(2014) ivf mummies support group

Hi all,itz so lovely to hear all ur preggy stories...
I hv also jz completed my FET and got my BFP on 19 Sept..
Today went for my 1st tri dating/viability and the sonographer saw only a gestational sac
With no yolk sac or heartbeat or fetal pole..I am almost 6weeks today..
Next appt is on 8 Oct so therefore am v worried abt my pregnancy..
Dr did not order a repeat blood test but she jz said a bit early to see anything..
She upped my duphaston from twice to thrice a day now..
I guess our worries when it comes to pregnancy doesnt jz stop from the 2ww..

Hi all,itz so lovely to hear all ur preggy stories...
I hv also jz completed my FET and got my BFP on 19 Sept..
Today went for my 1st tri dating/viability and the sonographer saw only a gestational sac
With no yolk sac or heartbeat or fetal pole..I am almost 6weeks today..
Next appt is on 8 Oct so therefore am v worried abt my pregnancy..
Dr did not order a repeat blood test but she jz said a bit early to see anything..
She upped my duphaston from twice to thrice a day now..
I guess our worries when it comes to pregnancy doesnt jz stop from the 2ww..

Hi rashal,
Doc made an early appt with u at 6weeks? I am also in my 6th weeks bt no appt made for me.

Ur 2nd appt is a day after my 1st appt. Maybe the doctor's right..could b too early. I do hope everything is going to be fine for u. Take care
lol, difficult to forget the pain surely.... haaahaaa many mummies say is labour pain 10000x painful then normal menstruation cramps lor...!

My colleagues said after their labour ordeal, they have a newfound respect for their mothers who gave birth without epidural.

I have a high pain threshold and was considering an all natural birth when my boy was due last year Mar'12. But alas, the boy never sat cross legged in the womb and never turned head down. So I had to have an elective C section.
Hi all, would love to join this thread as I am due with #2 next April
EDD: 10 Apr 2014
Baby: #2
Gynae: Dr. Tan HH
Hospital: KKH

This is my first fresh IVF (in July) and Today is week 12 hope everything ok as long time no scan haha....my next scan will be oscar scan next week liao.
First one preemie born on week 32...so i think this one should be early too but hope not so early again.

I was more to a silent reader. hehe
Do we have a FB group? Can add me to the fb group? my email add is [email protected]
Thanks a lot.
Hi all! I just created the fb page.. It's a secret group, meaning only members can see who's in it and what we post. Pls leave your emails here or pm me if u want to be added to the fb group! Joelle, I sent u an invite- check yr email incl junk mail folder..
I'm 6 weeks now & eating very normal. But the most funny part was I'm losing weight! Just weight myself this morning 49.1kg, before I start my FET was 50.6. no morning sickness, no puking, so cannot understand why I still lose weight *sigh* saw my precious on the screen on wed & heard the heart beat & confirm I was exactly 6 weeks. next appt very very far away, 6 weeks later for Oscar! tempted to arrange another appt 3 weeks later to see baby

joynpeace - pls add me to the fb group: [email protected]
Audrey don't worry quite a few mummies lose weight in first TM. Wow your next appt so long! Usually ivf pregnancies will be monitored at least 3-4 weekly in first TM I thought? Go for in between scan lah.. But got to spend a bit more $$.. :)
Audrey don't worry quite a few mummies lose weight in first TM. Wow your next appt so long! Usually ivf pregnancies will be monitored at least 3-4 weekly in first TM I thought? Go for in between scan lah.. But got to spend a bit more $$.. :)

I ask hubby later, if he ok then I go make another appt! if I have ms & puke & lose weight I can understand lah. but none happening & losing weight dunno ok or not. only thing that keep me sane is my beta reading is doubling very nicely
Kmei2, is it me or all twins preg are equally bad? I'm having very severe gastric issue, loads of acid and gastric pains. I've seen a GP and was give medicatiion to control the acid production, mylanta (antacid) and med to control my puking. I've not gained any weight, in fact i'm losing weight whereas I think I've managed to maintain my weight due to the increase of the weight of my babies.
Do you have gastric prob? I can feel my uterus getting abit congested. hahahaha.
Can't wait to see my babies next friday.

hmm I do get full/bloated easily.. and standby gastric med at home just in case I get sudden attack :D
my weigh gain was kinda slow but ok :) till week 20 I only gained 3kgs
Hi all,itz so lovely to hear all ur preggy stories...
I hv also jz completed my FET and got my BFP on 19 Sept..
Today went for my 1st tri dating/viability and the sonographer saw only a gestational sac
With no yolk sac or heartbeat or fetal pole..I am almost 6weeks today..
Next appt is on 8 Oct so therefore am v worried abt my pregnancy..
Dr did not order a repeat blood test but she jz said a bit early to see anything..
She upped my duphaston from twice to thrice a day now..
I guess our worries when it comes to pregnancy doesnt jz stop from the 2ww..

welcome babe! dun worry too much ya.. worries never end till we carry them in our arms :)
Hi all, would love to join this thread as I am due with #2 next April
EDD: 10 Apr 2014
Baby: #2
Gynae: Dr. Tan HH
Hospital: KKH

This is my first fresh IVF (in July) and Today is week 12 hope everything ok as long time no scan haha....my next scan will be oscar scan next week liao.
First one preemie born on week 32...so i think this one should be early too but hope not so early again.

