A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

thanks for the well wishes!

can sell me some OPKs? if not enuff to go around, then it's alrite. pls pm me. thanks!
yeetay, did u do your hsg at kk? how was it ? I did mine on 25th July, mine was painful... U got your results oredi?

Congrats choo! ur success after HSG is really encouraging! Have a safe 9 months!

yup. i did my hsg at KKH. mine was only cramp when they tried to inflat the ballon inside the uterus. got no pain when the inject the dye or as me to turn left and right. after the procedure i got mild cramps for the rest of the day but recover completely when i woke up the next morning.

the radiologist roughly reviewed the results with me on that day. but the detail report got to wait lor. its ready and have booked for an appointment this friday to review with my gyna.
Daisy, okie okie.
Hi gals,

my first time in this forum and i was dropping by to share a little 'tip' on ttc... i read alot on the net before HB n i ttc... and bcos we had a certain timeframe e.g confinement canot hit financial yr end, canot hit exam period... so we reali had a window of time to aply with...if not, will have to skip til a few mths later...

and cos i heard so often tat it takes a few mths b4 gettin successfully preggie, i was a little worried... wat HB n i did was, we reali tried to watch ovulation day and aft he inject his spermies, he will stay in me for a while and aft tat, i will rest my bottoms on his thigh and go to sleep... oni clean clean the 'mess' on top, but i wont get up cos it will mean some chances flowing out... we also watched our diet, as in eating dried apricots and no liquor... try to do it every 2 -3 days, it will mean u will hardly miss the ovulating period..

tats wat we abide by and we actuali got it the first time round... im currently 4mths preggie... thought i can share a little wf u gals...
morning babes.. wah.. so quiet meh.. keke :p

thks celine for the "tips" and congrat to u and have a safe 5 mths

babes.. wan to ask if anyone got short AF and spottin afterAF onot huh? me today CD8 then got spottin leh.. am wonderin if AF still haven finish huh?? thks in advance
<font face="Calisto mt"> <font color="0000ff">Elmo</font>,

Did u manage to read e doc I send u? I manage to save e file into PDF so if u still cannot read then I can email you again or post it here</font>
hi mei2,
cos sometimes there would be some leftover.... for my normal AF... the bleeding will be very heavy 1st 2 days, then 4th day onwards it's all spotting until 7th day.
mayb hor.. coz mine ended on last fri liao.. its only CD4.. after that no spottin lor.. till yday i saw some only till today.. :p keke lucky i got panty liner... haha :p
sorry din see ur msg yest. was rather busy. currently not taking med. doc will monitor n see if i require any other treatment.

if u r getting, count me in. can buy 20. think chubby also wants. can u check wif her?
Hi Cat, I dun think EPO works in that way. Some people might not be able to take EPO if they have fibroids, endo etc.
I find that EPO helps to regulate menses and relieve PMS/menstrual symptoms. It will also help to reduce acne, maybe becos it regulate hormones as well. Thru that, some might see EPO in helping to conceive. EPO is definitely good, but depends on whether you are suitable to take. and you have to take for a few mths before you see the effect.
welcome cat, theresa

theresa.. wats symptoms u havin nw?? coz preggie symptoms is quite similar to PMS..

have ur AF overdue??

Don't rely on symptoms coz that will make u more stressed. Just take a HPT after 14 dpo.

All preg symptoms are similar to PMS. B4 I tested positive, I had no symptoms at all and it worried me then. Later realise, symptoms buay zhun one.
hey gals, just an update

i've finally decided to change gynaes, am now seing Dr Fong Yang at paragon, after hearing the positive experiences of the gals here who are seeing him.

surprisingly, after the visit yesterday, he's very optimistic about my case and said that my only problem at this moment is PCO and an increased dose of clomid should work.

this cycle is a bust and will be restarting end of the mth, in the meantime, he said to not to get stressed up and that most PCOS patients do concieve eventutally.

dear nat &amp; hopeful,
good luck on yr IUI.
Wat is HPT &amp; AF?

I feel nausea &amp; giddy, hunngry &amp; big appetite, pain in lower adominal, milky discharge, lower back pain &amp; aches...

I didn't keep track of my menses so also dunno due or not....
theresa.. y not u get an HPT to test.. to be sure lor.. once -ve then juz wait for ur AF to report if not then CONGRATS!!!
i did try HPT, but negative. so now am waiting for AF to come...

Are my symptoms similar to pregnancy? or just too coincidental that I "injured" my lower back, "sick" &amp; "greedy" at the same time??
Hi Gals

Anybody is on clomid? I started my 1st cycle this month, but my AF came on the CD 19!! and it only lasted for two days. anybody encountered same problem?

by the way, anybody knows Dr Fong's contact. Thx!
hi piggymum,

i onli have Dr Fong contact for his Tiong Bahru clinic

Dr Fong clinic at Tiong Bahru
Tel: 6276 7727
Add : Blk 18 Jalan Membina #02-02 (opp Tiong Bahru MRT)

Hope it helps
Thanks Jcml.

Are you with Dr Fong? how is his charge like?

My current gynae is from Raffles. The bill comes out to be 150+ most of time.

