(2014) ivf mummies support group

U all can try tula carrier.. I so love it after my manduca...

Ete U mean take out all the husk inside or with the pillow but without the case? My husk can't take out cause not Zip one is sewn inside the pillow.

I am still using beanie pillow as Chou Chou. But I think the beanie pillow can't last forever so I also Thinking to get bolster to replace. I have now but they seldom use.

Hair fall will start at mth 4 cause that's the time where all the pregnancy hormones start to leave your body and so hair start to drop. Usually when preg hair becomes very nice and dark due to the hormones. Bb hair also will keep dropping till they are a year old. My hair drop a lot but now like getting better already don't see much hair on floor. I didn use any tonics thou.

My girls today went for Jab and they are still 25% percentile in terms height and weight grow. Felt abit lousy so slow in growing. Suddenly got a feeling maybe should feed them formula milk. Maybe my bm not much nutrients so they grow so slow.
Tula like super expensive right dolly. But what's so comfy compare to ERGOBABY organic? I find the organic range very comfy too. A lot say Tula good but I don't know good at where.
Let's talk about carrier. How to know which is good. How much is tula? Hmm. Expensive? Those with hipster seat when then can be used? I remember that time snow post before?
Haha i also bought bolster for my girl wanting to replace that with bean bag. Btw anyone using pillow or using diaper cloth as pillow?
I don't use pillow for my girls. They just lie straight onto mattress. As for carrier they keep saying must be ergonomic and ergo, tula are a few that is ergonomic. Hipster carrier are not ergonomic so some mummies don't fancy hip carrier thou it offer more support. I personally like pognae hip carrier. They got promo this coming fair. Tula price I think easily 300plus. If I remember correctly it comes in two sizes one for newborns and the other like for junior baby. M i right dolly?
Iwantahealthybaby, i didnt try microwave method but this was shared by the seller himself when I complained about the worms. We sun the pillow alternate weekends. Should be easier :D

Lynn i still use diaper cloth as pillow but recently I am using some latex baby pillow... quite flat.
we always like to carry bb or in sling and only put him in stroller when tired or we need to take a proper meal. ... very soon he won't let you carry le... so treasure the moment :)
I have a bean sprout beanie but my girl gets a rash when she lies on it. so we occasionally use it as bolster instead. generally she doesn't have a chou chou. just put her on her side and pat to sleep.

carrier wise, I use boba 3g while my mom uses ergo. I just ordered a madame googoo mouse carrier. possibly will arrive in 2 months. hopefully it is good. but I get a rash on my bust area if i put her in carrier for too long. Poss too hot or something (even tho we usually walk about in malls rather than outdoors).
The mummy's market is coming again. So excited... I thought there's nothing much to shop but my shopping list is longer than that I had for Sep market! Anyone getting hipster carrier?

Hipseat carrier is not a good carrier. Is not a soft structure carrier not good for baby bone development


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I feel like getting Ergobaby 360 though I already have an Ergobaby original. Will be going to the baby fair later since my house is only 10 minutes walk away.

The past few days my girl coughed until vomit. So jialat! Rushed her to KKH on Tuesday night and only reached home at 4 am. On Tuesday, she totally refused sleep and when she finally fell asleep on DH's chest on her tummy, she coughed until she vomited.
I feel like getting Ergobaby 360 though I already have an Ergobaby original. Will be going to the baby fair later since my house is only 10 minutes walk away.

The past few days my girl coughed until vomit. So jialat! Rushed her to KKH on Tuesday night and only reached home at 4 am. On Tuesday, she totally refused sleep and when she finally fell asleep on DH's chest on her tummy, she coughed until she vomited.
Try the onion method.
That's quite bad faith. Or bring to the kembangan tcm? My elder cough also like never fully recover. Her voice when crying sounded coarse. Don't know from frequent crying or what.
So good your house so near expo. Don't even need to drive. I headache the crowd hope able to find parking. I got ergo 360 but yet to use.
Lynn, you changed your profile picture. Nice!

Yeah my girl is getting better but still got a lot of phlegm. I brought her to Yu Guo TCM at Kembangan Plaza for 3 consecutive days already. Think the massage helps.

Iwahb, how many Ergobaby carrier do you have?
Haha more colourful to cheer up our days.
Faith jia you, xin ku le. I totally understand as i encounter before. Btw ergo carrier good? Tula even better? Actually i also don't know how to see what is good.
Haha more colourful to cheer up our days.
Faith jia you, xin ku le. I totally understand as i encounter before. Btw ergo carrier good? Tula even better? Actually i also don't know how to see what is good.

