(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

#1 gal #2 boy so no preference le. I'm 41 .hee hee u still very young lar. True, not very active. FB oso ok only lei. Pray for a little boy for u.
My kids are more excited abt the gender. Gal prefer snother gal boi prefer another boi. I find tt no difference except my boi is more active as he gets older. He is a mummy boi.

hi!!! i am a newbie to this forum and a first- time mum..... can add me to Fbgroup or any chats???
my email is [email protected]

i am 8 weeks preg and currently seeing dr tan poh kok at nex shopping centre... my edd is 25 oct
jus yst i had brown discharge when wiped and scared the hell of me.... i was told thst it is "old blood" and will be gone in few days.... :( anyone have such experience???

Hey babe I am seeing the same gynae as you! I was surfing the other forum at mummysg but realize its really quiet there so I jumped here..heh. I am currently 9 weeks plus and EDD is 29 Oct according to LMP. I am seeing him quite often cos my corpus luteaum cyst is larger than normal (about 6 cm..yikes) and he is monitoring for me.. am hoping it will shrink in the second tri but at the moment i really cant move around too much. That day i walked too much back from work and it hurt so much! :(
Hey babe I am seeing the same gynae as you! I was surfing the other forum at mummysg but realize its really quiet there so I jumped here..heh. I am currently 9 weeks plus and EDD is 29 Oct according to LMP. I am seeing him quite often cos my corpus luteaum cyst is larger than normal (about 6 cm..yikes) and he is monitoring for me.. am hoping it will shrink in the second tri but at the moment i really cant move around too much. That day i walked too much back from work and it hurt so much! :(

Finally found someone same gynae as me..... hehe..
Oh dear! Since u know u can't walk too much, then u better dun.... tmr is my 10weeks.... so far, I haven't done any tests yet.... think I better ask him why no tests on me... is it because too early?
Till now i have not been added to the fb group? Someone please help..

Recently i having really bad MS... Easily getting depress and frustrated.. i even feel like crying out.. i keep feeling lonely.. like im the only one facing this pregnancy.. hubby doesnt seems excited with me.. i surf website about preg most of the time and he ask me doesnt i feel bored seeing the same thing? I feel sad hearing this from him.. gets really emo.. sigh...

Im week 11 now.. having sharp pain at the baby area.. its still bearable but the sharp pain is a little more painful compare to weeks before.. is this okay?
Recently i having really bad MS... Easily getting depress and frustrated.. i even feel like crying out.. i keep feeling lonely.. like im the only one facing this pregnancy.. hubby doesnt seems excited with me.. i surf website about preg most of the time and he ask me doesnt i feel bored seeing the same thing? I feel sad hearing this from him.. gets really emo.. sigh...

Im week 11 now.. having sharp pain at the baby area.. its still bearable but the sharp pain is a little more painful compare to weeks before.. is this okay?

Think the pain is due to the stretching uterus, feels like tingling feel. If it's really unbearable pls see your gynae immediately especially it accompanied by spotting.

Does your man always make harsh comment on you even before pregnancy? Cos don't expect man to be extra 'wen rou' or 'xi xin' to us when we are preg. They won't feel the excitement till the day they see the baby in the delivery room.

Try to confide to your hubby, tell him how you feel and tell him that it's always not easy to go through anything alone. Especially with huge changes in our preg body, all the hormones thingy are crazily changing which can turn us mad.

Pls stay as happy as possible and hope your ms will go away from u soon ;)

I m a oct 2014 MTb too! Edd is mid oct.. This is my no2. No1 is already in p1 this year
Till now i have not been added to the fb group? Someone please help..

Recently i having really bad MS... Easily getting depress and frustrated.. i even feel like crying out.. i keep feeling lonely.. like im the only one facing this pregnancy.. hubby doesnt seems excited with me.. i surf website about preg most of the time and he ask me doesnt i feel bored seeing the same thing? I feel sad hearing this from him.. gets really emo.. sigh...

Im week 11 now.. having sharp pain at the baby area.. its still bearable but the sharp pain is a little more painful compare to weeks before.. is this okay?

Babe, dun be sad.... guys need more time to warm up to accept that he is a father.... I made my hubby read up pregnancy book to know how to handle me n pregnancy instead of asking me why this n that... lol ..

