(2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

Hihi.... I am a first time mum and EDD is 5 Dec, seeing Dr Benjamin Tham. Kindly add me in the Facebook group @ [email protected]. Thanks.

I have constant cramps and have been feeling giddy with MS since week 7 throughout everyday. Lately MS getting worse. Been vomiting for the past 2 days. Previously was only once a week. Hopeful it will get better soon. Does anyone has giddiness throughout the day. Not sure if this is caused by MS. Can't wait for my next gynae visit on 25th, also doing Oscar test.
@moomoo23 , u can try hot ginger tea.. use old ginger and boil... can help to ease vomiting.. I am feeling bloated and vomited, so I tried and did help for a day for me.. but not forgetting ginger is quite heaty.. so not to overtake.. I took only when I really cannot take it anymore...

I cant drink ginger tea, I will vomit out after that. I find that I cant eat or drink anything in the morning as breakfast before I start work. I will throw out after that....
Anyone have same prob like me. And everyday around 4plus I start feel sleeping and tired. Only wish the clock turn faster to knock off time.

BTW, anyone have same edd as me 21st Dec 2015
hello everyone! I'm 8 Wks in. Decided to join this thread since my EDD is 29 Dec. My story might be slightly different cause I've bee trying for a few years, and eventually succeeded in my 2nd ivf.
So sometimes I tend to be a bit more kancheong.

So far I've not been having terrible MS, though I've that terrible metallic taste in mouth that just makes me nauseous.. (I tend to keep popping fruits or small snacks to get rid of the taste). However, Im suffering fr q bad insomnia.. I've had terrible sleep before pregnancy and somehow it has gotten a bit worse? Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this
Hi ladies,

Can I ask do we need take special precaution on our cosmetics, daily skin care and dental care during these period? For example, do we need to change to brands that are safe for pregnancy?

Hi there! (Ok disclaimer- Im an ivf mtb, so I think I tend to be a bit more anxious). When I just found out that I was pregnant I did go a bit overboard researching and buying organic stuff - but ive since toned down slightly and use a mix.. but in case you r curious, im q happy to share some of the brands that ive found to be okay

toiletries - sukin, L'Oreal sulphate free range (both available at watsons), Im v sensitive to smells now, I've found a Japanese non-additive shampoo that has super light fragrance at NTUC hypermart retailing ard 15.90

skincare- avene, cetaphil, tarte

makeup - Sephora (they have an in-house mineral compact that's just $29 and works well for coverage), tarte, bare minerals, Alima from luxola works well for me.
Hello All, just wondering if anyone is on Utrogestan 100mg? I have 1 box extra. Not taking anymore coz gynae advised so. I just feel its kinda wasted so if anyone is in need I can let go at a vr low price (at a loss). Thank you.
Hi mummies to be! I just joined this forum and my EDD is 29 Dec 2015.

I'm both excited and stressed as I wasn't expecting this pregnancy to come just as I quit my job for a 3 months break before looking for a new one. I left my last job because of the insane hours which was affecting my health, and bam, the moment I caught some rest after quitting I conceived! So now I'm 8 weeks in, jobless, and have dim hope of finding employment as a preggers. Luckily the husband is quite supportive, although I know he is worried about the financial situation as well. We have a new house on the way too. Not quite sure what the future holds but I'll just have to be positive, cut back on spendings, and try my best to get some contract job or something.

Anyways nice to meet you all here and it has been most informative so far!
hello everyone! I'm 8 Wks in. Decided to join this thread since my EDD is 29 Dec. My story might be slightly different cause I've bee trying for a few years, and eventually succeeded in my 2nd ivf.
So sometimes I tend to be a bit more kancheong.

So far I've not been having terrible MS, though I've that terrible metallic taste in mouth that just makes me nauseous.. (I tend to keep popping fruits or small snacks to get rid of the taste). However, Im suffering fr q bad insomnia.. I've had terrible sleep before pregnancy and somehow it has gotten a bit worse? Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this

Hi JSnow! Our EDD is on the same day :D Congratulations on succeeding on your ivf!

