(2014/02) February 2014

little_one...no don't think wll engage CL. think as per #1 time my mum will do the confinement for me. I will buy ready all the herb, she will do the marketing (pass her $). I also though of cathering(tingkat) but my bff tried b4 and she said very exp and the food quality is not worth the $ so still thinking.

blushblush, i think those mtbs engage a CL is cos many said confinement time mommy must really take good rest so that can bu the body back and CL will help take care of bb at night so mommy don't need to wake up so often.

Isabella...Do update us after your this evening appt.

Hi all. I just tested positive on sunday and am going for my gynae check later this afternoon. Hope I will be able to hear heartbeat. this will be my 2nd child. 1st one is currently 16 mths and if I am not wrong, edd is around the same period. hehe..
is-elle: ya lor...early morning puke on empty stomach. first is the gastric juice, then the yellow bile. finish puking, taste the disgusting yellow bile in the mouth, start puking all over again. v tiring

blushblush: to have to mop the floor n wash the clothes urself everyday is very tiring. confinement have to rest most of the time to let ur body recover and not to touch cold dirty water all the time.

i m v close to my mum n #1 is her first grandchild...grandson somemore so she was very excited and wanna be there all the time to help out. tt is also y she took 1 mth of no pay leave (my mum is still working full time) to help me do confinement.

hubby needs to work so he got chased to the guest room to sleep while my mum slept with me on the master bedrm bed and baby cot is beside the bed.
Hi vee, I've terrible backaches too. Only feel better after a gd nite sleep but the ache comes back after few hours later I wake up. Guess most working MTBs have to rest well during the weekend. But I'm thankful tat I have lesser restless sleep these few days. Cos during the initial weeks I hv insomnia & aching legs.
Take care of ourselves, mummy to be
Cyrstall, it's so nice to have such a supportive mum. Maybe I can consider getting a domestic helper too. Lack of room for cl to sleep in is also a consideration. Hiaz... Will discuss further with hub again.

Thanx for the advice little one
My EDD is definitely smack right in CNY...2 Feb? Of coz may not be so accurate but at least the gynae says he will definitely be around during CNY, lol.

By the way, what does the OSCAR test check for? Does everyone do it?
blushblush: but i dont think i wanna trouble my mum for #2 so also kinda headache now. hubby's family is in jakarta as hubby is indonesian. maybe this time round will ask my MIL to come over to help with my confinement. they run their own business so she is able to stay for as long as her visitor pass allow her to. i have a pretty good r/s with my MIL too though of cos not as close to my own mum. hubby is also v close to his mum so hopefully will be ok.

as for domestic helper...dunno if i should hire one or to hire a babysitter instead to help me out in looking after the two kids. helper will be able to do more in terms of hsehold chores but not too happy with the idea of having a stranger sleeping in my hse.
crysstall & blushblush> I am not getting a CL but will probably get a helper instead.
For my #1, my mum is helping me to do confinement but this time round, this time round dun think she can cope as she still needs to help me look after #1 in the day.
With a helper around, at least there is someone to do housework. While she cook, helper and me can look after both children
anyone has any idea how a non stay in CL works?

so she comes in in the morning to help out, cook lunch n dinner n then she goes off?

will she help in chores like mopping flr n washing baby's clothes n cloth diapers? our own clothes we can use machine to wash so no problem.
~jan~ > OSCAR - One-stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for Fetal Anomalies is a combination test carried out in the 1st trimester, to screen for risk of fetal anomalies and the chances of your baby having Down's syndrome..

it is optional if you are under the age of 35..
crysstall->from what i know, a part time CL will cook for you, look after bb in the morning , so household chores and wash you and ur baby clothes.But i remember the rates not very cheap also.
Hello everyone!

i'm 8 weeks pregnant, EDD- 8 Feb, this is my number 3....quite a surprise for us because no. 1& 2 are already in Pri 1/K2.

Anyway excited to be a 'new' mum again....pleased to get to know everyone in the FEB 2014 thread
Sunshinebb, if I bf then I would still need to wake up when bb cries regardless of if I've cl. Or does bb cry for nothing at night? U r right that we have to bu after delivery so rest is very important. Does cl wash only baby clothes or would she wash adults'clothes as well? She would do marketing, cooking & washing up. What other household chores would she be helping?

Cyrsstall, I don't see why have to touch dirty water all the time. Washing machine wash clothes. Water for moping can just be poured away from pail after use. I can only think of washing dishes. Maybe can use disposables :p

Do correct me if I'm wrong as this is my first time so I've absolutely no idea what to expect during a confinement. From what I can observe during my sis and cousins' confinement, they seem to be doing ok without cl and with only minimal help from mums during the day.
Hi all mummies, will be dropping out from this chat. Went for 1st scan last sat when I m suppose to b 7 wks. They could only detect sac n yolk. Went for scan today. Still no heartbeat n sac is even smaller. Gynae says quite sure no chance. So stopping all support..
I m now wondering if I shd wait for natural miscarriage or do a D&C.. Appreciate any advice
crysstall. hehehehe...got the basket thing in the bucket that helps with the wringing or can get that kind of bucket with the step at the side to spin the basket that will wring the mop.

