(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

I tried to massage and squeeze a little milk out before feeding her.she suckle more and fall asleep later.Its a good start.i will continue to try . Really need a lot encouragement.It seems like I have more then 1 lump at right side breast.
Wondering should I hire massage lady or LC. May I know LC charges?

I have this white spot on my nipple that hurts when I touch it or when baby latch on. I dunno whether it's a blocked milk duct or pus. Anyone have that before?
I have this white spot on my nipple that hurts when I touch it or when baby latch on. I dunno whether it's a blocked milk duct or pus. Anyone have that before?

It is like a blister? You can try to google breastfeeding problems and see which one seems to be your symptoms.
I tried to massage and squeeze a little milk out before feeding her.she suckle more and fall asleep later.Its a good start.i will continue to try . Really need a lot encouragement.It seems like I have more then 1 lump at right side breast.
Wondering should I hire massage lady or LC. May I know LC charges?

Jia you @kitty_kitty! Bf is not easy. But worth every effort. :) my personal take.

Better to get an LC. Cos some bf problems are beyond what the massage lady can handle. Your hospital/gyne doesn't have LC to recommend? I PM you details
Yeah mybe 3rd month or 2nd month i train him.but last nte was good enough heheheh after i feed him 11:30pm he drink 2:30am then follow by 6am.
Strangely, I tried to dl her at 1230 for 30min, she didn't wake up for next feed which she usu will wake up punctually for bottle feed.
I forced dl at 0400 scare she is hungry for another 30min. She slept through till 0830.
Think she is getting enough since she pee alot but would still prefer bottle feed for knowing the specific amt intake.
I m having this tingling sensation on both side.i tried put warm water in bottle and massage the lump, tried hot towel and also tried to let bb latch on.hope that tomolo is better. Massage lady ask me wear bra.I didnt put on bra since the day I back home.wonder got effect on those lump or not...
i think my tingling sensation is due to wrong latch on cos my lo didn't cover the areola area and she bit it. Try to re-latch her again and make sure lo covered the whole area.

Sometime wrong latch on will cause my nipple to sore and bleed too whn tis happen, I express milk out again.
@popie, I tried to let bb latch on.she drink 10 mins then stop.even I offer the nipple to her but she still dun want.a while she cry again.I got confinement lady to make FM for her . tentatively I plan to latch her on a while then feed fa . Hopefully the lump clears faster.Very discourage by all these lump.starting stitching wound pain.now wound recovering and this lump came along. Endless challenge as a mummy
My first week of bf is a nightmare cos of engorgement and soreness and milk supply is low.

Each feeding time while latchin on, I get my hub to massage cos the lump is really hard to get rid and is painful till I tear. If you massage hard enough, you shd be able to get rid of the lump and block ducts will also be cleared.

I mentioned in earlier post try to put hot water in bb milk bottle and rub on the engorgement area. hope it help.

My girl is born very very small too. 2.13 kg only. I can totally understand your worries.

When she is week 1, she took only ard 40 ml per 2-3 hr. most of the time she will cry for milk every 2 hr. at one mth she is taking 90 ml every 3hr
Anyone else still waiting to pop? Im anxiously waiting for my turn. Took leave 3 weeks ago because everyone, like really everyone who sees me tells me to be prepared to pop much earlier. Some even said I'd popped in September. Hahah. Looks like they are all wrong. So sian already now.....keep thinking of when I'll be able to hold the tiny hands and feet. Hehe
And as for the rest who have recently popped, congrats to all of u!!
Feeling sooo behind everyone since you guys are already sharing on ur motherhood journey, breastfeeding n etc. Ahhh hope bb will be out soon!
Jia you @kitty_kitty! Bf is not easy. But worth every effort. :) my personal take.

Better to get an LC. Cos some bf problems are beyond what the massage lady can handle. Your hospital/gyne doesn't have LC to recommend? I PM you details

@popie ,
Thanks! in this case then i get a LC safer...
I ever ask the LC at KKH. She tell me they do not do home visit... so sian...
I trying and trying.. give myself more time... pump more often... sometimes not 3 hrs and i pump...
My first week of bf is a nightmare cos of engorgement and soreness and milk supply is low.

