(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

It really feels very good to have the food cravings fixed !!
I always eat at Soup spoon for tomato-based soups during lunch ..
Shiok !!
I don't know what is wrong.. My tummy is quite big even though twins but shouldn't be this big.i only gained 4 kg so far..
Thanks for the diapers talk :D going to test my mum to see what she will do to her grandchild. LOL
So ur oscar review on 21st May? Very long wait lei.

@reenmeen thanks so much for the tips on baby powder...it's so useful I will be heeding your advice!

juz some thoughts to share. If good for baby den better to inform others as well :)

haha using nappy cloths is ok but u would have to constantly change nappies bcos babies go toilet very frequently....im not kidding. Some mommies even experience urine shots or bed wetting accidents while changing their diapers/nappy cloths...haha...so they have to change again...lol

as for announcing abt my pregnancy, d news is out to my relatives but I'm thinking of announcing in fb after first trimester bcos my frens r all eagerly waiting for some gd news. Everytime I meet them or chat on fb, d first thing they ask is got any kid?...haha everytime I tell them not yet n promised to inform them wen it happens. But have to,discuss with my dh b4 I post...juz in case if he feels tat it is too early to announce....
haha check this out http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_p...diaper&ie=UTF8&qid=1398521534&rnid=2528832011

got many brands some stores in Singapore carry them too.

Reenmeen - actually u are right. i have been busy reading reviews. so they actually recommend first 6 mths using disposables. coz really too much pee and poo and have to keep changing. so only when they are older then change to cloth diaper. when going out use disposables don't need to bring home and wash. but at night and at home or go parents place can use cloth diaper.

basically mix the usage. there are so many types out there, read until confused lol. must find a shop that have some to show then see and try before purchasing.

i probably will get a few covers, coz they can be reused. and so cute. lol sorry i sucker for cute stuff like patterns and colors, so i think I'm going to spend a lot of money lol

:p please don't judge me if u disagree on spending such items, so now i stingy to myself nvr buy anything already. waiting to buy stuff for the beanie. keke
Hi^5! Mine as big as yours too. Haha.
But mine not twins lar and is either bloated or full of shit, cos I've been constipating again. Zzz
eat fruits. now i heck what tcm says i eat a lot of fruits. just don't eat the overly liang type like pineapples, coconuts, pears etc. it helps. then plus the yakult ladies recommend here. and fybogel, i can pass motion daily. but i didn't listen to my gynae, i only took fybogel alternate days, when she says i shd take twice a day to help.
Hi^5! Mine as big as yours too. Haha.
But mine not twins lar and is either bloated or full of shit, cos I've been constipating again. Zzz

Haha. I din expect to be this big, maybe really is bloated. Lol.. Cuz my #1, I think 5 months then this size.. First few weeks really can't see anything..
I am damn fat. I was 56kg lol.. Now 60 kg.. My tummy really bloated..

it makes me laugh wen u gals fret over ur weight. Den me how ah? Super fat leh...i already weighing 65kg now. Don't worry abt d fats bcos to me d inside of a person is more important :)

siling mayb u having twins tats y u putting on weight at faster rate? I mean every pregnancy is different so mayb ur uterus is making more space to support d twins...like create d extra fats n whatever tissues for babies support. My sil was very skinny so her tummy showed really early wen she was only carrying one baby. So d theory was not tat bcos d baby growing but bcos d uterus making enough space for baby...n she eat little n vomit a lot leh so not possible to say she put on weigh bcos she ate a lot - at normal times she don't put on weight no matter how much she eats n she,doesn't even need to exercise leh! So her body tried to make tummy bigger with watever nutrients her body can get....d theory goes something like that...so don't put too much worry abt putting on weight. U never put on weight den have to worry bcos it mayb indication of slow baby growth in d later weeks of pregnancy.....
eat fruits. now i heck what tcm says i eat a lot of fruits. just don't eat the overly liang type like pineapples, coconuts, pears etc. it helps. then plus the yakult ladies recommend here. and fybogel, i can pass motion daily. but i didn't listen to my gynae, i only took fybogel alternate days, when she says i shd take twice a day to help.
My gynae gave me fybogel gel today, tml then I start. Lol
Actually I eat fruits everyday one lei, stool is soft, but jus cannot come out T.T
My gynae gave me fybogel gel today, tml then I start. Lol
Actually I eat fruits everyday one lei, stool is soft, but jus cannot come out T.T
rem to take it after food. more effective this way. i didn't read instructions i just eat when i feel like it. lol. then after that i read instructions best taken after food.
Every time the gynae scan beanie (been to 3 scan only), the edd changes. From 4 to 5 then 6 Nov, but gynae say still can take 4th Nov as the edd. Hopefully is not because beanie is on the smaller size. :/

It really make me feel so frustrated .. Everyone in my com more or less know bout my pregnancy due to my absence and my tummy.

