(2014) ivf mummies support group

When dr tan prescribed me the metoclopramide, I (yaya) told him no need. He said "huh" ,like surprise y I don't want. Then hubby told me to take just to standby. Now, I know ... Better to standby becoz we don't know when ms will hit us.

Yah. That is what dr tan told me. Maybe cos your body already has enough vitamin b6, that's why side effects feel ok.

My side effects seem pretty bad. So he gave me vitamin b6. Like folic acid, to be eaten every morning (with or without food)
Anyone encounter having sharp pain near or at navel? The belly button?
I have it too... Ard wk 4-5 like that. But it went away.

Feeling very very terrible x 100times. Since yesterday night had been waking up just to vomit. All the way till today. I am still vomiting. Did nothing today except bed rest. But everytime I wake up from my 1-2hrs nap I will vomit and then go back sleep again after 1-2hrs wake up vomit again. No strength to even go see doc. My hubbs went see doc for me. Hope family clinic got medicine for ms symptoms. Don't know can eat anot. Is there special nausea medicine for preg women or it's general.

Haizz, better take medication for nausea, u sound qt ill! Rest n take care of urself!

When dr tan prescribed me the metoclopramide, I (yaya) told him no need. He said "huh" ,like surprise y I don't want. Then hubby told me to take just to standby. Now, I know ... Better to standby becoz we don't know when ms will hit us.

Hehe yeah better standby in case. Hopefully u are one of the lucky ones w little MS symptoms! One of my friends didnt have MS at all! So lucky! Think it is genetic cuz her mom also nv had MS.
Gynae said it's normal cos uterus expanding.. let's not read into every symptoms n scared ourselves... guess it's part n parcel of being pregnant....
I have been having cramps. AF type of cramps also have. Sometimes jabbing, targeted cramps. Not super painful kind though. So I prefer to curl up then out stretch myself

Those type of cramps is normal coz ur womb is trying to stretch so just relax n it will go away very soon de. But it can happen quite often once ur bb is more stable no more cramp le n will be other type of symptom Liao
I have it too... Ard wk 4-5 like that. But it went away.

Cos i had it just now for like 15mins... Out of sudden... But strangely, i bought something to munch and the pain after that disappeared. I already had dinner and also munch some other food beforehand...
I have been having cramps. AF type of cramps also have. Sometimes jabbing, targeted cramps. Not super painful kind though. So I prefer to curl up then out stretch myself

Till now i still do have cramps on and off. Ya, i realised sometimes if lie on bed straight can feel cramps, have to curl up... I guess is normal to have cramps then...
@quote="hi_mei, post: 6940230, member: 103180"]Hi denmeg, it might be the uterus stretching? How many weeks r u? Congrats btw! :)

I also experience pain at night, more like bad cramps rather than poking pain. Strange thing, it is always at night![/quote]
@hi_mei Thank you. I am now abt 6weeks plus pregnant. I have cramps on and off but the poking pain makes me a bit anxious. I will ask the Dr when having 2nd review again. Thanks for your concern.
@iwantahealthybaby Yes me having twins. My stomach is really growing v fast. I am abt 6 weeks plus now.Beside having slight cramps on and off and the poking effect, I really crave for salty food and chilled drinks. Pimples starting to break out. No vomiting but a bit nausea. Everyday at ten plus will feel v hungry even I have a heavy breakfast but I dare not eat too much as my stomach is showing out now.

@LynnCanny hope that you are better now. Rest well okie.
Circle and kitkats, how did you manage to lay in bed for the whole day? I am feeling very uncomfortable by laying And laying on bed. Like the head become very blurr..
Denmeg, it is normal to feel hungry always especially you have 2 beanies. Just eat healthy food so that the calories will not be very high.
Gd morning ladies. Thanks for all your concern. Kitkats thanks for the name of the medicine yesterday hubbs went clinic but the clinic say cannot take on my behalf so in end I must drag my way there for the medication. Same as what kitkats mentioned so I feel so much safer eating that. I think I will get vit b6 from guardian later if I feel better since according to circle it helps too. I regretted not standing by for the ms pills haha. When doc ask me want to standby anot I say don't need. Actually the medicine takes some time to take effect so I so fear that I will vomit before effect comes in. Lucky manage to sleep through. So far took 3 already since last night. Wake up feeling super hungry. Have not been eating the whole day yesterday. Feel so skinny now after all the puking. Hope today no ms very scared. Yup on mc today since I think not in good condition to drive. But today so far feeling ok just hungry waiting hubbs go buy KFC porridge.

Denmeg you 6 weeks plus only? Thought your beanies are older than mine cause you BfP earlier. Today marks my 8weeks 0days. Hope wed scan see beanies both are ok. Fearful of week 8. Me experience the baddest ms sat night and whole sun but no cramps so far. Stomach also not obvious maybe just put on 3kg divided to boobs and tummy. But after all the puking I think might have lost weight.

