A fresh thread looking for JURONG mummys...

re: facebook
Eh, now i remember there is a Jurong mummies under Facebook right??

poshies, i just saw your email! Okok, tonight i add you...i think it's because i set my privacy level to the highest, lol!

My husband also agrees that it will be tough on me if we have #2 now because my boy is still young, still need to focus alot on him. What's he concerned about is the age gap. Maybe the age gap between him and his brothers very small, so he has this mentality that a closer age gap would mean that the siblings are closer, but i think it's not true bah. Another concern of his is, when my boy goes childcare, my dad will help. My parents are still in reasonably good health now so he feels that now is also ok, if wait too long, by then really no other form of help at all. ZzzZzZ. Headache. I don't want #2 to be an accident one too, if have #2, i want it to be a planned one.

re: walking
Can mummies share how you all discover your kids can walk already? My boy will always try to cheong towards me but i always hold him, scared to let him cheong without support. When did you all decide to let your hands go? lol. Teachers feedback that my boy can take 3 steps (at most) on his own without support. But he never does that at home. He did walk a few steps too, at my mum's place and i witnessed it as well but it happened so fast lor.
Poshies, thanks for adding me..

butterwaffles - you also in FB.. can add me too..

RE: Walking
My gal will keep wanting to stand up and try to walk, but its only when I hold her hand. After sometime, she is actually quite stable, but just dont want to let go.. In fact, it was the IFC teachers who used the walker toy in school to "train" her everyday.. then one fine day, she was standing beside me but suddenly just let go and walk by herself..
Hi to all Jurong Mummies,

Would like to check with you if there are any good speech and drama classes in Jurong West Ave 1 area? Thinking of enrolling my son (gg to 4yo). Thanks in advance for your advice!
Hi Batbat,
no PJ. Coz I can't be sure of the sources for PJ is Authentic or not... so I wont bring in to sell.
I buy my son PJ from BP. Gap PJ - $7 + only.

I have hair accessories. U want booties for ur girl?

most of my stuff, is target boys coz I hv boy mah.. so diff to find stuff for him. So I do BP myself. heehee..
plenty of bp for girl stuff already...

U keen to buy anything fr nissen?
I am ordering. Free shipping ending tmr.
If u want let me know asap.
Hi batbat,

the website in english.
and price U can so to top right corner (green backgrd) to change the currency to SGD.
Little Sunny
Its ok lah.
Skip me the nissen.
I am waiting for a seller to reply in BP first.
Thanks a lot of your help.
Hi Batbat,
I ordered my nissen liao.

btw , my hb went to KL last week and he bought an Ultraman suit for my son - it even comes with a head cum face mask!!

Our little superhero now has
Ultraman - costume!!
Litte Sunny,

That is cute!
Acutally hor, I wanted a son.
I thought I having one during the first few mths.
Cos I kown I will buy buy buy for her clothes.
Well, now I know, it doesn't matter girl or boy, cos will still buy buy buy.


Anyway, my baby girl look like a boy!! Even wearing a dress.
Hi batbat,

ya.. I just buy and buy for my son. Even boy boy can dress up mah..

don worry abt ur gal looking like boy - coz her hair still short mah.
by 1 year plus ~ 2 when hair grows out to certain length will auto look like gal.

I hv few friend's gals including my niece all look like boy before 1 yr. Now all ok liao.
It is the hair style.
Hi Little Sunny,

I hope so.
It doesn't matter lah, she is still my sweetest baby (of course not forgetting my dog also).

I bought some dresses from the BP too. I go for cheaper n affordable one, most ex is abt $15 (after discount).
Pocket burn super big big hole.
Hope the quality is good and comfy.
I have order Nutella roll and fruit tarts from a lady staying near our place for BP.

but not meat stuff type of food from BP, don know got license or not. haha..

anyway, my bro makes very yummy ngoh hiang and spring rolls..
no need to order from outside.
Little Sunny

Is it common for normal posting parcel to be lost?

I bought some stuff last week online and according to them, they are sending on 06Jan and 07Jan separately.

For 06Jan, I supposed to receive by latest Monday right?

If it is really lost, how?
Can call post office to retrieve back and find?
Hi Batbat,

Recently it is quite common for delay of 1-2 days in parcel delivery by singpost as festive season - too many items liao.

But kudos to them, as I have seen some postman doing delivery even as late as 10 pm.

Also your seller sent out on 6 Jan and 7 Jan - wat time? If they missed the cut off time by singpost, it will be considered the next day's mail. So will delay 1 more day.

So far, I have only encounter once when item I order did not arrive for normal parcel - I did not get any refund or replacement coz BP seller already stated she is not resp. for lost mail.
Normal postage - u call post office they will tell u to wait few days more coz they don track normal postage.

For items I sent out, I encountered 2 cases of lost and returned parcel.
1st case - address label dropped out
2nd case - stamp dropped out
I switched to the sticker type of stamp and hand write address thereafter.

