(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

For me, today is 26 days. All 5 stitches melted but still got part of the wound still not close up yet . someone told me cos I have gestational diabetes so healing rate is slow as hormones still not back to normal yet.
U recovered fast.So nice, going to see ur gynae liao.I will only b seeing my gynae in 7 weeks time... See him also due to the OGTT test result for blood glucose level. I wonder how come gynae never ask me see him earlier.
I moved a lot on day 3, cross my leg while bf.massage lady say this will disturb the wound somemore.Slower the recovery rate.so from 4th day to 26th day (today), I was lying down on bed most of the time.was ask not to move.and lie to rest as much as I can.I got to reject visitors so to get sufficient rest.Please rest as much as u can.May u and all mummies have a speedy recover:)
Mummies, how long did your stitches heal?
Mine was after 5-6 days im ok.can do household chores,3-4weeks everything will b perfectly ok then.2-3 days after discharge from hospital can die lah.so pain d stitches,cant sit properly,not enough sleep,when woke up night time also to feed d bb so pain d stitches cant hardly move! Hehehheeh!
U recovered fast.So nice, going to see ur gynae liao.I will only b seeing my gynae in 7 weeks time... See him also due to the OGTT test result for blood glucose level. I wonder how come gynae never ask me see him earlier.

Eh. This is my first visit post delivery. Hehe. Bb is almost 3 weeks old. I must say u hv been a v good girl. Sit down n lie down as much as I can. Super pampered cos confinement lady brings everything to me. I am also worried of prolapse. Cos this pregnancy has been a very "heavy" one for me. Keep feeling my muscles stretching below. Even post delivery for an entire week still feel like my bb is inside me.

Ladies must take care. ESP those who just had first bb. The muscles really weaken with every pregnancy. Worse if you don't exercise n take care.
I moved a lot on day 3, cross my leg while bf.massage lady say this will disturb the wound somemore.Slower the recovery rate.so from 4th day to 26th day (today), I was lying down on bed most of the time.was ask not to move.and lie to rest as much as I can.I got to reject visitors so to get sufficient rest.Please rest as much as u can.May u and all mummies have a speedy recover:)
Kitty. I find it helps to sit on hard surface. Someone taught me this. Sit with both feet on the ground on a wooden stool or chair. Don't sit on soft surfaces. Cos soft surfaces cause the bottom to open n hence stretches the wound.
How many weeks is yours?
If it is near to EDD , your gynae should check to ensure. I am not sure whether u can check with other gynae cos you have been following up with your current one.
Hi ladies, just an update.. experienced labor pain on wednesday but was advised to wait for further progression and went back to see gynae on Thursday. Insisted to proceed with induction despite baby measuring big.

Yesterday was induced at 12pm, started at 2cm dilation, burst the waterbag at 4pm with only 3cm dilated. Gynae initially was pretty pissed that even during the checking at 4pm i still wanted to wait n he reluctantly burst my waterbag.

But even at 6pm baby was still very high up even though contractions were coming full blown. Dilated only at 4cm.

Was left with no choice but to proceed with emergency csect.

Cried & cried cause i felt so defeated, but eventually both me n hubby felt satisfied and grateful that we made the right decision.

Finally heard my baby's first cry at 8.10pm last night, 30.10.2014. Being 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
Soooo surprised to find that baby actually weighs 3.8kg!!! Head circumference 35cm. No wonder... no wonder diffcult to engage. Hahaha

Even during the csect, they had issues carrying my baby out. Had to push him down to the 'cut area' and use forcep. Wow. So amazed that i actually have been carrying a healthy big baby around. Hehehe.

Here's the picture of my little prince. ;)


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Hi ladies, just an update.. experienced labor pain on wednesday but was advised to wait for further progression and went back to see gynae on Thursday. Insisted to proceed with induction despite baby measuring big.

Yesterday was induced at 12pm, started at 2cm dilation, burst the waterbag at 4pm with only 3cm dilated. Gynae initially was pretty pissed that even during the checking at 4pm i still wanted to wait n he reluctantly burst my waterbag.

But even at 6pm baby was still very high up even though contractions were coming full blown. Dilated only at 4cm.

Was left with no choice but to proceed with emergency csect.

Cried & cried cause i felt so defeated, but eventually both me n hubby felt satisfied and grateful that we made the right decision.

