(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Unemployed lol..
Supposingly a lot like hokkien prawn mee carrot cake the small small teochew bao stall at the market near creamier ice cream lorong 1..

Ur son pei chun?

I like the Teochew pau!! Toa Payoh Lor 1 right?? The 天天来 Hokkien Mee also v popular... :)

Still raining ? Looks hazy cloudy Donno the sky just look pale yellowish lol

Was raining heavily at Bt Batok when I woke up at 6.30am, now in chinatown area, rain stopped liao...
Full Month Voucher

I also buy voucher for my first kid, I think I got the SGD 9 bucks one... Bengawan Solo's quite standard voucher...then I also have a full month bb catering for relatives and closed friends... Maybe if no bb shower, then get a more pricey voucher. For colleagues, I just got two/three boxes of sweetest moments and ask my hubby to bring to my office. I nvr even bring my bb over, cuz we were not that close then...
Full Month Voucher

I also buy voucher for my first kid, I think I got the SGD 9 bucks one... Bengawan Solo's quite standard voucher...then I also have a full month bb catering for relatives and closed friends... Maybe if no bb shower, then get a more pricey voucher. For colleagues, I just got two/three boxes of sweetest moments and ask my hubby to bring to my office. I nvr even bring my bb over, cuz we were not that close then...
agreed if no catering can get higher value voucher lolz ... maybe #2 can consider that lolz ...
i also got 2 box of sweetest moment and voucher for office but never bring baby to office ... i find it too troublesome to do it ...i just send photo of baby to closer colleague lolz

can i join too? but i m one of those rare few who do not have facebook :)
wah that is really rare leh...i used to think like you...but after creating an account ...lolz ..i am stuck with it ...
by the time i reached office it stopped already

wah do marketing on weekday ...your hubby also rubberband working hrs

Have to do on weekday. Weekend busy, he can't bring me. Going to work soon... After he change. He works in sales lah
Hi mummies, is it worth getting maternity jeans?

Do you find as you advance in your pregnancy it's becomes more uncomfortable to wear jeans, like the top will bite into your skin??
Hi mummies, is it worth getting maternity jeans?

Do you find as you advance in your pregnancy it's becomes more uncomfortable to wear jeans, like the top will bite into your skin??
i never get any jean previously and no intend to get any this round .. i prefer comfort ..as loose as possible and jeans has some form of tightness in it so pass
Me too! I'm always in shorts during weekends, even to church, which by right I shouldn't la. Feel like jeans r very hot n constricting n scratchy. My 2 pairs of maternity shorts r my life savers during the weekends now.

maternity jean is cooling. I got fr spring maternity
the material is nt the thick type and the cutting nt the skinny type.
very comfortable
Good morning mummies! Raining very heavily at my side just now... Got to cab to work, still must call cab. Really exp to take cab in the morning, wonder how some people can cab everyday, must be earning a lot.
seriously I think smrt shd increase the number of reserved seats.
I been standing from home (amk) to work (bugis) everyday for a wk. sigh
sometimes go home still have chance to sit.
Good morning mummies! Raining very heavily at my side just now... Got to cab to work, still must call cab. Really exp to take cab in the morning, wonder how some people can cab everyday, must be earning a lot.
some pple will make special pickup arrangement with cab driver within their area then no need booking .....on average > 400 per month bah...depend on location ...still cheaper than owning car lolz

cetaphil can't work for me anymore.
it used to be during 1st trimester
now 2nd trimester, after apply, an hr later start to feel dry and itchy
err... the eczema one dun sell outside at watson etc ... need to get it from Clinic or hospital pharmacy just like physiogel A1
Good morning mummies! Raining very heavily at my side just now... Got to cab to work, still must call cab. Really exp to take cab in the morning, wonder how some people can cab everyday, must be earning a lot.

yea. was raining heavily this morning.
how you got to work everyday?
Eh today I got one question for u mummies again. Any of u ladies expecting boys (or already have boys) plan on circumcision? My hubby is quite insistent but I very heart pain to 割肉 leh.
yea. was raining heavily this morning.
how you got to work everyday?

Take bus to circle line macpherson. Macpherson to bayfront then bayfront change downtown line to downtown station. Very ma fan ah.

But my job requires me to "travel" around sg... Today am at serangoon gardens.
Take bus to circle line macpherson. Macpherson to bayfront then bayfront change downtown line to downtown station. Very ma fan ah.

But my job requires me to "travel" around sg... Today am at serangoon gardens.

wah like so mafan.
i have to go work myself for the next 1 week cause dh going for reservist.

thinking if i should take to eunos or macpherson
Eh today I got one question for u mummies again. Any of u ladies expecting boys (or already have boys) plan on circumcision? My hubby is quite insistent but I very heart pain to 割肉 leh.
Y he so insistent? Is he Malay? Nope, i nv though of it.

Eh today I got one question for u mummies again. Any of u ladies expecting boys (or already have boys) plan on circumcision? My hubby is quite insistent but I very heart pain to 割肉 leh.

haha i think if want to do any surgery, better to do it young.
