(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

Me too.. sometimes either piles or bleed.. im lactose intolerant.. so i try to drink milk to make me lai sai.. sometimes it works, sometimes done.. instead it produce more gas i think.. 烦!

is it the calcium that is making us constipate? how much calcium (mg) you girls take a day? Recommended intake is 1000mg/day, but my gynae just asked me to pop 1 pill/day (300mg) but never really ask me to drink milk to supplement. maybe thats why i still can poo alternate days?

i had this question when my friend's gynae is asking her to take 600mg/day plus milk. so I am wondering if I am shortage of calcium now...
Me also joining the constipated club.. didnt have this problem when having #1. Not sure why now.
i'm not given any mulitivits by gynae. Instead only given separate fish oil, calcium pills, iron pills & folic acid.

Read from an article that all these vits given doesnt help as much as you take the nutrition from natural food. So i guess as long we have a balanced diet, we can skip the pills. :)

We are already halfway thru the pregnancy!!! Can't wait for Oct to come..
I oso suspect the constipation is due to the calcium I've being taking cos as at 1st tri. I only took folic acid & fish oil hv no problem. Whereby at 2nd tri. I took fishoil, mulitvits & calcium problem comes.

Ya, I also can't wait for coming Sep of my new born baby. Every time when I go shopping, I will go to baby departments to "see see look look".. All was so cute! My husband still say me.. U got so much liao still want to buy ah.. Plus my #1 is girl so quite a lot of new clothes too.
All mummies.. I also suspect of we taking so much vitamins, calcium, fish oil take cause us constipation. Actually I everyday eat home cooked with soup except weekends (a break for my MIL) I guess shd have nutrition too. As long as not fried food everyday.
Hi mummies, i also have constipation problem. i got this problem even b4 preganant, but now getting worse. poo once every 2,3 days. :'( i am taking multivitamins and fish oil now, not sure if this is the reason that my constipation get worse.

BTW, my EDD is 22 Oct.

Any mummies here like to drink cold drinks nowadays as the weather is so hot??
Hmm I have also not been prescribed calcium pills. only fish oil n multi vits. but gynae did say as long as drink one cup of milk a day that's sufficient.

I've Been taking chicken essence for past few weeks too! feel that it helps to keep me alert if not I'm very forgetful and sleepy at work zz
Fybogel don't help me before preg so I guess it's not going to help now too moreover I don't like the taste.

I don't think constipation is due to the vitamins i consume cos even only on folic acid only also constipate. But I totally believe iron tablets will cause constipation if water intake is insufficient.

Sometimes milk helps to clear bowel sometimes don't.

I drank 2 bottles of vitagen yesterday and went poo poo twice without any force so it was like a bonus. Again, sometimes help sometimes don't.

I'm definitely shortage of calcium now, my gum bleed almost every day after brushing teeth. Can also bleed after food like the chilli stuck inbetween then I tried to clear with my tongue then can taste the blood. My girl knock on my jaw then soon after my teeth/gum bleed.

Really can't stand the weather but I try not to drink too much cold water, maintain at room temp water. But sometimes out for meal will order ice milo. As for soft drink I don't really like the after taste, very artificial (during preg only)

All thanks to the hormones changes, taste bud changes, armpit darkened, constipation, backache, cramps at thighs and stomach, weight gain (8kg already!), flabby face and arms, mood swing (got lots of complaints from hubby recently)

September faster come...
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Abit contradicting also, hope for September to come fast but scared of new born comes with my toddler only 23mo and I can't cope..

Anyway I will try to spend more time with my girls now then when September comes...... we'll see how to manage by then... should be real busy but fun.. lolz
@agaga, same same..all the changes you are experiencing i've having too.. armpit darkened..i tot its me only! now seldom wear sleevless and scared to lift up my arms. i think there is like a lump there also.. is it normal??

good idea, i'll go take fresh milk for the consti..

Guardian today got big sale. a lot of buy 1 get 1 free..but selected outlets only.
@leocub , this your 1st baby ? Don't worry about the dark patch at armpits, they'll go away after birth but not so fast. Both pregnancies took me about 8-10 months to fade away. Not only armpits, vaginal area and inbetween thighs also darkened.
Hi Hi, I has been silent reader. Will be due on 12 oct, it's a girl!!

On the constipation issue, I find that fybogel is useful for me, not to make me go toilet but soften the stool so that I dont need to force too hard. On the really bad day, i will couple with the dusphatan, for stool softening.

I have a question for mummy with #2, or #3.
How are you preparing your elder children? I am worried that my #1 will get jealous when I bring the newborn home. #1 get jealous whenever I play with other baby now. BTW, my #1 only 16mo now, dont think I can reason with him yet..

