A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

wow.. can have a gatherin for all virgos liao.. coz bday all near near.. hehe

haha.. choo.. me totally no symptoms leh.. no sore boobs oso.. :p mayb its PMS lah..

mayb will buy HPT later lor.. then test on sat or sun if AF still dun report :p

u not goin lunchie??

mei2 - high chance
good luck!!!
by the way, i also virgo... kekekke

nat - this morning open letter box empty leh.. think the postman lazy manz... hahahah
GOOD LUCK!! Keep us updated

Elmo & Naturally,
thanks ke ke ke
Now I find myself silly leh.... see instructions also can see wrongly... I test with paper liao, got slight tremor but when I brush my teeth, arm not aching. Anyway, think my arm strong strong like Val, always got to tahan on doggie position while bding ke ke ke

Wah, so many virgos around, me an Aries, anyone same?
did i say that yesterday??? Okie let me clarify, i made my own deduction that i O on my CD14, cos saw very dark 2nd line on my opk. Saw gynae on my CD13, didn't do scan, only take back bloodtest and SA reports, cos too late to do IUI anyway, so she also dunno when i O this cycle.

The CD2 test is to check your estrogen level. We need to have estrogen b4 our follicle can grow and mature and produce eggie mah. When estrogen level is too low, body will be gan jiong and will start producing a lot a lot of LH (luteinizing hormones) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormones) in a bid to try to "force" ovulation to take place. But of cos if estrogen level is indeed low, then no amt of LH or FSH can help. So to confirm low estrogen, the test will check for excessive LH and FSH on CD2 (normally, LH and FSH will only be high in mid-cycle near O) and also low estrogen levels.

No, this test can't tell if we have PCOS... i think PCOS is confirmed thru scan? when see a lot of bumps on ovary? And other symptoms ba...

I thot its a waste to do this CD2 test, since i can O, so obviously my estrogen levels are ok... but since i'm seeing new gynae, so she has to make sure lor...

me lunch in almost every day...so xian to go out for lunch...cos not working in raffles place mah...

wow so many virgos!!manuka and elmo too!!!opps!!
so many worriers here!we must all learn to be like nat ok!!!must learn to be positive like her!!she is our role model!!
Hi Hopeful
Good luck for your IUI today. You must relax k. I have already failed 3 cycles and this is my fourth one. I think I might not be able to pull through this cycle coz I have no preggy symptom at all. Instead I have backache on my lower right back as early as CD19 and this is the usual symptom I have before AF reports.
I have resigned to my fate.
You must relax k.
hi nat,
oh,i'm not taking any oral medication now..but realised that ever since started ttc, my face became quite bad lor...so sad...dun noe why leh??

yah, i agree. small matter can become big matter. good thing my hb always give way to me, if not sure whole day quarrel. he says marriage is give & take. he give, i take. kekkekeke :p
maybe we gals are born worriers?
glad God bless me with a v positive, happy go lucky hubby

while I was in TMC on sunday nite, if nt becos of hubby encouragement, jokes n love,
I would hv lost hope liao :p
hee...think his faith is more than me
so nw, regardless we all here MTB or TTCing sisters
must be happy everyday okie?
life is short n we live once only
nt worth worry so much n enjoy less
everyday is a new day n hope frm God


u so funny

my arms nt strong lar, v suan leh
so use my pillow support my arms :p
Mei2, that will be soon, just next week only! U know hah... it's 15 Jul right? Also the same day which I will know whether I preggy or not ke ke ke

ke ke ke

Ur hubby really very supportive, hope mine will be too when I preggy
daisy... is it.. hmm... its our judgement day

btw can i ask if anyone got extra cheap HPT that bought online?? can sell to me.. coz cheaper lor.. if not ex to buy @ watson leh.. the cheapest oso 8.90
all taken luncie le mah???

me so boring and tired leh.. keep dozin off... haiz.... eyes cant stay awake liao :p
naturally,mei2,elmo,mashy and manuka,

you all got 'jie2 pi4'? i think mine quite serious leh....already tried my best to correct this habit but can't leh....
alloo gals
wat a hot afternoon
mei2 u testing soon.. if u order by today, think still can make it next week for delivery
hee, not postman lazy lah, u slave-driver, want postman to work at night ah?
Think u shd receive latest tmr night...

Oi, all the virgoes out there, pls dun think that u have the right to worry just cos u're a virgo hor!!
This kind of justication also can???

u are so funny, pick someone more fertile to be your role model lah, i'm no good, can only lay egg, but cannot hatch!

sorry make u so confused! U see, for IUI, usually docs will start monitoring your follicle size from CD10/11 onwards. I was already CD13 when i saw my doc, so better to wait next cycle lor.

oh ya, u often train your arms hor, heehee! *wink wink*

i thot u are going to see your gynae soon?? Then forget abt buying HPT, just go and get tested at your gynae's... anyway, even if u test +ve at home, i think gynae will still make u test again at his clinic, right not?? Then in that case, save ya $$... can buy milk powder mah!

I also feel like taking afternoon nap... *big yawn*
nat.. by rite goin on last sat but i overslept.. haha :p the next appointment on the 30th July mah.. keke still got 3 more weeks to go lor..
Hello, how's everyone today?