But I encountered 1 scary case - the parcel is too big to fit into mailbox. So usually postman will bring up to the house. But no one in - so the postman pass to the next door neighbour!!!
Then neighbour did not pass to the receipient until 2 days later!! Imagine the neighbour kept the item! That happened abt 3 weeks ago during Xmas season.
Hi Little Sunny,

I just called Post Office.
Was told for non-paper (that means odd shape), cannot sort by machine and need manual sorting. Hence, takes 4 to 5 working days.
The actual time, I don't know, they never say.

I cheapo, so see here n there which BP got clearance (eg $5 or $9 or 30% discount type) and buy from different sources and didn't pay for registered mail.

How can post officer pass to next door?
This is their policy?
My first time heard of this!
<font color="0000ff">I'm so not prepared for CNY. We just came back from a trip.. clothes are still everywhere, not packed yet.. sighz..

do u all find that this yr CNY like v rush. no time to spring clean the house manz</font>
batbat, never ordered from the lady from the link you've provided before but i've ordered from the one where ashwen ordered from. I ordered nutella rolls, cheese &amp; choc tarts &amp; cheese &amp; blueberry tarts from her to give to my boy's infantcare centre teachers for Xmas. Nice! She lives next to Pioneer mrt station.

poshies, nothing to prepare for CNY leh. Except angbaos *vomit blood* Every year CNY i same thing one, buy ALOT of drinks. That's it. I don't buy anything else. But this year, i buy choc cake from my colleague who will be selling *yum yum* to give to family and friends.

ashwen, every year i want to get people to do spring cleaning for me, every year i end up doing it myself...sigh.

re: registered/normal mail
Usually, i choose registered mail, especially if im buying things for my boy. But recently, i bought 30 pieces of Dermal masks from gmarket and i chose normal mail. Hope will be ok ah....
i also looking for part time cleaner for spring cleaning...no time to finish up everything myself...if have, i would like to hv the contact too...thanks
Little Sunny,
Your BP, all the girl baby shoes OOS?
Any re-stock but bigger size for 18mth n above?
Source for girl one leh.

Part time cleaner
Can try those agents eg A-Team.

The Pioneer Cakes Lady
Got her BP link? Let me see see?

All the BP items
Yes, I finally got all the things.
Luckily I get it else my $$ gone.

Leap frog DVD
Yes, I got it too.
My maid have start to play for her.
I didn't really listen or see for myself. So busy the past one to two weeks.
MFS Kang Ching Road has space for Toddlers class now. But I decided to pass on it coz it is too out of the way. OK, I admit I am lazy.
But visited the place. Is nice.
So anyone interested can quickly call them up.

I finally visited 922, after hearing so much good comments from here. Wow so nice! But now no space also. Hope by Mar-11, got space.
Hi Ashwen,

Where's Kang Ching road? Blur blur.... U went for another round of enrollment?

One qns, must be child reach 18mth then he or she can enter toddler class? Can it be less than 18mth? Keke
Hi Mummypooh,
hahah... I had the same Qn when I received their call. It is actually at Taman Jurong. I think one of the Jurong west branch passed my contact to them. Coz I didnt reg with them.

Yes. 18 mth and above toddler class. Before that is Infantcare...
Ohh, tats reali far. I onli heard of Yuan ching rd wor.keke. Unless yr transport or workplace near there, esle v siong to send &amp; fetch yr boy to sch.

Today me also registered for N1 classes at Daystar coz it's so near my plc. So better faster book. When my boy reach 3 yr old, hopefully he can have a place there. Juz keep my finger cross. Keke

Kids shoe
Where do u normally get yr boy's shoe? Can't find a nice shoe for CnY, those designs at kiddy palace a bit "old" le.
Hi mummypooh,
Kang ching rd is a small rd off yuan ching road.

how old is ur son now?
U hv to pay for reg at Daystar?

Kids shoes,
I normally get my boy's shoes from Fox / Ososhkosh when got sales. When Kidstyle, have trade-in old shoes offer. Is good time to buy.
I bought one sporty look one from kiddy palace.. cck branch. not bad also.

U can try the BP as well.

I have prewalker shoes BP. If u interested, PM me.
does anyone know where to get ceramic scissors?
I hv seen ceramic knife sold at NTUC, CK tang, John Little etc. but no one selling scissors leh.
I looking for a small one to bring out and cut BB's food. the stainless steel type easy to rust.
batbat, looks like ashwen gave you the link for the lady making nutella rolls liao, hahahaah.

ashwen, no lar, the centre must be convenient enough leh, everyday travel to &amp; fro no joke you know. Oh, you went 922 just now? Heh. Don't know if you've seen my boy but not likely cos he'll be at the infantcare side. I now jialat liao, the PCF branch i've been waiting for at Sengkang now then tell me only for kids between 2 months to 3 years old. No way i will subject my boy to another change of environment when he turns 3! So now im back to searching for a centre for my boy and it's tough. Called up 8 and all full for this year at least. Now waiting for 1, if the parent before me decides to give up her slot, i'll be able to secure a place for my boy *stressed*

re: prewalker shoes
ashwen's pre walker shoes are very nice! Too bad my boy cannot fit else i sure buy lor. Till now no shoe for my boy. Just cannot find the size. Either too small or too big.
Hi Ashwen,

My boy onli 13 mth plus, No le. I onli fill up d form to be under waiting list lo. Btw do u submit yr boy passport pic whenever u put his name under waiting list?