1st day of AF should be CD1.

how did you get 1st day of AF at CD19?

i am also on clomid now, will be upping dose to 4 tab next cycle.
theresa.. mayb its still early to detect or its really -ve... its hard for us to say as u dun keep track of ur cycle..
or u may wait 3 days later to test again.. and pls use the 1st MORNING URINE
its really so much similar to PMS symptoms

hi piggymum.. sorry i dun understand wat u r sayin abt?? is it that ur AF came already and u took clomid, but the 2nd AF came again on the CD19 huh? is it really RED that u saw or juz some light spottin??
I started to take the pills (50mg) from day2 - 6 as instructed by the Dr. I went back to scan on the day 12. My body didn't respond well to the medicine as the Dr didn't see any big size follicle. Then he asked me to use the OPK to test from day16 onwards as ovulation may start late. However, on the day 17 itself, I started to have menses!! It is RED, in fact, it is heavy flow and it actually lasted for two days plus.

I immediately called back and the Dr also dun know why and he thinks that it is NOT menses...but mid cycle bleeding. BTW, I have history of mid cycle bleeding....But i am confused now, how can mid cycle bleeding be so heavy?? so thought of asking if you gals had similar experience....
Dr Fong has another clinic at Paragon, #15-09, Tel: 63336636. His charges are $70 for first consultation, $45 for subsequent consultation, $40 onwards for scans.
Hi Jasmine

Clomid is to induce ovulation.

If the patient fails to ovulate on her own (Dr can tell from ultrasound scan around day 14), he will probably prescribe the clomid...starting with 50mg. If the patient doesn't not respond to it, he gradually increase the dose, eg 100mg, 150mg....

Hopeful - thx for the contacts
Hi lings,

Thx for ur advise. If i'm not wrong, my AF supposed to come end of last mth, although I don't noe the actual date.

Mayb I'm jus paroniod lah..hee..hee...
aiya, waste $$ to do HPT
hi theresa.. ok.. mayb u wan to wait for 1 week later if still havin these symptoms again then test lor..
no a prob..
we r here to xchange info mah
Dear Theresa, u prob already know this, that HPTs work best with 1st morning urine, most concentrated mah... if u test during the day (or night) then u shd try to refrain from drinking at least for 2 hours prior to testing.
Good luck dear!

maybe your AF a bit the forgetful, so come back for "short visit".... heeheehee!

Hey, that sounds real promising! I hope Dr Fong will be able to work his magic on u!!
Do keep us updated, okie?

Now for my own update.... today's scan showed 2 follicles of 18+mm each, but they kinda look squashed, heehee, not round one, so the 18mm is measured by taking the longest diameter... so perhaps the actual diameter (if not squashed) is less than 18mm ba?!
Anyway, Doc scheduled me to take jab tmr (ensure that i will O), and then IUI will be on the following day, i.e. FRIDAY!!! Now i just hope my eggie(s) will cooperate, guai guai stay inside until Friday.... else i'll miss the timing lor!
Good luck for your IUI , Naturally....
What is the size of follicles ready for release? Must reach what size then they will do IUI for you?

So, sorry that i could only come in at nite as i am too busy at work to sit down in front of the computer.
Daisy, the radiologist doing the HSG scan for me was a male....very young doctor.
JuJu, I just called KK this afternoon about my HSG results....they told me my tubes are clear....yeh!!!! Was so worried cos when i did my hsg very painful...so tot..tubes must be blocked. Will review with Dr. Sheila Loh 2 weeks later. and probably start my IUI next cycle if everything is ok...still need to do some blood test first.

congrats loppily and celine! do spread your baby dust all around!!! And do take care and have a safe 9 months!

Thank you ladies, for all the good wishes. Had a tiring day at work. It is really nice to read all these....

wow...this thread is so active!
Hi Daisy and juju, so sorry, I have given away my four ovulation strips to a lady yesterday.

Actually, no worry, cos' sometimes these ovulation kits can cause us more stress than necessary. Maybe, just dun think too much and enjoy babydancing with your hubby as often as possible....

Dear Daisy, I tried for about a year. Long right? Frankly speaking, I am almost giving up, in the sense, I stop taking my temperature and noting the time of my ovulation period. However, I have been faithfully taking folic acid.

In the past, we will wait for my ovulation period but last two months, we just spent quality time together whenever we feel like it...about two times a week. No special tips, but saliva is bad...so avoid it totally, and no lubricants as well. Trust me, this is real. And some positions allow deeper penetration according to my hubby. I think it helps a great deal too.

I normally put a small pillow on my bum after baby dancing and stay there for about 20-30minutes.

I used to drink cold drinks. Stopped drinking for about two months. Not sure, if it helps but no harm trying. Eat lots of fish and fruits. I remember I used to have irregular menses. But last two months, I took lots of fish and fruits and my menses came on the dot. This month, my menses was supposed to be due on last sunday. On monday, I felt ill and feverish and had giddy spells for weeks. Hence, I went to see a GP after work. She made me do a pregnancy test and it was positive even though I missed my menses only for a day. So I think try to eat lots of fish. Steam fish, not fried ones. I guess a healthy diet is very important. And dun be too stressed up. Stay happy and relaxed and things will fall into place nicely.

Take care dear. God bless you all....