We have similar symptoms - my MS is mild and tolerable, but I cannot get rid of the bitter taste in my mouth. Mints works for me, for a very short while. But the insomnia is REAL. I never had sleep problems before, but over the past couple of weeks I sometimes toss around till 4 or 5 am before dozing in and out of sleep for the next few hours. It's terrible. Its 4:15am now as I am typing this as I got tired of laying awake for the past 5 hours. I don't nap in the day but somehow I just can't sleep well at night.
Hi mummies, apologies, i have been bz at my new work, please pm me if I do not add you, or missed you out. I have sent out invites. Please check your email inbox for an email from Jacqueline Ng through FB. Thank you.
If this is the Jacqueline Ng from sg50 mummies n daddies, I had tried to pm her, But She said She is not the one incharge of adding...
Hi mummies, apologies, i have been bz at my new work, please pm me if I do not add you, or missed you out. I have sent out invites. Please check your email inbox for an email from Jacqueline Ng through FB. Thank you.

Hi Nitestar,

I received the email from Jacqueline Ng. But when I clicked it it says "the content is currently unavailable". Can email me the invite again. [email protected]
Hi Mummies,

I am with DR Benjamin Tham.
I have been given quite number of supplements like B6 vitamin, Omega fish oil, New obimin (multivitamin+mineral) and Calcium.
The smell of New obimin is kinda killing me where i cant even take one.
Would like to seek for advice. Do we really needs to have all the supplements at this stage ???
Hi Mummies,

I am with DR Benjamin Tham.
I have been given quite number of supplements like B6 vitamin, Omega fish oil, New obimin (multivitamin+mineral) and Calcium.
The smell of New obimin is kinda killing me where i cant even take one.
Would like to seek for advice. Do we really needs to have all the supplements at this stage ???

Is it because you do not have a good appetite at the moment? I told my gynae that due to nausea I could only handle plain crackers, soups and milo on most days. She told me not to worry about it, just eat whatever I have keep down, but take multivitamins and fish oil to replenish the nutrients. She was going to prescribe supplements as well but I told her I have over-the-counter multivitamins (Blackmore) at home and she told me I can take those instead. So all she prescribed in the end was hormone pills and folic acid.
If this is the Jacqueline Ng from sg50 mummies n daddies, I had tried to pm her, But She said She is not the one incharge of adding...
Hi Fiona, I am not sure if I am the same Jacqueline that you have messaged. Email invite has just been sent to you. Do let me know if you do not receive the invite. Cheers!
ok mummies, invites have been sent out to your email inbox, you will need to access the link to join the group, while the admins approve. Those with issues, i have pm-ed you as well. Do check your inbox of this forum.

Apologies, if I do not reply as promptly, as I am a full time working mum. I will be out for the weekend, and will not have access to a laptop to add new mums using email addresses. Please bear with me. Thank you!
Btw, I have asked one of the mummies how the email looks like. She has kindly provided me with a screenshot. Hope this helps!


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Had an op on last sun to remove cysts at Mt A. Was having severe cramp in abdominal so called my gynae down to mt a A&E. He scanned and said the cyst twisted so must remove if not it ll cut off blood supply to my ovary. Lucky thing is the cysts is located in the ovary not the womb so the chance of miscarriage is less than 1%. Had the op on sun afternoon and gynae informed me that he managed to salvage my ovary so no problem with having another baby in future and my current one is safe too :D

It was a terrible ordeal as I was so afraid that I'll lose my bean :( that I cried on the op table before they drug me
Had an op on last sun to remove cysts at Mt A. Was having severe cramp in abdominal so called my gynae down to mt a A&E. He scanned and said the cyst twisted so must remove if not it ll cut off blood supply to my ovary. Lucky thing is the cysts is located in the ovary not the womb so the chance of miscarriage is less than 1%. Had the op on sun afternoon and gynae informed me that he managed to salvage my ovary so no problem with having another baby in future and my current one is safe too :D

It was a terrible ordeal as I was so afraid that I'll lose my bean :( that I cried on the op table before they drug me
What an ordeal.... are u recovering at home now?
What an ordeal.... are u recovering at home now?
Had an op on last sun to remove cysts at Mt A. Was having severe cramp in abdominal so called my gynae down to mt a A&E. He scanned and said the cyst twisted so must remove if not it ll cut off blood supply to my ovary. Lucky thing is the cysts is located in the ovary not the womb so the chance of miscarriage is less than 1%. Had the op on sun afternoon and gynae informed me that he managed to salvage my ovary so no problem with having another baby in future and my current one is safe too :D

It was a terrible ordeal as I was so afraid that I'll lose my bean :( that I cried on the op table before they drug me

God bless u @DesperateMummyWannabe ... take a good rest..
For those who Dr Ben Choey, still not sure to choose him or change gynae. I will share his package and delivery charge in full details here.
(Fee Before GST 7%)
From 12 weeks gestation - $800
From 16 weeks gestation - $720
From 20 weeks gestation - $650
From <12 weeks - 34 weeks gestation (for patient who will deliver outside Singapore) - $600
*** Medisave claim $450 upon delivery at hospital, need to produce receipts upon discharge from hospital to effect claim.