Lynncandy when do you need to go back review again? I think next you don't need do v scan already. Beanies should be big enough to see through stomach Liao. Say goodbye to the v scan :)
Iwantahealthybaby, yup I am going back on Wed for scan and review again. Hopefully kkh machine can see by using ultrasound as I am really scare of the v scan.
I use to walk here and there. Now must rest in bed go downstairs to walk or buy food also scare, scare later come back see red in my toilet bowl again. I am really not use to laying on bed for too long as I can feel my head becomes very zombie.
Iwantahealthybaby , I m glad u r feeling better now! Rest well at home ya.

Lyncandy, i watch drama or tv n surf net on bed. I think I quite use to it since 2ww.. Keke
Me also wed scan at kkh but it's late noon. I am like you cannot bed rest for long type but yesterday I have the longest hour in my bed. One day 24hrs I am on bed for 22 hrs. 1 hr went out clinic and plus minus 1 hr the number of times I went toilet puke lol.

I am now having my bf hopefully nothing happen after that.
Iwantahealthybaby, rest well. It's week 8. Pray only good things happen this week. Did ultrasound last Saturday. Can see and hear heartbeat sound, 160 bpm.
Bb_hc, yours is week 8? use ultrasound can hear heartbeat. No need v scan right? You are with kkh also?
Kitkats, my scv box just spoilt :( no tv and is so boring for me.
Iwantahealthybaby, think you should be fine just that beanies want you to rest at home today. My appointment is wed but don't know what time, later the nurse will call me.
@iwantahealthybaby I am not too sure y I am less than 8 weeks as I am told from my last scan done on 19Mar2014 ( only 5 weeks plus) so today probably only 7 weeks. I will double check with Dr S on 10Apr again. Anyone know i can get an earlier appt to see Dr S as my UTI seem to be coming back again even though i had completed my antibiotics and inserts.
@iwantahealthybaby Y is your appt scheduled so early? I am scheduled to see Dr S 4 weeks later after last appt with her. Am thinking to see her earlier. Don't know can see her in the private suit if she have.
Yes bb_hc pray all good things happen at week8 and all the weeks to come. I still don't know about my beanies hb rate. Can't wait for the wed gynae visit. I realise even a week apart scan seems long for me. I am going back to sleep again after bf. nothing do no mood watch drama or tv so on aircon and try to sleep till noon.

Denmeg try calling the clinic and check sometimes people might cancel aptm last min and you will have an earlier slot. No harm trying. Think you shouldn be too far away from me. Early scan maybe not that accurate In date cause beanies still small.
@LynnCandy it is urinary tract infection. The discharge is lesser now but my stomach is having cramp not because of the beanies but rather is the infection that caused the discomfort. I have tried to keep it clean everytime i went toilet and wash with the feminine wash but the itch and slight burning sensation is still there. I can tolerate that but scare the infection is still there and will harm the beanies.
Yup this wed will be my second time seeing her I should be week 8 soon. The nurse is trying to slot an appointment for me and will call me later. You call and tell them your problem say must see doc by this week.
Anyone of you ladies encountered similar situation & can share.
Few days back, most probably over the wkn, started to noticed hv a tasteless tongue & is very uncomfortable. Just feel that I need to fill with very strong flavoured food. Asam fish smelled very good & I crave for tom yum. Last nite, went to buy the orange lemon hack sweets. Feel more comfortable once I hv it in my mouth. But the moment, it is finished, the very uncomfortable taste in the mouth is back. At the rate, I m sucking the sweets, the sugar level is going to shoot up
Whao Lynn u started using at 6 yrs old? That is very young, hehe.

Yue I think your appetite change already. Heard from sil some will experience metallic taste in mouth no matter what they eat is tasteless. The metallic taste keeps lingering in the mouth sometimes will make her want to Puke. During my vomiting last wkend my mouth feel tasteless too. Just doesn't seems to appeal to any food.