Nvm...some young girl whom know nuts about pregnancy enjoy sayang my tummy ( upper part ) whenever they see me.
I also not very close with them so I also pai Sei /don't dare to say.."Hey my babies haven move up yet.. It still much lower,you touching wrong side already"

So I continue to let them sayang my fats/shit tummy. Tell me how it feel like... Hajahaha...

It really make me feel so frustrated .. Everyone in my com more or less know bout my pregnancy due to my absence and my tummy.

Nvm...some young girl whom know nuts about pregnancy enjoy sayang my tummy ( upper part ) whenever they see me.
I also not very close with them so I also pai Sei /don't dare to say.."Hey my babies haven move up yet.. It still much lower,you touching wrong side already"

So I continue to let them sayang my fats/shit tummy. Tell me how it feel like... Hajahaha...
lol they nvr ask u before they touch! i will be offended! lol but its me being petty la. lol
:eek: I'm the guilty one lei. . I used to be like that when I was younger. LOL
But I will ask," can I touch?"

That time I was really eager to have baby.. I go around touching Pregnant mummy .. Haha..

I ask also la.. I want some baby dust !! Haha..
lol last time i will be curious too, but i will still ask. even now so old liao best friend preggie i also don't dare touch. i ask liao then touch. lol
do u guys feel ur tummy(those having fats) getting tighter like more firm? I have tummy fats n it used to feel like flabby fats. But nowdays I feel d tummy fats getting like harder/firmer kind of feeling. I feel tight feeling around my tummy as well, so I don't wear underwear when I'm at home...juz some loose dress or loose pants n tshirt...
do u guys feel ur tummy(those having fats) getting tighter like more firm? I have tummy fats n it used to feel like flabby fats. But nowdays I feel d tummy fats getting like harder/firmer kind of feeling. I feel tight feeling around my tummy as well, so I don't wear underwear when I'm at home...juz some loose dress or loose pants n tshirt...
Mine still bouncy bouncy fats ~.~
Firm only when it's bloated. Haha then I feel like unzipping my pants :x
So every one have cramp cramp feeling?? I thinking it due to expansion right?? Haha.. The frequency of my cramps is more this week ( week 10)..
anyone reached 12 weeks rdy? I juz started 11weeks today...but not much change to my nausea pattern tho...i scared my ms might get worse like my mom...everyone keeps saying u will ok after 5 months. I don't wan to wait that long tho :(
anyone reached 12 weeks rdy? I juz started 11weeks today...but not much change to my nausea pattern tho...i scared my ms might get worse like my mom...everyone keeps saying u will ok after 5 months. I don't wan to wait that long tho :(

Don't think this way. It will be nv ending.. When placenta start taking over your ms will get better.. Some take longer...
Talking about putting on weight, I think my gynae is quite particular about it. He will monitor on each visit. Average is 1kg/month
So every one have cramp cramp feeling?? I thinking it due to expansion right?? Haha.. The frequency of my cramps is more this week ( week 10)..
yah I did at first. But now only at random times. Not so frequent either. But d tight feeling of tummy is always thr. I got used to it tat sometimes I don't even realize my tummy is tight. I can differentiate between tight feeling n cramps...but I juz take it as baby growing so tummy,also growing...
Talking about putting on weight, I think my gynae is quite particular about it. He will monitor on each visit. Average is 1kg/month
wah like tat how siah...i already don't hav much appetite n don't eat much....i thinking in 2 months only gained abt less than 1kg....somewhere around 650g only...
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Hahahahaha. I think first trimester is okay wan. My #1, I drink only plain water..haha. Which I hit 2nd trimester.. I think of buffet every day. My boy was 2.9kg... So don't worry.. 2nd trimester..

My this pregnancy I very jiat liat.. Gained 4 kg.. I can finish up 2 bowl of rice.. My this 2 babies bo yong. Craving for white rice. Aleast bird nest or something ex ma.. Lol
I'm coughing a lot since evening n think I might get fever as well. Gd nite ladies, I'm gonna try to sleep in early tonight.( lately I fall asleep after 2am only). Take care of yourselves. Weather changes often so maynot b gd for our health since we r pregnant. Try not fall sick as I hear it will not b easy to get back ur health since medication will b mild for pregnant ladies.
Tell me about it.

I was 92kg ( no pregnancy ) then I managed to hit 56kg taking 2 years. Now I'm back to square..
anyone reached 12 weeks rdy? I juz started 11weeks today...but not much change to my nausea pattern tho...i scared my ms might get worse like my mom...everyone keeps saying u will ok after 5 months. I don't wan to wait that long tho :(
I reach 11 weeks tomo. But my MS still not better too.
All ftm ,

Just to share base on my own experience. Best time to shop for bb stuffs is in tri 2. Ur bump not so big easier to walk ard. By tri 3 probably u will be tired sourcing with a big bump n leg get swollen very fast if walk too long. Second tri to me is honeymoon period. I settle all by buying in tri 2 and tri 3 when I had no.1. just washing all the hand down cloths and resting in tri 3.