Antenatal Package include
Consultation, weight & blood pressure check every visit
Urine labstix for glucose & protein every visit
2D scan
3D scan if baby's position permit
1st post delivery visit with pap smear

Delivery Charge (before GST 7%)
Normal Vaginal Delivery - $1800-200
Assisted Vaginal delivery (foeceps/ vacuum) - $2300-2500
C-Sec (emergency c-sec also)- $2800-3200
Post Delivery Abdonminal Sterilisation (TMC) - $980

Hospital : Mt A, Mt E and TMC

Detailed Fetal Anomaly scan - Raffles Hospital or TMC (Dr Ben mention TMC is cheaper but location wise Raffles is easy to access) - about $320

Hope the information is useful
Anyone here would consider going for Oscar test? Is it only blood test and ultrascan?

might not be going for the Oscar... thought the blood test and ultrascan is good enough...

finally hit the 12 weeks mark!!!! yeah! (Y) managed to hear my bb's heartbeat on saturday finally!!! very loud and clear... so happy! BB developing very well... but i was quite OK in the clinic... but when i am at home saw the pics, i started to cry... T.T haha... anyone facing the same?

Anyway I didn't receive the facebook invites... possible to resent it to [email protected] instead? thxs.
Hi JSnow! Our EDD is on the same day :D Congratulations on succeeding on your ivf!

We have similar symptoms - my MS is mild and tolerable, but I cannot get rid of the bitter taste in my mouth. Mints works for me, for a very short while. But the insomnia is REAL. I never had sleep problems before, but over the past couple of weeks I sometimes toss around till 4 or 5 am before dozing in and out of sleep for the next few hours. It's terrible. Its 4:15am now as I am typing this as I got tired of laying awake for the past 5 hours. I don't nap in the day but somehow I just can't sleep well at night.

Hi haruharu,

I've to say that we have a lot in common! (Other than the symptons, which I wil get to in a bit).
I too, took a break to try for a baby as my job was highly stressful and required a lot of travelling. I was supposed to return to work after a sabbatical contract, but my employer was shall I say, not too supportive and made things difficult for me. I decided not to return in the end as my husband and I wanted to prioritize the baby after trying for so long.
So yes, Im also jobless, and though I'm looking out contract/ FL opportunities. It is an adjustment to stay home, I get restless and miss the additional income.

As for symptoms - yes, bitterness in my mouth got worse? Last night I had to keep spitting excess saliva (sorry TMI) so that I don't feel so nauseated. Im taking Ribena pastilles to curb the bitterness, it seems to be the only thing that works.
The insomnia comes and go I know what you mean about dozing in and out. Sometimes I'm so tired, im not sure whether im sleeping or just resting but awake. I can't nap too. :(
Hope that things improve for us!
I really look forward to 2nd tri, when I can start on prenatal yoga.. I use to do yoga before pregnancy and I find it q helpful for my insomnia
Hi ladies,

Anyone starts to have cramps from week 11? I start to feel cramps on week 11 onward and recently tend to feel cold in the office as well.

I still have MS on and off.... either nausea or dizzy spells.... and I am losing my appetite as well.... Anyone has the same experience to share? Thank you.

Also when is good time to tell everyone you pregnant? I wanted to wait till harmony test is done in week 13. But i am so close to week 12 now and I can't hide the excitement any longer.... Lol....
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Is it because you do not have a good appetite at the moment? I told my gynae that due to nausea I could only handle plain crackers, soups and milo on most days. She told me not to worry about it, just eat whatever I have keep down, but take multivitamins and fish oil to replenish the nutrients. She was going to prescribe supplements as well but I told her I have over-the-counter multivitamins (Blackmore) at home and she told me I can take those instead. So all she prescribed in the end was hormone pills and folic acid.

Well... I have an average appetite but have poor quality of sleep. I think this is the reason I'm with tired looking. All supplements are super big sizes whereby my understanding is we need to consume throughout the end of journey. Personally, i had difficulty of swallow big size of tablets/capsule. I am a person not taking any supplements/medication in my dailu life style.