I was more to a silent reader. hehe
Do we have a FB group? Can add me to the fb group? my email add is [email protected]
Thanks a lot.

congrat babe!
Wow thread move real fast.

Has anyone gone down to the rise n shine fair at suntec?

Wanna ask all sisters here for opinion, who u go for a medela pump in style or free style model? Can't decide leh. N realise pump in style comes in diff carrier bags which means with diff things in there...m I right?
Yvejen, I got a freestyle. Initially wanted a PISA as it was cheaper n read reviews suction better, but later a friend told me that for first time mums, too strong suction may cause pain. Hence decided to get freestyle cos also lighter n more mobile. Usually the seasoned mums seem to prefer PISA cos they say freestyle suction not as strong.
If I'm not wrong, different bags actually contain same things- diff is only if u prefer backpack style or tote style carrier bag.
Wanna ask all sisters here for opinion, who u go for a medela pump in style or free style model? Can't decide leh. N realise pump in style comes in diff carrier bags which means with diff things in there...m I right?

If you are going to pump mainly at home, PIS or freestyle doesn't matter. But if you intend to pump at work, the freestyle is a lot more mobile. I use the freestyle. Got a US set through a local seller for about $550.
Hi Ladies,

Anyone knows which breast pump is better... Ameda or Medela? Was reading at other chat groups n they recommend Ameda. Thought of getting your views on the options... Thanks!
morning mummies..

mei, last friday scanning was good.. doc laughing at the weight i have gain! he like so happy... saying im eating more than my hubby now..haa! bb also growing quite fast now..

yven, i got medela PISA from my SIL so i just need to get the necessary accessories only.. Yes, if u intend to pump at work, it would advisable to get freestyle.. it is more compact in size and although u may also dismantle the PISA pump from the bag but i think freestyle is easier to carry around. i will see how it goes, if i able to feed my bb well, i might invest in freestyle later too..

Summer, i will be getting philips avent bottle sterilizer.. got good feedback from my SIL as they have used 3 different brands... but for breast pump many recommend Medela.
Hi all,itz so lovely to hear all ur preggy stories...
I hv also jz completed my FET and got my BFP on 19 Sept..
Today went for my 1st tri dating/viability and the sonographer saw only a gestational sac
With no yolk sac or heartbeat or fetal pole..I am almost 6weeks today..
Next appt is on 8 Oct so therefore am v worried abt my pregnancy..
Dr did not order a repeat blood test but she jz said a bit early to see anything..
She upped my duphaston from twice to thrice a day now..
I guess our worries when it comes to pregnancy doesnt jz stop from the 2ww..

rashal, continue with ur duphaston! don carry heavy stuff... yes, never ending worries... but try to take it easy abit.. talk to ur baby...! :p
bb, urs sooo fast!!! :( after 22nd oct then the next is 12th Nov.. boohoo!!!

WAHAHA... now 4 weeks apart! wow so fast u making the next appt liao ah.. haa.. oh doc didnt mention anything abt my glucose test.. i also forgot to ask him! faint... lol
WAHAHA... now 4 weeks apart! wow so fast u making the next appt liao ah.. haa.. oh doc didnt mention anything abt my glucose test.. i also forgot to ask him! faint... lol
the 12 nov is the glucose test lo haha! at week 28 :p
doc didn't mention then dun need la..
rashal, continue with ur duphaston! don carry heavy stuff... yes, never ending worries... but try to take it easy abit.. talk to ur baby...! :p

Just to share something funny about talking to your baby. My London colleague was due end Feb'12 and baby was breached so she did a manipulation at the hospital where midwives turned the baby manually with a lot of pushing on the tummy. After enduring all the pain, the baby turned right back to breach position. So she told her baby sternly that if she's born on 29 Feb she's going to celebrate her birthday once every 4 years. The next day, baby turned head down!
Just to share something funny about talking to your baby. My London colleague was due end Feb'12 and baby was breached so she did a manipulation at the hospital where midwives turned the baby manually with a lot of pushing on the tummy. After enduring all the pain, the baby turned right back to breach position. So she told her baby sternly that if she's born on 29 Feb she's going to celebrate her birthday once every 4 years. The next day, baby turned head down!

thanks for sharing..! haa, bb will listen one hor!!! lol...
Hi all

I am new to this thread. Hope I can post my doubt here.
I am going for IVF procedure in Jan2014, now currently working part time and on TCM treatment.
I am in dilemma, I duno whether I should go for a reputable gynae.
Is reputable gynae very important for success rate?
I need to consider the cost too. By changing, some of the tests have to do again.
wah...this thread is moving fast...havnt been logging in for some time cos tired n no appetite....how's everybody?? my taste buds are always very bland and had a bad burning sensation after eating tom yam soup last weekend...now i scared already.. cant wait for things to improve so that i cannot stop eating...haha..
did any of the sis here stick to Dr Loh as gynae or will be switching??
Hi all

