A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

Hi Mummies,
Good news to share! I enrolled my son in 922 - toddlers full day CC!! He will start on 14 Feb -
V day.
Butterwaffles - bb bday wor.. hahah..

So happy to finally found a nice place. Location is so so .. but will do lah..
Little Sunny

So happy for you!!!!!!!
Location is a little bit far but at least better than Taman Jurong.

How come so lucky to get in huh? I thought say it is full?
hi ashwen,
happy for you hor.... haha good day to start hor....

hi Dbaby,
what is the age group for the swimming and where is the place....
I think I am lucky... coz the PIC doing Feb enrolment. Feb some kids will be upgrading to N1. So will hv space for Feb.. some parents want to start Mar or Apr onli.. so she gives me the place 1st. Afterall I also in waiting list mah..
She said if I want to start in Mar / Apr need to ballot wor.. So of coz I quickly grab.
jts the hair salon I mentioned in Clementi gg to move end of this mth. coz place en-bloc. not sure move where yet.

Hi Batbat and Poshies,
Wow, really lucky lor.
Of course grab lah
I think sometimes if timing hit right, can go in.

Too bad, just too bad for me to stay not near.
Little Sunny

Think about this way.

It is much nearer compare to Taman Jurong.
It is a good CC, n very affordable, govt related, very new, very nice setup, very good comments from butterwaffles and cheesecake, i strongly believe better than some private CC, etc.

How many ppl want to go in but they can't?

If distance is a problem, maybe register to Daystar which is near your block and go in when he is 3 or 4 yrs old?
Hi batbat,
may consider daystar for futre.. I see how 922 goes first.

if only there is new cc at butterwaff / cheesecake house there.. I will surely grab too.

Hi Mummypooh,
from there bus = 241 back to Pioneer MRT
ashwen, congrats! Who knows we might bump into each other at 922!
Actually from your place to 922 is ok one...i walk from my place to 922 in the mornings, take me around 15 mins. From there, i take bus 241 to Pioneer mrt station, pretty alight. After work, i alight at Pioneer mrt and take bus 241 to fetch my boy. The frequency of 241 is pretty alright, so no worries! I'm not so sure about the childcare side but what i can say is, the principal is very steady kind. Thou technically, my block seems nearer to 922, if im taking public transport, its the same as you, we both need to take the same bus and alight at the same place. Do you know there is a parent from your area, her baby gal is at the infantcare at Little Wings blk 553 there? Jurong West St.42 there? Even further lor. So now you have to buy uniforms for your boy? Heh.
Who knows maybe I last min don't want a maid and have to enroll baby to infant care.
We all may be bump into each other?
Actually, think my place (walk) still ok also (can exerise to kill off all my pregnancy fat). Only the uphill walk to stadium is bit sianz...
Make me breathless... me really auntie..

(touch wood) What is the frequency of your baby to fall sickness during infant care?
The sick is as in need to stay at home and cannot stay at CC?

Lately I have been thinking whether I should stop having a maid.
Hello mummies, haven’t been logging in.. was very busy with work.. finally got chance to read the posts..

Ashwen – congrats, your boy can get into the 922 CC le.. share with us how it goes ya

Batbat – for 922, the IFC is good but for CC, I no comments cos my gal never goes there at all and the teachers are different. For my gal, so far she only fell sick at LSH.. that was very frequent, almost like recover already then 1 wk later sick again.. but at 922, think only once but that’s fever after jab.. then currently at Ichiban, only once fever due to teething..

Last Friday, the Ichiban teacher called me during work and told me my gal fight with her classmates! Haha, she so small sized fight sure lose one.. and true enough when hb fetch her, her faces are full of finger marks done by the other classmate. But the other classmate was totally fine cos we cut her fingernails frequently. Though the classmate’s mum told teacher to say sorry to us, my hb felt that the mother should have checked the fingernails of her child. Imagine, the scratches are quite deep and its painful when we washed her face.. then everywhere we go during weekend, someone will ask what happen..
Hi Butterwaffles / cheesecake,
when u walk to 922, do u walk along the main road, pass Caltex or can cut thru the Yunnan estate area?