My sil had 3kids n all are "handled" by herself --- from getting pregnant, gynae, read up, confinement lady n etc... my bil just pay money n that it....
Some guys are like that.... it I'd ok...

Dun let it affect u because baby can sense it... talk to ur baby at times...
I always do that -- when I get lift from colleague to go home, I told baby "uncle xxx so kind to send us home." "Mummy going to have dinner, u be good." "Let's play candy crush together." And etc....

Just be happy....

And pls go see gynae about the pain....dun take it easy.... kiasi n kiasu are what we must be now....

As for the FB group, u need to add Serynn Guay as ur friend.. then msg her that u wan to join the group
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@agaga @jemyhee

Thank you.. i feels good to share my feelings here.. someone is hearing me..

Agaga, my hubby doesnt say harsh comments to be before pregnancy.. probably now i can become black face really easily and i dont seems to cheer up pretty fast.. i doesnt know how to handle my emotion and he doesnt know how to handle me.. he may get frustrated with me if my blace face still too long.. sigh...
I did ask him to read more leh.. but he say he knows alot already.. dont know what to reply him..

I going to oscar scan next sat.. if the pain prolonged, i will visit my gynae ba..

You r welcome

My hubby actually told me this before I was preg, that he hope our relationship won't change because of kids as we had seen others quarrel becos of kids as both have different point of handling kids. So I convince him that I won't change and agree that I'll be the one handle and discipline the kids and he won't interfere.

I think your hubby just couldn't just used to 'another' party coming into your life and this little buddy is changing u so much now.

Still my advice is, make conversation, make love and peace. Not war.

Go take a walk at the playground during evening hours, let him see how other kids behave. Maybe from there, u 2 have some common view on how to handle kids in future. You know, this is just another way to make conversation..
hello everyone...i'm a first time daddy. My wife not good with english, thus i will do the read up on everything got to do with babies and pregnancy in english while she does it in chinese.
Currently, our baby is going 11 weeks very soon. EDD for now is 28 Oct.

As a guy, i sincerely want to say you mummies out there really are the best human beings on this earth. My utmost respect to each and everyone of you!
Take good care and JIAYOU!
Is anyone going for the baby fair starting 18 Apr?

Waiting for appetite to resume.... very sian to be eating poorly as I love food, even my 3.5 yr old fatty boy eats more than me now!
@ agaga

Its so nice that ur hubby even thought of this and share and try to handle this issue together with you.. normally man are not that sensitive and thoughtful, i feel...

Yea, i just talk with hubby last night.. he knows that my MS is really bad during my pregnancy.. as im not like this when im not pregnant.. he just need to learn to give in to me more and be more understanding ba.. takes time: )
Babe, dun be sad.... guys need more time to warm up to accept that he is a father.... I made my hubby read up pregnancy book to know how to handle me n pregnancy instead of asking me why this n that... lol ..

My sil had 3kids n all are "handled" by herself --- from getting pregnant, gynae, read up, confinement lady n etc... my bil just pay money n that it....
Some guys are like that.... it I'd ok...

Dun let it affect u because baby can sense it... talk to ur baby at times...
I always do that -- when I get lift from colleague to go home, I told baby "uncle xxx so kind to send us home." "Mummy going to have dinner, u be good." "Let's play candy crush together." And etc....

Just be happy....

And pls go see gynae about the pain....dun take it easy.... kiasi n kiasu are what we must be now....

As for the FB group, u need to add Serynn Guay as ur friend.. then msg her that u wan to join the group

hehe...let's play candy crush together....I shall say that to my girl next time..haha. but actually im too busy w my boy to talk much to my girl...
hii mummy .. im a mid oct mummy to be again .. after trying of 4 years im finally preggy now im now 11 weeks :)
Hi all!
My EDD for #2 is on 11 Nov but I will be joining the Oct group as I forsee baby will come out 2 weeks earlier again! My #1 was breech and he ended up a Nov baby when my edd was 12 Dec
Hihi, can add me in fb? my email is [email protected]
Yesterday did blood test for down syndrome test, waiting for result. When do we need to do OSCAR test?
My baby is 6cm long and I can see visible hands and legs from scan yesterday..:)
Hi I am Oct MTb...too
Welcoming my precious on 5 oct....
Oscar is the same as the test for down clomosum.. 90% accuracy according to my gynae...but i have no idea if it involve blood test
I opt for another test which is call Harmony which introduced late last year ~ blood test only and result accuracy is 99%
...set back of this test.... baby dna in your blood may not be sufficient and may be redrawn again...
Could someone please share what the OSCAR test is like? I forgot completely, my appointment is on 10 April and I was just advised not to bring my #1 along (so far always bring my baobei to normal gynae checks). My gynae only advised me for mature age mummies, he advises amniocentesis even after doing OSCAR to be doubly safe. He does not recommend Harmony as a effective test (he did go on about Harmony testing only 1 type of strain blah blah blah but I didn't listen in detail as I was sleepy haha!)
Hi Mummies! I am a first time mom too with EDD 5th Oct! So excited. been reading this thread since I found out I am preg, but decided to join after my first trimester.
how's you mummies doing?
I have just done my Oscar test -currently at week 12.