I am new to this thread. Hope I can post my doubt here.
I am going for IVF procedure in Jan2014, now currently working part time and on TCM treatment.
I am in dilemma, I duno whether I should go for a reputable gynae.
Is reputable gynae very important for success rate?
I need to consider the cost too. By changing, some of the tests have to do again.
Hi peace, my two cents worth.. I think getting a gyne u are comfortable with is very impt.. Reputable is a little subjective. For eg Dr SF Loh, Prof PC Wong, Dr Tan HH are some of the more "reputable" n famous gynes for ivf. There are many ladies here under them, but there are also many who failed ivf with them n succeeded with someone else.
Personally I started off with prof PC Wong, who is really nice n kind- was only on clomid with him, but he seemed more conservative to me while I wanted things to move faster, as I had zero ovulation even on highest dose of clomid. I switched gyne to Dr Ann Tan, and she was more in tune with what I wanted. Cost wise, I believe all ivf patients are considered private patients even in subsidized hospitals (pls correct me if I'm wrong) but in govt hospital, u can use govt subsidy. That was one deterrent factor for me to switch from prof Wong in nuh to Dr Tan in paragon, but I'm glad I did cos finally strike. We paid abt $10k plus for our fresh cycle n abt $5k for FET with Dr Tan.
If cost is a factor, go govt hospital.. There are excellent drs with high success rate there too. :)
Hi peace, my two cents worth.. I think getting a gyne u are comfortable with is very impt.. Reputable is a little subjective. For eg Dr SF Loh, Prof PC Wong, Dr Tan HH are some of the more "reputable" n famous gynes for ivf. There are many ladies here under them, but there are also many who failed ivf with them n succeeded with someone else.
Personally I started off with prof PC Wong, who is really nice n kind- was only on clomid with him, but he seemed more conservative to me while I wanted things to move faster, as I had zero ovulation even on highest dose of clomid. I switched gyne to Dr Ann Tan, and she was more in tune with what I wanted. Cost wise, I believe all ivf patients are considered private patients even in subsidized hospitals (pls correct me if I'm wrong) but in govt hospital, u can use govt subsidy. That was one deterrent factor for me to switch from prof Wong in nuh to Dr Tan in paragon, but I'm glad I did cos finally strike. We paid abt $10k plus for our fresh cycle n abt $5k for FET with Dr Tan.
If cost is a factor, go govt hospital.. There are excellent drs with high success rate there too. :)
Hi joynpeace, thanks for sharing. I am more settled now. :p
morning mummies... nice cool weather..

wah, these days bb quite active ah.. i think weight is getting heavier, pressing my bladder...always have urge to pee feeling.. faint..
wah...this thread is moving fast...havnt been logging in for some time cos tired n no appetite....how's everybody?? my taste buds are always very bland and had a bad burning sensation after eating tom yam soup last weekend...now i scared already.. cant wait for things to improve so that i cannot stop eating...haha..
did any of the sis here stick to Dr Loh as gynae or will be switching??
Yes! Hi 5! i know the sucky feeling which everything else tastes bland (and sometimes bitter). Must have sweet drinks to go along with. hahaha, i tried spicy food like mee siam and went to the loo 3 times and i was so scared that i swore off such spicy food. you may have 3 - 5 weeks to go...hehhe, i am still having abit of poor appetite :p
morning mummies... nice cool weather..

wah, these days bb quite active ah.. i think weight is getting heavier, pressing my bladder...always have urge to pee feeling.. faint..
Hmm..do you need to wear pantyliner or ultraslim pad? heard that there may be urine leakage..
summer, ask gynae the next visit.. shld be able to replace all these with multi vits already :D
meimei~ i got my multi-vits yesterday :) i will finish up my duphaston though he said no need and guess what! i requested for the support jab (cos kiasu mah) though he said unnecessary :p and my thigh is feeling so sore now. hahaha :p
meimei~ i got my multi-vits yesterday :) i will finish up my duphaston though he said no need and guess what! i requested for the support jab (cos kiasu mah) though he said unnecessary :p and my thigh is feeling so sore now. hahaha :p
alamak! u torture urself leh haha
morning mummies... nice cool weather..

wah, these days bb quite active ah.. i think weight is getting heavier, pressing my bladder...always have urge to pee feeling.. faint..
me too! the urge of peeing LOL.. and really abit only when go often
Yes! Hi 5! i know the sucky feeling which everything else tastes bland (and sometimes bitter). Must have sweet drinks to go along with. hahaha, i tried spicy food like mee siam and went to the loo 3 times and i was so scared that i swore off such spicy food. you may have 3 - 5 weeks to go...hehhe, i am still having abit of poor appetite :p

towkayneo, another 3-5 wks??? alamak! i thot is just past 12 wks and i am already counting down...
i had this very weird symptom and since it has never happened to me before, i can only attribute it to preg...is abit gross but i do find my below there and at the back (near rectum) very itchy...initially, i thot i didnt wash it clean enough n i wash it very clean...but there are still moments when it is just so so itchy that it wldnt stop...i resort to using dettol body powder... anyone having such a similar symptom??
