(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

which part of Aussie? Might be winter wor.. cold.. must take extra care..

Melbourne maybe, anywhere also can as long as cool! I'm thinking Australia cos winter hahaha! :p Actually I want say NZ one but hubby sure shoot down... (& actually I'll much prefer Europe la but I know hopeless...)
Melbourne maybe, anywhere also can as long as cool! I'm thinking Australia cos winter hahaha! :p Actually I want say NZ one but hubby sure shoot down... (& actually I'll much prefer Europe la but I know hopeless...)
MELB!! i spent 2+yrs @ Melb, had lotsa fun there~ but ya, if u planning go aussie, june is cold... unless maybe u go to the outskirts of Aussie like Perth~
For bkk ... My luggage always burst .. Dunno why , but always full with clothing.. The sizes just nice for me . If I put on weight further then got to throw Liao ..

Without fail sure buy melissa there ... Very cheap! Kekeke
ooh.. maybe oso.. gif taiwan another chance! i go bkk n tw, always need to go there buy additional luggage~ lol:p
Baby clothings at Target is cheap in Aust, I bought quite a lot from there, tho I dunno the gender yet! The material is soft and good....I kiasu, buy from newborn to 12 mths. Since i am big size, i get my maternity clothings n nursing bra from there as well, cheaper as well.
Baby clothings at Target is cheap in Aust, I bought quite a lot from there, tho I dunno the gender yet! The material is soft and good....I kiasu, buy from newborn to 12 mths. Since i am big size, i get my maternity clothings n nursing bra from there as well, cheaper as well.

In aust? I tot only US got.. Haha.. Always buy from Us
MELB!! i spent 2+yrs @ Melb, had lotsa fun there~ but ya, if u planning go aussie, june is cold... unless maybe u go to the outskirts of Aussie like Perth~

Cold is gooood~ I'm looking into cool options lol really cannot tahan heat now... think of HK in Jun/Jul & the crowd & not so pleasant people, a bit sian liao...
i also prefer cooling place.

HK - Jul is hot lor. hahaha. but then ok lar. since i goin to visit my relatives as well. dun plan to shop tat much. need to control myself.
my sis laughing say later dun knw hw i goin to carry the luggage dwn from the belt.
i say the most ask a guy to help lor. hahaha....
having cough and sore throat so am at the doctor's now. dont know why suddenly kena. is it too heaty or too liang? sighs...

supposed to go mothercare later...
i also prefer cooling place.

HK - Jul is hot lor. hahaha. but then ok lar. since i goin to visit my relatives as well. dun plan to shop tat much. need to control myself.
my sis laughing say later dun knw hw i goin to carry the luggage dwn from the belt.
i say the most ask a guy to help lor. hahaha....

Ya lo ya lo hot very sian leh... I dun shop much but I do eat a lot haha! Maybe stock up on cosmetics :p

I'm off to Malaysia,ladies~ Praying tonight & tomorrow has temple big event dinner (see if master got say boy or gal anot lol). Sunday bao ba zhang! :)
Oh ic, blur sotong :) in office very difficult...my manager eyes are always looking around and walk in and out!!

I have understanding colleagues... I even used the pantry to use it as nursing room and they will ask if i need it before they use it for lunch or meetings...
I have understanding colleagues... I even used the pantry to use it as nursing room and they will ask if i need it before they use it for lunch or meetings...
So lucky!! Our office pantry got big glass window, so the area is only for having lunch or to get our drinks only, not for us to rest inside.
So lucky!! Our office pantry got big glass window, so the area is only for having lunch or to get our drinks only, not for us to rest inside.

Oh. The one in my office has a door. Coz it doubles as a meeting room as well. But the glass panels are only partially frosted so just use the nursing cover...
Ya lo ya lo hot very sian leh... I dun shop much but I do eat a lot haha! Maybe stock up on cosmetics :p

I'm off to Malaysia,ladies~ Praying tonight & tomorrow has temple big event dinner (see if master got say boy or gal anot lol). Sunday bao ba zhang! :)
have a safe trip! n enjoy making bak chang~ :)
I went mothercare today and wah I got lost - also don't know what to buy or whats a good deal? first time mum
just see see look look 1st, or you may take noted the price..
basically.. strellizer.. breastpump and some milk bottles.,, few rompers and body suits, mittens and socks for baby.,.. (nearer the due date just buy also ok)
13 weeks already but my boobs size still the same leh.... I want them to be bigger and fuller!

when did your boobs size increase...?

everyday i feel my boobs fuller leh,,, my right side fuller than left side...
so hopefully this time i can breastfeeding successfully.. this is my 2nd pregnancy..
everyday i feel my boobs fuller leh,,, my right side fuller than left side...
so hopefully this time i can breastfeeding successfully.. this is my 2nd pregnancy..

Just persevere and don't give up esp the initial part...
Any mummies experience increase gas and burping after taking the fish oil???

I'm having that nw. Quite irriating ah. So scared I will burp until I puke.
Sterilizer? Some newborn clothes... Swaddles... Mittens...

I think most stuff u can buy after u give birth...

ya I think I will do that. maybe need to buy steriliser and milk bottles towards end of trimester 3 and some clothes lor. don't want to buy now
Really can't wait for 3rd tri to come lo!!!!! Argghhhhhhhhhhh

Looking forward to the super mom bazaar fair in oct...
Hey girls, any idea if there is any place I can stay a month for confinement ? Any service in sg? I'm feeling so upset after talking to my mil abt confinement I foresee a lot of unhappiness .. My house is too small to host CL , my mum will be busy with my sis baby ..
Hey girls, any idea if there is any place I can stay a month for confinement ? Any service in sg? I'm feeling so upset after talking to my mil abt confinement I foresee a lot of unhappiness .. My house is too small to host CL , my mum will be busy with my sis baby ..

U staying with ur mil? Ur mil don't like someone staying with her ar? Then she don't want to do confinement for u?

I don't think we have that kinda service in sg.. In Taiwan very popular tho...

Maybe talk to ur mom and see if they can accommodate u and a CL by sparing u guys a room lo.. Then u sleep together with CL..
I don't think sg got this kind of service, Taiwan popular but not in sg, maybe our land too ex to have this kind of service!

The service itself is not cheap leh... Good one can. Cost $4-5k kind lo...

But I like the idea la.. Cuz like staying in hos press bell got nurse push bb back to nursery Liao...
No I stay on my own but then my house is very small no place for CL to stay .. Initial plan is I stay over her house she take care of me n baby for a month .. But I really wan to find a new solution .. My heart sank after talking to her .
Hey girls, any idea if there is any place I can stay a month for confinement ? Any service in sg? I'm feeling so upset after talking to my mil abt confinement I foresee a lot of unhappiness .. My house is too small to host CL , my mum will be busy with my sis baby ..
You can try service apartment . Think the price not cheap . From 3k? Can ask Fraser, Far East organization .
