(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

Haiz... I couldn't go ivf cuz I feel if I were to conceive on the first try den what about the rest of the embryos? I can't just discard lo.. They are my babies leh.. How to just throw them away..

Me friend say can donate.. I was like cannot la... like that walking out there, there might be a child next to me that is my child leh.. My hub and mine leh... Cannot la.. Later get to know and married how? Lol.. I thk very fast...
Oh man... so sad. Mine was a hearsay story. That they threw away 10 nicely fertilised embryos cos all girls.

In some ways I am glad it is not allowed here. Embryo is also living thing, the start of your baby. Then people might really throw it away if they really didn't want the gender. At least now, you just got to accept it. Be so thankful whether boy or girls cos ivf is for couples who really want a child.
I know a couple went Overseas for ivf. They got 2 gals liao, hoping for a boy so went overseas to do as can choose.. in sg we are not allow...
Yes u can choose to discard or donate. As there are cases tat ladies no embryos or even hsb has no sperm, they need donor.
Thank u sohkaren! I am doing research on TCM now.

I did PGD in ivf cos me and hubby both thalassamia alpha minor. Gender choosing in Sg is prohibited, overseas can.
Haiz... I couldn't go ivf cuz I feel if I were to conceive on the first try den what about the rest of the embryos? I can't just discard lo.. They are my babies leh.. How to just throw them away..

Me friend say can donate.. I was like cannot la... like that walking out there, there might be a child next to me that is my child leh.. My hub and mine leh... Cannot la.. Later get to know and married how? Lol.. I thk very fast...

That's one issue about IVF that I was thinking hard on prior to all sorts of testing pre-IVF. I know I'll be really upset about those remaining embryos, but once I know the test reports, I know I dun have a choice besides IVF. My hubby has sperm issues so big that the worse can only be sterile man, no kidding... :( Fortunately, my doc suggested lupron trigger with my follicles count & AMH, more to prevent OHSS but I got 11 out of retrieval. Not so bad when you think about it - now I can give every embryo a chance! (Not every embryo can become babies, assuming I get 1 out of every 2 transferred, I'll have at most 5 children which is my goal originally before the infertility thing!) Lol If I've like 20... OMG... You can choose to donate to couples, donate to research or discard.
Oh man... so sad. Mine was a hearsay story. That they threw away 10 nicely fertilised embryos cos all girls.

In some ways I am glad it is not allowed here. Embryo is also living thing, the start of your baby. Then people might really throw it away if they really didn't want the gender. At least now, you just got to accept it. Be so thankful whether boy or girls cos ivf is for couples who really want a child.

I'm really glad it's strictly regulated in Singapore too, those who truly needs the technology will receive it. Those choosing gender then suck thumb lol No offense but I think locally the situation will be more serious if it's allowed... Still a lot of traditional people around who die die must have a son... (dun hit me for saying this)
That's one issue about IVF that I was thinking hard on prior to all sorts of testing pre-IVF. I know I'll be really upset about those remaining embryos, but once I know the test reports, I know I dun have a choice besides IVF. My hubby has sperm issues so big that the worse can only be sterile man, no kidding... :( Fortunately, my doc suggested lupron trigger with my follicles count & AMH, more to prevent OHSS but I got 11 out of retrieval. Not so bad when you think about it - now I can give every embryo a chance! (Not every embryo can become babies, assuming I get 1 out of every 2 transferred, I'll have at most 5 children which is my goal originally before the infertility thing!) Lol If I've like 20... OMG... You can choose to donate to couples, donate to research or discard.
I was more worried whether got enough embryos for myself. Hahaha! Cos even if we freeze, embryos may not survive the thawing. I heard of a case where all 12 embryos didn't survive the thaw.

Now i got 4 snow babies. So max only 2 more tries. Ivf success rate is only 30%. So only 3 in 10 people will succeed. and the odds lower as we age.
I was more worried whether got enough embryos for myself. Hahaha! Cos even if we freeze, embryos may not survive the thawing. I heard of a case where all 12 embryos didn't survive the thaw.

Now i got 4 snow babies. So max only 2 more tries. Ivf success rate is only 30%. So only 3 in 10 people will succeed. and the odds lower as we age.

