(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Any mommies with Dr Wee at novena & doing harmony test at nuh?
50_BBN, did Dr Wee recommended you to do harmony test? I think he could also help you in referring you to do the harmony test. Because last time he give me option whether to take oscar or harmony test. But then I opt to take oscar first.

For first time mummies, are your tummy growing bigger now we r on our 2nd trimester? Mine still seems quite small except in the evening after meal. Bb bump seems more obvious. I am still wearing my normal clothes except sometimes have to un buckle the pants haha
Me at 16wks already but tummy not obvious, ppl doesnt know that i am preggy.... i am still wearing my old pants, tops n jeans, juz that my jeans cant buckle... i am going to see how long i can hide.... hahaha.... so far i put on 1kg till now.... but then i have a "big" base to start with.... hahaha....
@polarwhite80, me too, so far I am able to hide my tummy under my clothes. But I think by week 20, might be start to show le. I am waiting for my colleague asking. hehe....

@houseoflove, my weight has been decreased and increased on and off. But all moving within 2 kg range before pre-pregnancy.
Oh tats still within normal range. I put on 1kg so far but only in my 12week. This is my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy i put on 23kg, only managed to shed off 14kg and still have excess 10kg on my body then got pregnant again. Somemore i am very plus size, so this pregnancy i really need to keep my weight in check!
I think i can feel baby movement now, although still very subtle and only can feel it when I am lying down doing nothing. Otherwise, I do not feel anything. So still not regular yet. Hopefully I can feel it stronger by another week. How about you?

I sometimes feel little bumps/flutters in my belly after food, but not sure if it's the baby moving or my stomach growling.

Hi mummies, any facebook group to join for this group? My edd is 29 may..just curious how much weight you mummies put on so far?

I haven't put on any weight, but I lost 2kg from not eating enough in the first trimester! Hope to gain it back soon.
hi ladies, this thread is moving really fast! hope everyone is doing well. :) my new helper joined last Friday and i was busy ever since. it's exhausting training and settling new helper! not to mention the daily to and fro fetching kids.. to add on to the stress, i started having light bleeding again this morning. :( went to see the gynae earlier and saw that baby was okay, still active in there. really had a scare for awhile. and i may be having another girl! 'cos gynae cannot find any birdie when scanning between the legs. seeing him again next Monday, hope can confirm gender then.
Starrymommy, glad u r alright. Take care & rest well.
Can check with u, how do u book your tests at nuh as pte patient? I tried booking for harmony test but was told I can't since my gynae is not from nuh.
50_BBN, my gynae was the one who recommended me there. his staff nurse booked for me. my gynae is from Gleneagles, btw. yours?
For all new mummies, we are all looking forward to our tummy growing bigger soon hehehe....hubs said I am obsessed as every evening I will stand in the mirror to look and look. Hahaha...Still can't feel any movement yet but we are looking forward to week 17 as then baby will be able to hear us?
You are lucky! I can't wear many of my old stuff any more. I'm only at week 12! I used to be pretty small framed la, 46kg. Now I'm about 48plus! Some times even 49! My skirts were size 6, now cannot wear them any more. :( I had to buy maternity jeans and a maternity pencil skirt and two dresses from ASOS.
Don't worry too much as long as you and baby healthy that's good!
I sometimes feel little bumps/flutters in my belly after food, but not sure if it's the baby moving or my stomach growling.

I haven't put on any weight, but I lost 2kg from not eating enough in the first trimester! Hope to gain it back soon.
same here. i feel my stomach like got something spinning n bumps here n there when time is up for feeding. i now eat every 2 hr
I'm also first time mummy, at 14 weeks now. Was 45kg before pregnant, now put on about 1.5kg. But i can't wear all my jeans, pants, skirts and casual shorts already. Only can wear those stretchable tights and dresses or loose tops. But actually ppl still can't tell im pregnant. my tummy only becomes very obvious at night after dinner. Now i always have feeling ppl looking at me when i'm shopping.... cos looks like i have such a fat tummy. lol!
thanks, ladies. i'm gonna take things slow. :) still feeling baby kicking so that is really reassuring.
How many weeks already? I had light brown spotting for about 3 weeks too in my week 7-10 but now stop. I hope to maintain this way. It scared me everytime goin to toilet to check if any stain :(
I went for my check up today. Still can't really see baby gender, baby only show the butt for us to see. Haha... Gyne said maybe is a gal. Must wait till another 4weeks to see the baby..
I got baby bump since week 12. I'm now at week 14. I had packed lots of my cloths n all my pants already. All cannot wear anymore :( Mayb i'm a big eater too thats why belly grow bigger. Haha. So far i gained 2.5kg already.
I had serious leg cramp last night. It just came out of sudden when I was enjoying my sweet dream. When I was tried to straighten my leg I can feel a big nerve pulling my leg. That's horrible painful n i woke up my hubby to help me massage my leg. Is any mummy here having such similar experience b4?
@BubsandBloms Great news! So fast your oscar results come out, mine takes at least a week! Waiting impatiently o_O

@starrymommy was wondering where you went! Have more rest k? Hey powerpuff girls also very good!

