A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

<font face="segoe ui"> our polling station is just downstair only...keke</font>

<font face="segoe ui">but the name still under Cedric Foo to fight for Pioneer</font>

cutiebb: is the opposition contesting him a guy call Steve Chia?

Sorry, whr's the polling station? Only 1 station for everyone for pioneer smc?
jamie in the first place, i dont know if its MFS or PCF so dont know what number to contact as well for the upcoming childcare centres! But do check out the PCF and MFS website regularly, i'm pretty sure something info will turn up there! I confirm under Cedric leh, hehe. I find him not bad lar, he's pretty involved in our area
Alamak Steve Chia. Did anyone see his banner at the traffic junction next to Pioneer mrt this evening? My impression of him long ago not good liao, this time he contesting Pioneer aiyah! It's a clear cut choice for me *oops* Looks like this GE is pretty happening hehe. 5 years ago, i was under AMK GRC and also needed to vote. This is my 2nd time...

batbat strangely hor, 922 that side is under CCK GRC leh. So weird...Btw, saw your gal walking happily with teacher zhang today when i went to fetch my boy. Your gal is quite fast leh. I remember my boy took his first step when he was 11 month old but he only really walked on his own when he was 12.5 months. Yesterday the teachers told me my boy nearly took your gal's bread to eat! Lucky the teacher saw, heh.

cutiebb wow, that's great news leh! No need to lug my boy to Jurong JC, hehe.
<font face="segoe ui"> yes, under NSP or NSD Steve Chia, heard his very strong when he fight for CCK GRC last round</font>

<font face="segoe ui"> ya, anytime just go down to vote...haha</font>

I'm the one whose girl is 6 yr old

Is the new school ready? Want to go for the open house if there is...

Yes! It is musikgarten...How old is your child?
cutiebb really ah? Last round Steve Chia contested for CCK GRC?? Happening sia...I can't remember last round who contested for AMK GRC but I know pap under AMK GRC didn't win by a hugh margin...actually, no mummy here remember the case about Steve Chia a number of years ago ah? Because of that case, I have doubts haha.

pinky oh it's you!! Heh. Confirm no openhouse as for now...you've been to the site? The new pri school is still under construction wor
<font face="segoe ui"> i do remb something happen but not very sure about the story, care to share with us...i only remb clearly they only lose abit during the last round GRC</font>
erm, Steve Chia is my fren. well, actually, my dad's fren. But we do keep n touch and he's on my fb. I saw him posting abt making rounds in Pioneer but didnt bother much abt it till ytd, when i was otw home I saw his poster on the lamp post!! lol! tt's y i asked u guys la. =p

butterwaffles: yup i rmb tt case, but knowing him personally... i tink.. he is still ok la. it doesnt affect how he can help us westerners (lol!) in fact, he is a pretty agressive person. =) too bad my side not under him lei. mine is west coast grc one!!!! and i dun even knw who they are. lol!!! they seem quite bo chap lei. nv join in the GE excitement!

pinky: my girl is 2yrs old in 3 weeks!

re: voting
Im a GE voting virgin! lol! nv voted before and was quite bo chap abt it till now cuz everything seems so exciting!! but then i feel, no matter how many won, PAP still call the shots.. sigh.. act democractic nia..

For West Cost GRC opp party, you can view this!


jamie.. westerners.. at first I thought you are ang mo!! Haha.. then I get your message.. meaning stay in the west ppl..

Frankly speaking, we need to have more opp party in the parliment to make our system more transparent. And, if there is competition, there is improvement.


(but of course doesn't mean I will definely vote for opp lah, have to see their profile, contribution &amp; etc).
<font face="segoe ui"> dun worry for west coast GRC, cos sure is PAP will win de, cos i dun think alot of ppl will support REFORM Party...haha

anyway, also duno who to vote, PAP or NSP...if vote NSP, will we become 2nd potong pasir? very scare lei...then when we want to change new flat or kids gg to school, will they be affected or not cos we are not under PAP...well, who can assure us arh??? keke

then they say want to install CCTV, if not under PAP, will they still go ahead or not...haha</font>
cutiebb: exactly. maybe tt's y no one bother to make their rounds. chey.. and yes u are also rite on the schs, new flats n stuff.. very unfair! jus becuz we voice out, we kena "penalised". like that no point to vote. u mean install cctv at lift? mine hv liao recently. =) but is OUTSIDE of the lift. @_@"

batbat: agree with u too abt having more competition bringing on improvement. hopefully this heat abt the GE is making PAP a bit more warm under the collar!! MMy fren even more excited la, her brother's gf is Nicole Seah!! so happening! lol!
cutiebb, Steve Chia is quite an interesting character. He was found to have nude photos of his maid. His wife found them apparently, hahahaha! I think she was the one who lodge a police report somemore ^^ I think the cctvs will still be installed lar, wuhahahahah. But i have to say, i think Cedric Foo is pretty involved in our area, not the bochap type. Got to give credit to him.