Denmeg in fact after my 1st scan with my dr jerry my aptm is 4 weeks later at tps as he cannot see me in clinic d anymore. Must either chose my own gynae or follow him to tps. But I decided to change gynae and so manage to slot in aptm 1 week earlier. So actually since my last checkup in kkh my coming wed scan is 3 weeks. But in between I went to outside clinic to scan myself last week just to make sure everything ok.
Circle and kitkats, how did you manage to lay in bed for the whole day? I am feeling very uncomfortable by laying And laying on bed. Like the head become very blurr..
LynnCandy, can sit in bed too, if your spotting is better. As long as don't walk, it is ok. Yah, I also get headache lying in bed for too long. Very zombie feeling.
I just watch Korean shows, rotate between sitting up, half lie and completely lie. But yes, I spent 22 hrs in bed too.
Gd morning ladies. Thanks for all your concern. Kitkats thanks for the name of the medicine yesterday hubbs went clinic but the clinic say cannot take on my behalf so in end I must drag my way there for the medication. Same as what kitkats mentioned so I feel so much safer eating that. I think I will get vit b6 from guardian later if I feel better since according to circle it helps too. I regretted not standing by for the ms pills haha. When doc ask me want to standby anot I say don't need. Actually the medicine takes some time to take effect so I so fear that I will vomit before effect comes in. Lucky manage to sleep through. So far took 3 already since last night. Wake up feeling super hungry. Have not been eating the whole day yesterday. Feel so skinny now after all the puking. Hope today no ms very scared. Yup on mc today since I think not in good condition to drive. But today so far feeling ok just hungry waiting hubbs go buy KFC porridge.

Denmeg you 6 weeks plus only? Thought your beanies are older than mine cause you BfP earlier. Today marks my 8weeks 0days. Hope wed scan see beanies both are ok. Fearful of week 8. Me experience the baddest ms sat night and whole sun but no cramps so far. Stomach also not obvious maybe just put on 3kg divided to boobs and tummy. But after all the puking I think might have lost weight.

Lynncandy when do you need to go back review again? I think next you don't need do v scan already. Beanies should be big enough to see through stomach Liao. Say goodbye to the v scan :)
Glad to hear that you are better. Yah, I remember being super hungry after eating medicine.

I think with my tiny appetite since 2ww, I have lost weight. But still bloated so tummy is there.
Whao Lynn u started using at 6 yrs old? That is very young, hehe.

Yue I think your appetite change already. Heard from sil some will experience metallic taste in mouth no matter what they eat is tasteless. The metallic taste keeps lingering in the mouth sometimes will make her want to Puke. During my vomiting last wkend my mouth feel tasteless too. Just doesn't seems to appeal to any food.

Denmeg in fact after my 1st scan with my dr jerry my aptm is 4 weeks later at tps as he cannot see me in clinic d anymore. Must either chose my own gynae or follow him to tps. But I decided to change gynae and so manage to slot in aptm 1 week earlier. So actually since my last checkup in kkh my coming wed scan is 3 weeks. But in between I went to outside clinic to scan myself last week just to make sure everything ok.

How to counter it? Can't be sucking the sweets all day long. So uncomfortable.
I got urine don't know what infection since young that's why I get to use the feminine wash at a young age. The wash is very good helps with the infection and etc.
My scv box spoilt really makes me feel so boring. Maybe I should download 'running man' to watch.
How I wish I can lose weight too but my beanie loves food more than the usual me. Beanie seems to like to eat McDonald's or Western and not Chinese food. Faint*** any of your beanies is like mine?
I got urine don't know what infection since young that's why I get to use the feminine wash at a young age. The wash is very good helps with the infection and etc.
My scv box spoilt really makes me feel so boring. Maybe I should download 'running man' to watch.
How I wish I can lose weight too but my beanie loves food more than the usual me. Beanie seems to like to eat McDonald's or Western and not Chinese food. Faint*** any of your beanies is like mine?

Drink cranberry juice.

On a separate note, how to do a reply post via apps?
I got urine don't know what infection since young that's why I get to use the feminine wash at a young age. The wash is very good helps with the infection and etc.
My scv box spoilt really makes me feel so boring. Maybe I should download 'running man' to watch.
How I wish I can lose weight too but my beanie loves food more than the usual me. Beanie seems to like to eat McDonald's or Western and not Chinese food. Faint*** any of your beanies is like mine?
Same same! My beanie likes western food and fast food. I hate the smell of Chinese cooking or home cooked food, especially when oil is heating up in the wok.
Yue, you select on the post. The top area will have an icon that looks like a rectangular speech bubble. That helps you to quote the reply.

I didn know how to reply via apps too. Now that you mention hehehe yeah I know Hw already.

So far I haven't been craving anything I guess. Maybe the sudden crave for Hudson sweets especially the red one and 100plus cold since I started vomiting. Don't know is mummy feels or craving haha. Used to love lunch time way before will think what to eat. Now lunch time already I still nua-ing on bed.
Iwantahealthybaby, u funni leh when u no ms n symptoms u so feel want a taste of it now u experience liao u hope it goes away. Actually w ur high hcg ur ms considered comes quite late than some others liao..
No worries, ur twins will grow well
My dh got ask me wat cravings I say not yet but hope not have wait I put on too much weight n hard to get rid after give birth..
I didn know how to reply via apps too. Now that you mention hehehe yeah I know Hw already.

