan. I decided to transfer her out n get a fresh maid. Royce gave me the maid bio data, and I chose a maid on spot. Verbal agreement was made, Sanda to work until my new maid arrived.

B) There was no arms scar or any marks stating injuries or abuse when I sent her back to the maid agency on the 30/4 at 7plus in the evening, in exchange to collect my new arrival maid.

C) Complaints were made on the 2/5 at MOM n was referred to the Police that afternoon. Two days at the maid agency place, what had happened after my handover to them? No investigation been conducted.

D) The department should contacted me regarding the above complaints. Nothing had been done. I personally went to Clementi police station to file a report on the 2/5, but was told by investigation officer, MD NASRI BIN MD SALLEH, that he would contact me the next day for my statement. MD NASRI called me on the 5/5 at about 2pm, only to ask for Royce contact. I had never hear from the police department from then. No police report was made that day on my side with assurance that I will be contacted for an interview the following day.

E) I walk in to MOM on 6/5 for enquiries on my case. NUR AIN ISMAIL was surprised that the police did not contact me. No detailed statement was taken from me. She promised to get back to me ASAP.

F) I called NUR AIN ISMAIL on 8/5, when there was not any return call or mails from her. She said police investigating.

G) I called MD NASRI, he said he can only meet me on 9/5. No details of the accusation was released to me.

H) Sanda win was returned to the agency on 3/5. Royce came to my place. We decided to talk to Sanda at Royce  place. To avoid any falseful accusation from her again, I brought my mother maid yamin n my sister maid Kat together for the meeting. Royce had two maids present too.
Total, me n two maids, Royce n two maids with Sanda. During the two hours conversation, Sanda admit false accusation against me, she apologised to me in front of Six witnesses. The reason given for her false allegations was, she was upset that I scolded her, and she wanted to go back to Myanmar, but cannot settle the outstanding loans to the agent. Both the local n Myanmar agent insisted she stayed until she complete her loan before going back home. Nothing been finalised as Sanda was lying n changing her words non stop.

G) Important Points: when Royce called Sanda on 26/4 to check on her, she was happy working at my place n requested to continue to work. But I rejected her request, as I had already selected my new maid n IPA approval granted. If I had assaulted her physically , why would she want to continue work for me? Why nothing was detected on the day, 30/4 when I sent her back to the maid agency? Why would I be pysical on her when I already knew my new maid arrived singapore? It doesn't make sense to beat her up with all the wounds on her, n I still send her back to the agency!

I am staying next to my mother unit in the same block on the same floor. Both my mother n her maid can vouch that I did not touch her at all. My wood door was open every single day, I don't even lock my gate. My sister maid n my mother maid are both from Myanmar, please do come n investigate, I just want the truth out, n clear my name! My current maid is happy working for me, I had no problem with her at all. I had maids before, all are happy working with me. I never scold any of my maid, only Sanda I did scold her, because she pushed me down. Only the accidental hand swang on her face when I was falling to the kitchen ground on 23/4, beside that, I never touched her at all!

I seeking justice to be done to clear my name. I seeking to protect my rightful maid employment for my current maid. I am only under investigation, I am not convicted of guilty, I would like to have the basic respect for my rights. I welcome all investigating officers to come to my place to conduct interviews to neighbours, to witnesses, to household members, to check whether my toilets can be locked in etc.It is unfair that only words been heard from the FDW, and it had been 8days now, nothing, no investigation on my side, nobody call me. The feeling is awful, it caused my insomnia , I cannot eat well, I cannot concentrate on other things ,it turn my life upside down, this is mental torture! I reserved my rights to file a sue case against Sanda for her false allegations!
I suffered the same situation like many of you. Reading so many forums and stories, I wonder why MOM is doing nothing about it. As the employers, we are always at the losing end. The maids just irresponsibly ran away dumping us to face everything. I totally agree it is a mental torture.