jamie, your side is headed by that don't know what Kim Yong lor. Gan Kim Yong i think. I forever will remember his name because he has the same name as my BIL, lol.

batbat, i agree we need more opposition parties! Sad to say, i feel my area's opp not up to scratch. The quality is important too. Not just have the opposition for the sake of having opposition. Sigh. I was looking forward to seeing who'll be contesting for my area. But this time, unlike my previous time, the choice is very clear lor.
That is why some ppl vote out of fear.

Now I know why some many jurong mummies shout for CC and primary school for past few years but like being "unheard".
That is because it's part of their strategy games to announce during GE period.
Teachers instructed must diet her as she is potentially becoming obese kids. Every 2 hrs need food (especially bread!!).


and, I had a difficult time to cut her nail. Every night by the time she sleep, I also tired n sleep.
butterwaffles: jialat la my side. hmmf. ya i heard cedric foo gd. tink my in laws approach him for help b4, n he nv bo chap. now full of praises for him. but they moved to 680c. that one duno under who also la.

batbat: tink the younger gen also realise that ppl do vote out of fear and is fed up alr, that's y step out to make a stand. but ppl like tin pei lin is a real joke. make the younger gen seem as ignorant as she is. sad case.

did u guys read the fb note on how to choose a maid? it's very interesting. =)
Talking about maid, I just receive this!!

Which Maid to choose

-- I need your urgent advice about employing a maid. As a busy mother, I need someone reliable to help out at home. My maid is from Profits Agency Pte (PAP) and she has worked for me for a long time. Her mother worked for my parents and did an excellent jo...b, so I had faith in her. For several years her performance has been very good, but recently she has become arrogant and insensitive, and is making lots of mistakes. For example: 1) She flooded my kitchen – she told me that the drain pipe has blocked (she was supposed to clear it once a month but didn’t). Then she assured me that it is very rare and won’t happen again in the near future. Guess what? It flooded again within a year! 2) She didn’t close a window and my terrier dog escaped. I was so worried cos he is dangerous and could bite lots of people. After the incident, she didn’t apologise and just shrugged her shoulders saying “What to do, it has happened.” Fortunately my neighbor found the dog and we locked it up again. 3) Without consulting me, she has been bringing in strangers for my house's maintenance work. She says they charge low wages and keep costs down, but they eat my food, make a lot of noise and rest on my bed. I think they even tried to seduce my husband. It stopped feeling like my home, more like a cheap hotel, and I don’t always want to come back at the end of the day. 4) When she first came to work for me, I instructed her to clean the different parts of the house at least once a week. But for some time she has stopped taking care of the bedrooms of PP and H; they are now dirty and messy. I asked why and she told me that the kids had been disobedient, so she was neglecting their bedrooms as a punishment (she has forgotten that she is paid to clean all the rooms). Even though my maid has worked for me for many years and I value what she has done in the past, I think she is now getting complacent. Her attitude is imperious and dismissive. She ignores my comments and basically treats my feedback as "noise". I wrote to the agency about her behavior; they assured me that they are the best agency around and all their maids are “Commited to Serve” – but I think it is just rhetoric and I don’t see that in her actions. Her salary is much higher than maids in other countries, but the agency say this is to keep her honest and stop her moving to another employer. They say there is a limited supply of maids, and Singapore isn’t big enough for more than one good maid agency, so I should not trust their competitors. I have to decide whether to renew my maid’s 5-year employment contract. When we discussed this she said that she is now part of a team, and if I want her I must also accept her friends doing part-time work for me. One friend is very inexperienced, can't do basic tasks or explain what she intends to do. I suspect that she is actually underage. When interviewed, she only seemed interested in her days-off and visiting Universal Studios. When she couldn't answer my questions she stomped her foot and exclaimed, "I don't know what to say!" But I am still expected to pay her a high salary. Now there happen to be a few other maid agencies - Workhard Pte (WP), New Solutions Pte (NSP), Super Personnel Pte (SPP) and Star Domestica Pte (SDP) - that offered me some helpers who seem sincere, genuine and intelligent. They are keen to work, willing to assist me and have a good attitude. I know that they may take a bit of time to learn how everything works, but frankly I am inclined to give them a chance. People say that the devil you know is better than one you don’t. But I feel that I can’t tahan my current maid anymore. Do you think I should sack my current maid and try out a new one? Appreciate your advice. See More
By: Ming Lee Lim
<font color="ff6000">Jamie, can I know what did u complain to that Lawrence guy about?

the one stretch Jurong West Pri Sch, JP and butterwaffles ur house there shld be Pioneer SMC, then Pioneer Mall here Boon Lay etc is West Coast GRC, my In Laws and Parents, the Cityharvest Church, the market there and Gek Poh is Chua Chu Kang GRC....

