(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Any mummies here still having hard time getting LO to drink milk? Mine started since 4months old and on and off milk strike till now 6months old. Some days only 500+ml but occasionally will have 700+ml. Really hard to feed nowadays as he is getting smarter and smarter knows how to push away my hand and turn his head left and right or close his mouth tight. -_-"
Mine! My bb only drink 300-400ml during the day, and latch at night. Its so challenging to feed her lor. No idea why though.. She will scream if she doesnt wan to drink. There was once she even scream out loud when she saw her milk bottle. Why......

Mine! My bb only drink 300-400ml during the day, and latch at night. Its so challenging to feed her lor. No idea why though.. She will scream if she doesnt wan to drink. There was once she even scream out loud when she saw her milk bottle. Why......
Ya loh! Really totally no idea y they like that.. go out worse! Super distracted to drink
My LO use to nap in the sarong and sleep in cot at night. But when she turns 4mths,I decided to wean her off the sarong cos the older they get,the harder to wean. I simply let her cry all out till she fell asleep. It's tough at first,lasts about 10mins of crying,2mins looking around,then the cycle goes again. Longest last up till 1hr before she sleeps. Average about 30mins which means a lot of crying involved.

I don't care her unless she cry until vomit (yes,that bad!). Cos once carry,or pacify etc,she's got to suffer longer by training all over again. Cos she knows crying will get her to something. When I can't bear to watch,I close the door and leave her inside. Peep occasionally. But she sleep faster without seeing us. Maybe cos she wants to be carried. But night time she can sleep during her last milk so no problem.

After 4days,she almost lost her voice. But she can be pat to nap/bed without fuss. Lucky me cos my friend baby took a week to learn. After the training she can stay in pram and carrier too. Don't know why. Haha. Just that she still cannot fall asleep in pram,think too much stimulation looking around. Works for my LO but maybe not yours. Have to be very persistent & 'heartless' lah. But u get fruits of labor after. If not she go everywhere cannot sleep and very hard to fall asleep. That's y I start training when she turns 4mths. I read that below 4mths they're still new to the world and insecure,and they won't be spoilt (I give whatever she wants). But after 4mths they're more independent and will/can start to be spoilt.

U might check out

Thanks for sharing. Kind of the same situation, she cannot sleep outside which is a huge headache!!
Ya! Ytd we went orchard from 11-5pm, my bb drink 60ml + 1x latch only. Reach home then drink more. Mayb outside too many things to see!

My baby too. If outside dont really drink that much. But once reach home, can say latch non stop also have. Hehhe... so I am not that worry. Balance out the feeds.
Yes, my lo had feeding issues too. It was a sudden drastic change. From doing 1.2litre a day, at 2-3mth old, then from 3rd month on, she's averaging about 500ml per day till now at 7 mth old. But she's on a good weight gain, weighing in on 90th percentile. I don't quite understand how it works man. But as long as they are happy and alert, it should be fine. I try not to force feed cos I don't want to create feeding tension which can become habitual in the future which is what happened with #1 for solid feeding. If they want, feed. If they don't want, then don't feed. Don't force. My pd told me before its rare for babies who's constantly offered food to be starved. Just observe and make sure they are fine can already. It's a very frustrating period and it's still not over for me!
I always tell myself to just chill when LO doesn't want to drink but I will still get frustrated! Lol. Some days,I will do more frequent feedings if he drinks too little. But damn ma fan if it's outside cost like every 1hr + or 2hrs gotta feed. I know most babies are already doing the 4hrs thingy which I really envy...
Aiyo, now the stage they learn all the weird stuff. Even my lo can wake up 10-20x in motn n start screaming, wan latch, or wan carry... Really wan to faint! Sometimes scream till he call maaaaaaaaaa. Dun wanna carry, but heard he scream also heartpain. Haha. N worse he co-sleep also so sticky! I jus started 3 days of solid (rice cereal + bm), havent tried fruits, etc. jus intro water also lucky he accepts, cos he is greedy i suppose :x

I think we shld meet up next year when bb is ard 1 yo! We been chatting like for ages hor... Haha!

