(2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

My bump showed up last week around week9-10. Maybe because this is my #2 pregnancy & thus more obvious?
Ironically, I haven't been eating well due to MS and should I feel relieved that bump is growing..?

Yes I was told baby always growing so you have nothing to worry hehe.
Hi mth, I am bring paranoid again. Whenever I sneeze I feel a bit discomfort at tummy area. Will sneezing cause any harm to the pregnancy?
Hi mth, I am bring paranoid again. Whenever I sneeze I feel a bit discomfort at tummy area. Will sneezing cause any harm to the pregnancy?

Maybe cos your ab muscles flexed and you are not used to the sensation of something blocking. Ok one! This morning I woke up to find the baby in some odd position so one side of my tummy was sticking out at some funny angle, had to massage it gently then it shifted back lol
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Maybe cos your ab muscles flexed and you are not used to the sensation of something blocking. Ok one! This morning I woke up to find the baby in some odd position so one side of my tummy was sticking out at some funny angle, had to massage it gently then it shifted back lol

Thanks for sharing. How many weeks are you now? U can feel the baby already? I can't feel much except of the mild cramps on and off.... cause I am in 14 weeks only.
Hope mummies here had a good weekend.

I had a scare this morning when I woke up, I felt my bladder is full yet when I made a trip to the bathroom I couldn't pee at all! I was so worried & walk around my bedroom for about 5-10min & went to bathroom to pee again. Thank gdness, there's urine output. Did any mummy experienced such symptom before?
Hi ladies,

My doc asked me to go down to discuss on harmony test results.... I am super worried now.... cause if everything is normal, then I dun think i need to do down and nurse can just tell me the results..... Super worried and sad now.... Made appt at 4pm... dun think I can have a peace of mind till 4pm....
Hi ladies,

My doc asked me to go down to discuss on harmony test results.... I am super worried now.... cause if everything is normal, then I dun think i need to do down and nurse can just tell me the results..... Super worried and sad now.... Made appt at 4pm... dun think I can have a peace of mind till 4pm....
What happens if Harmony test is positive or high risk?? My entire mind is worried and can't stop thinking about the worst case scenario..... It will be a long wait till 4pm.... :confused:
What happens if Harmony test is positive or high risk?? My entire mind is worried and can't stop thinking about the worst case scenario..... It will be a long wait till 4pm.... :confused:
Take care!! Dun think so much until u c the gynae. I know it's hard maybe just take a nap then can go gynae.
Hi ladies,

My doc asked me to go down to discuss on harmony test results.... I am super worried now.... cause if everything is normal, then I dun think i need to do down and nurse can just tell me the results..... Super worried and sad now.... Made appt at 4pm... dun think I can have a peace of mind till 4pm....

*hugs* Hopefully it's just the doctor wanting to provide more personal service or something.

If the doctor made you worry needlessly you better give him a good scolding!
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Thanks MTB,

I asked the nurse how is my results. She said doc will explain to me. She dun want to reveal the results. I am really uneasy. Cause my friend who did harmony test, her doc call her and tell her the results are okie. She doesn't need to make appointment. I hate to think on the bad side now but I just can't help it. :( I am trying to be strong here.
What happens if Harmony test is positive or high risk?? My entire mind is worried and can't stop thinking about the worst case scenario..... It will be a long wait till 4pm.... :confused:

Relax dear~ maybe it's just professionalism n rightful for them to explain? Is it your usual apptment frequency? Like mine was abt every 2 weeks. So my apptment was arranged shortly after nurse called.
Thanks MTB,

I asked the nurse how is my results. She said doc will explain to me. She dun want to reveal the results. I am really uneasy. Cause my friend who did harmony test, her doc call her and tell her the results are okie. She doesn't need to make appointment. I hate to think on the bad side now but I just can't help it. :( I am trying to be strong here.

Probably gynae prefer to explain to you face to face, don't worry & be positive!
I have gotten the test results and stated at the bb will have 1% (1 out of 100) chance of having Turner Syndrome. Doc suggest I can take amniocentesis to confirm but I worried about the risk of miscarriage 0.5% and also what if it is confirm positive? What should I do?
I have gotten the test results and stated at the bb will have 1% (1 out of 100) chance of having Turner Syndrome. Doc suggest I can take amniocentesis to confirm but I worried about the risk of miscarriage 0.5% and also what if it is confirm positive? What should I do?

Well, it's not a very high percentage... Confirm with amnio then see how. Experienced doctor should be fine, they would have done it for years... Singapore doctors have much better skills than world average. I did amnio for my #1 it's not very painful and doctor will give you antibiotics and just rest a lot after that and take it easy.