Finally heard my baby's first cry at 8.10pm last night, 30.10.2014. Being 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
Soooo surprised to find that baby actually weighs 3.8kg!!! Head circumference 35cm. No wonder... no wonder diffcult to engage. Hahaha

Even during the csect, they had issues carrying my baby out. Had to push him down to the 'cut area' and use forcep. Wow. So amazed that i actually have been carrying a healthy big baby around. Hehehe.

Here's the picture of my little prince. ;)
Congrats Shab! Finally! Your prince is so chubby can see the double chin already.. Very easy to handle.
Sit back & enjoy your confinement. It's all worth it.
Well, some parents prefer to be assessed and vaccine given by pd instead of nurses from polyclinic.

My brother's child went to pd and paid $50+ each time for consultation and pd gave 2 appts for 2 jabs. Whereas polyclinic can give 2 jabs in a day.

Your eldest child took his vaccine at private clinic? How much did you paid in total?

Maybe you like to bring your #2 to polyclinic try out 1st jab. If don't like then 2nd jab to pd lor.

At polyclinic sometimes will be quite fast (1hr) if got appt. Otherwise 1.5hrs to 2hrs like that. I guess pd also very packed.
I can't remember the fees for no. 1 alr as mainly I paid using CDA. But I know not cheap lah.
Let me call the clinic to find out more.
Did u book an appointment with the polyclinic? My bb was suppose to have her hep B 2nd dose at seng kang polyclinic on 5th nov.They gave me a appointment on 25th Nov.I called Kkh, they gave me a appointment on 4th nov.but need to see doc before jab.the doc consultation is $111.so expensive
Can choose to walk in on the day when she's supposed to get the jab. Difference between appointment and walk in is just the waiting time. Was supposed to get my appointment at Sengkang poly too but too far away la the date so I just opted for walk in.
@shabsrina congrats on your beautiful baby! My baby almost same size as yours! Weight 3.7kg and head girth is 36cm! Hahaha.
Don't need to feel defeated! You got yourself a healthy baby! Now it's time for you to recover well!
@shabsrina, ur about story is the almost the same as me.. I feel u..
I was induced but only dilated 4cm after 10hrs.. gynae advice me to csect but I don't want.. I want to wait.. but he keep persuade till he abit pissed and start to tell me negative experience of his.. in the end no choice but to csect.. and I keep crying till I'm in the OT.. but after birth and heard baby cries I feel it alright..
My boy is 3.568kg at birth but when at clinic he was only measure at 3.2kg.. lucky we made the right choice too..

So u have done well and for ur very best for him.. now rest well and prepare for the next challenge.. the moo moo world...
I can't remember the fees for no. 1 alr as mainly I paid using CDA. But I know not cheap lah.
Let me call the clinic to find out more.

Sure do update us on the fee for private clinic. Do you mind help check vaccine price for rotavirus too?
Hi ladies, just an update.. experienced labor pain on wednesday but was advised to wait for further progression and went back to see gynae on Thursday. Insisted to proceed with induction despite baby measuring big.

Yesterday was induced at 12pm, started at 2cm dilation, burst the waterbag at 4pm with only 3cm dilated. Gynae initially was pretty pissed that even during the checking at 4pm i still wanted to wait n he reluctantly burst my waterbag.

But even at 6pm baby was still very high up even though contractions were coming full blown. Dilated only at 4cm.

Was left with no choice but to proceed with emergency csect.

Cried & cried cause i felt so defeated, but eventually both me n hubby felt satisfied and grateful that we made the right decision.

Finally heard my baby's first cry at 8.10pm last night, 30.10.2014. Being 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
Soooo surprised to find that baby actually weighs 3.8kg!!! Head circumference 35cm. No wonder... no wonder diffcult to engage. Hahaha

Even during the csect, they had issues carrying my baby out. Had to push him down to the 'cut area' and use forcep. Wow. So amazed that i actually have been carrying a healthy big baby around. Hehehe.

Here's the picture of my little prince. ;)
congrat! should be glad bb arrived HEALTHY! :) speedy recovery!
@shabsrina, ur about story is the almost the same as me.. I feel u..
I was induced but only dilated 4cm after 10hrs.. gynae advice me to csect but I don't want.. I want to wait.. but he keep persuade till he abit pissed and start to tell me negative experience of his.. in the end no choice but to csect.. and I keep crying till I'm in the OT.. but after birth and heard baby cries I feel it alright..
My boy is 3.568kg at birth but when at clinic he was only measure at 3.2kg.. lucky we made the right choice too..