Appetite seems to be better than first tri - thank god

Just confirmed my Confinement help today
Hi all,

I'm new here.. Edd for my 2nd baby is 25th October.. Seeing dr kt tan at kkh now.. Juz did the routine blood test and hubby and I decided to opt out of oscar test..

Currently my 2yo tot was quite cranky.. Kip on throwing tantrums and ended up kicking my tummy sometimes.. Was quite worried when episodes like this happens.. Always tell him there's a baby inside mummy now.. He seems to understand but then it will happen again when the next round of tantrum comes..


Hoped all the other mummies here are having a smooth pregnancy! Jiayou and let's all countdown to October!
Finally found someone same gynae as me..... hehe..
Oh dear! Since u know u can't walk too much, then u better dun.... tmr is my 10weeks.... so far, I haven't done any tests yet.... think I better ask him why no tests on me... is it because too early?

Hey babe! Sorry replied so late. I just saw him on wed and am also 10 weeks this week. He recommended me to do the oscars test when i turn week 12. I am still thinking about it because I heard its not 100% accurate and alot of false positives. The cyst hasnt shrunk or anything but hoping it wouldnt cause any issues. How have u been?
Till now i have not been added to the fb group? Someone please help..

Recently i having really bad MS... Easily getting depress and frustrated.. i even feel like crying out.. i keep feeling lonely.. like im the only one facing this pregnancy.. hubby doesnt seems excited with me.. i surf website about preg most of the time and he ask me doesnt i feel bored seeing the same thing? I feel sad hearing this from him.. gets really emo.. sigh...

Im week 11 now.. having sharp pain at the baby area.. its still bearable but the sharp pain is a little more painful compare to weeks before.. is this okay?

Hey gal i totally understand how u feel. I think its normal to feel really depressed etc. I had very bad MS starting in my 5th week and i was so depressed and kept crying cos of the hormones. I just felt very useless cos i couldnt go to work, couldnt eat properly etc and worse thing is i even had MS at night! So couldnt sleep :( But the days when my MS is less bad I actually feel quite ok and realize its the hormones. So dont blame yourself for feeling that way, its really normal! ;) Things will get better when u move to second tri!
hi mummies, just a quick question, when does the placenta form? I am around 10 weeks and 4 days now and although i still have bouts of MS esp at night I realize i have been feeling really really hungry during meal times.. like must eat alot if not i will feel terrible. I have also a sudden urge to drink alot of water. Is it normal? Also when does the MS subside for those that are nearing the second tri? Thanks! :)

My 1st pregnancy ms started week6 and ended at week12

2nd pregnancy started week6 to 13

This round at week5 to 12, I'm currently week13 day5 today. Although will still feel tired very easily sometimes, nausea if too hungry or too full, dislike some smell but all these are already very acceptable compared to my sick body last month. I'm feeling so much better now but not glowing still. I guess I'll only glow around week 20 like my previous 1st and 2nd.

I still remember for my 2nd one, I can't even drink plain water, it just taste like rusty water leaving a super disgusting after taste in my mouth.

Hope your ms will go away soon, maybe tmr ;)

thanks for your reply! Yes i have this problem too.. i cant really drink plain water. In fact all liquids are a problem cos it gives me bad heartburn! So i have been feeling pretty dehydrated considering i used to drink quite alot of water before i become pregnant. Can only take small sips here and there. And that super disgusting taste in the mouth.. i get it with food that has ginger or soya sauce. Very weird. I hope u get your glow soon too :)

For plain water, I added fresh lemon slices to 'kill' the bitter taste. I find that 100plus does help but also can't drink too much cos stomach will feel bloat. I brush my teeth a few times a day to keep my mouth fresh.