Like cutting chicken stripes like that.....
batbat, of cos the improvements will only come up during the GE period. I've moved in since Dec 2006 and only now, nearly 5 years, then i see so much stuff being 'improved' at the same time. For me, it's quite straightforward...we can't control how the rest of the singaporeans vote but at least, we get to vote for our own area. Better than not given a choice at all ^^ Those under Tanjong Pagar sure sian half. Your gal has the potential of becoming obese?? Sure or not?! She looks just fine to me. I think her gums are itchy bah, not really hungry right? But small and frequent meals are actually better for the kiddos? For my boy, i feed him porridge or rice with soup around 6.30pm. Then he will eat again when my husband reach home. Then gota give him 2 milk feeds before he zzzz. All within a span of 4 hours or so. He's got a hugh tummy but the chinese physican says he has wind in his stomach
I cut my boy's nails when he is sleeping too, sigh. How to cut if they keep moving about right. Last night was bliss for me as he concussed at 9pm with his father. But like that also means i need to wake up at 1am to feed him milk and change diapers again. Unless he sleeps at 11pm, i usually have to wake up again in the middle of the night. Really tiring right...and my husband still wants #2. I say wait first, wait until my boy is not clingy anymore then see how. He say by then we old already. I say if old already then forget it, at least we have a child, not like we are childless. No help really can peng san. How are you guys coping?

jamie, this maid msg on FB is hilarious!!!! LOL. So interesting and creative, wuhahahaha. I think this came up to remind singaporeans who happened for the past 5 years, hahahahaha! becos singaporeans have short term memories :p

apple, its so confusing *scratch head* 5 years when i voted, i was under AMK GRC but i actually lived at Sengkang. Now my parents are under Sengkang West, no longer under AMK GRC. They also scratch head. Always change the boundaries....
ahhh, my boss finally taking her nap now. =)

batbat: my side is West Coast GRC, but i tot lawrence wong is pioneer smc. he is up against STeve Chia rite? i rmb last nite i saw a link that West Coast has quite a few members in the list for both PAP n opposition. Im confused! If Lawrence wong is pioneer, why did he come to my plc!

apple: let me know if u can see these 2 links:


when the above happened, i called the police and they took some time to arrive. even the ambulance arrived much earlier. after taking my statement, i told them to go upstairs to look for the mad china woman as she stays on the 7th flr. they hesitated and said: ya we will conduct an investigation but if u see, u let us knw, we will come over asap. meaning, they are not gg to go upstairs to knock on her door there and then. when i realised that, i yelled at them "if u guys are not going to do ur job, i will help u go up and find her now!!" the 2 ah gong policemen said "okok if u insist we will go now" i replied "ISNT THAT WAT I HAVE BEEN ASKING U TO DO RITE FRM THE START!"
anyway, they went up but was jus taking a stroll instead of knocking on the doors and asking ard. i asked them y they're not knocking. they say cuz "some people dun like to see police" WTF!! i replied "u guys dun come n tok c**k with me. there's a door open here, pls go n do ur job". there was an old lady in the hse and she didnt understand wat the cops were saying. 1 indian cop and 1 chinese cop. the latter didnt even know hw to say china woman in hokkien!!! luckily her grandson was home. so he pointed to the front n said oh got 1 non local family stay there. see, easy peasy.
anyway, they say in the report that the ah tiong was brgt bk to the station. i dun believe it la. they didnt even wanna go up to find her, whr will bring her in. they allow me to scold them, im sure they are scared of her lor. she damn fierce lei. Sg policemen are really useless. kena scolded by my fren b4 also. they jus keep quiet.
this matter happened in feb/mar. now alr coming may. i called the investigating officer, she say she already doing her best, jus waiting for AH to release the medical report. wait so long lei! i told the summary to lawrence wong, and he simply said "oh, u let my guys know, he will note down and we'll see wat we can do." then turn ard to tok to my neighbor. till now no sound no picture. govt brig so many ah tiong in, now ah tiong bully sgporean kid, PAP wan ppl to vote yet dun wanna do anything. Gd job!

butterwaffles yes, my fb has so many GE topics! it's so interesting esp for me this GE idiot. I nv had to vote therefore was nv interested in all these. ALso, 5 yrs also i was only 22. where gt care abt all these. lol!!!!
cutiebb: NSP seems very strong (duno abt 5yrs ago) so i do have ore confidence in them than RP lor. I believe their party so big, sure can bring abt some changes! moreover if they win more seats, wow wow! pappies better listen up liao! anyway, i tink Steve Chia mentioned that they are gg to have a rally this sat.. at pioneer area.. maybe can pop by looksee and kpo! =D
<font face="segoe ui"> im also idiot for GE lei...haha...cos i never need to vote so never want to bother who is who and what is what...but now since I need to vote, of cos must update abit...haha...