Yep initially I was worried too, I thought 25 ok wat why doc so scared. Then just nice my friend got hospitalised for OHSS during my stimming & she retrieved 17... I scared liao after visiting her -.- My doc kept reassuring me it's gonna be ok with lupron trigger, the odds he gave me was 80% based on age, AMH & bt. Rest depends on implantation liao but he said my lining is very good, ideal. Told me optimal collection is 10-15 eggs for optimal fertilisation. Dunno is it he bluff me to make me feel better about not using Ovidrel la lol but I've also got 4 snow babies left, just nice for 2 more attempts :)
Yep initially I was worried too, I thought 25 ok wat why doc so scared. Then just nice my friend got hospitalised for OHSS during my stimming & she retrieved 17... I scared liao after visiting her -.- My doc kept reassuring me it's gonna be ok with lupron trigger, the odds he gave me was 80% based on age, AMH & bt. Rest depends on implantation liao but he said my lining is very good, ideal. Told me optimal collection is 10-15 eggs for optimal fertilisation. Dunno is it he bluff me to make me feel better about not using Ovidrel la lol but I've also got 4 snow babies left, just nice for 2 more attempts :)
I got tonnes of eggs but all rotten one. Hahaha! I got 35 eggs from ivf. Imagine how swollen my ovaries were man. Normally we only release 1 egg per cycle. The side effects were atrocious. But only 6 made it.
Very chim ...
Hahaha! No problem la. Most people dont know. I didn't know at all too. Even with ivf, where sperm is injected into egg to fertilise, doesn't mean it will be a successful embryo. It is not 1+1 = 2

(1) Sometimes egg don't like sperm so it just stops there aka they don't join tog. (2) Sometimes after they join tog, it doesn't grow. (3)Sometimes they grow abnormally. By right 1 cell grows into 2 cells then 4 cells then 8 cells. But it can go crazy and become 9 cells.

(4)Sometimes when the embryo breaks into pieces. Cos when the cells divide, need to break up nicely. Like using a knife to slice thru a jelly. Very smooth and nice. But sometimes it is like using a knife to divide an oreo cookie and u get a lot of crumbs instead. Then the whole cookie just falls apart.

So within that 2-3 days where sperm meets egg, a lot of things happen. So in my case, only 6 of eggs succeeded in becoming an embryo which then can be transferred to womb. The rest were not usable at all.

So that poss explains why I ttc naturally for 5 years and failed. So it is indeed very very lucky to be able to conceive naturally. Cos all your stars really aligned together to make this miracle.
Dolly , you going tangs sale ? Any interesting buy or good buy ?
I only went skii counter n utilise my voucher. The rest like kitchenware n clothings n shoes cashier queue is damn long. No mood to queue but alot of ppl bot this...


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Hahaha! No problem la. Most people dont know. I didn't know at all too. Even with ivf, where sperm is injected into egg to fertilise, doesn't mean it will be a successful embryo. It is not 1+1 = 2

(1) Sometimes egg don't like sperm so it just stops there aka they don't join tog. (2) Sometimes after they join tog, it doesn't grow. (3)Sometimes they grow abnormally. By right 1 cell grows into 2 cells then 4 cells then 8 cells. But it can go crazy and become 9 cells.

(4)Sometimes when the embryo breaks into pieces. Cos when the cells divide, need to break up nicely. Like using a knife to slice thru a jelly. Very smooth and nice. But sometimes it is like using a knife to divide an oreo cookie and u get a lot of crumbs instead. Then the whole cookie just falls apart.

So within that 2-3 days where sperm meets egg, a lot of things happen. So in my case, only 6 of eggs succeeded in becoming an embryo which then can be transferred to womb. The rest were not usable at all.

So that poss explains why I ttc naturally for 5 years and failed. So it is indeed very very lucky to be able to conceive naturally. Cos all your stars really aligned together to make this miracle.
Wow ... Detail explanation . Never ask my Sil how she did her ivf 6 yrs back . But I know after give birth , she wanted to try to use the balance to try third one . But unsuccessful ..

Yes . I do agree that it's very very very lucky to conceive naturally , there are a lot who try all ways and still not able to conceive . But there are also a lot have to adopt children ..

