(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

Just seen my Gynae.

Lmp 30th Sept. By calender should be 7 weeks. But scan shows 6 weeks + 3 days.

But only empty sac seen. Gynae said maybe too early. See him again in 2 weeks
Felina, my LMP also 30/9. I hope I can see heartbeat on my appt next mon
Shan, is yours an abdominal scan?
Oh ok I saw ur reply Liao.
E white round dot on left of e pic should be the right side of e probe. I'm very bad at looking US scans haha. Maybe u go back ask Gynae on ur next visit? I must rber to ask when I go for mine hehe
Shan8080 yeah I actually planned 1st appt one week later but too bad my gynae going for holiday, so I thought to catch him before he leaves.
Today is a tiring day. #1 is not well. So I have to look aft her. Hopefully the bug goes away soon.

I was digging my #1 scan to check if ramzi theory is correct but think technology not that good last time. The images is very blurred and gynae nv focus where is she. Lol
Anyone experience cramping? I'm having cramps almost every day. May not be those very painful one but rather uncomfortable. Luckily i manage to bring forward my appt to tml. Most likely can't see anything also cos it should be 5 week+ abit only.
Hi All, mine is through virginal scan. So baby is on the left? Boy? Haha
Ash mum,
Cramp shld br uterine muscle contracting.
Happened to be you move alot or carry heavy stuff?
Try to rest first.
It is not good continuously, last week i had it then gynae discover big patch of blood in my uterus near the sac.
He asked me to rest more.
If keep contract might push out the sac.
Thanks jj_jj, yes I'm still walking quite alot and carrying my boy. I suspect its what that cause the cramping. Touchwood-no spotting yet. Almost everyday i get cramps some days more some less. .
Actually I asked my gynae if it's normal to be crampy. .. not pain but pre menses kinda cramp. She said normal. As for carrying our #1... advisable not to carry too much after 5 months. But it's really more for the good of mummy to prevent backache and stuff... not really implications on the baby. And more importantly we gotta know our limits. I have a friend carrying her kids until she was full term
my LMP is 18th Sep but when i scan on 7th Nov, dr say i only 4 weeks P.....O 2 weeks late...
schedule me to see her next week ...will be 7 weeks P.

@Ash mum i will feel 'suan suan' like this...already cut down on carrying my #1 liao. in the mddle of the night he will come over and sleep with us (cot just beside us) than sometimes will press on my tummy or kick me...arrgghh
ya loh....my gynae only said implant in the right position and never mention anything else.
If she not worry, i should not be worried also right?

tryign to 'relax' throughout this 3 weeks wait....can't wait for the next appt
@csy1 don't worry too much. maybe your are one of those who O late that month. Your menses not the super regular kind right?

Your gynae is cool... she doesn't give you undue stress :)
i will only see my gyane in another 3 weeks time ... about 7 to 8 weeks already .. me n gynae are super relax .. by then, should be able to see whatever that should be seen already ..
Hi all! Congratulations! Just got my positive on Monday 17/11, went to poly yesterday to confirm pregnancy and got a referral letter to K.K...I want to get a Gynae in Mt. A. But thought i'll go with kk appointment for the 1st 3 month, then sign a package, anyone knows if 1st appoinment they will scan already? I don't know what to do actually, LOL, first time mum.
I just did the ring test and it swung in a line instead of circling. The u/s scan also shld be boy if based of ramzi method. Let's wait and see if this is true. Haha.
Thanks jj_jj, yes I'm still walking quite alot and carrying my boy. I suspect its what that cause the cramping. Touchwood-no spotting yet. Almost everyday i get cramps some days more some less. .
I no spotting too, he just ask my condition then i mentioned got cramp but no more next day.
If i cramp again quickly take med and rest and rest.
Expecting some brown discharge in few days for that patch to come out.
Ash mum, try not to carry heavy things in first tri if u really have cramping. Previous pregnancy, I was very easy going, anything also can do during pregnancy, my then Kkh Gynae also very easy going, but then eversince I experienced the mc this yr, the same Kkh Gynae immediately took a different approach with this pregnancy. He told me cramping near the lower womb area is ok, but if it's anywhere in the middle or higher, must tell him. He also told me pls do not carry any heavy things in first tri, esp if there is cramping or spotting. He saw my gal, and told me strictly do not carry. I guess for pregnancies with risk, the Gynae is immediately cautious. I was spotting in wk 4-6, so I guess he was very careful. First tri is considered a riskier period, so it's better to take good care this period. Having said that, don't worry too much, enjoy the pregnancy, eat well, rest well! :)
Anyone experience cramping? I'm having cramps almost every day. May not be those very painful one but rather uncomfortable. Luckily i manage to bring forward my appt to tml. Most likely can't see anything also cos it should be 5 week+ abit only.
@Ash mum I also experience some minor cramping.. let me know what ur gynae say after ur apt k
Hi all mummies, I m new here. I tested positive on 7 Oct n doc can't see anything at that time. Just waterbag. Then I went to KKH for blood test n scan but doc can't see anything inside yet but compare to 1st scab, the sac is improving. Hcg was double after 48hrs. I m worried much now. Is there anyone haven't see any ring inside sac yet? They ask me to come bk 2 weeks later. :(
hi mummies, just came back from gynae...gynae says my baby smaller than predicted based on my LMP so put me on full dose of utrosgetan (4 tabs a day).

supposed to be about 7 weeks now but baby looks 5 weeks only...anyone of you encountered this before?
hi mummies, just came back from gynae...gynae says my baby smaller than predicted based on my LMP so put me on full dose of utrosgetan (4 tabs a day).