So u have done well and for ur very best for him.. now rest well and prepare for the next challenge.. the moo moo world...
Just wana encourage u both that as mothers we are never and will never be perfect. But one thing for sure we will do the best that we can for our kids. So don't beat urselves up cos u didn't get to so natural birth. Under those circumstances might hv been safer for both u n bb to csect.

Now focus on bringing bb up. Rest well!
@shabsrina and @verine22

yes, @popie is right. Now just concentrate on bringing up the baby.

my dilation was very slow for both my pregnancies esp for the first one. After being labour for 12 hours, gynae said I had to c-sect if i wasn't fully dilated by the next hour coz it had been too long. I cried then hubby and I prayed and he played some techno music and we kept talking to the baby and suddenly I was 7cm dilated, gynae came and helped me widen the cervix and I managed to have assisted delivery instead of c-sect.

@verine22 cannot squat or bend... cannot take seafood too. Please take care :)
btw, i did all the vax at polyclinics coz it's the same thing but charges are different. For polyclinics, they will give priorities to newborn. So the wait isn't very long. Try to go in the morning earliest appt or noon 1st appt to avoid long waits.
Tks for your info. Asked SK polyclinic, they don't have but advise me to chk with AMK polyclinic. I shall call up and ask price then decide on this.
Only certain polyclinic do rotavirus?
Can we inject 6in 1 in polyclinic then got pte clinic for other vaccine?
The wound got a opening not close yet.i tink its gynae skill.I noticed that area previously liao.i wonder how come such big distance but no stitch there...sian...
Thanks @popie and @littlebeemama for the encouragement.. bringing up baby is the real challenge we must face.. I will jiayou!

@kitty, Sound scary.. I think its better to visit ur gynae since u saw opening.. doesnt sound good leh.. I was given cream to apply on the stitches and back 3 months later for review.. I feel so scared to touch the stitches lo..
Only certain polyclinic do rotavirus?
Can we inject 6in 1 in polyclinic then got pte clinic for other vaccine?

Was told polyclinic under Singhealth don't have rotavirus. So got to chk under National healthcare grp. Will chk Hougang and Amk.

I think shouldn't be any problem since the vaccine content is the same for pte n poly. Just rmb bring health booklet along.
@shabsrina and @verine22

yes, @popie is right. Now just concentrate on bringing up the baby.

my dilation was very slow for both my pregnancies esp for the first one. After being labour for 12 hours, gynae said I had to c-sect if i wasn't fully dilated by the next hour coz it had been too long. I cried then hubby and I prayed and he played some techno music and we kept talking to the baby and suddenly I was 7cm dilated, gynae came and helped me widen the cervix and I managed to have assisted delivery instead of c-sect.

@verine22 cannot squat or bend... cannot take seafood too. Please take care :)
Techno music?!?! Hehehe. That's interesting. My midwife used some vibrator on my tummy to "wake" bb up cos bb was happily sleeping at 5cm dilation n took more than half the time to reach 7cm.
Thanks @popie and @littlebeemama for the encouragement.. bringing up baby is the real challenge we must face.. I will jiayou!

@kitty, Sound scary.. I think its better to visit ur gynae since u saw opening.. doesnt sound good leh.. I was given cream to apply on the stitches and back 3 months later for review.. I feel so scared to touch the stitches lo..

My confinement lady told me not to wash with the "black liquid". I presume it is potassium permanganate. She says below will turn black. Anyway my gyne nvr give anything n say just wash with water after every visit to the toilet. Seemed to work well for all 3 pregnancies.

Oh! Chg ur pad regularly. That helps too.
Ooo.. okokay.. there is part of my skin on top of my stitched is a little swollen.. don't know is it normal or I should return to gynae..
Me too.I also feel hot if I dun change pad regularly.I tink I use over 100 pad for the pass 4 weeks.every visit to toilet I try to change. Cant image spending close to $100 on pad...I using this spray when my wound feel sore.sharing with mummies who still recovering from stitch wound.its a cooling mist for bottom.does help relieve soreness


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Me too.Piles also come out.got.problem going to toilet.now I applying this cream.apply inside and outside.very comfortable.I have used over 10 tubes already.I go toilet also easier.but need hubby help as need to insert into ka chen hole.after that I also apply some onto those piles outside


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