My maid ran away in Dec and made false allegation on us. She is happily in the shelter now leaving us suffering. MOM refused my appeal for another maid despite I have kids at home. It is so ironical that govt actually wants us to have more children. We really needed help to have someone at home to look after the kids yet because of the false allegation we are stranded.

We lost the security bond, having to make so much adjustment to our daily life just because of one person. This maid always talk about God and how much she loves God, now recalling it, I feel like puking. She is so fake. When situation like these happened, the agency hide from us like we have diseases. MOM doesn't want to help because they are more concern about the bilateral relationship than us. I really wonder why HOME has such an authority to keep the maid away from the agency and us.
Sigh, my maid has also ran away, but to the embassy last Thursday!

But she is too silly as she is unable to leave Singapore now as she still has an outstanding case with MOM on her ex-employer (only worked for 8 mths), and will leave with only S$7 as she will also need to repay the agent for her loan.

So, if anyone come across this lady, please do not employ her at all:
Name: Wahyu Ningtiyas (Indonesia, borned in the year of 1989)
WP: 0 08006490 (cancelled on 11 Feb 2014)
Passport No. A6166741 (expiring on 2 Jan 2019)

If you are looking at her profile and wish to employ her, you may PM me for more details. I have already told MOM, the embassy and the employment agency that I will buy airticket to send her back when MOM allows her too.
Irresponsible maids are growing at an alarming rate. MOM should be able tell if the maid is making false claims, they just refused to help us.

Unfortunately as an employer, there is nothing we can do about it, just have to be careful with the agency you engaged, and make sure you do not ill-treat the maid. MOM or the government is just scared, it involves foreign affairs with the respective countries hence they need to be extra cautious when it comes to this matter. I totally agree with Hotbun, government is encouraging Singaporeans to have babies, yet with the rising cost of living, both parents have to work and if neither parents nor in laws are available to look after the baby, hiring a helper seems like the only way out. Having ridiculous rules that protects mainly the foreign maids does not ease the matter. I hope one day someone is able to send this message across to the government!!

I have had several bad experiences with Indon maids, we are still looking for one though because the pros of having a helper outweigh the cons. Most of them gave attitude problems, they refused to respond refused to speak, gave me the blank stare and refused to work. I dunno what to do but to send them back to the agent. Most did not work long enough to finish their loan repayment. Agent did provide counselling but they were very stubborn and stern, insisted that they do not want to work in Singapore anymore. We had no choice but to apply for a new maid, and the cycle continues....

Bottom line is dont be too affected by these people, sometimes they are merely immature and do not know what they want, the endurance level has greatly dropped as compared to a decade ago. If you have to make changes to your daily lives, make sure it is minimal for both adults and kids, dont be too rely on them as well, for us, we treat them as bonus, we can still survive during the interim...
shd ask govt to bar them from entry so fast i ever interviewed some that left spore after 4 mths or 6 mths n they counted as experienced maids. they should be barred for few years if they nvr finish contracts suka suka run away train so hard trust so much
hi mummies,

how about meeting up the MPs at meet the pple session? I am not sure if its useful but thats the only way to talk to the MPs personally as i find complaining to MOM doesnt help at all !!!! I told MOM about my situation they just told me "no choice",. what a word to say !

I understand your frustrations becos my previous maid runaway too !!! talking nonsense saying i dont give her enough sleep when I am the one taking care of my baby at night, feeding my bb at night and she sleeps all the way till morning and dont even have to help me at night at all !!!! She run away to the road side begging for money to take taxi to her agent !! Philippinos !! Enough talk about her cos every time i mentioned about her my blood still boiling though its already 4yrs ago.