Some say ergo when use for long hours their back will pain, Tula they say very comfy I still thinking want to get Tula anot so I not sure but I bought a manduca which is way better than ergo at least for my case
I am using boba 4g any comments?

Should be ok ba, as long as is a soft structure carrier. U can join babywearing in Facebook there are a few consultant inside n can tell u why hipseat not a good carrier n which type is soft structure carrier. They even have review album of the carrier in the group
My initial is organic cause I like the soft texture. Guess it works like the original just the material difference. 360 I got cause I want a front carrier hee. That time was thinking to get a hipseat carrier but later understand that it's not recommended for bb so get 360 instead. But I haven't start using.

The tcm in kembangan plaza U think can go for 1 time? I don't know got time keep bringing bb there a not.
i think if é tcm can help aft u go for 1time, sure u will keep goin 2tiao anyway.. we will do anythg for cuties 2b well.. sleep well, drk milk well...
For me, it's after watching the video on how to wear the Ergobaby 360 carrier that I'm tempted to buy it. But then again I also found out that all other Ergobaby carriers, they already have 3 ways of carrying: front inward, hip and back. Now because I want a front outward and buy another 360, I find that it's a bit waste of money leh.
For mummies who keep on want to use front facing carrier:

Below are the comments from the babywearing group

Hip seats are not ergonomic for young babies as their spine is still developing. Front facing also leads to over-stimulation for babies if in the position too long. So not recommended here. If you observe front facing carriers the babies always seem to be leaning forward and the pressure on their crotch area - its pretty uncomfortable for baby too

Actually front-facing is really not necessary. A lot of times it is us adults who think that they need it when they really don't. If your child forward faces and then is tired of the stimulation or is frightened of something, he can't turn or hide in your chest to block the vision out. A lot of mummies on this page still have their toddlers facing them if we front carry or if you want them to have a view of the outside world, you can do a high back carry so that they can see what is going on :)
I'm at the fair now. Suggest that you all park at hall 7-10 car park because the main car park is very jammed.

I bought my Ergobaby 360 grey colour at $207.20 and teething pad at $15.90. Cheaper than online. I also saw the Skip Hop backpack diaper bag, selling at $109.20. Still contemplating if I should buy. It looks stylish but not many compartments.
What time U reach faith? Is the crowd madness inside? The teething pad is very worth I think I got mine at $45 at mothercare if I remember correctly.

I feel like slowly walk and see tomorrow what I need but don't know got chance a not hope not that squeeze.

Oh by the way the tcm U all mention is see doc and tui na? Then tui na is how long? Only One doc?
I was there at 2ish. Very crowded! I left already.

My loot today:
1. Ergobaby 360 $207.20
2. Teething pad $15.90
3. Warm suit for swimming $61
4. Sophie giraffe and strap $39.90
5. Mustela hair & body wash, body lotion, face & diaper area lotion $55
6. Nursing cover $14.90
I also want to shop shop shop lol. I just went get some necessities some milk bottles teats for 6 mths and cotton buds. I also got some bra for myself. Don't know want wear wire one a not. Will it affect milk supply? Currently I'm wearing nursing bra without wire but since I Dont latch outside thought don't need keep wearing those. Any recommendations? I feel like getting a single pump thinking manual or electric. Thought single easier to pump at work.
Wow! The 3 of us could almost end up with the same backpack. In the end, I didn't buy the backpack. DH said no because the compartments are not a lot. He said even if we need to buy another one, must make sure we buy the right one this time. If not keep buying very waste of money.
I also want to shop shop shop lol. I just went get some necessities some milk bottles teats for 6 mths and cotton buds. I also got some bra for myself. Don't know want wear wire one a not. Will it affect milk supply? Currently I'm wearing nursing bra without wire but since I Dont latch outside thought don't need keep wearing those. Any recommendations? I feel like getting a single pump thinking manual or electric. Thought single easier to pump at work.

