(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

Ya true also hor.. Especially those can have healthy preggy.. Still can keep fit ones.. Only complain here n there.. While some ppl are trying so hard to keep it and trying for it.. Praying hard everyday bb will be fine.. Can carry full term...

Ya lo.. These pple just 身在福中不知福.. Just don't know how fortunate they are...

Ya lo.. These pple just 身在福中不知福.. Just don't know how fortunate they are...

Ya lor.. But I do believe somehow... God will be nice enough.. Will still bless us with a little gift.. Just that we need more effort to get it only.. So I always tell my husband.. Donating a dollar or two don't harm.. It's just a thought of kindness.. It's will reflect back to our parents or our kids next time. So don't stingy! Haha!
Ya lor.. But I do believe somehow... God will be nice enough.. Will still bless us with a little gift.. Just that we need more effort to get it only.. So I always tell my husband.. Donating a dollar or two don't harm.. It's just a thought of kindness.. It's will reflect back to our parents or our kids next time. So don't stingy! Haha!

Ya lo.. Haha.. Sometimes I see the sell tissue uncle or Aunty I'll take $2 and only take a packet of tissue...

I'm not so rich that I can donate every month $1000 to charity.. So I do small one lo..
Ya lo.. Haha.. Sometimes I see the sell tissue uncle or Aunty I'll take $2 and only take a packet of tissue...

I'm not so rich that I can donate every month $1000 to charity.. So I do small one lo..

$2 can make a big difference to the aunts or uncle de.. Tats why my hub always say.. Wah.. Pay $2 only take 1 packet..

I straight away give him death stare.. Lol.. $2 they can eat nasi lemak Liao leh.. Can fill a person's stomach.. Why not.. :)
$2 can make a big difference to the aunts or uncle de.. Tats why my hub always say.. Wah.. Pay $2 only take 1 packet..

I straight away give him death stare.. Lol.. $2 they can eat nasi lemak Liao leh.. Can fill a person's stomach.. Why not.. :)

Ya lo.. And do u know that those uncle Aunty selling tissue in hawker need to pay govt $120 a year to sell tissue leh.. I was like wth??!!! Already so pity still collect fee from them..
I ever bump into a pair of brother n sister at city hall mrt station gg ard selling tissue. The gal literally pulling my skirt to buy. After a week later I saw them on news...
Is it... I know some do hang a license on their neck but many I see are like freelance no license type
Ya.. They need to pay de.. Those don't have maybe no money to pay lo.. Sell tissue already do pitiful Liao still collect money from them...
But I see a mother daughter in huogang I very fed up I never ever wana give them money . They both healthy and the daughter is like 30s .. Both lazy .. Everyday ask ppl "can give me $2? Can give my mum $2 buy food ? " once I saw them go NTuc buy coke buy bread buy tidbits .. And they really shameless like "eh u got $2 lend me?" The mom not so irritating the daughter is young n look ok I can imagine she working as a coffeeshop helper or what.. But they jus want easy money . They just randomly ask ppl and they brg house keys in the hand like machiam come down tabao food like that
Those ask money directly ones I usually ignore n walk away. Once u start gives they will kp pestering u..it's not tat I no charity heart, I can't differentiate who is real who is not
hi everyone, good afternoon! Wah why toady early morning so many scary stories.
Hahah u all are scaring me leh, im one mummy to be with many past early miscarriages and no live birth yet. so don't like that lah.

we talk abt happier things. like that hor I very scared leh. coz I do have relatives who went thru what u all mentioned so I know the pain. but they do have healthy children after that :) so got hope in life so long we don't give up.

Gambate! according to LMP im 12 weeks today! yeah! sometimes I follow LMP to make myself feel better, coz 3 days earlier. follow conception date still at 11w4d only. hahaha so I cheat a bit lah, consider myself 12 weeks! yeah! hahahaha

Then next week will be 13 weeks and officially into 2nd trim liao I think. cant wait loh!
week 14 means is 13w+1d/2d/3d right? or is 14w1d/2d/3d then consider week 14?

because when u are at 12w1d/2d is actually in the 13th Week.
So many scary stories this morning

Mine also a placenta abruptio case during labour at week 40. Baby hb suddenly unstable after 6hrs of contraction. Nurse quickly called my gynae and immediately I was pushed to the theatre to be cut to deliver the baby out.

Even though TMC may not be an good place for delivery due to the service, I will still stick to deliver there in case any complication, my gynae can react immediately.

Nevertheless all mummies be positive about yr pregnancy and stay happy. Just exercise prudence if you sense something not right eg less baby movement when you starts to feel it etc
I will be 11 weeks tomorrow.. looking forward to week 14 day 1 also.

sorry ladies I started the gloomy topic I agree with hopeful mum now lets focus on the positive. I pray daily for my baby's health and for my body to be strong and able to carry this baby to full term and deliver without complications
Even at week 12 or 13, still must be careful. I also thought stabilising, looking forward to cross over to 2nd trimester. Finally can go out of the house cos I have been resting in bed.