Me also get from fox &amp; osh khosh. But I wana to find a leather like soft shoe to match his Cny clothes. Keke. Do u have those kind of shoe for 13 mth?


I'm nw using portable mummy" fd processor from combi &amp; it's comes w a spoon &amp; a case which I find it quite easy to use. Tint it's made of plastic like material nt those ceramic.

Pioneer cakes lady
Only the fruit tart appeals to me.

Hope little sunny can get in 922.
How I wish I stay nearer.. and I can save $100 per mth (or more if include enrichment class)... hahaha..

Oh looks like in Punggol area, also like Jurong. Govt must open more and best those affordable one like 922, sparklettots or MFS type. Still want us to give birth more babies but affordable n reputable CC is so "hard" to get in. So without such "set up", how to have more?
mummypooh, i saw very nice soft leather shoes at Isetan. Can't rem the brand but one pair costs like $89.90! That weekend Isetan had a storewide 20% i think...can't rem the brand aiyah. At Parkway Parade thou...

batbat, are you going to order the tarts? I like the nutella rolls
But my husband say so-so, he says thou cheap, the nutella rolls are very easy to make. Hahaha...as if he has the time to make lor. Ya, headache also at northeast side. Now i'm waiting anxiously. But even if i can manage to secure a place for my boy, i also worry. Worry that the new centre's teachers are not as caring &amp; responsible as the ones at 922 now. They really set the standard already, any lower that that, i'm gona be really disappointed. Hope the principal will call me by Friday to give me good news. There are like 4 MSF centres within walking distance from my parents' place and 1 lady called to tell me my boy's name if put on the waiting list for the toddlers' group is under no. 300. I'm like what?! Then she told me 300 ok lar, maybe wait around 12-15 months should have place already. I'm like, right...then she told me some centres have waiting list of up to 800. I told her it's ok, i can't wait 12 months.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Ashwen</font>
U can try getting the Tiny Bites Food Shears. There is a BP ongoing.


Comes in a pair with cover. Can bring out to cut ur kid's food. I've been having this scissors all along. Den recently my China trip, i left it in the backpack. Forgot to checkin, and they confiscated it, say cannot bring scissors up the plane! Duh!!!

So i got no choice but to get another pack. So heartache wor

<font color="ff0000">RE:Shoes</font>
Talking about shoes, I just realised I've to get 1 pair of shoes for my #2. He so poor thing. Always wearing pass-me-down stuff. Be it clothes, sandals. I only found out he doesn't have a single pair of shoes. Horrible mummy rite!!!

<font color="ff0000">CNY Preparations</font>
Are u all ready for CNY? I'm so NOT ready. Dunno why but find this yr especially rushing. No mood and no time to do anything. Ohh.. but i do feel like baking pineapple tarts and trying Kueh Bangkit. Hopefully edible manz..

D shoe is for adult or children? If 80 plus bucks for kids is reali expensive. somemore they grow v fast &amp; will outgrow their shoes in no time. So far, my boy aldy outgrow 2 pairs of his shoe since he's 6mth.

Any mummies heard of talent plus playgroup at Blk 653A? Coz I always saw lots of parents peeping at d windows to c their kids, somim wondering isit gd? Is there any gd playgroup center in our area?
Alamak, i think i m addicted to BP in SMH.
Sometimes to the extend of check the BP on my iphone.
(using my laptop too abvious)

morning mummies....

been really busy with worker as 1 of the co left and need to handle her stuff till the new one come in which don know when.... hahha

hi batbat,
there are times i was addicted but it is a pass phase.... haha other thing will be come important again......

CNY shoes &amp; clothes
i had only get new shoes for myself.... my hubby got his bro to get from him when he is in state....s so now don know to get for my kids anot..... haiz.... they had already got all their new clothes... except i need to get 1 more pant for my son....... but i have get any thing new to wear for CNY how how.....

For CNY clothes
I am budget type. So when during Oct to Dec period got sales, I will buy a few (if any) to stock up for CNY. Most of the time my causual wear is simple type. Either a dress or a top over jeans or bermudas.
And, guess where is my favourite shopping mall?? City square near Paya Lebar MRT.
I will spend twice a year to go there, spend whole afternoon to buy cheap clothes (Anything from $10 to less than $30 for normal outfit to good quality clothes). Of course dont expect it is latest trend, it could be one or two yrs ago fashion. But, I am ok since I am already "auntie". hahahaha

May be hit out to Jurong Point this weekend to buy grab something?
I bought a lot of clothes for my baby gal (about 20 pieces). All the way from now to almost 3 yrs old.
The quality is pretty good (and cheap as most are ranging from $5 to $16).
But two pieces are unexpectedly small cutting.

Think next time I must see the measurement clearly and ask for it if didn't state.

I trying to stop now as I believe after CNY, there may be more sales.

i havent shop for myself...haha....will start this few days till before eve of CNY....haha....but for my ger, just need to get her shoes and socks and hers will be ready...JP so many ppl everyday, makes me so sianz to shop lor
