(2015/07) Jul 2015 mummies

I've not seen the gynae yet. I shall ask the doc when i see next week. Just for the fun of it! I tried the tied ypur wedding ring w your hair and hang over your tummy method. If swing side to side its a girl, swing in circular is a boy.

Hahaha I remember my cousins trying out that ring pendulum method on my sis many years back during cny. Think it was spot on!
Felinalyl, thanks!!! I went to google Ramzi's theory out or curiosity and studied the ultrascan images they gave as examples. Interesting!! Lol, mine looks like a boy if Ramzi's theory is correct. They say that if it's an external ultrascan, remember that directions will be in mirror image instead. Lol... I must be too free!!!
my hubby wan a girl this time....very realistic....for #1, he tell me boy or girl nevermind. when scan is boy, he damn happy loh
so interesting. i just look at my scan. It's one on the left and another on the right. So it's a 龙凤胎? hahaha. Seems tat's wat my no 1 prediction also.
hahaha, ya it's very confusing. for me, i only see one is to the left and one is to the right. so must be boy and girl. but if only one, i also dunno whether it's gal or boy.
The Ramzi theory is the site of implantation. Left or right will determine gender. 97% accurate.

How true I don't know. I don't know about this till yest. My mummy fren told me. Haha. I shall ask this time round and know the answer 13 weeks later.

The direction is ours hor. Means my left or right side. Not doc or screen. Cos can be opposite. So must ask properly
i googled..it depends on whether is vaginal scan or from adominal.

If from stomach, u need to reverse the pixture.
I googled this picture guide earlier,

This is assuming a normal tummy scan and the dr doesn't flip the image. They are looking for the placenta attachment point which they circle in red, whether on left or right and according to them, scan must be between 6-8wks. But hor, when I checked online, Ramzi's theory doesn't seem verified by medical bodies, so don't know how true this theory is. In fact someone tried to hunt down the supposed dr Ramzi, but cannot find. Haha just for fun tho!
Most prolly at parkway east. U? Waiting for my appt on 1dec. Ur beanie is so clear! Was it abdominal or vaginal scan? Mine that time only saw a sac at 5weeks, anxious for the next one. Hope it grows well.
Just seen my Gynae.

Lmp 30th Sept. By calender should be 7 weeks. But scan shows 6 weeks + 3 days.

But only empty sac seen. Gynae said maybe too early. See him again in 2 weeks
Most prolly at parkway east. U? Waiting for my appt on 1dec. Ur beanie is so clear! Was it abdominal or vaginal scan? Mine that time only saw a sac at 5weeks, anxious for the next one. Hope it grows well.
Yes my was abdominal scan...5w usually too early to see anything...
Ohhh my lmp is 12 Oct, so means high chance won't be able to see anything when I go next week? Zzzzz...
Hahaha!!! @Ash mum just rub your tummy and smile like it's the most natural thing in the world :p nobody would know anyway.

Tinkle_star, I like this 无花果! Should be fine right? My last pregnancy I ate a lot of 陈皮 to curb the ms, was ok leh

Mrs_fiq, going by calendar will be exactly 6wks ha
Ash mum, my tummy is also sticking out a lot. I have to wear loose things to camouflage!

For me, this round ellipse mints are my best friend. They help kill the awful tongue taste and Naseau. But I constantly need to make sure there is bread in the house. Every 3/4 hrs I seem to need to eat abit of bread or something to curb the acid reflux feeling. If I don't, I get sicker. Once I eat a few mouths, I feel somewhat better.
Felinalyl, if the sonographer zoom in , I think should b able to see the beanie liao. My size also the same as u. My gynae zoom in quite a lot tats y can see the yolks n heartbeat .
My Gynae already zoom in and showed me. Nth yet. The pic is not the zoom in pic. On the screen he zoom in n show me.
My clothes are already tighter hahahaha... tomorroe start wrk frm my hospitalisation leave finish liao.. :( ... wish can stay hm longer lol..
Hahaha!!! @Ash mum just rub your tummy and smile like it's the most natural thing in the world :p nobody would know anyway.

Tinkle_star, I like this 无花果! Should be fine right? My last pregnancy I ate a lot of 陈皮 to curb the ms, was ok leh

Mrs_fiq, going by calendar will be exactly 6wks ha
Exactly 6w may or may not be able to see.. when I made my appt was supposed to be 6w exactly.. The nurse asked if I wanna wait a few more days coz may be too early...

@felinalyly my gynae ask to come back like wk 1,2,3 then 4 all the way till almost end then back to 3,2,1 .
I think quite important to monitor in early stage.
My 1st scan est 6wk can see sac & 2mm+ beanie.
2nd scan est 6w6d can see sac + yolk+ 7.5mm beanie.
It takes certain angle to able to see the beanie Leh.
Based on @ellesie twin, mine looks like girl. :p
My tummy bloated + gassy like nobody business. Looks like 2nd Tri Liao.