CC vs Maid
Why I got this thoughts of not having maid as just a week ago, I gave a very good n loud n fierce scolding to my maid due to her "bad manner", especially the way she talk to us, comments about things and say in this manner to my baby, example "oh baby you see, mummy never buy things for you today, the things inside are for other babies..." (it is meant for gifts for somebody babies). And, many other examples.

I told her (loudly n angrily) if you not happy here, let me know and you go to find a better employer. You are only staying here for another 1 yr plus, please dont make us so frustrated with the way you talk to us and to baby. It is very bad manner... etc etc..

She said sorry a few times.

Then guess what, yesterday, she told me her mother "lost her money in Philippines home, don't know who took it", n weep.

We really don't know is true or not.

Why i initially need a maid is due to both of us really don't know how to take care of baby, no support from families (either got other commitment or too sicked), our busy workload, and $$.
batbat, my boy has been in ifc since Nov and he's been sick a few times. But i have to say, twice, it's becos i was sick too and he kenna from me *oops* The most recent illness was about 2 weeks ago, he kenna roseola. The teachers and the principal so worried, call and sms me to ask if its measles. But it's not, it's false measles, heh. He suddenly kenna high fever on Sat morning at 3am then red dots broke out. By Mon, he is up and running but the red dots took more than a week to fade. Then i kenna high fever also (he passed it to me i think), so for a week, i was at home with him, super tiring. But ok lar...take 1 step at a time. I find the ifc teachers good because they will really take note and update me. Like how they feel that my boy's body feel quite warm thou his temp is fine. His lips abit redder than normal, or his stools abit harder, urine smelly (means heaty). A few times, they even took the initiative to ask the auntie help cook barley water for my boy. I must say they are very delicated
I think it's inevitable that young children fall sick. Even if they stay at home and never fall sick, i feel that this is only just delaying the process...every child will go through this phase but this is just my personal opinion lar. If you are considering to do away with maid, you or your husband must be prepared to take leave at short notice and die die must fetch your kid on time. For 922 ifc, parents are allowed to be late twice a year, after that will kenna fine but i can't rem how much, hehe.

ashwen, i walk out of my block to get to the other side (the yunnan estate side), then i walk along the maid road towards Caltex, then i turn left into Yunnan at the Caltex station. Then i walk through the estate, quite ok...just walk right to the end, then turn left, from there have to cross the traffic light. But for you, i suggest you take bus 241. Because you still have to walk past my area leh! That's a long walk...you take bus faster, really. For me still ok because once i reach the stadium, i'm home liao.
HI Batbat,
I don hv a maid, partly coz of the horror stories I heard so much from friends.
I have a friend who took a transfer maid.
This maid whom she has known for few years, was previously her neighbour's maid. She found that the maid is quite good, so she '挖' the maid over.
Then for 1-2 years with her, was ok. Then she started to give in to her maid's request for once a week/mth off, pay increase.. etc.
If she dont give in, the maid will claim husband / children / mother / aunties sick in hometown..cry and cry and want to resign to go back etc..
but after each pay raise , $10 or $20..
the sick person will miraculously recover.... then maybe 1/2 year later another person sick again.. after 2-3 episodes.. my friend was so angry and sent her packing.

Last she heard, the maid returned to S'pore, is working with someone else in the neighbourhd!!
Hi Butterwaffles,
I am considering to use stroller to bring BB back after work. So that why tot to walk.
See how lor.. coz I have nvr brought my son on a public bus before. Or rather I hardly take bus.
It is MRT or HB drives. So I don know if I can handle it if bus too packed,etc.
ashwen, my bestie last time has a maid in her family because of her grandmother. The maid was with them for 8 years but along the way, also started to change. Request this and that, end up got pregnant and the maid aborted the baby secretly. They found out only when the maid went for the routine physical examination. Thou bb gone by then, the hormones still there so the doctor informed my bestie and her family. Now, another maid with her parents but no choice cos her parents work, her grandmother cannot function on her own. Need someone to cook and clean for her...watch over her. Her grandmother can take a cup and go toilet bowl to scoop the water up to drink lor. Such cases really no choice...
Mummies...wana check anyone got any CL to recommend...i recommend one to my gf but then the CL is taken up, so now im helping her to see if there any other good one...can let me noe if u got good recommendation?
ashwen, you can try taking your boy on the bus on weekends
Just try out the route first lor. Try walking too, then u can see if you can tahan walking back home everyday. If it rains? Are you going to walk as well? I know it is difficult to carry him on 1 arm and climb up the bus with the other and still need to scan the ezlink card. Nowadays my boy hates to be in the carrier so i lan-lan carry him and it's no joke carrying a 10.5kg weight on 1 arm, with my workbag and a backpack (his schoolbag where i bring his blanket & bolster - the centre doesn't allow me to leave his blanket & bolster there, everyday bring home. and sometimes, need to bring 1 week's supply of clean towels, washcloth or misc stuff like diaper cream) & walk 15 mins. If u end up deciding to use a stroller, try out the route too & find the smoothest path because u might have difficulty 'crossing' to the caltex side with a stroller. Carrying your boy to 'cross' might be easier :p