But I was told if wear wire bra will cause block ducts wor
if u hav a quiet pump or hav a way make it quiet, fremmie may b quite a good choice...

i wear back all my strapless wired bar b4 preg 2work.. so far ok.. i try 2put breast pad.. but è spring maternity one not so ideal.. i will wan 2try another brand soon...

when i pump at work, i bring a whole bag of thgs, n remove my bra. use é simple wishes bra 2hold è funnel n pump.. if my dress canot remove top only, i will remove é whole dress.. n i wash è parts with baby dishwashin liquid n soak in sterlising tablet water using a big lock lock box... n try 2rem 2pour é water b4 i go home.. very busy...

i jus bought a box of pureen sterlising tablets from è fair, once i m done with è tablets, i will stop sterlising in é office, jus wash..as baby will b more than 6m also by then..

i also order medela quick wipe online 2use in case i need 2pump twice in office. waitin 4delivery.. i wun wash n sterlise. i will jus wipe n keep in my lock lock box. wash n sterlise aft last pump...
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i also went to the fair yesterday n today with twinnes n dh...
yesterday was to collect preorder stuff n walk around & bought the Baby Bear play yard.. unable to bring back home so went back again today to collect.. then bought a Gubi high chair tt is convertable to table n chair..
Items bought from fair
1. Anna matthew nursing bras
2. imama hipseat carrier
3. mustela vitamin barrier creams, physiobebe
4. Nuk wipes - 2 cartons
5. Bathtub & sleep suits from little tots
6. baby bear play yard n 2 extra panels
7. Gubi high chair

Wow u all really got a collection of carriers n diaper bags!
Wonder wats the difference in hipseat carriers as the price differs so much but i compare the materials looks like the same
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I got freemie but can't empty so I don't like to use. Actually the pumping sound very noisy also. I doubt any silent one around. Anyone find manual pump better than electric one? Yes I also use handsfree bra at work that's why sometimes so troublesome if urgently someone is looking for me I need to remove this and wear this back again. I pump twice at work And I don't sterilise I just wash with normal detergent. Hope won't affect much on bb. I make sure I wash the soap off.

Cheerywalnuts I can't bring babies to fair cause with them means nothing can be done haha. I also thought of getting play yard. Is the price really good at fair? I also getting 2 big cartons of nuk wipes :)

For hipseat carrier some like pognae. But I think more or less is same bah. i-angel also got its fair share of fans. Was tempted to get hipseat carrier last fair keep deciding on which brand to get cause previously I saw pognae really ex close to $300. Heartpain if I get two means $600 lol. In end think and think didn get any hipseat carrier but ergo 360. Like those normal carrier also a lot of brands. Made in which country will result in the price difference :)
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Iwantahealthybaby, for me no choice.. If nv bring will not get to go as they both needs me for food.. so dh wait at nursing area n call me when they wake up for milk.. so i got chance to walk ard n buy the stuff..
btw the nuk wipes are very heavy better to bring a trolley along to help u transport to car.. oic not to sure where imama manufactured tho it stated Korea design

the play yard i bought will be 196 × 116× 65.. promo price for 10 sets is $119 for standard size plus $39.20 for 2 panels.. so its $158.20
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Oh ya cause U the main milk supply for your babies. They no bottle feed before hor? Oh the play yard is cheap. The brand is baby bear? Which location in the later I go c.
yap.. main milk source as they reject bottle feed now.. They still accept bottle feed till 3 months.. after tt i dl most of the time n within less than a mth they start to reject bottles n now totally dun wan..

It's a few stores behind spring maternity.. Shop name is infantino.. Selling eduplay stuff, bonbebe etc
brand is eduplay.. item is baby bear zone
Thanks cheery. Now I don't know if playpen will be useful cause don't know their pattern will want stay inside a not. Cause wait cry someone will go attend to them. But your case confirm need cause only U and dh at home.
Thanks cheery. Now I don't know if playpen will be useful cause don't know their pattern will want stay inside a not. Cause wait cry someone will go attend to them. But your case confirm need cause only U and dh at home.

Play pen can be used for a short while only eventually they need play yard. I have both play pen n play yard. Once they know how to flip n crawl play pen is not enough for them le

Cheery, you bought high chair already? That's fast! The high chair that you bought, is it portable type? Care to share a picture of your high chair with us? I intend to buy a portable one so that when we travel, it's more convenient.

As for playpen, we got a free one from Baby Spa when we signed up their gold card unlimited package. Also got a free inflatable pool from them.

Anyone interested to sign up swimming course for your baby when they turn 6 months old? I intend to send my girl for swimming course when she turns 6 months old.