@furbee, waahhh u wake up 10-20 times in motn ?? means like you have no sleep at all hor?? but good lehh.. your boy can call maaa..... mine cannot talk yet. Until yesterday I dream my boy talking to me, then i am very surprised. hahaha......

meet up at baby around 1 yr old should be fun. Some may still at crawling stage, some can stand, some can walk and some can run. They might be step on each other liao.... hahaha....
Any mummies here still having hard time getting LO to drink milk? Mine started since 4months old and on and off milk strike till now 6months old. Some days only 500+ml but occasionally will have 700+ml. Really hard to feed nowadays as he is getting smarter and smarter knows how to push away my hand and turn his head left and right or close his mouth tight. -_-"
@bubbleslovebubbly , my LO also does not drink too much. He normally just drink around 400-500 ml a day. He never finish 100 ml of milk bottle in once. Need almost one hour to feed him that 100 ml. Then wait another one hour start to feed him again 100 ml. So I don't really know how many hourly he drink. Just give when he start to cranky, although not everytime he cranky he want to drink. But if he did not want to drink then I do not force him. I already get used to it. But yesterday I feel tired latching him, then asked my hubby give him bottle milk 100 ml, he can finish in once. I am so surprised ..... mebbe my neh neh dried already. lols.
@bubbleslovebubbly , my LO also does not drink too much. He normally just drink around 400-500 ml a day. He never finish 100 ml of milk bottle in once. Need almost one hour to feed him that 100 ml. Then wait another one hour start to feed him again 100 ml. So I don't really know how many hourly he drink. Just give when he start to cranky, although not everytime he cranky he want to drink. But if he did not want to drink then I do not force him. I already get used to it. But yesterday I feel tired latching him, then asked my hubby give him bottle milk 100 ml, he can finish in once. I am so surprised ..... mebbe my neh neh dried already. lols.
Hahaha!!! Siao siao wan they all.. sometimes cranky I also thought oh must be hungry but never finish. Then other times can finish all but rarely liao nowadays..
Yah lor siao siao wan. Mine drinks about 1l a day, but at the recent pd chk he is only ard 25 percentile weight. Wat is this?? Where did all the milk go to??
Yah lor siao siao wan. Mine drinks about 1l a day, but at the recent pd chk he is only ard 25 percentile weight. Wat is this?? Where did all the milk go to??
Hahaha mine the opposite. He is less drinker but so far around 50 percentile. He is not fat also. Very active till he already learn how to stand by holding into something. Sometime can wake all day long, battery so long like duracell. Dunno where he got so much energy.
I just gave my LO her first meal yesterday! I think she like it, haha... keep giving her until she signal she is full le....
Also just start her on FM on her final feed last night. seems that she's quite adaptive to FM...
duno I shd feel glad or upset...
My bb also dun drink much but at 50 percentile. So far only gain 400-500gram in a mth. Super little i feel but pd says she is at normal range. Its always challenging to feed her during day time, easy only if she feels sleepy before nap or at night. Why ah alamak...
My bb also dun drink much but at 50 percentile. So far only gain 400-500gram in a mth. Super little i feel but pd says she is at normal range. Its always challenging to feed her during day time, easy only if she feels sleepy before nap or at night. Why ah alamak...
Same leh! daytime hard to feed but before nap or at night OK. Aiyo I always say my LO u think u are newborn meh ??? Sometimes drink only 30ml!!!
Hi mummies, my boy got this patch on his lower leg. Is it insect bites or what? I noticed a few red dots on his thigh n body Oso. But this is the largest patch so far. Seem like small blister in a ring form.


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Hi mummies, my boy got this patch on his lower leg. Is it insect bites or what? I noticed a few red dots on his thigh n body Oso. But this is the largest patch so far. Seem like small blister in a ring form.

Mummy, i think if nv recover or the area becomes red, watery, having pus, or even spreading more better drop by to check by pd or skin specialist..

