(2014) ivf mummies support group

I'm just depending on my infant care to feed them solids. But now I tend to give the biscuit rusk for them nibble. Keep them entertain when we eat. Like so unhealthy right but cereal really can eat till very messy.
Joy, my girl's 5 in 1 dose 2 was on 18 Mar and her dose 3 is only going to be on 5 May. By then, she's already coming to 6 months. Actually for vaccinations, my friend who is a midwife tells me that we don't really need to follow the schedule so tightly. Her girl who is coming 3 years old hasn't even finished many of the vaccinations. She said she will only let her complete everything before P1 because it's compulsory for children to have their vaccinations completed before they go primary school.
i c.. tks 4sharin.. coz i din get 2ask è nurse.. worried if tak 2long apart will affect n é 1st two dose n cause them to b void...

lik rotarvirus.. need 2tak b4 certain week..

fever aft 5 in 1.. woo...
Hello everyone,

Sorry I have been missing for quite long. Got family issue n was too moody n bz to chat here. Catching up with many posts n was glad this thread is still so active..

I have also just started introducing cereal mix with fm to my bb yesterday but he is not drinking it... Will try again next few days.. I don't know if my bb can recognize me, coz seem like he will smile at everyone who carry him. Even stranger at the fair who carry him he also laugh when she play with him. I will carry my bb once he cry, hopefully I m not spoiling him. N he grow 2 small teeth at the bottom at 4+ months... I m giving him bb rice cracker to nibble n he like it..

Will update more again... Going off to do stuff... Good night everyone !
I finally cannot tahan my hair and I colour my hair today. It's been a while since I last visited my hairstylist. I feel so refreshed now! :)

Today I went to check out an international preschool at Bukit Timah. Quite like it but still wanna check out others for comparison.
Welcome back circles and kitkats. Samsung 6 edge the curve one very cool looking. Did u get that circles?

Kitkats so fast your boy got two Teeths already so cute. Did he have fever when growing of teeth? Or is he super cranky during the teeth growth stage? It just pop out like that? Mine 6mth already haven't seen any.

Faith thought u live in the east? U going send your girl to preschool in the west? That's a bit of a distance.
Iwahb, I'm moving house end of this year. The international preschool at Bukit Timah will be near my future place. I'm checking out others that are near my future place too. So won't be checking out any in the east. Will miss the convenience of going to Expo when there's a baby fair. Hehe!
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Hello! Not sure if u guys rem me, I came in to ask about Down syndrome previously and about Dr Ananda's scan. Time passed so fast! My twins are all well and coming to 6 months now. Those with twins mummies, have u ever tried going out alone with them? I feel so restrain that I need another adult to go out with the girls.
Circle, i change my phone to Samsung s5 then after i change s6 came out sian to the max. Haha but well still new phone.
Hello kitkats we miss you, hope your family issue is well or better than. No worries i think many of us also got family issues as well. Just go along with the pace and see how things can be work out. So good your boy got teeth mine still cannot see.
I also bought the rice cracker (brans baby bites) which my buddy introduce from ntuc yesterday only $2+.
Hi aspsue, yes we remember you and welcome back. So join us to chit chat more. Our experience we will shall so that other mummies will not feel alone. Haha we are all very chatty. But at least anything we shall it out here.
My boy is moody and wasted lots of my bm after his 5-in-1 jab on Friday :'(

Btw hfm and flu bug are on the high these few weeks, be extra caution and try to avoid crowded areas.
hi Circlecircle n kitkats, welcome back!

kitkats, i believe your baby will definitely recognise u :) smiling at everyone means your baby is a happy n easy to get along baby hehe dun worry ya ;) wow ur boy progressing fast. grow teeth already

Faithfullyyours, wow then i guess ur girl will enrol to nanyang primary?

aspsue24, yes i brought my twins out alone a few times.. just ensure both have been fed b4 gg out n go to places where nursing rooms are easily accessible. as i tbf so just latch on with my nursing cover whenever necessary ;)
Hello! Not sure if u guys rem me, I came in to ask about Down syndrome previously and about Dr Ananda's scan. Time passed so fast! My twins are all well and coming to 6 months now. Those with twins mummies, have u ever tried going out alone with them? I feel so restrain that I need another adult to go out with the girls.
Aspsue, you must ask Cheery. she's very 神. Can bring twins out on her own.
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faith my hair droppin a lot n i went 2cut my hair.. feel so happy...
Joy, I am also dropping hair like nobody business. But I wanna keep my hair long as it has been 5 years since I had long hair. Haha! So yesterday I just coloured and trimmed. Still love my hairstylist's cut.
Cheery, I don't mind enrolling her in Nanyang Primary if I can get her a place there. Hehe!

By the way, any blender to recommend for making baby food?
I see. All the way from east to west u will get use to it?

welcome back aspsue. Come back more. I didn bring twins out alone cause they are still quite cranky now. Anytime can cry one. Only time is bring them downstairs walk and to infant care lol.

