(2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

Hi Mummies, 2nd time mummy here. I would like to join the FB group too.

Hi awesomelyblessedmommy,

I had some light brown spotting yesterday noon and stopped by evening. Just came back from gynae and was given an injection n 3 days bed rest.
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Hi Mummies, 2nd time mummy here. I would like to join the FB group too.

Hi awesomelyblessedmommy,

I had some light brown spotting yesterday noon and stopped by evening. Just came back from gynae and was given an injection n 3 days bed rest.

Hi rsseah, thank you for the info, I have not called up my gynae but will do so..
Just went to toilet, the brown spotting has stop as well...

Pray that God hand is in this pregnancy and I will have a restful and enjoyable journey... May all of us be rested and enjoy the process!
Hi rsseah, thank you for the info, I have not called up my gynae but will do so..
Just went to toilet, the brown spotting has stop as well...

Pray that God hand is in this pregnancy and I will have a restful and enjoyable journey... May all of us be rested and enjoy the process!

I had brown discharge late last week too and immediately called my Dr's clinic to ask to be squeezed in the day itself. Nothing is more reassuring that seeing the baby's heartbeat again and being told all signs appear normal. My cell group members all prayed for me as well!

Btw, read some comments about Duphaston and Utrogestan, they are both progesterone but Duphaston is synthetic while Utrogestan is micronised natural progesterone. I would think in theory the natural one is safer but then Duphaston has been around and used a lot more and no observed issues whereas its comparatively recent that they figured out how to make natural progesterone into a form that the human body can absorb. So I guess each comes with its pros and cons.

Hang in there ladies! I can't wait for the horrible first trimester to be over. I'm sure the progesterone is making the pregnancy symptoms worse and I'm losing weight from all the vomitting and loss of appetite. Anyone going through the same?
I had some brown spotting last week too after my U/S Scan. And then some pinkish red tinge on my discharge. Went to NUH A&E to do a check and was so relieved to find a heartbeat. Stronger than before.

Doc want me to go rest more and today, no blood or anything. It's really worrying at times.
I had brown discharge late last week too and immediately called my Dr's clinic to ask to be squeezed in the day itself. Nothing is more reassuring that seeing the baby's heartbeat again and being told all signs appear normal. My cell group members all prayed for me as well!

Btw, read some comments about Duphaston and Utrogestan, they are both progesterone but Duphaston is synthetic while Utrogestan is micronised natural progesterone. I would think in theory the natural one is safer but then Duphaston has been around and used a lot more and no observed issues whereas its comparatively recent that they figured out how to make natural progesterone into a form that the human body can absorb. So I guess each comes with its pros and cons.

Hang in there ladies! I can't wait for the horrible first trimester to be over. I'm sure the progesterone is making the pregnancy symptoms worse and I'm losing weight from all the vomitting and loss of appetite. Anyone going through the same?

Thak you for the reply reia!

It helps a lot and I feel more calm now.

I have not inform my church caregroup aka cellgroup about my pregnancy yet as it's still in a very early stage.
Hope you are feeling better soon over the MS.

BTW, I weigh myself and I have lose 2 kg since my first Dr appt. I didn't really hv MS, just that these 2 days can't eat much :)
I had some brown spotting last week too after my U/S Scan. And then some pinkish red tinge on my discharge. Went to NUH A&E to do a check and was so relieved to find a heartbeat. Stronger than before.

Doc want me to go rest more and today, no blood or anything. It's really worrying at times.

Thank you deardyan for your reply.. It helps a lot :) Hope all will went well for you and your pregnancy... How many weeks are you into now?
Take care everyone
I tik losing weight at the beginning stage is ok as long as it is not too much
I also lose abt 5kg at 1st n in total only put on less than 10kg for the whole pregnancy
But it is during bfg time tat I eat n eat n nw become really fat :(
For tis pregnancy .. I dun tik I lose any weight cos appetite is ok.. Didn't eat too much but didn't feel like not eating too
I also hvnt inform my cell group yet ;)
Hello all
I am expecting my #1!! Initially thought I am in Feb thread but I used the babycenter calculator it is Jan.

So excited yet worry. Hopefully can have a smooth 10months and deliver a healthy baby
Hello all
I am expecting my #1!! Initially thought I am in Feb thread but I used the babycenter calculator it is Jan.

So excited yet worry. Hopefully can have a smooth 10months and deliver a healthy baby

congrats to you too ! dont worry too much k? stay positive. you may voice out any worries here, we are here for each other during this journey :)
@acequenn thank you for your information.
we were recommended Dr Gordon Lim or Dr Peter Chew. After reading online review, we head to Peter Chew. for first visit, everything seem ok. I am more worry about the bill ....
Mayb u can do a check n compare pricing 1st
But being comfortable with the gynae also v impt
If ur comfortable with him.. Then jus go for him if all is ok with u ;)
Hi mummies, good to know that this thread is already active..
mine is also a Jan bb.. for me, this is my #3.. I have 2 boys already so hoping to have a princess... :p x-fingers... :) edd.. 28 Jan
Hi mummies! :)

So glad to see this thread active!
I just went to see my gynae(Dr Koh CH from TPY too!) yesterday. I am currently 8 weeks preggy with my #3! EDD 3/1/2015, but he/she will most likely be a December baby. My morning sickness is driving me crazy. I puke 24/7 at the sight and smell of food, perfume or odd smells. Even the mere thought of food sends me to the toilet. I have already lost 3kg the past 3 weeks because i have lost all desire for food. But after hearing the sound of my baby's sweet heartbeat at the gynae's earlier on, everything is worth it. Hopefully this stage passes by soon!