@Doraemon_mummy oh so fast leg cramps already? It's pretty common to have those in later stage of pregnancy, and yes its really horrible. Maybe try to elevate your leg up with a pillow? It's to do with blood circulation I think.
Hi all.. anyone with Dr John yam from gleneagles/acumed? Any feedbaxk? Was with Prof biswas from nuh but he's so busy ! Worried that when I am in labour and he's isn't free to attend to me.
@Doraemon_mummy I had the same experience last weekend! Was quite surprised because I thought it would start later.

Does anyone have dizzy spells so far? I've had it twice and had to take last-minute leave from work. >_<
Hi mummies, any mummies start feeling any itchy on tummy? These days I feel that itchy coming and try to refrain myself not to scratch ..... so difficult.
cynn04, I would love another girl. think the sisters will be very close in future! hubby will be very disappointed though. maybe should tell him if we bring up our girls well, we will gain 3 more sons instead. haha!

sin nee, I'm with Dr John Yam. nice gynae. :)

mylilsheep, my tummy too, will itch at the sides. a bit like rashes. trying not to scratch too, but it is difficult!
Isenggirl, is ur bb going to be a boy? My first pregnancy i had super cold feet, even had to wear socks during the night. Turn out to be a boy hehe.
mylilsheep, my tummy too, will itch at the sides. a bit like rashes. trying not to scratch too, but it is difficult!
yeahh.. me also at both sides of my tummy. A bit of red dots there, but not that obvious yet, but can feel it a bit rough on the surface. sobs....
mylilsheep, my gynae gave me a cream to apply whenever I start to get those red bumps. can't remember the name.. alternatively, can ask GP for a non-steroid cream too. the itch can get quite unbearable..
@littleforest @isenggirl same here, I never expect leg cramp can be come so early. But I was really stressful and tired at work last week. That could b the main reason. Thank gos everything has completed and i can relax a bit now. Haha.

@50_BBN I also sometime feel itchy at stomach area since last week. Just try to scratch my tummy lightly. I didnt apply any cream yet
mylilsheep, my gynae gave me a cream to apply whenever I start to get those red bumps. can't remember the name.. alternatively, can ask GP for a non-steroid cream too. the itch can get quite unbearable..
@starrymommy, yeah... think I am gonna to tell my gynae on next visit. But previously my sis gynae did not give her anything. So just 忍 .......or rub with hands. Now her boy like to rub her mom oso. lols....

Mommies who have itchy bumps at tummy, could it b due to not suitable use of stretch mark cream?
@50_BBN, dun think it is due to stretch mark cream. Coz, if I am not apply at all, it become more itchy.
Isenggirl, is ur bb going to be a boy? My first pregnancy i had super cold feet, even had to wear socks during the night. Turn out to be a boy hehe.
I dunno the gender yet actually.. haha but I had a mixed dreams. First few weeks I dreamt about changing my 2 nephews diapers and saw their birdies haha (they are 10 yrs old now!). But about a week ago I dreamt about a girl.. haha so lets see..

When did your cold feet stop? I am wearing socks from 7pm onwards now. Its not freezing cold but just cold..
@Doraemon_mummy I had the same experience last weekend! Was quite surprised because I thought it would start later.

Does anyone have dizzy spells so far? I've had it twice and had to take last-minute leave from work. >_<

Yes I had dizzy spells the past 2 days too. Both times in the morning, but fine later on in the day... Dr did say i am a bit anaemic. But i have been taking my multivits with iron. Not sure whether dizzy spell still because of anaemic.....
Yes I had dizzy spells the past 2 days too. Both times in the morning, but fine later on in the day... Dr did say i am a bit anaemic. But i have been taking my multivits with iron. Not sure whether dizzy spell still because of anaemic.....

When i stand up from sit down position and suddenly black out.. is it dizzy spell? Like those low blood pressure.. :( happen quite freq too..
When i stand up from sit down position and suddenly black out.. is it dizzy spell? Like those low blood pressure.. :( happen quite freq too..

Yea i have that very frequently when i stand up too. But past 2 days was really dizzy. When i stand up, the world started spinning and i couldn't walk straight, had to hold on to a support and sit down to rest. And also after standing/ walking for some time without sitting, i start to feel light headed again and need to sit down somewhere to rest. But today i feel better, no dizzy spells so far.
Yes I had dizzy spells the past 2 days too. Both times in the morning, but fine later on in the day... Dr did say i am a bit anaemic. But i have been taking my multivits with iron. Not sure whether dizzy spell still because of anaemic.....

I read that it helps if you sleep on your left side as it improves blood circulation. I've been doing that and so far it's helped! (Fingers crossed)

When i stand up from sit down position and suddenly black out.. is it dizzy spell? Like those low blood pressure.. :( happen quite freq too..

I think the fainting could be related to dizziness... Hope you didn't injure yourself! Maybe can check with gynae soon...

@Doraemon_mummy I had the same experience last weekend! Was quite surprised because I thought it would start later.

Does anyone have dizzy spells so far? I've had it twice and had to take last-minute leave from work. >_<

I dun hv dizzy spells, but all along hv slight low blood pressure. Always headrush if got up too quickly. Could also be low blood sugar, so hv a hearty breakfast b4 leaving for work? Carry some sweets along with you at all times, and take some if you feel dizzy.
