(2015/12) Dec 2015 Mummies

Hi hi

I am 14wks too n 2days ago was having menses like cramps whole day. But v mild n bearable..i wld also think uterus expanding.

Just curious, my stomach gets really huge n bloated by night. Feel very "pregnant" and cant sleep. By morn, tummy almost flat again. Anyone knows why?

Most prob is wind. I'll go for a short walk ard my estate every night after dinner, as advised by my gynae cause I'm prompted to constipation. The walk helped to expell wind too. So maybe u can give it a try. Nothing long. Just a 5-10 mins. But pls check with ur gynae first

Also, try to avoid spicy and fried food. Think they ll give us wind too, even though when it doesn't affect you when not pregnant. My whole system became very sensitive after getting pregnant. Now must chew and chew before swallow. Must eat slowly to avoid getting wind in. And cannot eat till too full. Btw, can we use ru yi yu on our stomach? I asked my hubby to apply last night to help get rid of wind then this morning did I realised I never check if I can use :eek:
Also, try to avoid spicy and fried food. Think they ll give us wind too, even though when it doesn't affect you when not pregnant. My whole system became very sensitive after getting pregnant. Now must chew and chew before swallow. Must eat slowly to avoid getting wind in. And cannot eat till too full. Btw, can we use ru yi yu on our stomach? I asked my hubby to apply last night to help get rid of wind then this morning did I realised I never check if I can use :eek:

Take care and rest well. My TCM told me not to use any oilment on the tummy. Perhaps you can check with Ur doc again? As for wind, eat small meals and try eat simple healthy food. Less oil, more vegetables and fruits.
I am 13 weeks now. My #2, I would say. #1 resulted in miscarriage, before I reached week 12. Happy that God gives us a 2nd chance. This 2nd chance doesn't come easy. I went to the hospital twice, admitted due to constipation n vomit non stop respectively. I just pray hard that my pregnancy won't go on to be in the hospital before I give birth again. Sigh.
Most prob is wind. I'll go for a short walk ard my estate every night after dinner, as advised by my gynae cause I'm prompted to constipation. The walk helped to expell wind too. So maybe u can give it a try. Nothing long. Just a 5-10 mins. But pls check with ur gynae first

ya that makes sense..will try for next few days. thnx!
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Hi mummies, just a question....

As I had previously did oscars n blood test at dr Wendy's teo clinic at mount e novena.. But cos I'm changing to kkh for my next appointment, is it possible to call the clinic and get them to email me my tests results?
Hi Bernice,

I think u can try calling the clinic to ask. Maybe a sum of fee to pay? But why suddenly chg hospital? Your gynae shift to kkh too?
Try not to think too much. I also had a miscarriage before had my boy. Now he oredi 2+ yrs. Some mummies said prune juice helps wif their constipation issues. U can try dat. If vomiting is to to MS, gynae can gif u med.
I am 13 weeks now. My #2, I would say. #1 resulted in miscarriage, before I reached week 12. Happy that God gives us a 2nd chance. This 2nd chance doesn't come easy. I went to the hospital twice, admitted due to constipation n vomit non stop respectively. I just pray hard that my pregnancy won't go on to be in the hospital before I give birth again. Sigh.
Hi Ladies,

Has anyone experienced tiredness and breathless when you go window shopping? I realised I can't walk for more than 30 mins and would feel extremely tired and breatheless when u go window shopping. :(
I am 13 weeks now. My #2, I would say. #1 resulted in miscarriage, before I reached week 12. Happy that God gives us a 2nd chance. This 2nd chance doesn't come easy. I went to the hospital twice, admitted due to constipation n vomit non stop respectively. I just pray hard that my pregnancy won't go on to be in the hospital before I give birth again. Sigh.

I understand how you feel. I had 2 MC before this and I am praying hard everyday and tell myself this bb will be strong. And i will see my bb at the end of the pregnancy heathy and strong. Occasionally, I have the fear as well. But I try not to think about it too much. Let's be strong for our little one.
If have constipation issues, my gynae told me not to eat calcium and iron pills everyday. Those supplements will cause constipation. After it eases then resume the supplements.

Try not to think too much. I also had a miscarriage before had my boy. Now he oredi 2+ yrs. Some mummies said prune juice helps wif their constipation issues. U can try dat. If vomiting is to to MS, gynae can gif u med.
Hi Ladies,

Has anyone experienced tiredness and breathless when you go window shopping? I realised I can't walk for more than 30 mins and would feel extremely tired and breatheless when u go window shopping. :(

Me. Walk too long my legs will ache. Breathless not that strong but tiredness yes. Just feel like I wanna go home and lie in bed.
Is it possible to have Uti without any symptoms? I will need to go toilet every 1-2 hrs (I do drink more water cause scare of constipation). At night only wake up once to go toilet. No burning or painful sensation while peeing (though will have the sensation of my bladder being released of urine but it's not painful).
Hi Bernice,

I think u can try calling the clinic to ask. Maybe a sum of fee to pay? But why suddenly chg hospital? Your gynae shift to kkh too?

Nope, I'm ok with the gynae but cause would like to deliver at kkh instead so no choice gotta change to kkh gynae... Hopefully wont be any charge as I'm lazy to go down to clinic.. Haha. Just hope they can scan the results n send me so can bring over to new gynae on next appointment.
Dont think its UTI. should be bb getting bigger and pressing on bladder. I also need to go to toilet more often now. sometime at nite wake up 2 - 3 times.