By right skin irritation or rash, redness last ard 2days will recover. At least check liao, more 安心
Hi mummies, my boy got this patch on his lower leg. Is it insect bites or what? I noticed a few red dots on his thigh n body Oso. But this is the largest patch so far. Seem like small blister in a ring form.
Mine also got similar patches om his lower leg, right side only. Applied cream today not sure if works. Hmm...
Sigh.. me and my bb gal falling sick.. coughing n flu... look at her suffering... make me more guilty... how to let recover quickly..

Take care mummy! I think this is the flu n cough season. I m having flu n cough over a week n wearing mask everyday even when I m sleeping. Today heard bb cough a bit hopefully he doesn't get the virus from me. Hope ur bb get well soon.
Super sian la. Hope it helps. Talked to alot of friends whose kids had the same condition. Some firm believer of steroid, some very gungho. Just left it be. But most of them told me eczema skin is very dry one. Cannot keep washing and must keep moisturizing. I'm sure u must have tried all sorts of ways too!

don't use steroids for it has a bad effects when prolonged used. try some organic treatment. like virgin coconut oil. it has a anti bacterial properties
don't use steroids for it has a bad effects when prolonged used. try some organic treatment. like virgin coconut oil. it has a anti bacterial properties

I agree steroids has bad effects and really shouldn't use for prolonged period.

VCO is a good remedy but unfortunately doesn't work for everyone. In fact PD told us to use it for her dry scalp. I thought it was good as its natural so used it all over LO face and body and it started to have small rough bumps forming all over after a few days of use. Then I stopped. When I asked the PD, he said VCO is actually very thin oil and not ideal for moisturizing. It's good for normal dry skin but not very dry skin. But I've read plenty of reports with good results from VCO for eczema patches.

Actually I also tried coconurture eczema flare oil (some peppermint and coconut oil mix I think), it didn't work for my LO at all, what a pity. Smells v good haha.
Happy to report that my LO has started happy times brown rice cereal. Both times I fed 1 tablespoon with 50ml formula mixed in to make it runny enough. She almost finished it but still drank her usual 90ml formula afterwards. Wah like that I very happy coz she is taking in more calories! (90ml is really little per feed for 5 mth plus baby I think)

Any mummy feeding Similac total comfort? I am thinking to switch her to this at stage 2 after 6 mths. She's on Nan Ha currently.
@Violet Zhou , may can intro abit bout urself n baby progress/development ?

Weather is real bad! Sunny,Rainy.. Lucky no longer hazy! Haha. But yea alot ppl is getting sick, n baby too.. Sigh. Maybe is year end also.......take care mummies, and babies! Drink more water :x
Happy to report that my LO has started happy times brown rice cereal. Both times I fed 1 tablespoon with 50ml formula mixed in to make it runny enough. She almost finished it but still drank her usual 90ml formula afterwards. Wah like that I very happy coz she is taking in more calories! (90ml is really little per feed for 5 mth plus baby I think)

Any mummy feeding Similac total comfort? I am thinking to switch her to this at stage 2 after 6 mths. She's on Nan Ha currently.

My bb is taking Similac total comfort since ard 4 mths. Now taking total comfort stage 2. So far so good. I like it as it is lighter.
My bb is taking Similac total comfort since ard 4 mths. Now taking total comfort stage 2. So far so good. I like it as it is lighter.

Oooh nice to hear. But when u say lighter means lighter compared to what brand formula?

Actually I a bit hesitant coz heard that it's more heaty/sweet than Nan. Just worried constipate LO haha.
Any mummies here still having hard time getting LO to drink milk? Mine started since 4months old and on and off milk strike till now 6months old. Some days only 500+ml but occasionally will have 700+ml. Really hard to feed nowadays as he is getting smarter and smarter knows how to push away my hand and turn his head left and right or close his mouth tight. -_-"

hi bubbleslovebubbly, we are in the same boat. My boy just turned 6 months, and this milk hating behaviour has persisted since he was 2mth old.
every feed is a struggle -> gotta walk and pat and bring him around the house to look at things, than he will drink a bit. Now that he has seen most of the stuff in the house, i have to think of new pattern/ items to show him in order to get him to drink.

