(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

price is very easy compared to the others..
is the qualitY & taste im worried about
taste is subjective... haha. but I think it is ok. and usually catered food tastes *like that lor* . cant expect too much in general, and the ones that are very nice are exorbitant like about 50 bucks a pax. Like that might as well go to restaurant to eat
I have yet to pop, so dunno if its normal. But, try to do Kegel exercise to strengthen that area. WBB did recommend in her class to do before & after poping.. can't remember frequency.. maybe 10times per set 10times a day?

my baby is 12 days old now, the 1st week post delivery I also couldn't control my muscles, esp when I wanted to 'pee' it gushed out.. I started doing kegel exercise and I feel the muscles are strengthening up now.. I told my gynae about it too and he gave me medication to help strengthen the below muscle
taste is subjective... haha. but I think it is ok. and usually catered food tastes *like that lor* . cant expect too much in general, and the ones that are very nice are exorbitant like about 50 bucks a pax. Like that might as well go to restaurant to eat

true. agreed
ur fingers feel numb? ur legs swollen?
im experiencing those
those that received the GE package, is it big?
like a parcel ? or what?

It's parcel, a rectangular box (ps I threw it away, this pic is from the Whatsapp chat one of the mummy took)

Mummies who had a natural delivery, is it normal to still feel a weird sensation below after 2 weeks plus? Sigh..It just doesn't feel the same anymore and I can't really describe the feeling. I can't control my pelvic muscles much also. When I start peeing, I can't make myself stop by pulling back the pelvic muscles like before.. is it normal?

It's normal too... our below n insides are loose. It takes sometimes to regain the elastic..

When I juz discharge. I have strange feeling when I pee... for a few days.. numb ...
Mummies who had a natural delivery, is it normal to still feel a weird sensation below after 2 weeks plus? Sigh..It just doesn't feel the same anymore and I can't really describe the feeling. I can't control my pelvic muscles much also. When I start peeing, I can't make myself stop by pulling back the pelvic muscles like before.. is it normal?

I think it's normal. I find it hard to control the muscles too. Peeing and pooing feel so weird and different now. And my belly still has an "empty" feeling which makes me feel breathless when I take deep breaths. But I remember it will get better! It can even take months. But our body will repair and recover eventually. Though it will never feel the same as before again. :)
It's normal too... our below n insides are loose. It takes sometimes to regain the elastic..

When I juz discharge. I have strange feeling when I pee... for a few days.. numb ...
I think it's normal. I find it hard to control the muscles too. Peeing and pooing feel so weird and different now. And my belly still has an "empty" feeling which makes me feel breathless when I take deep breaths. But I remember it will get better! It can even take months. But our body will repair and recover eventually. Though it will never feel the same as before again. :)
Thx girls..its comforting to know it's normal..
I am not celebrating the full Month on big scale but a small one . Only immediately family so can still host it at home hehe

Extended family and friends will mail voucher to them

Am in the midst of arranging full month cookie like this too lol


But not sure can Make it on time lolx

I'm also holding for immediate family and in -laws. Any recommendations for 10pax buffet?
Hopefully ur bb is btr.

My gal jaundice after discharge will 188, polyclinic nvr ask us to go kk or what, just have to retake the test in 3 days which she drop tp 144. I still have to go back today for another test. Hopefully drop below 100... heartpain to see her being draw blood from the feet.
I brought my baby back to tmc to check jaundice. No need to draw blood. They using a device like those we measure temp on the forehead for fever. They press the button on the device on baby chest and it's done. My baby was sleeping soundly throughout
Hello all... How's everything. ?

Anyone going to mothercare private sale or went already ?

I just went ytd. Spent over 300.. Thinking should I go again today or just stay at home lol

Cannot go out yet... Into 6 days of confinement... Can only virtual shopping leh. Haven't buy cny clothes, doubt can fit into my pre preg clothes so fast.

Mummies who are Breast feeding or pumping, cny how huh? I am not latching, I am pumping so I wonder what kind of clothes to wear, those nursing dresses I saw all not nice one.

What did you buy?
I brought my baby back to tmc to check jaundice. No need to draw blood. They using a device like those we measure temp on the forehead for fever. They press the button on the device on baby chest and it's done. My baby was sleeping soundly throughout
Wah. So high tech....so the result is known instantly?
I think it's normal. I find it hard to control the muscles too. Peeing and pooing feel so weird and different now. And my belly still has an "empty" feeling which makes me feel breathless when I take deep breaths. But I remember it will get better! It can even take months. But our body will repair and recover eventually. Though it will never feel the same as before again. :)

my CL will say this is because I drinking water while standing .. lolz
I brought my baby back to tmc to check jaundice. No need to draw blood. They using a device like those we measure temp on the forehead for fever. They press the button on the device on baby chest and it's done. My baby was sleeping soundly throughout
so high tech :eek:
above 200 then they will take note

draw from feet and u heartache...u shld see the way they scream in pain when draw from hand haiz.
my gal draw from hand cos feet only can take sample blood with limit volume and my gal need more blood hence from hand ..
poor thing

My bb just went to check n his lvl 240+. My pd say moderate ask me monitor till fri n go polyclinic to test again. Sigh
How long does yr newborn sleep and wake up for feed? My gal can slp for more than 4 hrs before waking up... not sure if it is a problem..
