(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

I had my consultation with dr tc Chang with regards to cyst on bb brain.. Yeah., the cyst is skrinking and bb is healthy ang normal . Finally can put away my worries.

Thats good! Im happy for u and ur little one

Mummies, i feel some movement in my tummy.. but its above my belly button.. can it be bb ah???
Or just the gas or my hunger.. haha

It could be baby kicks too.. As per my gynae, baby length & leg is enough to turn around & kick above belly. Soon, u will feel harder kicks.. Pop & pop! That was the most enjoy time for all mummies..
Mummies, i feel some movement in my tummy.. but its above my belly button.. can it be bb ah???
Or just the gas or my hunger.. haha

My movement also above belly already these 1-2weeks especially lying down. I'm pretty sure it's my Lo who is moving cos sometimes cramp follows, must be Lo fighting for space..
My 1st was s-sec due to cord round neck during last 2weeks before deliver. So naturally 2nd one I chose elective c-sec but who knows just before deliver, scan, also cord round neck so just as well. This round I'm still choose c-sec but hopefully Lo don't be too mischievous turn and turn like her 2 elder sisters.

I'll be doing ligation together with my cesarean.
@agaga, i'm thinking of doing ligation too. But if i do natural, they will only use clip rite? then it is still not foolproof? Is there any side effect to ligation? will our hormones change??
@leocub , if natural birth, dr. will only use clip on you instead of cut and tie. There is possibility of the clip to move away from the tube after sometimes causing preg again. Had read up abit on after-ligation review, local cases still ok meaning many women have no regrets, not much changes to hormones. As for ang-mo countries, many suffer and do reverse.
@leocub , if natural birth, dr. will only use clip on you instead of cut and tie. There is possibility of the clip to move away from the tube after sometimes causing preg again. Had read up abit on after-ligation review, local cases still ok meaning many women have no regrets, not much changes to hormones. As for ang-mo countries, many suffer and do reverse.

oic. I must go read more. do you know what is the cost of ligation? i havent consult my gynae or seek permission from hubby yet. Just a wish on my part. lol
I also constantly feels my baby moves! its like ALWAYS moving! haha... so cute! my hubby also can feel the movements when he touches my tummy.

anyone signed up for antenatal class? I am delivering in Mount E but I signed up with TMC classes at amk hub as I find that the content is better.
@babybear33, enjoy the antenantal class. i also attend the TMC class held at AMK few years back. Interesting as it was conducted by Wong Boi Boi back then. But regretably i didnt use much of the knowledge learnt like breathing technique.

Yes.. only when bb move i know that bb is ok.. a form of reassurance.

Any mommy experiencing bad itching on tummy, back & upper torso area? I'm diligently applying bio oil but still itch like mad. Arghh!!!
Thanks Rhonna. Will go try.

Btw another bb fair coming up at expo. I realised my old Avent steriliser dies on me. Anyone bought any recently? Can share how much u bought? Thinking if its worth to go down to the fair just to buy that. Tks & happy weekend
Haha.. the movements wasnt obvious.. but i will like talk to bb asking if is it him.. haha...

Yea i agree leocub.. a form of reassurance when can find bb movement.. feel loving..

I also wanna take up the prenatal class and also yoga...
I have eczema before pregnancy. Now hormone make it worst. Non of the oil or moisturer really help. Only soothe it a little. My gynae just prescribe begesic which will sting the itchy part so that i don scratch.

I m full of scars now everywhere.

Never in my life did i apply moisturiser so diligently. I do find that if i covered up like wear leggings or long pants, the itch is lessen. Not sure if it is becus the aircon n wind does not dry the skin.
@leoclub I just bought the 3 in 1 avent sterilizer from baby kingdom at kaki bukit for $99. Think the sale last till tomorrow.
Anyone has serious outbreaks??? My outbreak is horrible.. nv in my life has soooo much in my life.. my face, my back n my chest... i ask gynae, he ask me go see demo doctor.. how sia??

During my 1-5months my god! My pimples are everywhere.which usually i dnt have.n my 1st pregnancy my face glow and looks good.but mybe bec ds time its a boy thats why have many pimples.but now my tummy is 6months,my face looks better now.no more pimple.im so happy
Yea im having a boy.. really dont how to deal with the outbreak..
Guess our little one wants us to look ugly heheheh. Im lucky my face now is clear. U try to use kojic soap in ur face and body.i used it during my 1-5months.it worked for me.hope it wud help
Hi mummies,

There's a baby expo coming soon on 20 - 22 June. They are selling Avent Sterilizer at $99. Got quite a few promo!

This is your #2 right? Then I guess not much things for us to grab too. Since most of the items we bought for #1 still can be use too.. Just probably milk bottle, pacifier..