other than this drinking issue, he has developed new sleeping problems for me.
after putting him to bed in less than 10mins, he will start to awaken n wail. sometimes carry n rock also dun want.
im almost at my wits end with this little rascal.
i will be more than grateful if i can get a good uninteruppted 4 hours zz :<

hope this phase will be over soon and i can get back some much needed rest zzzZZZZ hahaha
Aiyo, now the stage they learn all the weird stuff. Even my lo can wake up 10-20x in motn n start screaming, wan latch, or wan carry... Really wan to faint! Sometimes scream till he call maaaaaaaaaa. Dun wanna carry, but heard he scream also heartpain. Haha. N worse he co-sleep also so sticky! I jus started 3 days of solid (rice cereal + bm), havent tried fruits, etc. jus intro water also lucky he accepts, cos he is greedy i suppose :x

I think we shld meet up next year when bb is ard 1 yo! We been chatting like for ages hor... Haha!

my gosh!! 10-20X?? how u tahan??
mine wake up every hour from 12midnight till 6am already make me go crazy. mood super bad that i flared up at every minor stuff
Hi Mummies,

I'm considering making my frozen breastmilk into soap as a souvenior to mark my breastfeeding journey, haha...
really not easy to last till this far as I kena 2 episode of mastistis and lots of block ducts issues.

the other time, @furbee did share this http://soapministry.com/soap/category.php?id_category=56.

I found another 2 soap maker in Singapore:


Soap Shifu is from $85 for 1kg which is 10pcs of soap, requires 330ml of frozen milk within 6 months.
Vikki is $25 for 5 bars and require 160ml of milk. but she prefer to use milk less than 2 weeks old.

I've got a lot of old frozen milk, so most likely will go with soap shifu though Vikki is cheaper.
Just for sharing...
I m having flu n sore throat. Has stop taking medicine so that I can heal by my own. Is it save to continue bf my bb? I think the block nose will take a while to recover. The flu medicine making me too drowsy.
Should be okay. Just cover your face with a mask. I had flu a month back and still bf. Bb is okay.
Envious! My LO has issues with falling asleep eversince she's newborn...she fights sleep like no tomorrow lol. I dont know why she doesnt like to go sleep haha.
Really stressful when go out coz with the stimulation is worse, she can't sleep.

I tried carrier (she hates it), tried patting, she doesn't take pacifier too. Doesn't stay put in stroller for more than 30 mins. Swaddling and playing lullaby music at night on her cot and holding her hands down, she can sleep though. Or easiest is when she KO while drinking milk.
I'm still carrying my lo to sleep in my arms and she is getting heavier. It seems like it is getting more difficult to train her to sleep on her own. Sigh.
Oooh nice to hear. But when u say lighter means lighter compared to what brand formula?

Actually I a bit hesitant coz heard that it's more heaty/sweet than Nan. Just worried constipate LO haha.

I first used Similac blue colour.. coz sometimes my bb takes few days to poo so pd suggested total comfort. Is there any reasons u want to change to total comfort? Why not continue with Nan.
I also
Hi Mummies,

I'm considering making my frozen breastmilk into soap as a souvenior to mark my breastfeeding journey, haha...
really not easy to last till this far as I kena 2 episode of mastistis and lots of block ducts issues.

the other time, @furbee did share this http://soapministry.com/soap/category.php?id_category=56.

I found another 2 soap maker in Singapore:


Soap Shifu is from $85 for 1kg which is 10pcs of soap, requires 330ml of frozen milk within 6 months.
Vikki is $25 for 5 bars and require 160ml of milk. but she prefer to use milk less than 2 weeks old.

I've got a lot of old frozen milk, so most likely will go with soap shifu though Vikki is cheaper.
Just for sharing...

I also thinking should I do something use breastmilk a not.. My boy will be coming 7 months didn't expect to breastfeed him so long though I exclusively pumping... :)
Hi mummies, my lo is 6month plus.. and on nan ha. started him on solid but these two days poo very hard and he needs to use strength. I gave him some prune puree yesterday and today but still constipated. Tmr going to try give pear puree. Anyone had similar situation?
Hi mummies, my lo is 6month plus.. and on nan ha. started him on solid but these two days poo very hard and he needs to use strength. I gave him some prune puree yesterday and today but still constipated. Tmr going to try give pear puree. Anyone had similar situation?

