(2014) ivf mummies support group

Faithfully, my girl also hv cow milk allergy. We r the kelian ones cos both of us r bfing exclusively. And becos of her allergy I also can't put her on formula. Only 1 brand call neocate is allowed for her. I literally got nothing to eat. butter, cream all this also cannot.

She will hv very bad wheezing sound when I take any diary product.

Where to get prebiotics? Can I give to build up their system.

Bud it's easy to chose the photos just need to go develop. I lazy go photo shop develop. They need hard copy. By the way when U all go assessment for bb growth did the doc fill up the health booklet? Mine didn so now I need to get it done so can get insurance. So troublesome.
hougang polyclinic doc happily fill up.. we call it kpi. haha... anyway our baby din meet all for 2m also...

i also lazy 2print the photo.. hav to do it by this week..

this probiotic is from kkh. can buy at pharmacy also i think..


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Haha my girls health booklet quite clean other than the 1st page their birth details and their jab schedule. The growth assessment blank.

Ok i going kkh thur shall go pharmacy check out the prebiotics. How to feed bb?
we had biogaia from pd.. feed baby 5drops, we feed quite for quite few days as diarrhoea on n off...
for the lacteol fort, suppose dissolve in water... we haven't use yet... i guess more challenges lie ahead as baby develops n throw more surprises at us..

é pd said even if even if u plan for baby, baby will unplan for u.. i already see that.
My girl's health booklet for 4 to 8 weeks was filled up by Dr Khoo Poh Choo at KKH. Tampines Polyclinic didn't fill up that part when we brought her for her Hep B 2nd dose. There was no check up from any doctor.

For 3 to 5 months, it was filled up by the doctor at Hougang Polyclinic who did her check up after all the vaccinations.

Iwahb, I think there are many different types of probiotics. Dr Teoh prescribed her another one called VSL drops. For probiotics, Dr Teoh said for my girl to give 8 drops, drop onto feeding spoon for her to drink.

KKH prescribed her infant colic. We use syringe to feed.
Hello ladies... my mom looks after my girl. We got to flush her poo out 3x a day so it is impossible to put in ifc.

supposed to have op tmr to correct her digestive system but she had a reaction to her 2 month vaccination

her antibodies went to attack platelets instead. This condition may last 1 to 6 months. so in the meantime, no major surgery allowed in case her body cant stop the bleeding. but manual flushing of poo will get ineffective as she grows bigger. so end up... we have to do an extra op to divert her poo to an external poo bag.
Circles it must have been tough for U. Jiayou mummy! Hope after all ops everything will work fine and well. Under insurance? All cover is good. At least bills don't need headache. I still waiting for insurance approval seems like I can't get insurance for my girls as that time in womb one of the girls got a bright spot in heart. Thou normal but the insurance company reject. Must wait 3 years for my younger girl. Elder one got heart mumur and upon check also got a hole so insurance also pending thou doc say simple operation can close up the hole if it doesn't gets smaller.
Hello sister snow and other more senior sisters. Just to check when 4 months you all got give puree?them 6 months how many meals of porridge and milk? Anyone can advise on this?

I start purée at 5.5 mths. I give abit nia. After 6 mths then I slowly give. Muz depend on individual bb, some bb get interest in food n can sit properly without support then u can consider giving. I tried giving my boy porridge yesterday he doesn't like n puke all out. He's currently 7 mth turnin 8 mth next week. I decided not to give him too much solid food. Let him enjoy his milk cause after all when he grow older will be on solid food for his whole life. So why not let him enjoy his milk. Now on n off I make fruit puree for him n biscuit bite. Otherwise his main intake is still milk.
Giving solid food another issue is constipation, some bb need time to adjust when u see ur bb crying so badly when can't poo, ur heart will be pain. My boy don't like to drink water despite I've try many ways to make him drink water. Haiz...
I saw this brand optibac for babies from birth. I Google and the review like quite good. For colicky and eczema babies. Quite expensive too. 10 sachets for $16.40.
circles-hang on there! ur girl will grow up strong n healthy!! jia you. glad u r blessed w/parents able to provide support!
Snow maybe try to use teaspoon then a bit of water to try to feed.

Try le after awhile my boy will start to play with the spoon n when I dun let him he will cry n refuse to drink water Liao. Now I add in gripe water into it bcoz he got constipation ever since he start solid food. So if can drag then drag if not then slowly give. No need to rush into it
Thanks mommies! We still hanging on. turns out she has the worse type of her condition. only 1 case in 2-3 years. but for now... she is recovering well from her current op.

It is gonna be a long journey so we are just taking one step at a time.
Thanks mommies! We still hanging on. turns out she has the worse type of her condition. only 1 case in 2-3 years. but for now... she is recovering well from her current op.

