(2014) ivf mummies support group

Faithfullyyours, i called up today n was told nearest date for hougang is 12 mar.. n not advisable as it will be wk 16.. rotavirus 1st dose must be taken between wk 6 to 16 n 2nd dose betweeb wk16 to 24

So no choice have to go tpy for 1st dose.. mb 2nd dose request to do at hougang.

Yap will be 1st visit to nhg.. Thanks for the info

Cheerywalnuts did u give ur twins pacifier? U and hubbs really good handling the two babies. Salute U. I can't handle especially the one who doesn't latch on me.
For my case, my pd said my baby can take rotavirus 1st dose at 4 months plus. She went that day but she still got a bit ulcer so pd said the following month then take.
Yesterday when we went to Hougang Polyclinic for my girl's vaccinations, we also asked the nurse if we need to clean baby's mouth and tongue everyday. She said yes and it's better to clean twice a day. One in the morning before bath and one in the night before bedtime. She said like that we can cultivate this oral hygiene habit to our baby. When she grows older, she will know that she needs to clean her teeth after she wakes up and before she sleeps in the night.
Ladies, anyone started infant care? I am a bit reluctant. Hopefully my company can approved another 3 months of unpaid leave.
Cheerywalnuts did u give ur twins pacifier? U and hubbs really good handling the two babies. Salute U. I can't handle especially the one who doesn't latch on me.
Nope nv give cos they dun like. They keep spitting it out so we gave up haha
Manage to find out the ways to calm them down. Their hunger cues, want to carry cues, diaper changing cues etc

The best way to calm them is by latching.. Always work for both of them so i latch both together

If outside will latch with nursing cover. I gotten it from taobao n it is really very useful.. only rmb29.. very convenient to use at public areas.. its a must bring item whenever i go out with them


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Cheerywalnuts yes I agree latching can calm them that's why my younger able to sleep better at night cause I latch her to sleep if she cranky. But elder one doesn't latch she cry whenever I try so I don't know how to calm her down. She is very restless especially at night want sleep can't sleep.

Bbhc my girls don't sleep on bed too they 24/7 sleep bouncer one. I also worried when they outgrown bouncer space how. Ifc also got bouncer for them those who don't sleep cot will sleep bouncer they rock them to sleep. I starting ifc starting March.

I got a similar nursing cover from TLO but I don't bring out cause I don't latch my younger one outside. I bring fm out for them drink cause more convi. And my younger girl sometimes when start crying engine U try latch her especially outside she also refused.

Previously gotten a few nursing wear all gone to waste :(
Iwantahealthybaby, did u try tp change the position of latching for ur elder twin? Mb she prefers a certain position? Can consult the fb bf group for advise :)

I recently bought the nursing wear from taobao too.. More convenient to latch when out.. now sending some of my fav clothes to alter into nursing wear by adding a zip
Cause my elder at 3 months already and she didn actually practice latching right from young so I doubt she can take it now. Oh I see the bf group they are discussing about altering normal clothes add zip for easy bf lol interesting.
Just went for the 3rd month injection today. How long do we need to monitor baby for fever?
I think after 2 days, if she doesn't develop any fever, it should be safe. However, if she does develop fever after 2 days, then the fever should not be associated with the vaccinations.
My baby hardly sleep on her back. Wondering where does the baby sleeps in infant care . Any idea?
If your baby hardly sleeps on her back, which position does she usually sleep? Chest down?

I always put my girl to sleep on her side but after a while, she will turn and sleep on her back.

I went to visit one IFC before. They have cots and rocker chairs. When I was there, all the babies slept on the rocker chairs. The cots were empty.
If your baby hardly sleeps on her back, which position does she usually sleep? Chest down?

I always put my girl to sleep on her side but after a while, she will turn and sleep on her back.

I went to visit one IFC before. They have cots and rocker chairs. When I was there, all the babies slept on the rocker chairs. The cots were empty.
Yes. Chest down. Not hardly sleep on her back. Almost never.
Tried using the Nuk tongue cleaner. My bb likes it. I wet it n slowly put it into his mouth. I can feel him nibble it n sucking the water. Haha.. so funny. As he's enjoying chewing it, I insert further into his mouth.
Hi sumiko hehe I use the Nuk cleaner before but I think abit too thick for my babies mouth. Maybe plus my fat finger then the cloth like the bb must open very big mouth. Maybe try again when bb older.

Faithfullyours I think yr girl is Gd in a lot of ways. Can go out whole day sit car seat n carrier and now enjoy swimming. So cool. My girls still doesn't enjoy long thou they try swin spa already. I and lynncandy baby so similar lol all cannot.
Hi sumiko hehe I use the Nuk cleaner before but I think abit too thick for my babies mouth. Maybe plus my fat finger then the cloth like the bb must open very big mouth. Maybe try again when bb older.

Faithfullyours I think yr girl is Gd in a lot of ways. Can go out whole day sit car seat n carrier and now enjoy swimming. So cool. My girls still doesn't enjoy long thou they try swin spa already. I and lynncandy baby so similar lol all cannot.
Iwahb, thanks for the compliment! :) Every baby is different. I would say most of the times, she's good but she has her cranky days too.