Yet there are also some who want to concentrate career and do planning at the later age . When they are ready , they not able to conceive etc ..
I only went skii counter n utilise my voucher. The rest like kitchenware n clothings n shoes cashier queue is damn long. No mood to queue but alot of ppl bot this...
Wow mayer one ... I saw it at best denki ... Looking at this and Philips one .. Think bring Hb go see better since he is the one cooking not me ... I only know to buy and shop and scream lol
Hahaha! No problem la. Most people dont know. I didn't know at all too. Even with ivf, where sperm is injected into egg to fertilise, doesn't mean it will be a successful embryo. It is not 1+1 = 2

(1) Sometimes egg don't like sperm so it just stops there aka they don't join tog. (2) Sometimes after they join tog, it doesn't grow. (3)Sometimes they grow abnormally. By right 1 cell grows into 2 cells then 4 cells then 8 cells. But it can go crazy and become 9 cells.

(4)Sometimes when the embryo breaks into pieces. Cos when the cells divide, need to break up nicely. Like using a knife to slice thru a jelly. Very smooth and nice. But sometimes it is like using a knife to divide an oreo cookie and u get a lot of crumbs instead. Then the whole cookie just falls apart.

So within that 2-3 days where sperm meets egg, a lot of things happen. So in my case, only 6 of eggs succeeded in becoming an embryo which then can be transferred to womb. The rest were not usable at all.

So that poss explains why I ttc naturally for 5 years and failed. So it is indeed very very lucky to be able to conceive naturally. Cos all your stars really aligned together to make this miracle.
Aiya.. pai seh.. didn't meant to like this post.. I just want to reply nia >. < *sorry for the fat finger*

I really didn't know there's so many possibilities for sperms meet eggs. Really thought that it is going to be 1+1=2 *faceplam*
Think I'm going to mothercare sale to get rompers ... Saw the shampoo and body wash from mothercare having promo also .. Dunno good or not .. Think will buy some and let my elder girls try first before getting more lol ..

I ks ... I ask Hb to buy diapers from Japan back :p
Wow ... Detail explanation . Never ask my Sil how she did her ivf 6 yrs back . But I know after give birth , she wanted to try to use the balance to try third one . But unsuccessful ..

Yes . I do agree that it's very very very lucky to conceive naturally , there are a lot who try all ways and still not able to conceive . But there are also a lot have to adopt children ..

Yet there are also some who want to concentrate career and do planning at the later age . When they are ready , they not able to conceive etc ..
I didn't know it too. Until I did ivf. To me, my thinking was as long as sperm meet egg then will succeed.

when doc told me to do ivf at 30 years old, I thought he Siao one. So young also do ivf. So went to try tcm for 2 years. When I finally did my ivf at 33 then realise my eggs are old and rotten! Though my actual age is 33 but body organs are aging faster than our real age. Poss cos of stress, how we overwork ourselves and type of food we indulge in.

So now I tell others who consider ivf. Just try early. U never know one... ttc is a long journey. Better start early.
Aiya.. pai seh.. didn't meant to like this post.. I just want to reply nia >. < *sorry for the fat finger*

I really didn't know there's so many possibilities for sperms meet eggs. Really thought that it is going to be 1+1=2 *faceplam*
No problem la. We all learn something new everyday! I didn't know too. Cos the embryogist will come and give me a verbal report then I know!

he will say.. mdm, u had xx eggs given to us. all injected with sperm but xx didn't join. Xx joined but didn't grow. Out of those that grow, only xx made it. The rest are abnormal growth, genes got problem or fragmented.

I even recorded down what he said using my hp. Only then it dawned on me that it is not 1+1=2. I was looking at my hubby in disbelief.
I didn't know it too. Until I did ivf. To me, my thinking was as long as sperm meet egg then will succeed.

when doc told me to do ivf at 30 years old, I thought he Siao one. So young also do ivf. So went to try tcm for 2 years. When I finally did my ivf at 33 then realise my eggs are old and rotten! Though my actual age is 33 but body organs are aging faster than our real age. Poss cos of stress, how we overwork ourselves and type of food we indulge in.

So now I tell others who consider ivf. Just try early. U never know one... ttc is a long journey. Better start early.
Yes ... That's why I have been telling my gf , dun wait for right time to give birth . There's never right time , my age already feeling so tired . If they wait longer think they will faint being 1st time mummy .. A lot to learn along the way ..
Yes ... That's why I have been telling my gf , dun wait for right time to give birth . There's never right time , my age already feeling so tired . If they wait longer think they will faint being 1st time mummy .. A lot to learn along the way ..
Yalor.. We also didn't plan to have baby this yr too. Just that my menses decided to stop suddenly then we got gan jiong liao. See doc to bring back my da yi ma and faster try liao.. We scare if we wait the baby will nv come. Heng we got one after a few rounds of ttc. So they say young can wait is so pui lor, just try 1st, every other thing can wait, our body clock cannot wait.
That's the reason why I cannot go back Japan ... I need lot of kg lol ... Too many tempting things to buy ...