Each feeding time while latchin on, I get my hub to massage cos the lump is really hard to get rid and is painful till I tear. If you massage hard enough, you shd be able to get rid of the lump and block ducts will also be cleared.

I mentioned in earlier post try to put hot water in bb milk bottle and rub on the engorgement area. hope it help.

@littlefish866 ,
Yes.. Things get better after using hot water in bottle... works similar as hot pad...
now situation improving... can feel lump getting smaller... with the hot bottle+BB latch+hand massage+encouragement from mummies... I will work harder...
If the lump still doesnt dissolve next week... I will get a LC in.... I suspect the lump was build up when i was home the 1st few day.No milk at that moment so i didnt pump and the 2nd hand pump i using was not that great also...
Weight abt. 2.3 kg. so worried lor cos pd said small bb sugar level must monitor else will affect IQ. Hmm.. The feeding amt is abt right.
I m also having part engorgement prob. Still got lumps which I can't seem to get rid.

Shab, no worry when you pop we will share our early experience with u. Your bb happily staying in there so don't go disturb. Keke.
Weight abt. 2.3 kg. so worried lor cos pd said small bb sugar level must monitor else will affect IQ. Hmm.. The feeding amt is abt right.
I m also having part engorgement prob. Still got lumps which I can't seem to get rid.

Shab, no worry when you pop we will share our early experience with u. Your bb happily staying in there so don't go disturb. Keke.

Hahah. Yah must be still enjoying his personal space inside. Hehe.
And btw when exactly did u have ur little one? And how was ur delivery like?
Really hope u will be able to latch better as u progress further. They say bf gets easier and better week by week. I hope things will get better for u. ;)
Weight abt. 2.3 kg. so worried lor cos pd said small bb sugar level must monitor else will affect IQ. Hmm.. The feeding amt is abt right.
I m also having part engorgement prob. Still got lumps which I can't seem to get rid.

Shab, no worry when you pop we will share our early experience with u. Your bb happily staying in there so don't go disturb. Keke.

I was not told abt the sugar level.. How to monitor sugar level ? Meaning have to go through special checkup?
at this point of time, don't worry too much so long as everything is fine. I personally knew of a couple of babies with low birth weight and they grew up fine too.
Hi mommies, I've popped too! Bb very small so kinda worried and didn't login.
Congrats to all mommies who have popped.

I've difficulty latching on too as bb is too small. Now pumping.. But each pump is only 60ml.
Can I know how much your bb is drinking per feed for week 1&2?
My girl drank 30ml-40ml for 1st week then PD later told us might nd to increase to 60ml then during her jaundice hospitalisation she drank 60ml-90ml.

After she discharged, we also gave between that amt. Currently, 3 weeks old she is drinking 80ml - 90ml.

Don't worry Leocub, their intake will slowly increase and grow up unknowingly... You gotta rest well to help increase bm too.
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I was not told abt the sugar level.. How to monitor sugar level ? Meaning have to go through special checkup?
at this point of time, don't worry too much so long as everything is fine. I personally knew of a couple of babies with low birth weight and they grew up fine too.
The test was done thru the pricking. Blood test. Done in the hospi during the stay there. So before every feed they will test the sugar level. If drop must supplement with formula to bring it up. Oh yes, my pd also recommend bb to go for metabolism test for small size bb which we did. So my hospi bill balloon lor.
Oh ya, wanted to ask for those who had bb shower not in your house, where did u have it? I m looking for a venue which is reasonably px. Thanks!
U have friends who live at EC or condo? I got my friend to help book their function room...Or some community centre have room to rent? I remember my friend hold her ROM and rent CC place.Else Chalet? Or HDB block have event hall?
@ leoclub,
I having gestational diabetes during my 3rd trimster. Gynae and nurse say bb must b fed with fm once I give birth and monitor the blood glucose level for 24 hrs.i cant remember every 4 hrs or 6 hrs check bb glucose level.but is prick on leg.1st 12 hrs my bb reading on low side.but slowly will stabilise.Then I can latch her on.bb doc tell me usually will take a period of time for bb glucose level to stable so dun worry too much...
The test was done thru the pricking. Blood test. Done in the hospi during the stay there. So before every feed they will test the sugar level. If drop must supplement with formula to bring it up. Oh yes, my pd also recommend bb to go for metabolism test for small size bb which we did. So my hospi bill balloon lor.
Oh no.. I was not aware of these tests. But I do supplement with fm since she is born. Hopefully everything is fine.
The Only thing my pd alerted me was the delay of jab.my girl has not taken any jab yet. Will only take on 28 oct.
My LO will often make sudden hysterical cry regardless day or night when sleeping in the cot. Even after assure her to slp, it happen again in few minutes.