I've been reading about Turner's, it's supposed to be manageable... I suppose cross that bridge when you come to it.
Well, it's not a very high percentage... Confirm with amnio then see how. Experienced doctor should be fine, they would have done it for years... Singapore doctors have much better skills than world average. I did amnio for my #1 it's not very painful and doctor will give you antibiotics and just rest a lot after that and take it easy.

I've been reading about Turner's, it's supposed to be manageable... I suppose cross that bridge when you come to it.

Thanks! I am trying not to be too negative about it. It's only 1% chance. And hopefully the ammnio test will give a more accurate results. There is still a fear that the ammnio test will come out positive. Hard to be a happy postive mummy to be now...
Thanks! I am trying not to be too negative about it. It's only 1% chance. And hopefully the ammnio test will give a more accurate results. There is still a fear that the ammnio test will come out positive. Hard to be a happy postive mummy to be now...

May be a false positive..

A close friend of mine also had similar results after her harmony test. She later went to a doc at this private medical centre behind tanglin's traders hot where she got a very experienced doc to do detail scan..

The doc who did the scan said her bb is ok.. And true enough, her baby gal was born a healthy pretty baby..

Perhaps u should get a second opinion before doing any invasive test like ammnio tests

Contact http://www.ssr.com.sg/ explain to the nurses ur situation and would like to seek a 2nd opinion. Think it cost my friend 500$ for the scan..
May be a false positive..

A close friend of mine also had similar results after her harmony test. She later went to a doc at this private medical centre behind tanglin's traders hot where she got a very experienced doc to do detail scan..

The doc who did the scan said her bb is ok.. And true enough, her baby gal was born a healthy pretty baby..

Perhaps u should get a second opinion before doing any invasive test like ammnio tests

Contact http://www.ssr.com.sg/ explain to the nurses ur situation and would like to seek a 2nd opinion. Think it cost my friend 500$ for the scan..

Thanks! May I know what is the doc that did the scan for her? And what is the name of the detail scan?
Detailed scan is also called anomaly scan. I think have to do later though, 20weeks or so. But yeah there may be physical markers so don't need to do invasive. Get a second opinion first. Last time I did at Radlink Diagnostic Imaging at Paragon also $500.
Thanks! May I know what is the doc that did the scan for her? And what is the name of the detail scan?
I think it's Dr Anandakumar. But what is the name of the sure, I'm not sure.

Heard this Dr specialises in such scans.. My friend went for invasive before gg to him. He said it's really not necessary for invasive tests first.

Get 2nd opinion first before deciding k?

Jia you!
Thank you all for your advice. I will check out 2nd opinion if possible. Trying not to think too hard on this and really trying hard to hope for the best for my girl. I have a difficult road to getting pregnant and I really really want my girl grow to be a healthy little one.
Thank you all for your advice. I will check out 2nd opinion if possible. Trying not to think too hard on this and really trying hard to hope for the best for my girl. I have a difficult road to getting pregnant and I really really want my girl grow to be a healthy little one.

Jia you!!
Thanks! I am trying not to be too negative about it. It's only 1% chance. And hopefully the ammnio test will give a more accurate results. There is still a fear that the ammnio test will come out positive. Hard to be a happy postive mummy to be now...
Hi try to stay positive! I have a bad Oscar results n after consideration I decide to go ammnio! Will b doing next week! This few weeks of waiting is really agony but i tried my best not to think too much! Jiayou!
Thanks Ladies, if I were to go for Ammnio test, how is the procedure like? Must I be warded?

Is there a chance that the Amnio test results will be completely different from the Harmony test results?
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Thanks Ladies, if I were to go for Ammnio test, how is the procedure like? Must I be warded?

Is there a chance that the Amnio test results will be completely different from the Harmony test results?

Don't have to be warded, it's a fairly simple procedure. Just ultrasound to see position of baby, doctor will stick a syringe like drawing blood but into the amniotic sac and draw a bit of fluid. Then usual alcohol rub, prescribe antibiotics, and ask you to sit and rest for half hour.

I understand harmony test has 99% detection accuracy for downs, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome, but am not sure about other things because the test is specifically targeted at these 3 only. Also, it does have a 1 in 1600 possibility of false positives even for the 3 targeted genetic disorders because there can be cross contamination from maternal cells.
Don't have to be warded, it's a fairly simple procedure. Just ultrasound to see position of baby, doctor will stick a syringe like drawing blood but into the amniotic sac and draw a bit of fluid. Then usual alcohol rub, prescribe antibiotics, and ask you to sit and rest for half hour.

I understand harmony test has 99% detection accuracy for downs, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome, but am not sure about other things because the test is specifically targeted at these 3 only. Also, it does have a 1 in 1600 possibility of false positives even for the 3 targeted genetic disorders because there can be cross contamination from maternal cells.

Thank you for sharing.
I read on another forum (American) that one mummy had 16% chance Turner through harmony test, went for amnio and results were all clear in the end. Don't worry too much k?
I read on another forum (American) that one mummy had 16% chance Turner through harmony test, went for amnio and results were all clear in the end. Don't worry too much k?