It is gonna be a long journey so we are just taking one step at a time.
Have faith! Keep praying to God. He will hear your prayers and bless all of you! :)
I think quite a number of us sending baby to ifc today. I am there at ifc. It is like very busy at the centre. Omg making me wanting to be a full time mama.
i drop baby 9am plus n went back 2deliver sm missing thgs.. saw some of è older toddlers sittin down n hav their meals. sm cry until eye swollen.. quite interesting...
My centre allow parents to sit in half day for 1st three days. I starting to feel heartpain even thou I haven't start. Two babies in...I got feeling they start losing weight
Mine allow me to sit in full day. And guess what i have just cancel my ifc. They got sofa for me to sit. My mil went there said no good and carry baby back immediately. Omg.. Sigh. . I am so lost and pai seh.
which part is not good? how do u feel? y ur mil is decidin on behalf of u all? mines dun really encourage parents 2sit in.. coz they say baby sleepin.. i go there n accompany he also sleep.. then i huh... i also thinkin he sleepin or on bouncer most of é time.. so i also not sure if i should insist 2go n see...
i c.. i tot tat's very common.. è teacher will attend baby one by one.. i m goin 2fetch baby back now.. let's see...
iwahb-how u feel abt ur gers ifc?? mines really dun like parents 2sit in.. but it's quite open concept.. when i pick up my baby, i can see baby @bouncer.. smiling.. n slept lik so long b4 i pick him up... see how tml...

lynn-wats ur plan?
jus told hub... he say smile è moment i pick up lah.. b4 tat wat happen we dun know mah.. my one only enrol 1st of each mth.. so i can't put earlier.. if not start last week liao...

bb_hc - when ur baby born?
Bb_hc, I've told my boss that I'm quitting and I'm clearing my CCL and AL now. I'm tendering my resignation letter after I get my letter for my bonus. Only after that then I'll be considered as a SAHM.

Lynn, that's the exact reason I don't want to send my girl to IFC. First of all, I really can't bear to let her go there at such a young age. Secondly, I heard from my friend who sent her son to IFC and also cancelled the enrollment after one day. She observed what the IFC did. Generally the IFC didn't do anything wrong but she couldn't stand the fact that her son's good behaviour (the non crying & fussy type) was being "punished" as he was left alone to play with himself most of the time while the caregivers were busy attending to the crying & fussy ones.

The thing about IFC is that no matter how they market how systematic and how good their centre programmes are, the truth is they definitely cannot give 1 to 1 attention to your baby. Their caregivers is to children ratio is 1:4 or 5. If all 4 cry at the same time, depending on who they attend to first, your baby might be the one left crying the longest.

I did contemplate to put my girl in IFC initially. That was why I went to an IFC at Tampines to have a look. Still I didn't feel comfortable about it.
There were struggles too before reaching the decision to be a SAHM. Giving up a relatively well paid job means I also have to cut my corners in order to survive in the long term as I don't know how long I want to be a SAHM or how my employability will be like, should one day I want to return to workforce again. Just taking one step at a time and perhaps I'm just being idealistic that I want to be there for my girl when she needs me most now.
Love this very much! At times, we might be complaining why our babies can't sleep through the night yet, why they need our attention so much but there will come to a point of last time even before we realise that's the last time.

Cherish all moments with our babies now especially we are all mothers who came a long way in this journey from TTC to IVF to finally precious babies in our arms.


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Oh yes Faithfullyours I read that article before and I teared actually haha. Very emo. But when I read finish I tell myself shouldn complain cause that might be my last time with my girls etc...

I haven't start ifc joy going to soon after their jabs. Actually I also don't know what will happen inside. Like faith say if the bb are well behaved they also poor thing cause no one will attend to them. If they not well behaved then will have to see if their care takers will be free to pacify them. I will be sitting in for the first three days maybe half day to see how it works. But with parent around the ifc also won't dare ignore Ur bb too much when they cry. Mine is aircon and their windows all close up like can't see inside so this is the one thing I don't like can't go peep. I don't know they will open curtains during normal times anot will go and ask but I remember i passby few times always see curtains closed so don't know it's their sleeping time or what.
Anyone can advise what type of clothing U bring to ifc for your babies. It's aircon there I don't know if rompers short sleeves is enough for them. But if give them wear pj suit also weird right whole day in pj?
Anyone can advise what type of clothing U bring to ifc for your babies. It's aircon there I don't know if rompers short sleeves is enough for them. But if give them wear pj suit also weird right whole day in pj?
I suggest rompers with pants. Why not call up the IFC and ask them? They should be able to advise you. :)
Mine allow me to sit in full day. And guess what i have just cancel my ifc. They got sofa for me to sit. My mil went there said no good and carry baby back immediately. Omg.. Sigh. . I am so lost and pai seh.
Lynn, now how? Your MIL is gonna help you take care of your girl since you cancelled your IFC already?
my ifc will say u can brg watever ur baby is comfy.. but they dun recommend mittens.. coz they prefer 2let baby explore..

i let my baby wear short sleve button front top n long pants n socks so far... 2nd day.. hope ok so far...
Lynn, now how? Your MIL is gonna help you take care of your girl since you cancelled your IFC already?
My mil only Talk. Come to take care will be my poor mum.
Buddy i think romper with long pant better.
My baby was sleeping one side with her hand bend and struggling. .but one attend to her and i was the one went in to carry her as caregiver are busy. So if i am not around really very scare.
hmm.. ur mum take care alone? can she cope comfortably? i find it very challengin esp when baby is cranky.. i see my mum tak care few hrs she lik very tired liao.. mayb work out smthg w/mil so ur mum hav 1 day of rest in between...