cutiebb, i never had a CL but i know there are agencies who can, on short notice, appoint a CL for you. Here's one website that i know: http://www.gplsconfinementnanny.com.sg/
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Fragrance Bak Kwa</font>

Any mummies keen to order Fragrance bak kwa? Someone in the forum organised a BP awhile back but i didnt managed to order in time. Now she emailed me to say she got 3kg of bak kwa. But i dun need so much. So was wondering if anyone of you here keen to share with me. I was thinking of getting courier to go pick it up from her, coz pickup location is at Commonwealth Crescent..</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Butterwaffles</font>
I just need about 1-2kg. It's $39.50 per kg - tender slice de. She had a BP awhile back at this same price. Pickup location is at Commonwealth Crescent, so i tot whoever who's keen to share with me can share courier cost as well
Yes, having a maid does have its pros n cons.
See how bah.
If she come out with more "patterns" or unreasonable things, I always have other option like a nanny or IFC (even if it cost more).
batbat, thou ifc costs more, i feel it might be worth it if you manage to find a good centre. I can really see the progress in my boy and things that i never thought he can do, he actually can! Or maybe my expectations of him too low. Hahahaha! Btw, count me in for the bak kwa! Let me know how much i have to pay? I will PM you for your bank account details. So you taking 2kg? I'm fine with 1kg

I m not the bak kwa lobang.
It's lovemaxmax.

Yes, I agreed for IFC it will benefit more in terms of "education, physical, etc". That why in the first place we source for IFC.
We went Whispering heart, follow by the 2 MFS (Jur Point and Blk671) and Little Skool House. We didn't go for the rest which was further.
Wow, either totally no place or super expensive.

I discussed with baby's daddy and he not really supportive to enroll her to IFC now, unless we really see the maid do something real bad.
So, till then I will try to wait in Oct/Nov which is another 10mths.

If really maid attitude turn very bad or abuse my 2 little darling (my baby gal and baby chihuahua), of course I will kick her out, make police report.
ILoveMaxMax, eh so sorry i typed too fast...hahahaha....do PM me if you are still keen to share :p

batbat, frankly, if PCF never offer ifc, i can never be able to afford. When i was searching, 922 was practically the only centre that's affordable for us. It's not exactly near either but i was desperate to 'save' my boy from my crazy MIL. I was lucky that the centre turned out to be great and if not for the fact that my MIL is abit screwed in the head, i might not even consider moving to Sengkang/Punggol. She is too scary, i don't know to explain. For ifc, i feel the younger they join, the better. The teachers have also told me that actually, as long as the babies are not mobile yet, they are considered easy to handle, one teacher can easier handle 2 or 3. But once they start being mobile, really need to pay more attention already. The principal told me at 8 or 9 months, there is still a chance that the baby cannot fully recognise the people around him yet so still ok but once near 1 year old, that's it. There'll be a 14 month old boy joining ifc next month and the teachers expect him to be slightly more difficult liao because he will really know what's going on. I can understand your husband's concern as my husband reacted the same way when i no longer wanted my MIL to take care of my boy. But i guess he had no choice (i was quite insistent lar), plus his colleagues have kids in ifc too, so it assured him abit more but it's only when he saw how our boy progressed and how the teachers constantly updates us, then he started to accept and appreciate my decision. But still, he is against sending a young infant to ifc, minimum must be around 6months. Even when my boy went ifc at 8 months old, he still feels that it's too early....heartpain lor. Wah you still have a doggie! It's like you have 2 kids leh.
For 922, it is really affordable for IFC!
I believe in "education" too, rather always stay at home. That is why I am eager to send my gal to CC once she reach 18mths to explore, listen, learn and feel. Don't want to rely on maid. They are not "qualified" teacher, their social ethic, upbringing &amp; etc is totally different from us.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">batbat</font>
my maid doesn't even teach my boy ANYTHING. whole day i see him walking around the hs, sitting on his high chair or playing with his toys, while she's doing the housework, or just talking to MIL's maid.