**tired... **:confused:

Is it possible to have Uti without any symptoms? I will need to go toilet every 1-2 hrs (I do drink more water cause scare of constipation). At night only wake up once to go toilet. No burning or painful sensation while peeing (though will have the sensation of my bladder being released of urine but it's not painful).
I'm also 36. 1st born in 2005. 10 years gap :/
Has any mommy experience the babies 1st kick? I'm into my 17 weeks. Nothing so far. Tot 2nd preg shd experience it earlier?
I felt the first kick in week 16.
Will u felt super tired ? This pregnancy I'm very tired S compare to my first
I felt the first kick in week 16.
Will u felt super tired ? This pregnancy I'm very tired S compare to my first
I was very tired in the 1st tri. Now jus no mood to do anything else after work. Haha.
I'm in my 17 weeks. Not much felt. Or maybe I've long forgotten how it feels like. Hee hee.
I was very tired in the 1st tri. Now jus no mood to do anything else after work. Haha.
I'm in my 17 weeks. Not much felt. Or maybe I've long forgotten how it feels like. Hee hee.
I'm at 18 weeks . I easy to get sleepy . Everyday around 5 pm at work I already hope can go home .
Did yr tiredness get worse? I'm 14+ wks now. Was hoping things would become better. Din haf morning sickness n was running everywhere wif my number 1. For dis one, I feel v tired too. Sometimes play a while wif my boy den I gotta say sorry den go lie down or slp le...
Also, try to avoid spicy and fried food. Think they ll give us wind too, even though when it doesn't affect you when not pregnant. My whole system became very sensitive after getting pregnant. Now must chew and chew before swallow. Must eat slowly to avoid getting wind in. And cannot eat till too full. Btw, can we use ru yi yu on our stomach? I asked my hubby to apply last night to help get rid of wind then this morning did I realised I never check if I can use :eek:
The other day i had muscle ache n asked hubby to apply tiger balm (tube kind). Then we realized it may not be suitable for preg. Subsequently i chk with gynae, gynae says all these medications has too many mixed ingredients inside, better not. Not so sure about Ru Yi You~
The other day i had muscle ache n asked hubby to apply tiger balm (tube kind). Then we realized it may not be suitable for preg. Subsequently i chk with gynae, gynae says all these medications has too many mixed ingredients inside, better not. Not so sure about Ru Yi You~

I've stopped using.. now if i feel gas ill either try to burp or release 'gas' :oops: . or i'll just stand up , and ill just naturally burp . don wan to take my chances
Hi all! When you let your company know that you are pregnant?

For me, I intend to inform my company once my amino is done after 16 weeks (if I decide to take up for the peace of mind).. My collegue urged me to inform ASAP to be fair to collegues who will cover duties since my pregnancy is past 3 months (beginning week 14 today)
Hi all! When you let your company know that you are pregnant?

For me, I intend to inform my company once my amino is done after 16 weeks (if I decide to take up for the peace of mind).. My collegue urged me to inform ASAP to be fair to collegues who will cover duties since my pregnancy is past 3 months (beginning week 14 today)

I indirectly let my company know when i released the news on fb around 14+ weeks close to 15 weeks. You are definitely taking up amino?
Hi all! When you let your company know that you are pregnant?

For me, I intend to inform my company once my amino is done after 16 weeks (if I decide to take up for the peace of mind).. My collegue urged me to inform ASAP to be fair to collegues who will cover duties since my pregnancy is past 3 months (beginning week 14 today)

I intend to inform my boss when I get the results of my Amino test. When are you doing your Amnio test? I am going to do it this Wednesday. A little worried and scared. Scared of the pain and risk and worried about the results.
I intend to inform my boss when I get the results of my Amino test. When are you doing your Amnio test? I am going to do it this Wednesday. A little worried and scared. Scared of the pain and risk and worried about the results.

i actually informed my sup the moment i tested positive as my office requires alot of walking, lifting and carrying or things. So upon knowing, she exempted me some certain things.
I indirectly let my company know when i released the news on fb around 14+ weeks close to 15 weeks. You are definitely taking up amino?
I am still considering whether to take up amnio or not.. still have a week left to confirm with my gyane.

I intend to inform my boss when I get the results of my Amino test. When are you doing your Amnio test? I am going to do it this Wednesday. A little worried and scared. Scared of the pain and risk and worried about the results.
Still considering.. if I confirm taking amnio, the appointment will be a day before Hari Raya. I am like you, always worried n scared past a week...
All the best to you.. Pray for you that everything will be all right for u...
I told my staff when we went to e gynae n heard e heartbeat at 6 wks. My staff will remind me not to climb, walk too fast, carry heavy stuff, go sick bay rest etc. Told my bosses when I had bleeding n was on 1 wk bed rest so when I went back to work, I will not do certain stuff or attend certain courses which were far from office or required me to sit e whole day.
Hi all! When you let your company know that you are pregnant?

For me, I intend to inform my company once my amino is done after 16 weeks (if I decide to take up for the peace of mind).. My collegue urged me to inform ASAP to be fair to collegues who will cover duties since my pregnancy is past 3 months (beginning week 14 today)
Dont worry its ok. Even for my #1 I didnt eat them everyday. Its more of a supplement than a substitute for the nutrients. Our food diet will contain them too :)

If you experience hard stools, stop the iron pills till its back to normal. Thats what my gynae told me. You can continue eating the fish oil in the meantime and stop iron pills first.

it's ok for me to skip iron pills for few days?? im not on calcium but iron pills and fish oil

My colleagues feel my tummy is quite obvious already, but people still snatching seats fr me on train. I think to others, i'm jus fat bah.. now 17th week.. still haven't feel movement.. worried..