Anyway, my current maids are working very happily for me and im glad to know this agent. She is not from any agency, cos she finds working for agency is like cheating employers all the time. Even the maids are lousy she still had to promote the maid. She set up her own agency and she select all maids personally. Yes, minor hiccups are common but we know at times certain things we cant blame agent. I work with this agent on a few occasions and i can feel her sincerity. For instance, maid agree no phones, no off days, but after working for few mths they broke their promise. These are inevitable issues that may crops up. But other than that so far maids that i gotten from her no issue. COs i had 2 maids, one to take care bed ridden in law + housework. The other to take care my 3 kids plus cooking. 1 phil + 1 indon, working together happily for me. BUt my agent deals more on phils. Indons have but not so much.

So if anyone needs my agent's contact, i'm always glad to help becos i find its not easy to find good and sincere agents. But having said that of course i dont mean 100% no issues will arise. But less issues compared to those frustrating agents that i encountered last time. No obligations, at your own comfort. Can always pm me.

Best wishes to all !
YOu are lucky she ran away beacuse she wants to go home. Mine ran away because she doesnt want to go home. We had told her the previous night that we are sending her back as her work attitude had deteriorated to alteast 300% ( i dont know wht else to say, horrible horrible is all i can say. Gave me night mares, i was so stressed i had irritable bowel syndrome, headaches). Next day she runs away to HOME and then complained to MOM.

We had 2 many things going in our favor cos we had already cancelled work permit and got a flight ticket before she ran away ( we lost the flight ticket money) also we had written a detailed letter to MOM telling her all the trouble that she is giving her incld bringing strangers inside the house and MOM had told us we can send her off.

Her complaints against us were very silly cant post here since it is still going on. We were able to show proof against her complaints but for her it is a win win situation. she will be on a special pass and will work till the case is over (may take couple of mths) and after that she can continue on a 2 yr contract if she wants to ..

Now we are trying to fight against this. We want her to go back..She wanted to continue in singapore and just to get that she does false complaint against us and she gets what she wants. That is not fair to any employer in singapore. We have written a very detailed complaint against her and we are waiting to hear from MOM on this. Max they will do is black list her i think cos unless she has done a criminal issue they wont ban her is what i understand from other friends. Will have to wait n see. But i will fight. .The mental torture she gave me in the last 4 mths was unbearable with me developing physical sympts cos of that and she goes scot free..

But all said and done all rules n laws are favorable to them and mine being a filipino knows that way too well. She had told me on the face you cant do a thing against me I have not broken a law and she knew exactly what to do to stay on in singapore. (bringing strangers inside is not considered breaking the law?) I didnt know there was a place called HOME (which supports them 100% and does everything for them) till the day she ran.

In ur case loan amount is there. All you can do is try and fight like i am doing.How successful, only time will tell..
Its not fair to us.. I asked the MOM guy where to harassed employers go..He said u can complain but if for all the effort she is only black listed what is the point. My friends maid was blacklisted but came back to singapore in a mths time..

BTW, even after all this drama ( we lost one flight ticket already) if at any point of time they send her back we have to fork out flight ticket money. That is the rule it seems... So u will have no option to pay for her ticket unless u transfer her out.. We didnt want to do that cos she will make any other employers life hell.. She is a night mare i tell you..

Angry bees- I was also so angry i wanted to destroy all her stuff (She went with her 3 mobile phones n money only) but i didnt dare. I had to surrender the passport to MOM and then she came one day with HOME people to get her stuff. I had packed it up and my hus took it out but she checked each n every piece even turning the pockets inside out so if we do anything to her stuff we will get into even more trouble. We are the ignorant and gullible ones and always at the receiving end..

IN short, we cant do much.. Rules are all favorable to them cos accord to govt the are the underprivileged.. Dont know when the govt will realise what the actual situation is..

Wish i had never renewed her.. Wish i had never employed her. BUt i strongly believe in Karma. she will get her due..


What is the update of your case? We have the same problem. My maid runaway on her day off 1 day before my holiday for 3 weeks.
She make false accussation to MOM. She supposed to leave with us.
is there anywhere to see photos of runaway maids? Got this woman sleeping at my area for past few weeks, not local, wondering if she is runaway.


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