But den again, she's not a teacher, n she's only engaged to help look after my kid. so i canot expect too much from her. As long as she looks after my boy properly, no injury, he eats &amp; sleeps, i guess i cannot complain much.

but like u.. i'm beginning to wonder if i should do away with my maid, since her contract is ending in May already. Coz my #2 will be going to childcare in June. Once #2 goes to cc, she'll be v v free le... basically i wouldn't need her until my boys come back from school. BUT humans being humans, i've already had external help for the past 1+yrs, if suddenly i have to do everything myself again, i'm kinda hesitant..</font>

Some of d design r quite nice &amp; sweet.
wat if d size doesn't fit? Can we change for another size? As different shoes has different cuting though they r of d same size?
Ilovemaxmax, i was thinking the same thing as batbat. Frankly, even with 1 child, i find it hard to cope with housework. If my husband helps out more, it can be more managable but it's difficult lar. Some people feel it's not worth the time and effort to do housework, may as well spend the time on your kids. But i think a clean environment is important right? And what, clean clothes drop from the sky ah? If i have the budget, i will engage a regular part-time cleaner to help me out on weekends, but i don't, so i lan-lan try my best to do whatever is more urgent first.

ashwen, ever tried buying shoes from bubble gummers? I very sua ku, recently shop for shoes for my boys, then saw this brand at Taka, very affordable as well because it's under BATA i think, hahahaah. I bought 1 pair of shoes and 1 pair of sandals for $19.90 each before 20% discount. I quite like the shoes!
Talking about BP.
Remember the ngoh hiang BP, I tired and the taste was good! But, too expensive. My Mr say go out to buy from Zi Char is much cheaper and someone fried for us.

Housework with babies
I read somewhere in SMH, someone bought this robot machine (circle shape) and auto sweep the floor. Cost almost $1k. May quite worth it (just 2 mths of maid pay)? My floor need to sweep as I got my baby chihuahua. :p
Hi butterwaffles,
I also very sua ku ... nvr see this brand before.. got chance will check out.

Hi Batbat,
jus ytd I was looking for the robot vaccum too.
the original type famous brand is $1k plus, but I was other brands in mkt $270~690 plus. Also thinking to get one.

This is wipe type :
I like that is really goes to the edge.

This is vacuum type :


Batbat u can consider this


dun know if really good.

many more models...
Ashwen, butterwaffles,

Yup, I only heard of d bata brand for kids when my Sil bought a pair for boy. Coz tat time my boy Only have 1 of d front tooth &amp; another 1 still embedded inside, dun wana to come out. So theres a old saying to ask d "Gugu to buy shoe, Tyen d tooth will grow out". Me also duno tats from bata too..

Btw I recently bought 2 pairs of shoes from the below Bp, d design quite nice &amp; soft. They have both girl &amp; boy boy shoes; &amp; if d size can't fit can go down to their shop to change.

little sunny

Ok, I check later.
Got any BP on this to get cheaper?

Going to see doc shortly.
Suay.. CNY coming and feeling unwell.
cough like hell.

5 mths ago I bought a "hello kitty" shoes for my gal, got discount, meant for CNY.
But, already start to use last mth as it is getting smaller for her feet!
Got no chioce went to IMM colette factory outlet to buy another new one n i make sure i buy bigger, just in case suddenly her feet get bigger again.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Bubble Gummers</font>
aahh... didnt noe there's discount at Taka. I just bot a pair of bubble gummers shoes for Malcolm from JP Bata. I like this brand. Cheap, nice and comfy!! hehe...

i v stingy lah.. dun wish to spend so much on baby's shoes coz they outgrow it way too fast!!!