My bb once started solid ard 5.5 mths, his poo become solid and no longer soft & watery like before. The poo sometimes is dry and hard. But he still poo everyday. My nanny told me to give him pear if he didn't poo. She uses heinz pear. I heard sweet potato will help too.
I'm still carrying my lo to sleep in my arms and she is getting heavier. It seems like it is getting more difficult to train her to sleep on her own. Sigh.

My bb used to rock to sleep every night. Can't even put down on bed if he still awake. But surprisingly one day, he cried whn I rock him to sleep. I became super tired n just put him on bed to see wht he really wants. He turned and fall asleep on his own. Since then, after milk, I will give him his blanket to hug and tell him is time to sleep. Pat his butt.. he will fall asleep on his own. I m so grateful!
My bb once started solid ard 5.5 mths, his poo become solid and no longer soft & watery like before. The poo sometimes is dry and hard. But he still poo everyday. My nanny told me to give him pear if he didn't poo. She uses heinz pear. I heard sweet potato will help too.

My boy started solid when he's 5 months.. About 2-3 weeks ago he started not to poop often.. But he doesn't looks constipated at all.. He farts a lot and very smelly..If I see him like 4-5days never poop, I used cotton bud to tickle his buttock and he will poop.. His poop is soft leh so I don't understand why he don't want to poop.. So our conclusion is he is lazy to push instead of constipation...
Happy to report that my LO has started happy times brown rice cereal. Both times I fed 1 tablespoon with 50ml formula mixed in to make it runny enough. She almost finished it but still drank her usual 90ml formula afterwards. Wah like that I very happy coz she is taking in more calories! (90ml is really little per feed for 5 mth plus baby I think)

Any mummy feeding Similac total comfort? I am thinking to switch her to this at stage 2 after 6 mths. She's on Nan Ha currently.
I used to feed total comfort to my son but he didn't like the taste. I just started stage 2 few days ago n he's ok with it. He loves healthy times too. Sometimes I mixed his cereal with the leftover total comfort if not v wasted.
My bb once started solid ard 5.5 mths, his poo become solid and no longer soft & watery like before. The poo sometimes is dry and hard. But he still poo everyday. My nanny told me to give him pear if he didn't poo. She uses heinz pear. I heard sweet potato will help too.
Looks like pear is indeed good. OK I shall start giving him these three days :) hopefully will help
I first used Similac blue colour.. coz sometimes my bb takes few days to poo so pd suggested total comfort. Is there any reasons u want to change to total comfort? Why not continue with Nan.

I find meadjohnson and Abbott seems to have better R&D for their formulas given their wide range. Also nan seems more thin, and since LO is a small eater, so would like to put her on something sweeter/thicker hoping she can put on a bit more weight loh.
I find meadjohnson and Abbott seems to have better R&D for their formulas given their wide range. Also nan seems more thin, and since LO is a small eater, so would like to put her on something sweeter/thicker hoping she can put on a bit more weight loh.

Didn't know about this..I thought Nan is better so I'm actually thinking to let my boy take Nan HA after wean off from breastmilk..
actually i didn't give much thought to it and all along I knew Nan was closer to breastmilk consistency so it's a good choice. I gave Nan since birth.
meadjohnson and abbott actually have extended range into prescription formulas for milk allergy babies as well besides the wide range available at supermarkets.
It's just a personal thought and feel, I didn't do any research on this. I based it off the fact that my LO was on the prescription formulas for a while back then. But if LO prefers Nan i would gladly stick to it loh. lol.

just a thought - why u want give Nan HA and not Nan Pro? Cos if no allergy pr digestive issues dun really need HA...

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Most of us here still active aint on fb, maybe can try adding u to the fb group pending the admin to accept. We do have WA grp, n only met up once so far.. Haha

Hahaha! Ya.. no time to meet liao hor! I've been super duper busy since I started work! Sianz.. everyday also tabao work home.. even weekends also burnt working.. I hope Xmas comes soon and by then I hope I can rest for a few days before 2016 comes!!!
