(2015/02) Feb 2015 mummies

Hello! I am thinking of purchasing the complete Avent set, heard that there are still promotion and it also comes with a stroller.
So did you purchase your breast pump?:)

Hi! A colleague of mine recommends the Unimom brand. She said after much research, this brand is one of the better reviews she had found. What are your takes on this?

Hi! A colleague of mine recommends the Unimom brand. She said after much research, this brand is one of the better reviews she had found. What are your takes on this?

Hello. I had never heard of this brand. Based on my family and friends they recommend medela or ardo for breast pump. I got the avent set cause I really love their package which comes in everything and a graco stroller.
Hello. I had never heard of this brand. Based on my family and friends they recommend medela or ardo for breast pump. I got the avent set cause I really love their package which comes in everything and a graco stroller.


Attahed is the unimom brand website. I heard mandela is one of the most expensive. How is the avent set doing for you? Or you have not used it yet?


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Attahed is the unimom brand website. I heard mandela is one of the most expensive. How is the avent set doing for you? Or you have not used it yet?

Hello, I have yet to use it. My mum told me to try out Avent and of cause I expect that it is not as good than Unimom and Medela for breast pump. (My mum works for the retail for numerous years and trusted her words.)

My elder sister have 2 girls at 4-6 years old and been using Avent brand for their milk bottles and sterilizer and didn't seen her change the sterilizer at all. Works very long.

I am purchasing this coming Sunday as the promotion is going to end soon. (You may check this link below and not very sure if Philips are extending this promotion.)

My experience mummies sisters/friends told me in points for breastfeeding guide: -
-Don't get a manual breast pumps.
-Don't get a single breast pumps.
-Pump milk every hour.
-Latch your baby as often as possible.

I hope it will help you in some ways.

still no invitation to join group =( can adjust the setting of the fb grp to 'closed' instead of 'secret'? in that case we can search the grp and join ourselves..
Hello, I have yet to use it. My mum told me to try out Avent and of cause I expect that it is not as good than Unimom and Medela for breast pump. (My mum works for the retail for numerous years and trusted her words.)

My elder sister have 2 girls at 4-6 years old and been using Avent brand for their milk bottles and sterilizer and didn't seen her change the sterilizer at all. Works very long.

I am purchasing this coming Sunday as the promotion is going to end soon. (You may check this link below and not very sure if Philips are extending this promotion.)

My experience mummies sisters/friends told me in points for breastfeeding guide: -
-Don't get a manual breast pumps.
-Don't get a single breast pumps.
-Pump milk every hour.
-Latch your baby as often as possible.

I hope it will help you in some ways.

Wow this is really comprehensive! Thanks so much for sharing! And yes happy weekend!!! :)
Sorry but this is getting a little bit frustrating =) I had provided my email add thrice but still did not get any invitations haha..i had check my inbox and junk mail liao all dun have..can the admin just make the group 'closed' instead of 'secret'? in that case we can search the group ourselves..

or is anyone in that grp successfully already?
Sorry but this is getting a little bit frustrating =) I had provided my email add thrice but still did not get any invitations haha..i had check my inbox and junk mail liao all dun have..can the admin just make the group 'closed' instead of 'secret'? in that case we can search the group ourselves..

or is anyone in that grp successfully already?

Hi paull

Sorry I am unable to make it a closed group. Most mummies here are already on the group based on my invitation. PM me your email address and I will add you as a friend in Facebook and then add you to the group. Thank you.
I'll add you as a friend in facebook. Please accept my request and I will add you to the group once you have accepted my friend request.

I just checked on Facebook. You are unsearchable thus explains the reason of you not being able to receive any invitation to join the group. Please allow me to look for you on Facebook for next couple of hours (change your setting for awhile) and I'll add you in. Else PM me here and we will work something out.
hey mummies
at around week 26, how much have u gained? how about baby weight?
did ur gynae mention how much should u ideally gain each month?
Hello mummies. I want to ask: those who are not first time mum, how will the baby bonus be given? I know it wont be given at one go and certain amt is fixed for medication etc. But will there be like cash or vouchers be given?

hey mummies
at around week 26, how much have u gained? how about baby weight?
did ur gynae mention how much should u ideally gain each month?

Hi DollyL i have gained abt 5-6kilos..
Not sure how much i should gain... Have to see what other mummies say.. If they are still here that is...