Do add me in the FB group too! :)

I'm seeing dr koh too! Yes nothing feels better when we hear heartbeat. This friday is my scan. If all goes well, i'll be hearing the heartbeat for the first time.
So many of u knew how many weeks ur in le
I'm only goin to gynae this thur.. Dunno if can see anyti but really hope to see even the sac n knw how many weeks I'm in nw :)
Hi Ladies,

l went thru my 2nd fresh cycle of IVF at KKH this April and is now pregrant with a singleton at 5 weeks 6 days. This is my 1st pregnancy.

l just went for my first scan yesterday and could see the intrauterine gestational sac and a yolk sac. No fetal pole or heartbeat yet as doctor thinks that l am still early. She has ordered a second scan for next week when I turn 6 weeks 5 days. Hopefully, l can see my baby with strong heartbeats then. (Praying hard now!)

l am now thinking of going to Dr Loh of TMC O&G or A/P John Tee in KKH who specialises in high risk pregnancy. (l'm 37 this year and a first time mum.)

The due dale calculator puts me at 22 Jan for my due date but doc has yet to confirm. will probably ask when I go for review ueet week.

I'm also interested in joining the FB secret group. My email is [email protected] .Please add me.

Wah alot of ppl in this group already went to the gynae .. I enduring till July to go since I heard that if go too early also cannot see much...
Hi everyone ! Went to the gynae today. Im at my 7th week and gynae said bb is very healthy. Heartbeat is healthy too. Was filled with tears of joy when me and hub heard the heartbeat :D next checkup will be in july to do the oscar test :)
So many of u knew how many weeks ur in le
I'm only goin to gynae this thur.. Dunno if can see anyti but really hope to see even the sac n knw how many weeks I'm in nw :)

U can use a due date calculator or start counting from yr 1st day of last period as an estimate.
Hi portia.. Yup used le .. Due date shd b jan 25 but I still wan to see gynae for actual reading hahah
Now feel so unreal tat I'm preggy cos didn't feel anyti except tired
Hi portia.. Yup used le .. Due date shd b jan 25 but I still wan to see gynae for actual reading hahah
Now feel so unreal tat I'm preggy cos didn't feel anyti except tired
Mine is 22 jan.

I also feel surreal about it. Kept peeing on hpt in the last 2 weeks to feel pregnant. Even after my scan yesterday, i still Hvn't really sink in.

I am easily tired too but i do get thirsty, bloated and sore boobs. The latter 2 symptons might be from all the progesteron and duphaston i am taking.
Congratulations @portia3 ! So happy to see another ivf success :) me too! Even though after my beta blood test is 1500 alr I still bght 2 test kits. Cos I just want to see the positive and pregnant appear right in front of my eyes haha
Congratulations @portia3 ! So happy to see another ivf success :) me too! Even though after my beta blood test is 1500 alr I still bght 2 test kits. Cos I just want to see the positive and pregnant appear right in front of my eyes haha
Congrats to u too!

I still have a few more hpt... how far along are u now? Gone for scan and see heartbeat?
Wow so many posts. I am also feeling tired and burping a lot. If I don't burp out I feel bloated then nausea. Btw, What's is facebook group for?
Hi sleepawhile! ^5! :D Dr Koh is really funny and fatherly. Huge sigh of relief after seeing him. So exciting! You'll get to see your little one too very soon. Heehee.. :)
Wow so many posts. I am also feeling tired and burping a lot. If I don't burp out I feel bloated then nausea. Btw, What's is facebook group for?
Congrats to those who have seen bb heartbeat. I am still waiting for my first appt.

Hi dearbabe!

I think some ladies here started a facebook group from jan 15 mtb. It's for posting n sharing.

I have done a scan but hv not seen fetal pole or heartbeat yet. Which gynae are u with? How far along are u now?
Hello mummies,

Mind sharing which gynae are u seeing?

My #1 was with Dr Adrian Woodworth, he is good. But the only complaint is that the waiting time and his ultrascan machine, sometimes the picture are blurred hard to understand.. Currently I'm considering between Dr Woo Bit Hwa and Dr Adrian.. Any reviews on Dr Woo's ultrascan pic?

Can share with me which gynae you all are seeing and the package charge?


Hello mummies,

Mind sharing which gynae are u seeing?

My #1 was with Dr Adrian Woodworth, he is good. But the only complaint is that the waiting time and his ultrascan machine, sometimes the picture are blurred hard to understand.. Currently I'm considering between Dr Woo Bit Hwa and Dr Adrian.. Any reviews on Dr Woo's ultrascan pic?

Can share with me which gynae you all are seeing and the package charge?

Hi leenk.

I hv yet to decide. Now shuttling between kkh where i did my ivf and dr sf loh in TMC.

I think mosy gynae will offer package only after 1st trimester. I still hv some time to thnk.