Our babies are growing up every second so they will change. Last time whenever she was cranky, the moment I offered my breasts, she would calm down but now no way manz. She won't take my breasts unless she's hungry. So if she's not hungry, she will reject my breasts and cry and fuss until I carry her in the way she likes. She likes princess carry and upright carry. Then she will calm down. DH has a "change of situation" strategy towards her crankiness.

Last night during one of the night feeds, she got choked when she was drinking from my left breast. Maybe my letdown was too fast for her. When I offered her my left breast again, she simply refused to take. I tried forcing her a little. She cried and I could tell she was frustrated. She knew she would probably get choked again from my left breast. When I offered my right breast, she took it.

She likes swimming, maybe because I swam a lot when she was still inside me? When I bathe her, she likes to kick in the water a lot. Sometimes the water will splash onto her face and she will smile. She thinks that is very fun.

Sometimes we are so used to one method of doing things. We assume that method should work because all along she's okay with it but we fail to realise that they are growing up and changing everyday. It took us quite a while to realise that we have to treat each day like a brand new day when we take care of our babies at this stage.
Faithfully your baby so cool. Mine no car seat no carrier no this and that. Only carry and carry. Cny bring her out i also scare headache.
Btw ladies that time we were talking about ifc. Tell you what i have already register play group. This yr all full and my area to registration for next yr. Next yr match out baby 17 month already. You all go and look out as i understand the registration need 1 yr to book for popular area.
Hello sumiko, glad your baby likes the nuk cloth. Mine i just force to clean her don't care. My baby and my buddy babies many pattern so we really must find our way out haha.
Hello how are the rest? Circle, kitkats, dolly, cheery, joy, mschar and the rest?
it's a gray cny.. will try 2 create some good memories with baby. goin back work very soon

é diarrhoea still on, off a bit... hope stops totally today...
By right I should be the 1st to go back work but no choice my ifc start early March only so I extend my "maternity" leave. I also hope during this last 2weeks my Babies and me will grow more attached. My younger twin now more attached to me cause Everynight sleep with me. Hope at ifc they can adapt. Will be super heart pain if they cry and cry.
Started work last week as I took 12 weeks ml.. on leave these 2 days as bb had her 5in1 n pcv jab ytd n she is having low grade fever.. wants 2 b sayang to slp.
it's a gray cny.. will try 2 create some good memories with baby. goin back work very soon

é diarrhoea still on, off a bit... hope stops totally today...
Joy, my girl didn't develop any diarrhoea. In fact, I find her poo after rotavirus is drier than before and the amount also not as much as before. Colour wise is the same mustard yellow and seedy type. Last time her poo was more creamy type and could occupy 80 to 90% of the diaper. Now maybe only about 50 to 60%.

My girl also didn't really develop any fever. Highest temperature measured was 37.1°c. But when I touched her forehead, it was a little warmer than usual. Didn't feed her the liquid paracetamol at all and also didn't sponge her. That very night after vaccination, she was kind of cranky and fussy. I woke up every hour to nurse her. Also wanted to be rocked to sleep in my arms. I repeated 5 times in a row before she managed to sleep: rocked to sleep, slept in my arms, put her in cot to sleep, woke up crying and fuss. That night I hardly sleep at all.
faith-tat's good. hope 5 in 1 will b as smooth.. i know put in cot cry feel.. rather jus carry in my arms...
Oh my girl took 5 in 1, PCV and rotavirus all at the same time. Actually nurse said it's better to have fever. That means the vaccinations are working. But she said a lot of parents scare to have their babies to have fever after vaccination.
Circle so your girl mummy help to look after? How is she doing?

Ya 1st Cny with our LO :) so exciting. Gonna be a busy one bringing two out for me.

Actually my girls no fever after the combine 3 but I do realise their body feels hotter but when take temp is ok still normal range.
Circle so fast went back to work. Same goes to dolly. Oops.. i am actually not the earliest haha.
I think i am not bringing baby out.
Hello sister snow and other more senior sisters. Just to check when 4 months you all got give puree?them 6 months how many meals of porridge and milk? Anyone can advise on this?
Faithfully, no worries you are not alone. I think our girls is now getting more smarter as they grow so might demand for this and that. Mine is like this too. Look here and there when drink milk and so hard to feed her. Milk intake also drop like never feel hungry so we must time to feed her. Probiotics is good. I am giving my baby too so to build her immune and helps in her digestion. I am giving nan ha as mine colic type or too much wind.
Buddy, haha just use the photo you have to submit to ifc. I did that too.
Joy when heading to work?
i m goin back 2work mid mar... last week home alone with baby.. we really came a long way!

busy packin bag for infant care this week...

my baby takes probiotic when he had diarrhoea too.

my baby dun really wan 2nap.. headache...

Wow so fast everyone is going back to work. How is circle and dolly coping with baby and work. Kitkats how are you already?