Cheery is really 神 i agree lol. Salutes!
ete-ur baby born in dec too? mines fever aft 5in1 for 2times...

my hair drop u til choke è water drainage point at shower area...

so happy 2see we all chattin!!
ete-ur baby 5in1 is 2nd or 3rd dose?
i guess if the length is shorter less stress at roots everythg helps...

i din brg baby out alone since i went back 2work.. no chance at all.. n heavier now.. use carrier also strain on back...
faithfullyours check with you. the other day you mention you went to the fair to get the baby swim suit right? supposingly is to keep baby body warm during water time and also can float is it? I am thinking to bring babies to swimming pool but I now thinking after the swim how to bath. they don't have hot water.
ya.. i also wanted 2brg naby 2swim.. but how 2bath aft tat? brg bath tub n 2big thermos of hot water? then 1go up 2prepare water 1st è other brg baby up when tub ready?

then aft bath how 2wear diaper? no changin station 2wear clothes n diapers..

n aft baby bath how? i carry baby n 1go bath? é one waitin muz b shiverin...

i know public swimmin pool got 1open area 4kids 2bath.. so both parent can be there...
faithfullyours check with you. the other day you mention you went to the fair to get the baby swim suit right? supposingly is to keep baby body warm during water time and also can float is it? I am thinking to bring babies to swimming pool but I now thinking after the swim how to bath. they don't have hot water.

Bring the bb n bath together as u. That's what my frien does
Joy meme, I went for hairloss treatment and apply tonic. Help alot.. u can try tonic. I dropped mainly at the front part. So I also cut bang to hide the hole.
Iwahb, the thermal swim suit cannot help baby to float. Can only keep them warm in the water.

I thought swimming pools have hot water shower facility? No?

I signed up infant swimming lessons for my girl. Starting her 1st lesson in May.
By the way, anyone using iPhone 6 plus? I wanna ask if you have exceeded your data usage because I exceeded mine and I have to pay extra $60. I'm wondering why because when I was using Note 2, I had never exceeded my data usage.
Faithfullyyours, if stay within the distance sure got chance for balloting ;) i bought Avent steam n blender highly recommended by gf. Haven start using yet as intend to start after they r 6 mth.. will try avocado 1st which n give directly just smash n mix with bm
Hi. Im a silent reader of this thread. Wondering any of you go for second one? My LO is 3mths and is thinking when is best time to go for FET. However, currently BF and menses has not return yet. Does that means i need to stop BF in order for menses to return?
Kimchi, sadly to say I think we have to stop BF before we can start FET. I think because they need to check our uterus lining and ovulation cycle after menses come. Unlike people who conceive naturally, they can still strike jackpot even when their menses has not returned if they do ovulate while BF.

This is just what I think lah. Don't know if I'm correct.

Maybe others who know can share too. I also wanna know the answer. If not, call KKIVF to ask lor.
Kimchi, sadly to say I think we have to stop BF before we can start FET. I think because they need to check our uterus lining and ovulation cycle after menses come. Unlike people who conceive naturally, they can still strike jackpot even when their menses has not returned if they do ovulate while BF.

This is just what I think lah. Don't know if I'm correct.

Maybe others who know can share too. I also wanna know the answer. If not, call KKIVF to ask lor.

Thanks faithfully for the reply. Yalo. Curious for the answer so can plan second one. Actually planned to BF as long as possible but seems cannot if we intend to go for FET.
Kimchi, I ever asked Dr Zou and Dr Tan. Zou said BF at least 10 months and Tan said at least 1 year before embarking on FET for 2nd one.

And also menses doesn't just return the next month once we stop BF. It still takes a bit of time for it to come back. So must really time properly. But time is really not on our side. I'm 35 this year already. I intend to go for FET and if BFP then give birth in 2016, so that #1 and #2 are 2 years apart.
Hi faithfully, is that a must to wait for 1 yr before Dr Tan allows to proceed to FET? Or can we choose the timing ourselves?
Hi faithfully, is that a must to wait for 1 yr before Dr Tan allows to proceed to FET? Or can we choose the timing ourselves?

U can try to see if can conceive naturally. I ever ask doc tan before, he say we can try naturally first. I stop bf at 6 mths n my menses return the following mth or 2 mths later I think. So I guess it depends on individual ba.
U can try to see if can conceive naturally. I ever ask doc tan before, he say we can try naturally first. I stop bf at 6 mths n my menses return the following mth or 2 mths later I think. So I guess it depends on individual ba.

Ic. Thanks for the info snow.
oh gosh, the salesgirl at isetan give me wrong info. told me the suit can help baby float. shit and I bought 6-12mths. now I don't think I will bring them swim already. if bring them means I need to buy float. another question for baby 6-12months. what type float is recommended? still those neck float like baby spa?
I don't think public pool got hot water. I not sure. last time I go swim is adult toilet so all cold water. I don't know got special toilet for bb a not.

I also bought avent steam and blender but haven't use. I think lazy use I guess I will buy ready made puree in pkt or bottle form.
Iwahb, maybe the one that you bought can help them to float? The thermal swim suit that I bought at the fair is the one most bottom right.


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I just checked, mine confirm cant float. only keep them warm. I saw from the website those can keep them float is from 12-24mths one. I bought 6-12mths one thinking that this can let them float so I can bring them pool earlier. now I think no use haha. shall see how it goes when they older.
Question. .. I've been bringing my boy to poly clinic for vaccination. Is it possible to bring him to private pd for one of the subsequent jab?
ete-if u plan 2brg back 2polyclinic for subsequent jab u hav 2ask polyclinic requirement.. eg. how long aft the last jab 4weeks or? to take nex jab.. pd n poly clinic requirem may b different...