Ya, I'm having the same problems as yours now. Just talk to my mum that I have to spend more time with my #1 now. Since I might deliver earlier on coming sep. Which means only left 3 mths plus.. Wow~ actually quite excited!
@agaga, no..this is my 2nd preg. 1st one dun have leh.
you are scaring me 8-10 mths! thats long... is your lumpy as well??

@sukif, welcome. my first is 4yo..so no problem in telling him about the comin bb. Hopefully he really understand. i think its normal for #1 to get jealous at 16mo. You & hub just have to spend more time with him when #2 is out lor so that he will not feel neglected.

Welcome to join Oct mummies..

Well, ever since I pregnant, I have told my #1 that mummy having a baby. Will ask her to talk to baby & touch my belly. I teach her to say "Be guai oh.. We all are waiting for u to this world.." She will accept it. Try to let your elder kid to play with other baby too.
@leocub , oh this your #2, so #1 is it boy, #2 girl? Haha, cos me all girls and all with black brown armpit but no lump. Usually I pluck my armpit hair, not shave. But not sure if this will make a diff to the lump or not... hehe
@sukif , when I had #2, #1 already 9yo but she get emo too and cried at the hospital and refuse to go home... haha I guess no matter what age, they are too sudden to accept. So this round, I'll not let my #2 (will be 23mo) go to hospital. #1 already used to it so no prob.

So when come back home with #3 after hospital. I'm planning to prepare a present for #2. Tell her it's from baby mei mei. Otherwise I don't think #2 will let mei mei to sleep on our bed..
@angel_loi , my 19mo seems like understand but sometimes don't, had always told her to saiyang and kiss my tummy too. Occasionally, she'll lift up my shirt and kiss without me telling her to. But at times her leg cannot control just want to kick me in bed. Then I told her mei mei in tummy crying cos you kick her. She also don't care.

At outside, she can share with others anytime. At home when her cousin about the same age comes, she'll be very selfish. So I always told my sil to bring a toy to share when bring her baby to my house. Conclusion is this is her territory so she's very aggressive.
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agaga, same thing for my son. at home very aggresive, but outside can share toy with other kids.

i did try to tell my #1 there is a baby in my tummy, let him sayang. In the end, he though my belly button is baby, when i ask him where is baby, he search for my belly button. faintz!
@sukif , lol your boy so cute... I show my girl 'inside pregnancy' video from baby center, to show her what's underneath my tummy. You can try too.
@agaga, next week then I know the gender. *cross fingers*

Btw mommies who had 2 kids alr, staying on your own & had natural birth, when you go into labour, how do you settle your no 1? I always imagine v drama like suddenly water bag burst or contractions in middle of night, then what's gg to happen to my no.1?
Can't be I go hospital alone & ask hubby to stay at home with the kid rite?
This few days I realized my baby kicked harder.. I can see my belly pop & pop due to her kick. She seems like getting more active esp at night.
I can also see my belly popping sometimes.. @lervia , I guess the print of feet or butt popping out got to wait till last few weeks then can see le.. but many did complaint that the movement makes mummy feel very uncomfortable cos stomach very stretched.
Have constipation also.so frustrating.prune juice i like it before i was pregnant,but now?cant take the taste hehehehe.anyway september is coming.we can do ds mommies!
Oh why is everyone looking forward to sept? Everyone here delivering early? Sorry I haven't been following everyone's EDD!
My EDD is on oct 2 but i have the feeling it wud b earlier coz i gve birth my 1st one 1week earlier.so hopefully shud b 3rd/last week of september
My EDD is 2 Oct too.. I got feeling that I will be deliver earlier too. As my #1 is 2 weeks earlier.. Estimate this shd be ard mid sep to 3rd week of sep. :)
Oic haha my EDD end oct so I guess I'll definitely be an oct mum even if early hee

Glad to see this chat is becoming more active!! Is FB page just as active too? Anyone has the rights to add me?
My EDD is on oct 2 but i have the feeling it wud b earlier coz i gve birth my 1st one 1week earlier.so hopefully shud b 3rd/last week of september

Hi Rhonna, how much u paid for the detailed scan? so looking forward for mine on next Monday :)
For my case is edd keep bringing forward and will be elective c-sec so edd from early oct become end sept. Elective c-sec will be at wk37-38 which is mid-sept...
@shaine: f m not wrong my hubby pay 279$.around dr hehehehe

i see, that's what i overheard from the nurse telling another mummy too .. Hmmm then it's quite exp for ours.. saw the facebook group mummies commenting on the price from other hospital, less than $200 :)

I did it in parkway east hospital,yeah expensive but no choice.at least wr aware whats going on inside,f my LO is ok.so far so good.his healthy.no problem. D best thing is my daughter/hubby s wd me during d scan.feels great

I think it depends lah.if ur doc tells u no choice but to do CS dn go for it.coz its for ur own good and bb as well.my 1st one cant really take the pain during the labor.5hrs s my labor but i just try to b strong and kep my mind and body calm.its all worth it the pain anyway.