I'd failed this cycle again... AF reported very early this morning. So pre-seed doesn't work for me

Since my hb's SA test last Fri, he brought up few time to me abt doing IVF if we can't conceive naturally. But I told him that I'm scare of the self-injections and the emotional sides of doing IVF. Then I told my hb not to think of this until we get our test results in Aug from KKH. I even told my hb that I'm ok if we can't hv our own kids.

I think I'm the opposite of Hopeful. I don't really yearn for kids as much as my hb. He's the one who's so keen abt hvg one n seeing him want one so badly makes me decided to go ahead but really never expected TTC is such a difficult journey.

Pls pardon me for my loli loso.
Really feeling very sian...
Hi Lim,

Take it easy...i tink the more we stress abt it, the slimmer chances tat we hv...i was very disappointed last mth too when AF reported esp all the unusual symptons wich i dun hv b4 appeared last mth...plus is hub bday last mth...tot i can give him a BIGGG bday present...end up AF reported.....

Feel so sad, disappointed n stress over this TTC....and had a chat wif hub abt...told him i m very stressful abt tis....but he comforted me n told me take things easy n not to stress myself...

after hving a long chat wif him on him, n telling him abt how i feel abt tis TTC...i feel so much betta...thus now we r trying to take it easy...n not to stress ourself too much....

the oni thing we try to remind ourselves is to eat healthy meals...

so look positive n dun feel sad
Nat... no leh... i really think my postman lazy. cos i always get my mails 1 to 2 days late! Eg, Robinson brochures - my frds got it and i haven't - end up i always missed the members sale! Maybe i should go complain to Sing Post....kekekek.
u are so wei da... ur hubby will appreciate one, so ask hubby to relax a bit, IVF is the last resort ok?

don't be disappointed, jia you
Unique, Mei2,
<font color="aa00aa">thank you.</font>

In fact, I don't even feel anything much this month, not sad or disappointed. Few days be4 AF comes, I already hv the symptons so was quite prepared to see <font color="ff0000">red</font> lor.
Har??? Miss one appt only must wait 1 mth later ah??? Your gynae's business must be very good! Then i hope u can give us good news on the 15th! 10 more days to go!

ya lor, so sian to see red! But did pre-seed make BD-ing better for u and hubby? If so, then at least some good came out of it!

I just realised i never once apologised for writing too much?! hahahhaa.... so Blue_rabbit, dun apologise, else u'll make me look bad!!
ha ha ha... it's true, judgement day but I think I ovulate earlier this cycle, so may be can try testing earlier than 15 Jul

I also feel like dozing off, hoping to go back soon but so many things to do and audit in Aug! Luckily tomorrow on leave hee hee...
Hi gals,

juz nw i went to the toilet and saw some EGCM...does that mean i must BD by tonite ar? Hw about tomolo?

This month i took clomid + injection so dun reali noe when i 'O', hee hee
No lah, I think all ladies here r very 'wei da'.
We all r ready to try n do anything n everything possible in order to hv a baby.

Hmmm.... come to think of it. Is it bcos it's so difficult to conceive nowadays n that's why alot of kids today r so pampered n always get what they want....(no offence pls, it's just what I hv observed)
nat.. keke coz no $$ to see in between the mth mah... hahah coz request for mth end lor.. :p

daisy.. good good... test early hehe shiok hor tomolo on leave...

jcml.. ya.. BD tonite and tomolo
good luck
Hee... ya although pre-seed din get me pregnant it does make BD easier for me

U still hvn't test ah...aiyo why wait so long, we want to hear good news from u leh.

BD today + tomorrow, high chance to strike.
no lei... both of u been mia awhile huh. wanting to 'page' u gals over the system liao... keke. how hv u been? u shld be in ur single date CD, rite. know u gals are a week later than me. me today CD 12 liao. but not ttcin this mth. got to take x-ray etc..
like mei2 &amp; blue_rabbit have advised, bd today &amp; tomolo, good luck!

I think so too, now feel very guilty as last time when I saw spoilt kids, I would think to myself, next time I will make sure mine are well disciplined. But now try so hard to have a child, if really have one, will be like a bao but still have to teach him or her well, want him or her to be a good person when grow up

yah very shiok to be on leave, more shiok because tomolo take key to my new house!
sure or not?
Then u PM me your address, i'll give u 2 hpts... help u save $$ to see gynae, heehee!

maybe we strike already, tat's why feel so sleepy?! hahaha... if only tat's true...

the pampered kids are definitely a result of poor parenting! U're possibly right, maybe cos take so long to conceive, so must pamper! I also dunno if i will pamper my future kids too much... maybe hor? If i really become a lousy parent one day, pls knock knock (gently) my head okie?
how much is 1 hpt hah? If cheap, may be can I buy from u too?
What CD u r in now? I also hope so but dunno is it because of the progesterone during 2WW that is actually making us feel sleepy. Of course, I will also wish it's because we preggy lah

I went for checkup. Doc said everything is fine and asked me to try naturally for few more months. I BD quite often during fertility period, but... every end of cycle still see red.
Any advices?