Bought Agnes b bag till now also haven't use . Think will take that as diaper bag le ...
I timid, still dun dare to go Japan. . Maybe after I close factory. Hahahha
You scare of the radiation ?

My gf and me went to Japan mar and dec last year. Now both of us are preggy :)

Of cos for safety dun go... After all both of us have 2 kids ... And this one is god send !!
You scare of the radiation ?

My gf and me went to Japan mar and dec last year. Now both of us are preggy :)

Of cos for safety dun go... After all both of us have 2 kids ... And this one is god send !!
Yalor.. We also didn't plan to have baby this yr too. Just that my menses decided to stop suddenly then we got gan jiong liao. See doc to bring back my da yi ma and faster try liao.. We scare if we wait the baby will nv come. Heng we got one after a few rounds of ttc. So they say young can wait is so pui lor, just try 1st, every other thing can wait, our body clock cannot wait.
Mine one worse ... Half a year no menses ... Go holiday the nose become super sensitive and want to vomit ... Never thought of being pregnant too .. That's why I say this is god send :)
Mine one worse ... Half a year no menses ... Go holiday the nose become super sensitive and want to vomit ... Never thought of being pregnant too .. That's why I say this is god send :)
Ya.. scared of radiation. Haha wait till babies pop 1st.

So u found out very late lor?
Aiyoh got another horror story - sorry no where else to download... except here

Today lunch my friend told me that her best friend who is in 2nd trimester, woke up in the middle of the night finding her whole body wet. Her amniotic fluid leak badly!! Now hospitalised and trying to drink as much water to replace the leakage. Baby so strong! Heart is still beating...

So everyday that we are safe and sound, is really a blessing!
Aiyoh got another horror story - sorry no where else to download... except here

Today lunch my friend told me that her best friend who is in 2nd trimester, woke up in the middle of the night finding her whole body wet. Her amniotic fluid leak badly!! Now hospitalised and trying to drink as much water to replace the leakage. Baby so strong! Heart is still beating...

So everyday that we are safe and sound, is really a blessing!
Don't sweat don't sweat. Now medical science very advanced.

My friend also water bag burst very early. She thought she peeing. Gynae told her to go kkh and admit c ward. She slept in non - aircon and totally not allowed to move or turn. Sneeze also leak water. Hang in there as long as she can and csect 5 days later.

Now baby preemie but now very lively and strong little girl.

My godson also preemie at 1.2kg. Although not due to water bag burst but we have the help of medical science. He also now super bubble and very intelligent boy!
Just came back from Gyane.. Everything looks great as of now.. Additional medication, aspirin.. To prevent preeclampsia... Next visit is detail scan le.. Bb measure at 16 weeks... I told Gyane I don't want to know gender.. Haha... Den he like don't want to know gender ar...... I told him ya lo.. Do something different from previous pregnancies.. Anyway, also not buying any things till like 3rd tri so now know gender also no use... Gyane is like ya lo ya lo.. Haha..

Was told to go back if I feel anything not right.. Any slight spotting cuz I'm on aspirin now.. Any cramp anything... Slightest problem have to go back to him... Den he say anything not happy also come back.. Not happy with hubby also come back complain... Lol., den I laugh and said.. Wah like that I have to come back everyday leh... Hahahahahaha.... Den Gyane laugh and said i so naughty... Lol... Everyone also laugh sia... The nurses.. Keke..

As for lunch.. Yeah!! We have been talking about kuay chap right? And today I say I wanna eat old airport road kuay chap and here we are... Yeah!! Today Q very fast... Like less then 10mins ok le.. Had 2 small bowls of kuay... SHIOK!!!

Oh ya.. If u all go right.. There's a china shop selling GUo tie Xiao long bao.. Try it!! It very yummy and juicy.. One of the best I had from hawker!! Thumbs up!!
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We can eat intestines?!?
I dunno leh. I just eat! Not everyday anyway! Hahaha!

And I love love love marche man! One day must go marche and whack the crepe, rosti and crepe!!!!!