I totally understand how miserable when can't stomach water or food like we usually do.

You have to try all food, who knows the food or drink you can swallow now may be what you totally dislike in the past...

thanks for the advice! unfortunately i cant drink anything that is remotely acidic.. including soft drinks and 100plus cos they contain citric acid. They taste SO GOOD when they go down my throat but the moment hit my stomach i get the massive heartburn feeling. The only drink that i really like and keeps the heartburn away is almond milk. So i have been having quite abit of that. :)

But i agree about the food that we dislike suddenly becoming a favourite. Used to hate fish but it was the only meat i could stomach in my 7th week.
Hi mummies, i have some clothes that i bought and cant fit. Need to let go. All clothes are brand new, never even try on as i know i cant fit into them, never wash either. You can either self collect or mail it to you, however, you need to top up for postage. =)

All letting go @ $15. Have to go cause i can't wear.. Kindly PM me if you are interested. Thanks.. =)


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Hi hi!!! I doing the Oscar test on week 12, which is next week.... not 100% accurate but at least 90%... so still ok lah .. hehe...
Now can see slight bump bump.... MS in the morning n when hungry... can't take seafood .. so sad. . Lol...

Yea i thought about it and decided i will just go for it and hope for the best too. gd luck for yours! I am having a slight bump too but maybe cos I am tall its not very obvious, just look like i ate too much. I cant take seafood for now either, the smell makes me gag. Jiayou! next week is your second tri already... very fast! :)

Hehe.. thank you.. now im week 12 le.. the MS really gets better now.. yea the time with MS really hard to pass..

Yesterday i went for oscar scan.. the baby is already 6cm long.. its moving the legs and arms.. so super cute sia.. haha! And finally we could hear the heartpain.. hope the result is okay..
@Alyssaria n agaga

Wow u 2 diet issue really bad sia.. lucky mine not that bad.. i used to not drink alot of water or milk, now i love to drink them.. and i used to love salmon and my mum love to cook it but now i hate it.. and i know salmon is good for us right? Aiyo...

Anyone lower left abdominal do feel really painful sometimes? I felt it twice already recently.. its really painful and it even more painful if i press on it.. but the pain goes off about half to an hour.. i read that its because of the pressure of the baby growth..

And my heart area do feel sudden pain.. its more like tension.. but it goes off after awhile.. anyone feel this too? This is not heartburn right? How does heartburn really feel like??

Yea i thought about it and decided i will just go for it and hope for the best too. gd luck for yours! I am having a slight bump too but maybe cos I am tall its not very obvious, just look like i ate too much. I cant take seafood for now either, the smell makes me gag. Jiayou! next week is your second tri already... very fast! :)

Thanks babe!!! Zzzz..... MS seems to be bad at times.... not only nauseous, now vomit out the food.... zzzz.... hopefully it will be over soon... I miss sashimi, oysters n chilli crabs!!!!

Same here. I was able to eat more the past few days then suddenly today the nausea etc is back again with a vengeance. Hope I can start eating normally soon
Hi Oct 2014 mummies!! Glad to see I'm not alone. Have been having MS since week 5 and puking a few times a day since week 7. Now nearing week 12 and still puking tho it seems to be worse at night. Hopefully puking and MS will stop soon!
Oh dear.. my sil told me that she puke for 4 months.. hope u all will get better soon.. but like that u wont gain any weight.. i have gain almost 3 kg le..

By the way, its better to avoid sashimi and seafood right?
Was told by gynae to avoid sashimi...
Egg has to be fully cooked ...no soft boil or watery yolk...
Same for steak...no medium well...has to be well done.
Avoid fish that is high in mercury ..
Im week 14 already n my ms is still going on & off... i thot they r gone for gd.. so sad..... ms go away..
I am eating sashimi and medium rare steak but I won't try half cooked eggs as egg is one of the high allergen for babies. My craving (if not vomitting and I have appetite to eat) is all things spicy. Forcing myself to also consume lots of soya milk and soya beancurd, and apples (did that for my #1, don't know if it's due to these foods but my #1 was born with very rosy cheeks and a very fair complexion haha!)