During the day, she seems to be very sensitive to noise and will jump up when someone sneeze/sound of switches/or even by her own stretches

At night, usu she is fine after I moved her to sleep beside me on the bed cos I can immediately pat her when she "jump up" and eyes open wide to see me. Should I let her sleep with me?

How to deal with tis situation?
My LO will often make sudden hysterical cry regardless day or night when sleeping in the cot. Even after assure her to slp, it happen again in few minutes.

During the day, she seems to be very sensitive to noise and will jump up when someone sneeze/sound of switches/or even by her own stretches

At night, usu she is fine after I moved her to sleep beside me on the bed cos I can immediately pat her when she "jump up" and eyes open wide to see me. Should I let her sleep with me?

How to deal with tis situation?
- Did you swaddle up your LO as she is still small at this stage? Swaddle them in a nappy cloth made them feel secure and not easily frighten.

- Try to put your LO to sleep in cot beside you, this way you can still pat or see what happen to her...if not when she gets older how to get her to sleep on her own.
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@littlefish866, Agree that swaddle up your baby helps but my girl don't like. My baby can sleep the longest on her tummy. Sleeping on her back, even with the beansprout pillow on her chest, she'll still suddenly awake with fright and her arm open widely.

But must monitor, best is try out in afternoon first. Make sure baby able to turn neck by herself then at night let sleep in this position.

After baby sleep soundly in afternoon, I'll switch on the TV or talk quite loudly to let baby get use to sound. Sometimes my 2yo will suddenly scream beside her and she's used to it already. No sudden fright anymore.
- Did you swaddle up your LO as she is still small at this stage? Swaddle them in a nappy cloth made them feel secure and not easily frighten.

- Try to put your LO to sleep in cot beside you, this way you can still pat or see what happen to her...if not when she gets older how to get her to sleep on her own.
yah tried swaddle still the same and she doesn't like too. She will cry and struggle her hands out.
I agree with @agaga. My toddler now goes around screaming in the house and talks really loudly. But #2 is used to it. Will just open eyes and look around. Lol.

Trying swaddling. And when they are asleep on some background noise.
@littlefish866, Agree that swaddle up your baby helps but my girl don't like. My baby can sleep the longest on her tummy. Sleeping on her back, even with the beansprout pillow on her chest, she'll still suddenly awake with fright and her arm open widely.

But must monitor, best is try out in afternoon first. Make sure baby able to turn neck by herself then at night let sleep in this position.

After baby sleep soundly in afternoon, I'll switch on the TV or talk quite loudly to let baby get use to sound. Sometimes my 2yo will suddenly scream beside her and she's used to it already. No sudden fright anymore.

I will try tummy later on. Thank
been swaddling her & sleep in rocker in the living room with tv on and kids talking. still scare at the slightest sneeze or door closing.
@littlefish866 , Thunder for the 1st and 2nd time. I'll carry my baby and hold close to my chest and do things as usual. 3rd time onwards, I'll just stand beside her and monitor and stand by my hand to press on her chest.