After 6 weeks of clear weather, my gush of bleeding happened out of the blue in my sleep. Heavily soaked my liner and was warded. Heng beanie ok and bleeding stopped so was discharged. All the docs can't tell why and what caused it. Just got to rest more. So jia you ladies, must still be careful.
I think the most frustrating part is they can't find out the reason why spotting and bleeding. It cause us to be very worried.
I think the most frustrating part is they can't find out the reason why spotting and bleeding. It cause us to be very worried.
Yupers. But I asked every one. The 24hr clinic one. The ward docs. The sonographer. The nurses. No one can tell me why. Also dunno how to prevent it. Just says some ladies will have bleeding during your pregnancy, but can still deliver healthy babies. I was like.. not trickle trickle blood leh. Like waterfall like that gush out leh. But no explanation still. Only say that there is no cyst, no fibroid, no polyp. And that beanie is fine. Cervix is closed.
Yupers. But I asked every one. The 24hr clinic one. The ward docs. The sonographer. The nurses. No one can tell me why. Also dunno how to prevent it. Just says some ladies will have bleeding during your pregnancy, but can still deliver healthy babies. I was like.. not trickle trickle blood leh. Like waterfall like that gush out leh. But no explanation still. Only say that there is no cyst, no fibroid, no polyp. And that beanie is fine. Cervix is closed.
ya I understand the feeling. I will be also dam worried like u, if I see blood gushing out. I was spotting I already freaked out I cannot imagine blood gushing out. that time it happened it was ectopic for me.
anyone opting to do 3d scan? I don't know if I shd go outside clinic and do a 3d scan or normal scan. hahaha I scared 3d see liao very scary haahah
Even at week 12 or 13, still must be careful. I also thought stabilising, looking forward to cross over to 2nd trimester. Finally can go out of the house cos I have been resting in bed.

After 6 weeks of clear weather, my gush of bleeding happened out of the blue in my sleep. Heavily soaked my liner and was warded. Heng beanie ok and bleeding stopped so was discharged. All the docs can't tell why and what caused it. Just got to rest more. So jia you ladies, must still be careful.
Oh dear this is traumatic. Thankfully the bb is ok. Rest well and take care yah.
anyone opting to do 3d scan? I don't know if I shd go outside clinic and do a 3d scan or normal scan. hahaha I scared 3d see liao very scary haahah

I will be doing. I did it for my first quite fun. My hub even ask me when will we be doing 3d for this round. He pretty excited about. Do it. I still kept mine and show to my son he look like that in mummy tummmy. Haha
anyone opting to do 3d scan? I don't know if I shd go outside clinic and do a 3d scan or normal scan. hahaha I scared 3d see liao very scary haahah

My doc gave me free 3D scan to see leh.. Eventually rather cute leh... I just saw it today.. Although doc Nvr print out the 3D images.. But my hub video it down secretly.. Lol.. Officially into 2nd trimester.. My result for oscar scan doc say very good..

My ratio is 1:11400.. Around the digit.. Got 2 other reading is 1:20000... So I only need to go for my 20 weeks detail scan.. Doc say 3 weeks later go see him high chance can see gender...

Betting with my hub in exchange for a krabi trip in August.. Lol!
hmm really ah. okay I go find out 3d scan how much. think maybe I go at 15 or 16 weeks. then can maybe see the gender haahha
Just received a call from clinic my Oscar risk is low. Phew!

Next is the harmony test result.

Hope your harmony result is good. I gave in and went for the harmony test today. Hopefully not too late. Base on lmp, im in 15w 5 days. Just can't get the worry off my mind.
Fucking Dulan !! Fuckin shit I came to tmc at 2pm to register for 3pm appt! At 3pm they say one more to my turn.. After about half hour they say 2,3 more !! Knn going to 4pm Liao they say a few more ! CCB I damn Dulan Liao!! My son run ard and cranky wana slp Liao
My doc gave me free 3D scan to see leh.. Eventually rather cute leh... I just saw it today.. Although doc Nvr print out the 3D images.. But my hub video it down secretly.. Lol.. Officially into 2nd trimester.. My result for oscar scan doc say very good..

My ratio is 1:11400.. Around the digit.. Got 2 other reading is 1:20000... So I only need to go for my 20 weeks detail scan.. Doc say 3 weeks later go see him high chance can see gender...

Betting with my hub in exchange for a krabi trip in August.. Lol!

Wow your oscar result is really good wor. Envious.

Hopefully you win your bet.
Fucking Dulan !! Fuckin shit I came to tmc at 2pm to register for 3pm appt! At 3pm they say one more to my turn.. After about half hour they say 2,3 more !! Knn going to 4pm Liao they say a few more ! CCB I damn Dulan Liao!! My son run ard and cranky wana slp Liao
hugs! aiyo they really screw up the time. I wait at nuh very fast only. apt 3.20. I go in at 4pm.

Don't too angry ah wait BP goes up.
Fucking Dulan !! Fuckin shit I came to tmc at 2pm to register for 3pm appt! At 3pm they say one more to my turn.. After about half hour they say 2,3 more !! Knn going to 4pm Liao they say a few more ! CCB I damn Dulan Liao!! My son run ard and cranky wana slp Liao

Wait until closing Liao eh? They got problem with time management..
Even at week 12 or 13, still must be careful. I also thought stabilising, looking forward to cross over to 2nd trimester. Finally can go out of the house cos I have been resting in bed.

After 6 weeks of clear weather, my gush of bleeding happened out of the blue in my sleep. Heavily soaked my liner and was warded. Heng beanie ok and bleeding stopped so was discharged. All the docs can't tell why and what caused it. Just got to rest more. So jia you ladies, must still be careful.

Me too! Just got out from A&E..