So what should i do with this ??? am trying hard for baby healthy but still......the vomiting feeling comes straight after i take fish oil, calcium and multivitamin.
Wondering, ist any specific small size tablets available in market that we can take as an alternative?

Mummies any recommend ?
Hi haruharu,

I've to say that we have a lot in common! (Other than the symptons, which I wil get to in a bit).
I too, took a break to try for a baby as my job was highly stressful and required a lot of travelling. I was supposed to return to work after a sabbatical contract, but my employer was shall I say, not too supportive and made things difficult for me. I decided not to return in the end as my husband and I wanted to prioritize the baby after trying for so long.
So yes, Im also jobless, and though I'm looking out contract/ FL opportunities. It is an adjustment to stay home, I get restless and miss the additional income.

As for symptoms - yes, bitterness in my mouth got worse? Last night I had to keep spitting excess saliva (sorry TMI) so that I don't feel so nauseated. Im taking Ribena pastilles to curb the bitterness, it seems to be the only thing that works.
The insomnia comes and go I know what you mean about dozing in and out. Sometimes I'm so tired, im not sure whether im sleeping or just resting but awake. I can't nap too. :(
Hope that things improve for us!
I really look forward to 2nd tri, when I can start on prenatal yoga.. I use to do yoga before pregnancy and I find it q helpful for my insomnia

Hi JSnow and haruharu

My situation is similar to you all. I quit my job to move overseas with my hubby. But I am feeling so homesick now that I have decided to go back to SG in Sept, my EDD is 22 Dec. I can't help but keep worrying about finances and getting a job after my baby is born. Worse is I can't really find someone to take care of my baby so I have to wait until I get a space in infantcare then I can go back to work.

All these worries plus MS is making me have insomnia too. And the next day my MS will be worse =(. Everyone tells me not to worry so much but I guess I am a born worrier.Before I got pregnant, hubby was supportive for me to return to SG after his overseas contract and not work if I go back pregnant. But now that I am really pregnant, and he starts to take note all the costs involved I seem to feel he wants me to go back to work a few months delivery.

Sigh very pek cek now...but cannot be unhappy for baby's sake. Listening to music now to soothe my headache...
Just went for my Oscar test n the result turns out to be very bad! Very high risk for down syndrome! Now feeling very sad n dunno what to do! :( was given the options of doing the harmony test or the invasive tests at a later date!
Just went for my Oscar test n the result turns out to be very bad! Very high risk for down syndrome! Now feeling very sad n dunno what to do! :( was given the options of doing the harmony test or the invasive tests at a later date!
Do u mind sharing How old r u?
Hi @chimok , sorry to hear that.. hope u coping well. Where did u go for the fallopian tube test? Cos i did once.. it shown both block.. den doc did ask me to do another test.. cos sometimes, it might contract. But i didnt. Until 2years later, i went to kkh check. They say is unblock. DId doc adv u to check again?
Hi lohpr, im doing good.. Physically and emotionally. :)
I did the HSG (2nd time) for my left tube during the surgery.. Amd it confirmed blocked. I requested doctor to do the test for me. Previously i did the test at NUH.
Hello fellow mummies! I'm new here, just at 11 weeks and EDD 14/12. :) This is my first pregnancy! Full of excitement, curiosity and concerns. I plan to announce my pregnancy later after Oscar test actually :S

My last visit to gynae, i was told i can do Oscar test in week 12 that costs as low as $240 and as high as $1.7K. I am in my late 20s. Not sure how to decide which to go for. Any sharing? ;)
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Hi JSnow and haruharu

My situation is similar to you all. I quit my job to move overseas with my hubby. But I am feeling so homesick now that I have decided to go back to SG in Sept, my EDD is 22 Dec. I can't help but keep worrying about finances and getting a job after my baby is born. Worse is I can't really find someone to take care of my baby so I have to wait until I get a space in infantcare then I can go back to work.

All these worries plus MS is making me have insomnia too. And the next day my MS will be worse =(. Everyone tells me not to worry so much but I guess I am a born worrier.Before I got pregnant, hubby was supportive for me to return to SG after his overseas contract and not work if I go back pregnant. But now that I am really pregnant, and he starts to take note all the costs involved I seem to feel he wants me to go back to work a few months delivery.

