(2015/02) Feb 2015 mummies

Hello mummies. I want to ask: those who are not first time mum, how will the baby bonus be given? I know it wont be given at one go and certain amt is fixed for medication etc. But will there be like cash or vouchers be given?

Hi @fussywifey

See below:

Raising And Caring For Your Children
Enhanced Baby Bonus
  • Parents receive an enhanced cash gift of $6,000 (up from $4,000) each for their 1st and 2nd child, and $8,000 (up from $6,000) each for their 3rd and 4th child. The cash gift is fully disbursed earlier, within 12 months of the child’s birth (instead of the 18 months previously).
  • Savings to a child’s Child Development Account (CDA) are matched dollar-for-dollar by the Government for up to $6,000 each for the 1st and 2nd child, up to $12,000 each for the 3rd and 4th child, and up to $18,000 each from the 5th child onwards.
  • With effect from 1 January 2013, the CDA has been extended by 6 years. This means that children born on or after 1 January 2006 continue to have their CDAs open until 31 December of the year they turn 12, instead of 31 December of the year they turn 6. Parents can continue to save into the CDA and use CDA funds for their children and their siblings until 31 December of the year they turn 12. 1 Jan 2013
Medisave Grant for Newborns
  • Each citizen newborn has a CPF Medisave account opened for him/her, with a Medisave grant of $3,000 deposited.
  • The first $1,500 is deposited after birth registration, and the remaining $1,500 is deposited in the subsequent year, provided that the child remains enrolled in MediShield or a Medisave-approved Integrated Shield Plan.
MediShield Coverage for Congenital & Neonatal Conditions
  • Newborns are covered under MediShield from birth with no underwriting, including for congenital and neonatal conditions, so long as their parents do not opt them out.
Parenthood Tax Rebate (PTR)
  • Parents can claim the PTR of $5,000 for their 1st child, $10,000 for their 2nd child, and $20,000 each for all subsequent children. Existing
hey mummies
at around week 26, how much have u gained? how about baby weight?
did ur gynae mention how much should u ideally gain each month?

My last visit was week 23 which I gain about 9 kgs, Bb weight is about 460g
Gynae didn't mention anything
Teach me how to gain that much le. People keep saying cannot see my bump. Im 6 mths ald. Sad.
I think we gain that much or not not important...most importantly is beanie...if dr nv comment anything meaning nth to worry for...
So far how many have u gain? I have gained abt 2kg as per last sat weighing...dr said I small size so still okie...mbe also cos I control my diets...
Fussywifey : I just eat per normal, I dunno how I gain too
But dinner I must have meat cos no meat I Dun feel full be hungry very fast
I gained ard 5.5kg. I try to eat more than normal bcos im ald underweight ... My last visit doc say baby is fine.. And she said i dont seem to be showing probly bcos i skinny. But still... Cnat help worrying. Thanks for the reassurance and support ladies..
Btw are any of u taking in obimin and fish oil daily? I must confess im not =/
I gained ard 5.5kg. I try to eat more than normal bcos im ald underweight ... My last visit doc say baby is fine.. And she said i dont seem to be showing probly bcos i skinny. But still... Cnat help worrying. Thanks for the reassurance and support ladies..
Btw are any of u taking in obimin and fish oil daily? I must confess im not =/

Don't worry I gained abt 4 plus since preg but baby wt gain ok slightly high .. If gynae nv comment shd be ok.. Im taking the vits n fish oil daily
I didn't gain much weight at all but baby bump is showing well. Most importantly, the doctors did not comment on my weight problem at all. Hopefully I can have more food intake.
I gained ard 5.5kg. I try to eat more than normal bcos im ald underweight ... My last visit doc say baby is fine.. And she said i dont seem to be showing probly bcos i skinny. But still... Cnat help worrying. Thanks for the reassurance and support ladies..
Btw are any of u taking in obimin and fish oil daily? I must confess im not =/
Why u says u r underweight? Cos not gain enough or pre pregnancy weight already underweight?
If dr said okie don't worry abt it...
I gained ard 5.5kg. I try to eat more than normal bcos im ald underweight ... My last visit doc say baby is fine.. And she said i dont seem to be showing probly bcos i skinny. But still... Cnat help worrying. Thanks for the reassurance and support ladies..
Btw are any of u taking in obimin and fish oil daily? I must confess im not =/

I ate different kind of multi-vitamins and fish oil daily. So far didn't stop at all unless completely finish. I took at least 1 cup of annmum milk every night too.
Me today week 26...I think our edd just one day apart...but my gyane said will let bb out once full mth or by 38 weeks...cos we go thru so much the importantly is to have bb on hand than keep in womb till 40 weeks...

Haha my gynae advice is 17 feb
I hope I can hold Bb till full term and hope he a "yang yang"
Haha my gynae advice is 17 feb
I hope I can hold Bb till full term and hope he a "yang yang"
That means is one week b4 edd? That's week 39 full term already...week 37 full term already...
Haha my hub said if on 10feb will be the best lol...
Today visit I asked for bb weight gynae said will measure in next appt...now he looked at overall wait next appt he will c in detailed...from last visit till today I have gained abt 2kg...
Yes yes but its hard to gain. Im really trying to eat alot ald... End up making mysf sick...
If dr nv comment anything meaning nth to worry about so don't have to force urself to eat...don't worry cos bb will find way to obsorb nutrition from u just ensure u eat as per normal n healthily :)

Anyone who has yet to find a CN can contact my CN at 8144 1626 as she is available during CNY period. She is currently in SIN doing confinement in Bedok for 2months.