<font color="ff0000">butterwaffles</font>
thanks so much for helping to pick up the bak kwa!!!!!!

<font color="ff0000">butterwaffles / batbat</font>
ya.. i have to get part-time helper.. with 2 kids, i dunno how m i going to go about doing housework, on weekends when my hb is at work. n worse thing.. he works full day on SAT, boo hoo
ashwen, you really considering to get those auto robot cleaners?? My husband will never ever agree to get one, wuhahahaha. Last night he just scolded for me for being so messy. I'm like, whatever...i tired leh kaoz, don't expect me to keep the house neat 24/7, i rather sleep if i have the time!

Ilovemaxmax, hey not a problem! My husband was free that day, so he didn't mind lar. But he was complaining about the bak kwa packaging last night bcos he was cutting them into small pieces and cos the bak kwa was vaccumed packed, he had a hard time with the bak kwa, he say hard to remove nicely, lol. I told him it's ok, anyway eat already, come out also s.h.i.t ;p I can understand, i only have 1 kid and i feel like dying, so not to mention you have 2 lor. But if you get a part-time helper, are you still going to cook? I assume it's your maid who's doing the cooking now?

re: bubble gummers
I'm in love with this brand. Hahahah...later lunch time i will pop by Peninsula Plaza Bata to take a look. This is my favourite branch, it really has alot more variety.
afternoon mummies...

long long time din post.... haha been busy with lot lot of activies.... how is everyone getting ready for CNY????
manage to bot a top for my CNY last fri, got all the clothes for my kids and hubby....

manage to wash the cover for my sofa and curtain last week... took so long to dry all thanks to the weather but luckily maange to keep it done.... also went to CNY tour with my RC, so bot all the CNY food and goodies... think my hubby already clean the toilet and clean the window might ask him to clean the toliet again... haha i don clean the toliet one so... must ask hubby to do it... so as cleaning the floor... so my hubby is the robot for floor cleaning.... haha he is more fussy of the cleaniness than mine and he was task to do it even before my son is born.... so not too must of problem, plus he hate maid... .so he rather do it.... if u ask for part time... he will tell u to paid him... luckily i do not need to iron his clothes, plus i tried to buy mine those type no need to iron.... so housework... i only need to make sure got water to drink, thing in order, dinner is serve (either purchase or cook) plus washing of dishes, sometime he will help plus washing of clothes.... so it is still management with 2 kids.... plus i tried to buy less thing less thing to organise... also ask my boy to do the correct thing, let put back his toys, book, shoes and dirty clothes.... so u can rest more...
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">butterwaffles</font>
haha... my FIL oso tried to eat it.. n had some difficulty taking it out coz of the vacuum packaging.

We dun cook at home. Go over to my ILs place for dinner Mon - Fri (coz my kids are there). Sat usually eat out.. Sun at my parents' place. So no cooking needed for me ah..

<font color="ff0000">Poshies</font>
hehe.. great tat u are kinda prepared le. Somehow i find there's not much mood this yr leh.. do u feel the same too??</font>

poshies, envy you lar! My husband will NEVER touch the toilet. No way. Give him 1 million he also won't touch. Last time he damn jialat one, nowadays he is much better, maybe because my boy is older already. He helps out more when it comes to my boy. So i got nothing to say, wuhahahaha. This year quite okie for me because less 1 room + toilet to clean since we've rented out our MBR, lol.

Ilovemaxmax, when i was married without kids, i can still feel the CNY mood lar because i got the time to clean and decorate my house and shop for clothes but now hor...heh. Last year CNY i was at KKH. This year? Totally not prepared and don't intend to prepare anything, lol. The only 'CNY' food i bought was the bak kwa. Then we stocked up drinks in the fridge in case friends come over for mj. Since you don't have to cook, really can seriously consider letting go the maid....but if one day you fall sick or your kids are sick and your husband not around, you will peng san. If your in-laws confirm plus guarantee chop are available to help, then no issue lar...really can consider getting part-time helper instead. Or you can continue with this maid until your kids are older?