All my girls are 'trained' to get used to thunder and loud sound. My #1 and #2 can sleep in the living room while everybody is partying with loud tv surround on. #3 yet to try but noticed that she's quite disturbed by the loud noise that #1 and #2 make while playing..so I guess she's more fussy than her sisters.. lol
@beac , haha.. my #2 @2yo just cannot control her noise level too, always scream. #3 being a fussy type will be 'angry' her face will crumper up and cry but slowly get used to it.

#1 & #2 got no problem with swaddling. #3 just don't like it, she'll struggle till her milk all puke out despite after feed for 2hours..sigh..messy.. lol
Anyone need this? I have available and brand new.Retail selling at $44.90.
I letting it at $20 cos too many swaddle liao.this one comes with head support.


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What the milk intake for 1st wk? At hospital is 3hr interval, at hm become shorter interval. Currently BF and FM

If it become shorter then it's time to increase.

First 2 days is 30ml, follow by 40ml. End of 1st week is drinking 60ml = 2oz totalling of 20oz per day.

Today 34days old, drinking 4oz = 120ml totalling of 25-30oz a day.

You got to increase by demand, hard to tell how much is the exact needed. Cos different baby, size, weight needs different amt.

Oh ya, I'm referring to FM. For BM, I'm not too sure if got difference or not ;)

Sometimes in between feed, she'll still open her mouth looking for milk so I give pacifiers to soothe her and drag a bit of time before giving milk again.
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If it become shorter then it's time to increase.

First 2 days is 30ml, follow by 40ml. End of 1st week is drinking 60ml = 2oz totalling of 20oz per day.

Today 34days old, drinking 4oz = 120ml totalling of 25-30oz a day.

You got to increase by demand, hard to tell how much is the exact needed. Cos different baby, size, weight needs different amt.

Oh ya, I'm referring to FM. For BM, I'm not too sure if got difference or not ;)

Sometimes in between feed, she'll still open her mouth looking for milk so I give pacifiers to soothe her and drag a bit of time before giving milk again.
Thank you. Very detailed explanation. However my bb seems like he dont like pacifiers.
BM interval is shorter than FM normally I think? As they pass out BM a lot faster than FM?

I latch on direct so i don't know how much is he drinking hahahah.
My LO will often make sudden hysterical cry regardless day or night when sleeping in the cot. Even after assure her to slp, it happen again in few minutes.

During the day, she seems to be very sensitive to noise and will jump up when someone sneeze/sound of switches/or even by her own stretches

At night, usu she is fine after I moved her to sleep beside me on the bed cos I can immediately pat her when she "jump up" and eyes open wide to see me. Should I let her sleep with me?

How to deal with tis situation?
my little one same as urs,but not all d time.suddenly he cry so loud like he had a nightmare or sometimes he woke up by d noise.then ned to calm him down, for 1 week i let my 1month & 2 days old to sleep by his tummy now.he sleep very well,and not frightened/cry n d middle of d nite and i can relax more.and i already adjust his feeding time also.after 11-12pm i fed him then fed him ones around 3-4am then follow by 6-7am.at least now i can relax.before need to fed 3-4x my god! Hehehhehe! Anyway i still need to watch and wake up,and change his head position while my baby sleep using his tummy.seriously i find it my bb only sleep well on his tummy.sometimes afternoon also i do.
my little one same as urs,but not all d time.suddenly he cry so loud like he had a nightmare or sometimes he woke up by d noise.then ned to calm him down, for 1 week i let my 1month & 2 days old to sleep by his tummy now.he sleep very well,and not frightened/cry n d middle of d nite and i can relax more.and i already adjust his feeding time also.after 11-12pm i fed him then fed him ones around 3-4am then follow by 6-7am.at least now i can relax.before need to fed 3-4x my god! Hehehhehe! Anyway i still need to watch and wake up,and change his head position while my baby sleep using his tummy.seriously i find it my bb only sleep well on his tummy.sometimes afternoon also i do.
Now practicing her tummy time during the day... still not confident for overnight.
I had also tried the white noise app seem to work on calming.