This is your #2 right? Then I guess not much things for us to grab too. Since most of the items we bought for #1 still can be use too.. Just probably milk bottle, pacifier..
Ds time its a boy,all d old clothes of my 1st one we gve away already.anyway most of it is pink hehehhe.we will buy the whole thing again.back to zero.but im excited buying new stuff again.ds time its blue hehehehe
Ds time its a boy,all d old clothes of my 1st one we gve away already.anyway most of it is pink hehehhe.we will buy the whole thing again.back to zero.but im excited buying new stuff again.ds time its blue hehehehe

Oh ya! Is blue team now.. But I think just some clothing, milk bottle.. & some necessary items. Bed cot, yaolan, stroller.. Still can use mah.. :)
My $1, I dunno what to buy first. Bought milk bottles, some rompers,mittens only. Oh Yes yesterday bought babycot.any other things that i should get first before bb out? I have shortlist a carseat.
@3lilowls, thanks for sharing.. i read your post too late. But guess i can get from baby fair @ expo. its the same price like what angel mentioned. looks like i need to pay there a visit.

Not girl then got change in appearance meh? but then again guess everyone hormones change is different.

Happy Monday!

During my #1 I bought a lot of stuff, maybe I'm more kiasu also I don't trust my hubby taste of buying baby stuff. I would rather everything I choose myself except stroller & baby car seat.

You can prepare milk bottle sterilizer, bottles cleanser, bottle warmer, pacifier, baby bath foam, towels, thermometer.. Lots to buy.. I got a long list.. Haha! :)
Any mummies will purchase their baby stuff through amazon? I'm thinking to buy Avent brand. Is that reliable? Any feedback?
@ angel_loi, you still need to buy thermometer? Your #1 should have alr what.

i just went Robinson and realsied that the natural plastic bottle is cheaper than the classic 125ml one. What is good about the natural bottle ah? during my time, there is no such series. But i have to admit the pink bottle looks nice lah. no matter what, dont buy the one with the ring inside..tends to leak.
angel, how much cheaper to buy thru Amazon? i'm also buying Avent.. maybe we can do bulk purchase.

I'm not really sure.. Their price is in USD. Never purchase before but I rmb there's 1 mummy who always do bulk purchase from Amazon. Got free shipping if over certain price. But I forgot the mummy name. She got more experienced.. I don't mind do bulk purchase together too.

No, I'm not going to buy thermometer. Just suggest to BunnyHorse to get 1. Mine still working condition.

If u plan to get Avent brand, get the natural milk bottle better which is without the ring. My #1 is using classic with ring. Avent natural is quite new milk bottle. So, now I'm planning to get natural for my #1 & #2. Just wonder how am I going to differentiate if both baby using same milk bottle. Maybe #1 use pink natural & #2 plain? Hehe..
This is US series with flower.. Nice leh..

I got #3 Avent natural while #2 using Avent classic.

Otherwise you can consider using name tag if both using same design.

Previously I'm thinking in that day too but after some consideration, both I will let them use Avent natural. Maybe #1 with flower pink bottle (US series) & #2 is normal pink bottle. :)
@agaga, so any feedback on the natural bottle? is the bottle ring interchangable with the classic? If i'm having girl then i'll buy the pink bottle. Why no blue bottle.. so unfair.. lol
Any mummies will purchase their baby stuff through amazon? I'm thinking to buy Avent brand. Is that reliable? Any feedback?

I brought NUK bottles, mittens, botties, socks, bibs etc from Amazon... shipping are on the way... free international shipping for purchase of items above USD125 but nt item are eligible for free global shipping so you need to click on the filter when you're doing the search. As hubby is buying some blu-ray disc n some of the item i brought are not eligible for free shipping, i make use of Vpost 25% off for shipping fee this time round... so looking forward for item to arrive.
hi Mummies, i just did my detailed scan. Gynae said my baby is chubby abit big for 20 weeks and i am asked to come back next check up for the glucose test to test for Diabetes... am really worried now. and so far, i haven been eating alot just normal. i don understand why is this happening. of cos i did my research too but the thought of thinking if i become diabetic while pregnant can bring complications really freaks me out... =(
hi Mummies, i just did my detailed scan. Gynae said my baby is chubby abit big for 20 weeks and i am asked to come back next check up for the glucose test to test for Diabetes... am really worried now. and so far, i haven been eating alot just normal. i don understand why is this happening. of cos i did my research too but the thought of thinking if i become diabetic while pregnant can bring complications really freaks me out... =(
U can buy the glucose test kit at pharmacy. Wat my dr did advised me was test in the morning before breakfast then 2 hrs after meal. Measurement shd not be more than 6.5 2 hrs after meal for preggy mummy. it's not whether u eat alot, its the diet u are taking.
Hmmm how much weight did u put on happymom2510? I'm also worried as I've been warned right from first trimester that I've been putting on weight too fast so must watch. But same thing for me I don't eat a lot just normal yet keep putting on weight!

I'm also putting weight.. I don't really much but once a while will craving for chocolate. Really can't control.. On my 22 weeks I already gained 7kg. This Thursday is my 24 weeks routine check up.. I'm sure my weight bounce up agn.. Haih!