Thank you. I have been trying to find out online and see if there is a % that will be considered at high / low risk. But so far no good articles. I guess I have to take one step at a time and in the mean time, tell myself to be positive and strong for my bb girl.
Thank you. I have been trying to find out online and see if there is a % that will be considered at high / low risk. But so far no good articles. I guess I have to take one step at a time and in the mean time, tell myself to be positive and strong for my bb girl.
@Faith&Hope0902 just stay positive and dun worry so much. I know it hard not to worry. Be a happy mum, worry too much not good for your bb and urself.
@Faith&Hope0902 just stay positive and dun worry so much. I know it hard not to worry. Be a happy mum, worry too much not good for your bb and urself.

Hi maybb, thanks. I am trying to keep positive till the day I receive the results. From now till then, I will be happy and strong for my bb girl. She will be a strong girl if she passes all these tests as well.
Hi all mummies to be,

I went for my Oscar test last week and the results shows that I am borderline case for DS. Have been feeling so worried and restless since that I have been unable to concentrate at work.

I am not willing to consider amino or cvs because of the nature of the test and hence went for Harmony test. So now I am waiting anxiously for the result and praying that it is positive.

I read many mummies opinion that Oscar test is not accurate and such but since I am a worrier, I am unable to shake off the uneasy feeling.

My friend recommend me to do illumina test as it is more accurate than harmony, but my gynae doesn't offer that. Any one knows where I can go and do the test?

I am also considering doing detailed scan with Dr Ananda but my gynae says the technology is not recognised yet and doesn't encourage.

I am very confused and worried.. Any advice?
er mummies, a query here. Do you notice your poop (sorry for TMI) turning black after taking multi vit (iron inclusive) pills?

Yes it's normal. But for me my body reacted badly to it and turns out i have to go toilet up to 6 times a day. No joke esp when im working. Head back to my doc to change another type of Iron pill.
Hi all mummies to be,

I went for my Oscar test last week and the results shows that I am borderline case for DS. Have been feeling so worried and restless since that I have been unable to concentrate at work.

I am not willing to consider amino or cvs because of the nature of the test and hence went for Harmony test. So now I am waiting anxiously for the result and praying that it is positive.

I read many mummies opinion that Oscar test is not accurate and such but since I am a worrier, I am unable to shake off the uneasy feeling.

My friend recommend me to do illumina test as it is more accurate than harmony, but my gynae doesn't offer that. Any one knows where I can go and do the test?

I am also considering doing detailed scan with Dr Ananda but my gynae says the technology is not recognised yet and doesn't encourage.

I am very confused and worried.. Any advice?

Hi, i guess also depends on your age group. Personally i'm below 30, i skipped all other test and went ahead for Harmony and results are fine.
Hi all mummies to be,

I went for my Oscar test last week and the results shows that I am borderline case for DS. Have been feeling so worried and restless since that I have been unable to concentrate at work.

I am not willing to consider amino or cvs because of the nature of the test and hence went for Harmony test. So now I am waiting anxiously for the result and praying that it is positive.

I read many mummies opinion that Oscar test is not accurate and such but since I am a worrier, I am unable to shake off the uneasy feeling.

My friend recommend me to do illumina test as it is more accurate than harmony, but my gynae doesn't offer that. Any one knows where I can go and do the test?

I am also considering doing detailed scan with Dr Ananda but my gynae says the technology is not recognised yet and doesn't encourage.

I am very confused and worried.. Any advice?


Understand your anxiety. I have not heard of Illumina test, I have done Harmony test but the results is not ideal and I have not choice but to do Amino test. U can go Dr Ananda for 2nd opinion for your own information.
@mamalee88, I am below 35, hence my gynae first suggest only Oscar test, only to know that the results are not good. Sometimes, age doesn't seem to matter... sigh.

@Faith&Hope0902, Illumina is the name of the test and the companies doing the test is either verifi or panorama (not so sure).. so some gynae just uses the latter 2 terms more. I read in some threads/forums and read that some gynae provide panorama..

Anyway, just waiting for my harmony test results first... long and torturous wait! :(

@mamalee88, I am below 35, hence my gynae first suggest only Oscar test, only to know that the results are not good. Sometimes, age doesn't seem to matter... sigh.

@Faith&Hope0902, Illumina is the name of the test and the companies doing the test is either verifi or panorama (not so sure).. so some gynae just uses the latter 2 terms more. I read in some threads/forums and read that some gynae provide panorama..

Anyway, just waiting for my harmony test results first... long and torturous wait! :(

Yah, I understand... I waited for my results and it was a long wait... and results turn out to be non-conclusive and we decided to do Amnio test in 2 weeks' time and another 2 weeks wait for results again!
