(2015/11) Nov 2015 Mummies

I called KKH appt line this morning and the nurse scheduled me for an appointment at The Private Suite for 30 March. Will that be too late? Or just nice? I will be around 7 weeks along then. :)
Also, I requested for a lady DR so I will be seeing Dr Wee Wei Wei. Does anyone have any reviews about her? Dr Goh Shen Li was the gynae for my first one, but she is no longer at KKH and my hubby and I wanted to deliver at KKH, so .....

Also, been feeling crampy + bloated + gassy!
Been so long since my last pregnancy, is this normal!?

Thanks in advance !

Yea, sorry for TMI but I have been passing gas quite a lot. If I held it in, the cramp will only worsen. lol
Also, yes headaches. I spent the whole day yest sleeping. I suspected I was preg, but only did the test this morning and got the confirmation.

Also, @happymok do let me know how your appt with Dr Goh goes and also her rates!

Thanks! :)
I feel so bloated and my tummy looks like 4 months.. I can't even button my pants :(

My appetite is much better than my #1 though
I dun have appetite though... Always have to force myself to eat if not I can go without food all day... Dunno why...
My current systems feeling bloated, gassy, fatigue n loose stools. No nauseous n vomiting ye
Yea, sorry for TMI but I have been passing gas quite a lot. If I held it in, the cramp will only worsen. lol
Also, yes headaches. I spent the whole day yest sleeping. I suspected I was preg, but only did the test this morning and got the confirmation.

Also, @happymok do let me know how your appt with Dr Goh goes and also her rates!

Thanks! :)

Ya, I will c if her rates too high maybe I go back to KKH and find another female gynae.
I am also a bit gassy, but not as bad (yet) as my #1, where I was burping away all day ooops!

But I'm sooooo famished all the time! Just ate nasi lemak and I feel like I can eat another full meal..
Wow! is KKH now better than Mt A. or TMC le?
Me feeling very tired, bloated, stomach looks like 4 months le >.<
abit lightheaded and no appetite. :(
i still cant decide if this gynae will be the final one.
I just went to gynae but only managed to scan tiny beanie haha! Will visit again 2 weeks later to check on heart beat.

I also pass a lot of gas + burp a lot. Had abit constipation and tummy very bloated like 3-4m preggy...
Me too.. started to feel tired and stomach bloated...
When take train, I'll just sit on the priority seat eventhough it's not obvious yet... just don't care, too tired to stand all the way :eek:
week 6 now and going to see gynae next week @ week 7.... Hopefully can see the beanie :)
Me too.. started to feel tired and stomach bloated...
When take train, I'll just sit on the priority seat eventhough it's not obvious yet... just don't care, too tired to stand all the way :eek:
week 6 now and going to see gynae next week @ week 7.... Hopefully can see the beanie :)

As long as we know that we are not taking advantage of the empty priority seat can already... Haha. Better be careful! I'm often v sleepy, wanna doze off at work too...
Haha I'm sitting on the priority seat right now as I type!

@Benies, we have the same EDD :) I highly recommend Dr Wendy Teo from Mt E Novena. She's very warm and reassuring and I was with her for #1 when she was at TMC
Hello all, new to group, first time mtb (hopefully). Edd 7 Nov. Had a blighted ovum last Oct. Scheduled for my first scan this coming monday and so afraid it's going to be another blighted. Absolutely hate the feeling of not being able to do anything but wait! Anyone due for a scan on monday too?
I'm seeing June tan previously at tps. But as she's full till may I changed to john tee.. booked him at amk as nearer to me. I got folic over the shelves.. u all taking one tab daily?

How's the fb thingy.. who isn't in there ?
Did u all do the obsessive thing of peeing on clear blue digital to see if ur hcg levels increase?

Lol! I did once when my symptoms started decreasing (suddenly boobs didn't really hurt etc) and to put my mind at ease I even went to do bloodtest, all is well. Going for scan next mon! :)
Lol! I did once when my symptoms started decreasing (suddenly boobs didn't really hurt etc) and to put my mind at ease I even went to do bloodtest, all is well. Going for scan next mon! :)
Glad to know there's someone as obsessive! LOL. So tempted to do it this week and see if it imcreases to 3 wks+. What time is ur scan?
I'm seeing June tan previously at tps. But as she's full till may I changed to john tee.. booked him at amk as nearer to me. I got folic over the shelves.. u all taking one tab daily?

How's the fb thingy.. who isn't in there ?
I'm not in the fb grp yet.. wanted to you know, wait till its a little more confirmed!
Anyone has backaches and insomnia? I'm not anxious on the pregnancy though...

And I start wearing my maternity pants lor :(

Me! I have body ache and I always wake up at between 5-7am :(

Often can't sleep back but I just lie down to rest.

I also haven't join the FB yet as I want baby to more stable before joining :) can't wait for my 2nd scan 2 weeks later!
Me! I have body ache and I always wake up at between 5-7am :(

Often can't sleep back but I just lie down to rest.

I also haven't join the FB yet as I want baby to more stable before joining :) can't wait for my 2nd scan 2 weeks later!
Same... My timing is wake up at 3am and won't be able to sleep thru 4 plus... And trying to quit coffee at this time doesn't help either :(
Anybody start looking for a CL? Ytd I tried to ask my friend for a contact and she told me the CL was already booked! I thought I was kiasu enough!
me too... having slight backache and wake up ard 5-6am.. feel my bladder full and need to go toilet before my alarm rings.. and can't back to sleep :(
I was just asking around... wanted to gather contacts.... then my friend tells me her CL kena booked for November liao.... isn't that.... >_<!
so sian, being pregnant and no appetite is one thing... i'm sick also... keep coughing non-stop... cough until the baby want to come out liao....
not in FB too till stable bah. I got a prob. How should i put across words to my team leader that i need to change my shift timing so that i wont affect my team mates?
Cause right now still too early and quite sensitive. hais headache wor!! any suggestion?
Lucky for me, I don't drink coffee everyday in the past so I am okay without... But really keep waking up in the middle of night.

I asked my gynae during my first visit ytd and gynae said its normal. Can't sleep also nvm just lie down on bed, don't walk around. Good for bb and ourselves..
Hi ladies, I'm expecting my 2nd! I have a 5yo boy and he's been bugging me for a sibling haha! I had a miscarriage 4 mths ago at 8 wks, so hope this one sticks! Will be maing an appt with gynae nxt thurs, I shld be 6wks+.. Anyone is at 6th wk alr? Seen a gynae yet? Im worried it may be too early to detect heartbeat but i need to make sure baby is in the right place so I feel it's better for me to go early. Praying hard can detect heartbeat!
hi all , second time mummy here. i have a rabbit baby. tested positive last week,havn't go and see gynae as i think it's still early.heee.
if i calculate correctly my edd shd be 11/11(daddy bday)
@jossieleia Wow, CL already booked for nov?? You're making me kan cheong!! And hope you get well soon! Being sick while preg is the worst :( so many med that can't be taken
ya, I was down with flu, cough & fever when realised I pregnant... went back to GP for 2nd visit to change all the medicines and also went gynae for checkup as advised by GP coz the medicine that he gave me during 1st visit are not safe for pregnancy :eek:
it took me almost a week to recover