supposed to be about 7 weeks now but baby looks 5 weeks only...anyone of you encountered this before?
Hi at least you see ur baby in scan. Mine haven't seen yet. I m very worried. Urs should be OK. Maybe ur ovaluation late or what. Anyway which gynae u seeing? I still don't have any confirmed gynae. Anyone can suggest good gynae?
hi mummies, just came back from gynae...gynae says my baby smaller than predicted based on my LMP so put me on full dose of utrosgetan (4 tabs a day).

supposed to be about 7 weeks now but baby looks 5 weeks only...anyone of you encountered this before?
@hippo78 my gynae says my hcg is v low...and enough hormone level is required for baby to grow healthily..so i am put on full dose of utrogestan and will see her again in 2 weeks...praying for everything to be ok! she says in 2 weeks (based on LMP i should be 9 weeks by then) she should be able to see baby grow and have a strong heartbeat and can tell me my EDD.
Hi at least you see ur baby in scan. Mine haven't seen yet. I m very worried. Urs should be OK. Maybe ur ovaluation late or what. Anyway which gynae u seeing? I still don't have any confirmed gynae. Anyone can suggest good gynae?

When's ur last LMP?
Are you looking for male or female? If male, my friends have been raving abt Dr Chen Lin Han at mt A. Heard he's very fatherly and assuring. You might wanna consider? Charges reasonable too.
Hello mommies (and moms-to-bes),

I just tested positive on Monday. My #1 is coming to 3 and I lost another 10-weeks in-utero. I'm very apprehensive about this pregnancy cause of the previous experienced and am very glad that some of you here have got similar experiences and do understand what I'm going through.

I really want to be happy and excited about this pregnancy but am scared of another loss. Somewhat paranoid cos I'm already 5-weeks + but not experiencing any MS per se..

Anyway, just wanna say hi! :)
@mabelths, sometimes late implantation can account for an low hCG as well.
Fact is not all babies grow the same.
Have faith.

Remember to take the progesterone pills as instructed.
Hi Appleseed, I'm also paranoid like you with 2 losses last year. Everyday I'm asking my hub why is the next check up so far away. He said I shld go be a clinic asst at a Gynae clinic so I can scan everyday instead. :(

Be positive! My MS starts on week 6 though.
I just come back from my gynae. I brought forward cos i had quite alot of cramps the whole day. Mine was still very early so can only see the water bag. I was put on progesterone insert twice a day to help w the cramps. Apparently the insert makes you less drowsy than the pills itself. After the tranvirginal scan, i having a bit of spotting. Is it normal?
Ash mum, I had spotting also at wk 5 and wk 6 after the transvaginal scan both times. It's normal, just abit of red stain right? Gynae told me also don't have sex till the pregnancy stabilizes. Likely due to sensitive cervix also, those wks when I have a lot of gas and bowel movement, I also spotted abit, my uterus seems sensitive. the spotting has gone off tho. Don't worry too much. Gynae didn't seem too concerned with minor spotting but he told me if it becomes a period like flow, must go c him immediately. What did dr tham say?
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When's ur last LMP?
Are you looking for male or female? If male, my friends have been raving abt Dr Chen Lin Han at mt A. Heard he's very fatherly and assuring. You might wanna consider? Charges reasonable too.
Jean my LMP is 2 Oct. I m ok with male or female. Does Dr chen' clinic at Mount A or private clinic outside?
My personal opinion, if you doubt with your gynae then change to one you feel comfort with.
I dun really like too chop2 & nonchalant kind.
To me is not professional lor.

My dosage of utrogestan more than yours leh, 2 tabs x 3 times daily.
Hcg and progesterone different hormone leh.

I dont experience any bleeding after transvaginal scan leh.
Jean my LMP is 2 Oct. I m ok with male or female. Does Dr chen' clinic at Mount A or private clinic outside?

Dr Chen clinic is initially at Chong Pang . Now open another one at Mt A. You can google for his contacts and read his reviews.

I also don't like those chop chop one. My #1 with Dr Irene Chua, but now nv go back already. After my losses last year, she also chop chop end the consultation, so my hub think she not caring enough.
Hi all mummies, I m new here. I tested positive on 7 Oct n doc can't see anything at that time. Just waterbag. Then I went to KKH for blood test n scan but doc can't see anything inside yet but compare to 1st scab, the sac is improving. Hcg was double after 48hrs. I m worried much now. Is there anyone haven't see any ring inside sac yet? They ask me to come bk 2 weeks later. :(
mimi june, do you mean u tested +ve on 7 NOV?
if so I think its normal that you only see a sac cos you should be ard 5wk+ if based on LMP 2 Oct?
I would recommend Dr Kenneth Lee, his clinic is also at Mt Alvernia. But he's going away for holiday from 27 Nov to 10 Dec. He's very nice, definitely not the chop chop type.
it's so difficult not to be worried right...
my hcg seems to be quite low for a start as well. e reading was only 56 when menses was late for 5 days n it took me another wk to finally get a positive result on e kit...
4 more days to my appt...

everyone let's jiayou & rest more!!

Saraii, today's appt not w dr tham. I'm gg to dr tham only in dec. I'm seeing this gynae Dr Ang Huai Yan during my ttc cos its near my office. No need to take leave to see gynae, i jus pop by during lunch. I liked her as well jus that her charges are expensive than Dr tham. Therefore i decided to go back to dr tham once stabilise and hopefully can start the package asap.