So far I haven't been craving anything I guess. Maybe the sudden crave for Hudson sweets especially the red one and 100plus cold since I started vomiting. Don't know is mummy feels or craving haha. Used to love lunch time way before will think what to eat. Now lunch time already I still nua-ing on bed.
Haiz... i used to love food. Monday go work, Monday blues must eat nice nice. Wed is mid week, we also go eat nice nice. It is finally Fri, also must eat nice nice.

Happy also must eat nice food. Sad or stressed also must eat nice food.

Now ah... food just don't appeal to me. No craving. No hungry. Eat already more uncomfortable. More bloating, more nausea. Hahaha! I eat just so that the gastric won't come.
Hmm.. it is a special craving on hudson sweet. I am also nua-ing on bed. Waiting for my mum to visit me and bring food.
Circle, McDonald's is yummy right. I don't really fancy mcd until when I got beanie. Don't know why beanie loves McDonald's and Western so much. McChicken with cheese yum yum.. haha am I tempting you all to eat McDonald's.
Bb_hc, yours is week 8? use ultrasound can hear heartbeat. No need v scan right? You are with kkh also?
Kitkats, my scv box just spoilt :( no tv and is so boring for me.
Iwantahealthybaby, think you should be fine just that beanies want you to rest at home today. My appointment is wed but don't know what time, later the nurse will call me.
Today week 8 day 0, last scan is at private gynae using ultrasound can hear heartbeat on week 7 day 5. Doctor even save in CD. But when I open in my pc, some thing wrong with the clip. I am with NUH.
Whao Lynn u started using at 6 yrs old? That is very young, hehe.

Yue I think your appetite change already. Heard from sil some will experience metallic taste in mouth no matter what they eat is tasteless. The metallic taste keeps lingering in the mouth sometimes will make her want to Puke. During my vomiting last wkend my mouth feel tasteless too. Just doesn't seems to appeal to any food.

Denmeg in fact after my 1st scan with my dr jerry my aptm is 4 weeks later at tps as he cannot see me in clinic d anymore. Must either chose my own gynae or follow him to tps. But I decided to change gynae and so manage to slot in aptm 1 week earlier. So actually since my last checkup in kkh my coming wed scan is 3 weeks. But in between I went to outside clinic to scan myself last week just to make sure everything ok.
You scan outside too? How much? Where? Any package? How is it?
Anyone of you ladies encountered similar situation & can share.
Few days back, most probably over the wkn, started to noticed hv a tasteless tongue & is very uncomfortable. Just feel that I need to fill with very strong flavoured food. Asam fish smelled very good & I crave for tom yum. Last nite, went to buy the orange lemon hack sweets. Feel more comfortable once I hv it in my mouth. But the moment, it is finished, the very uncomfortable taste in the mouth is back. At the rate, I m sucking the sweets, the sugar level is going to shoot up
Same here. Most thing is tasteless and taste different. Got scolded by hubby for being picky with food.
Dun start thinking that eat too much put on weight later hard to get rid after birth, we have friend like u gers scare eat this n that end up when give birth the bb is very small compare to other bb that we saw, her bb is super super small.
Agree snow. We fear eat this gain weight eat too much also gain weight but when bb born underweight or too small we start blaming ourself. Women women!

Dolly gal it's really the love hate relationship, didn experience will want to experience to make ownself feel more normal. Experience Liao will hope it doesn't happen often. Actually all the while I don't find vomiting difficult. It's the want vomit cannot vomit that is killing. The mind the brain keep feeling nausea. Today I feel much better no such feeling think it's the medicine that is helping.

Circle yes mon wed fri wkend all is good food. Anything happy not happy is still food! Lolx. I just told my hubbs lunch will be ikea food, mos burger or pepper lunch. Ask him chose. Heading out for lunch. Don't want to stay home all the way. Maybe I will eat fish burger from mos. Lynn your faved! Lol. Now m I tempting u?

Agree snow. We fear eat this gain weight eat too much also gain weight but when bb born underweight or too small we start blaming ourself. Women women!

Dolly gal it's really the love hate relationship, didn experience will want to experience to make ownself feel more normal. Experience Liao will hope it doesn't happen often. Actually all the while I don't find vomiting difficult. It's the want vomit cannot vomit that is killing. The mind the brain keep feeling nausea. Today I feel much better no such feeling think it's the medicine that is helping.

Circle yes mon wed fri wkend all is good food. Anything happy not happy is still food! Lolx. I just told my hubbs lunch will be ikea food, mos burger or pepper lunch. Ask him chose. Heading out for lunch. Don't want to stay home all the way. Maybe I will eat fish burger from mos. Lynn your faved! Lol. Now m I tempting u?
Nay... hard to tempt me. Me always nausea. See food then more nausea. Hahaha! But watching a lot of Korean shows. Sometimes see Korean pancake, will get some fleeting feeling... but no enough to call it a craving.
