(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

hope the sonographer is professional..
why must be able to see baby then can scan ah?

i read that some tap tap the stomach for the baby to turn?

talk to your baby the night before and b4 the scan. :) My sonographer make me cough, and I can see the womb contract haha
Yes indeed... and you know what my TCM dr said when she knew about my previous preggy ended MTPT? Usually boys from IVF will have more risk of abnormality... i was like???
ICSI will even have higher risk of abnormality... cos sperm is selected n injected into egg... normal ivf just let 'nature take its course' and let the sperm do its job in a petri dish with the eggs.
i will confirm by carters/ oshkosh ... for those with prince... oshkosh offer cuter clothes ...for princess i find carters better :D ... my niece "helped " me dry run shopping for princess clothes lolz

The chat is moving so fast today! :p

I also buy from carters/oshkosh regularly. I only buy from mothercare for CNY because i have the 30% birthday discount. :)
ICSI will even have higher risk of abnormality... cos sperm is selected n injected into egg... normal ivf just let 'nature take its course' and let the sperm do its job in a petri dish with the eggs.

that's why its very debatable... about doing IVF and having healthy babies... for some of us, the only chance we can get preggy is only via IVF yet we have to take the risk of having abnormal babies...
The chat is moving so fast today! :p

I also buy from carters/oshkosh regularly. I only buy from mothercare for CNY because i have the 30% birthday discount. :)

ahh birthday discount.. Mine coming soon =P anyone wants tell me in dec hehehe.. i keep buying from mothercare bec is so pretty. Yes carter/ osh i buy regarlarly.. cool we can have a spree soon when we know the gender =X

Eh.. so anyone stay in wdls? i looking for wdls kaki..
oh okie!
where did u take ur OSCAR?

Yeah in TMC... Process is Register and Payment, then proceed to waiting area, when your number is called, just go in and do a scan, ;ike in the gynae, except that this time round the sonographer will take a lot more pictures. If successful then okay, if baby not cooperating then need to go out for a walk and come back again.

After scan, proceed to lab to take blood test.

After blood test can go home le...
Yeah in TMC... Process is Register and Payment, then proceed to waiting area, when your number is called, just go in and do a scan, ;ike in the gynae, except that this time round the sonographer will take a lot more pictures. If successful then okay, if baby not cooperating then need to go out for a walk and come back again.

After scan, proceed to lab to take blood test.

After blood test can go home le...

the pictures we can take back?
actually i think most of us hang around here more than FB.. we should keep the list of mummies their EDD and baby gender here :D .
my 1st born mummies group created an excel with list down name / nick/ EDD / Dr in charge / Gender and will update EDD once gave birth
that's why its very debatable... about doing IVF and having healthy babies... for some of us, the only chance we can get preggy is only via IVF yet we have to take the risk of having abnormal babies...
Well, we have little options... it's either we take the chance or resign to fate that we may never conceive.
I can't leave home without my fan.. haha abit aunty but bo bian.. its really hot!!!
So I am not the only one feeling the hotness haha

LOL. Every day I wake up sweating. My hubby ask me, how come you are so sweaty...

At first I didn't realise, but pregnant really sweat more hor... :p Now I need to up the fan speed...
actually i think most of us hang around here more than FB.. we should keep the list of mummies their EDD and baby gender here :D .
my 1st born mummies group created an excel with list down name / nick/ EDD / Dr in charge / Gender and will update EDD once gave birth

i used to do that for my first born too... i dun mind doing the spreadsheet... if you girls can start the ball rolling with the info...

though with this new format, i m not sure if it works now
I just did my oscar last Saturday, and it was a bad experience, the sonographer used abit of force keep rubbing and shaking my tummy cos baby not cooperative... And now I feel bruised on my lower tummy since Saturday night. Hope it's nothing serious.
I just did my oscar last Saturday, and it was a bad experience, the sonographer used abit of force keep rubbing and shaking my tummy cos baby not cooperative... And now I feel bruised on my lower tummy since Saturday night. Hope it's nothing serious.

where did u do it @?
if the sonographer use force i will F her up
i used to do that for my first born too... i dun mind doing the spreadsheet... if you girls can start the ball rolling with the info...

though with this new format, i m not sure if it works now
i also trying to figure that out here but cant :D

Nick | Name | EDD | BB Gender | Gynae name | Hospital
\ ecym | Eliss | late Jan 2014 | Princess | Dr Ben Tham | TMC


Can see! *Thumbs Up* Should be late Jan 2015 leh

GetawayJunkie | KS | late Jan 2015 | TBA | Dr Ben Tham | TMC

Oh yeah @ecym, I'm curious, why didn't u stay with your IVF gynae throughout your pregnancy? Why you choose to switch to Dr Tham from Week 21 onwards?