I know Steve Chia is quite strong de during the last round, thats why i think this round he dare to fight for SMC...

anyway our side under PAP, really see didnt much activity or etc, maybe they feel our area are mostly youngesters and very young area, so dun nid to do much...haha....

PAP having their lst rally tml nite at sports complex, i think...and our side will hv a Community bonding nite on 1 may, last minute have the notice put up at the notice board...haha</font>
Re: GE

Last sun, my neigbourhood also have a last min children carnvial w free games &amp; fd like ice cream &amp; pop corn. 有点做作lo. Then cedric foo gave a short speech at d carinval. Obviously d hidden agenda is for d GE mah. Keke

Since today late morning, steve Chia campaign vehicle has been going ard the neighourhood w a pre-recorded msg to vote for NSP. The battle has begun.....
Batbat: yup, I sms one of the RC mbr she say RP go telok blanagah n clementi do rally. N some neighbors report that RP did go visit. Tink they selectively choose blks ba. Which blk r u at? I'm at 630. Didn't c any RP poster under the PAP poster on the lamp post lei. My fren stay teban also say no poster. Ya, fri nite rally for cedric foo, sat nite is steve chia. Ok, I go ask steve chia c whr the rally is held! For cedric foo, I tink is sports hall.
I also under west coast grc! Didn't see anyone around and poster? Maybe cut cost...hehe!
I thought I'm under pioneer smc and turn up to be west coast grc! Only know Cedric foo, not so sure who is from west coast grc...
Jamie I cannot view your links! What's up with the china charbo, really dont get it leh! Eh please, polis won't care. They like to classify stuff, criminal, civil, domestic. I agree with you that the previous GE wasn't so exciting, heh. I was 23 when I voted and it was a real solemn business ok! Heh..No lar, Cedric confirm pioneer lor. You would know who are contesting for your area by those numerous posters right...everywhere I turn I see steve's face leh telling me that I have the power and give pap pressure heh. Pretty exciting I must say!

batbat you want to go for the rallies ah?? Wuhahahaha, good leh, go find out what they have to say heh. I thought tv will broadcast so I never thought of going. Hmmmm....Eh your area reform party contesting meh? Pioneer only pap and NSP. I received a booklet with steve's face on it. Empasizing that voting is absolutely secret, noone will know. The booklet explained the whole procedure and what has to be done if someone really wants to find out who voted for who. I must say he's pretty smart to include that info. He knows that alot of citizens vote out of fear because anything can be traced,
just a matter of whether the gahmen wants to do that or not.

pinky, I also don't know west coast is who....I only saw posters of CCK GRC and pioneer. Abit confused at how they segregate us.

re: gossip
Sad to read from the papers that Michelle Chia divorced liao. She's such a sexy kitten :p
West Coast GRC
PAP Candidates

• Lawrence Wong
• Foo Mee Har
• Arthur Fong
• S Iswaran
• Lim Hng Kiang

RP Candidates

• Andy Zhu
• Frankie Low
• Kumar Appavoo
• Kenneth Jeyaretnam
• Harn Ho
Chua Chu Kang GRC
PAP Candidates

• Gan Kim Yong
• Zaqy Mohamad
• Alvin Yeo
• Low Yen Ling
• Alex Yam

NSP Candidates

• Sebastian Teo
• Tony Tan Lay Thiam
• Hazel Poa
• Nor Lella Mohamed
• Jeisilan Sivalingam
Re: gossip
They seem like very loving!! How come so fast divorce??

For our side West coast grc, I really didnt see any poster but do see other!! Maybe I overlook?
Is lawerence Wong new in our area? I heard of Cedric foo is quite good when people look for him, he will take action!
wow didn't know there was a JW thread that is so active. Haven't been in the forum for awhile. When is the Reform Party rally? My hubby last night went all the way to Hougang to listen haha.

Hey wanted to share with you guys a website selling boardgames for kids &amp; adults, with free delivery in Jurong area
My son and nieces love playing boardgames, and it gets them off the tv, computer and handheld games. So am very pleased
Go check it out www.myfirstgames.sg
Hi mummies do u noe if the mama shop at blk 988C sell thermometer? My elder son down wif fever &amp; my hse thermometer Spoilt Le!