Sigh very pek cek now...but cannot be unhappy for baby's sake. Listening to music now to soothe my headache...

I feel you xyun08. Where are you based now? Ever since my MS started I felt so alone when my hubs went away on business trips, so I can imagine how much alone you might feel being away from family and friends.

I haven't told anyone about the pregnancy besides my husband and my mom, so it really sucks when friends around me ask whether I am looking for jobs or whether I plan to start working soon. I never really know what to say and I feel immensely guilty about not having any income.

Let's just try to be positive! So many people raise healthy and happy children in spite of all sorts of financial situations, surely we can get through this as well :)
Hi haruharu,

I've to say that we have a lot in common! (Other than the symptons, which I wil get to in a bit).
I too, took a break to try for a baby as my job was highly stressful and required a lot of travelling. I was supposed to return to work after a sabbatical contract, but my employer was shall I say, not too supportive and made things difficult for me. I decided not to return in the end as my husband and I wanted to prioritize the baby after trying for so long.
So yes, Im also jobless, and though I'm looking out contract/ FL opportunities. It is an adjustment to stay home, I get restless and miss the additional income.

As for symptoms - yes, bitterness in my mouth got worse? Last night I had to keep spitting excess saliva (sorry TMI) so that I don't feel so nauseated. Im taking Ribena pastilles to curb the bitterness, it seems to be the only thing that works.
The insomnia comes and go I know what you mean about dozing in and out. Sometimes I'm so tired, im not sure whether im sleeping or just resting but awake. I can't nap too. :(
Hope that things improve for us!
I really look forward to 2nd tri, when I can start on prenatal yoga.. I use to do yoga before pregnancy and I find it q helpful for my insomnia

Haha oh wow the moment I read Ribena pastilles I started salivating. I'm going to get some!
Recently the taste of plain water makes that bad taste worse. Can't wait for 2nd tri too, when all these MS nonsense might go away. I've been taking long walks in the hope of expending energy so that I might sleep better at night. To no avail either. Plus I am running out of places to walk.
Hi JSnow and haruharu

My situation is similar to you all. I quit my job to move overseas with my hubby. But I am feeling so homesick now that I have decided to go back to SG in Sept, my EDD is 22 Dec. I can't help but keep worrying about finances and getting a job after my baby is born. Worse is I can't really find someone to take care of my baby so I have to wait until I get a space in infantcare then I can go back to work.

All these worries plus MS is making me have insomnia too. And the next day my MS will be worse =(. Everyone tells me not to worry so much but I guess I am a born worrier.Before I got pregnant, hubby was supportive for me to return to SG after his overseas contract and not work if I go back pregnant. But now that I am really pregnant, and he starts to take note all the costs involved I seem to feel he wants me to go back to work a few months delivery.

Sigh very pek cek now...but cannot be unhappy for baby's sake. Listening to music now to soothe my headache...

Hang in there! Ya, I can only imagine how it is without your support network around. I'm also prone to worrying so I understand how it feels. It was especially bad in the first few weeks that I got pregnant cause I was plagued with anxiety (especially when I read sad stories about M/Cs) on the forums. I had to stay away from a bit and stop myself from googling. Do have a chat with your husband on finances and I don't know if you can share that the cost note-taking is making you stressed (I think its our hormones during this period too, making us so sensitive). He might be more mindful after that.. One thing with my husband is that he really doesn't realise some of the things he say/ do upsets me, and after I tell him, he'd usually be more mindful.

Yar, I was extremely upset with y company and cried for 2 weeks? I still wake up from worry when I think about my career sometimes.. But I've pull myself back, and remind myself how lucky I am to have the baby especially since we've tried for so long.

@haruharu, I can't agree more. I've experienced similar queries from nosey pokes and 'concerned relatives' especially since I've gone on break for 1 year before this...only 2 friends knew that I was seeking fertility treatment. So yar, I get a lot of "what do you do allday? not sian ah? You don't travel??" After a while, I just avoided such gatherings or avoided contact. Might not best solution, but I find it better for my sanity : P
Same here, my husband travels q a bit, and its really awful when he's not around... I usually crash at my parents place when that's the case.

Jiayou MTB!

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UOTE="fifi40, post: 7976053, member: 180252"]Do u mind sharing How old r u?

Am 38yrs old....[/QUOTE]
I think Maybe becos u r in late 30s. Dun worry too much... some of my frzs Oscar test turns out high risk too But they didn't do the harmony test.