hopeful. take care!
My edd is 22 feb 14 but think will be early as my son is preterm at 33 week. Hope not buy don't want to think so much will pass tri by tri. Have been bled red once yesterday after urinate but subsequent is brown stain . Was ask to increase the dosage of progesterone to twice a day . 1 had already made me giggle now 2 made me basically just want to lye down and sleep
Ya I hv a bit of slight red discharge today when urine dunno shd I ask my gynae or this is norm. Usually I hv a bit of slight brown discharge once in a couple of days, Hv been prescribe to eat progesterone 2 pills a day since 6 wks preggy now going to 8 weeks. Hope this is norm. Any mummy knows abt spotting is it ok or shd I ask my gynae.
Hi hopeful, I will suggest u go for 2nd opinion with another gynae. Mb there's a chance. Take care of yrself & rest more sometimes there r miracle. My bb is a gift as I've been ttc for 2yrs so I understand how much it means to u. Most impt u must keep positive & eat well. Jia you!
Hello everyone.. I'm 8 weeks+.. EDD 11th feb. First time expecting... Excited, happy and a lil scared.. My preg didn't start out well.. Had some bleeding at week 5. Now on jabs 2x a week, scan once a week, progesterone tablets 3x a day.. And some other multivitamins and iron, calcium tablets.. Pretty draining for a start...
jy jy. it's best to check with gynae.

Mummy mode . Welcome! My edd is 11/12 feb but according to gynae scan today I'm only 7+4. Wonder how they count the weeks...why the difference since edd is about the same
Back from 1st appointment and sad now.. I am suppose 7 weeks 4 days now but scan result only 5 weeks, no heartbeat yet. Gynae said maybe late ovulation or bb not growing. Next appointment will be 2 weeks later.

I am not sure is it late ovulation but I tested positive at the day I missed period although very very faint line. Is the faint line mean that too early pregnancy? The faint line result was from clear blue, I used another 2 brand test kits were negative results. Then the next day after I missed period I bought clear blue digital and got the result "pregnant 1-2 weeks".

I am paranoid now! Sigh
Blushblush, thanks! I think they determine the weeks by the size of the fetus.. Cos according to baby centre n other apps, I should be 9 weeks now. But doc scans says 1m 8weeks and 2 days. Doc measured the length as 15.3mm last Thursday..
Hi Isabella.. Not very sure on your case.. But from what I know, once a heartbeat is detected then its a good sign. During my first scan aso no heartbeat.. Just can see the yolk sac. Doc ask me to go back the following week n yeh, could see a heartbeat then and was such a relief.. Think if u may wan to seek another opinion. I went KK hospital in the early weeks of preg n the exp was quite bad.. Didn't really give enuf info etc which left me halfway hanging.
Thanks blush blush. My mum said since my last gynae visit has bb heartbeat shd be ok but I must rest well. Guess I will bed rest more this wkend. I will monitor & hope i hv no more spotting & inform my gynae on my coming visit in 3 wks time. Yup hv been prescribe with many vit on my 1st gynae visit & spend ard $300 but guess as long as it is gd for bb everything is worthwhile. Hvent been eating as well as b4 preggy cos lack of appetite. Thankfully gynae gave me multivitamin to ensure bb well development.
Hi Isabella, I've read from the web sometimes it takes 7-11 weeks to detect bb heartbeat. Must take care yrself stay positive & avoid worry.
Hope all mummy & me have a smooth delivery in feb 2014. Jia you~
MummyMode and jyjy: I though my bb is 7 weeks+ now so I was so looking forward to hear the heartbeat. End up gynae said bb only 5 weeks? Can only see the yolk sac. MummyMode, when was ur 1st scan that u mentioned no heartbeat detected? Hope I can hear and see my bb heartbeat after 2 weeks. Jyjy, u must rest well, u can try to break ur meal to small portion if lack of appetite.
Hi isabelle, sigh.. I m same story as u.. I m hoping for a miracle. But I doubt it given that the sac has grown smaller. Nevertheless, you shd not give up hope! Cux I do ve friends whose hb was sighted at wk 8-9.. Just stay positive n rest as much as possible..
Hi mommies here,

Do you engage a maid/helper to look after new born, or get in laws or parents to help or quiting job to look after bb?

Pearl (jemalene): Have you check on the rates to employ a maid/helper?

Isabella (isabella888): Think gynae count from the last menses for the weeks,but if you know the actual conception, then the actual weeks for the baby is usually less. Eg my last menses was 30 Apr, so I am supposed to be 9 weeks now, but my conception was 15 May, so actual weeks for baby should be less 2 weeks, ie 6 weeks.

Mommymode: Hope u r better now.
I went for a scan last week, supposed to be 8 weeks but gynae say bb a bit small only 11+ mm. I am worried...

And all e best to all mommies to be here
Is spotting common in 1st tri? In my case my gynae told me expect some n do not panic. He Oso gave me progesterone 2x day, say no exercise, no sex. Aiyo.. At the rate I'm puking n ms where hv mood for anything other than sleep?

Was hoping the regular bump I felt is heartbeat but if its intestinal movement then I dunno wat to use to monitor my situation.

I tink mummies with doubts or spotting shd meet gynae every 2wks if hasn't. Only this then can give us a piece of mind.

Lets hope all babies here gets stronger heartbeat n grow bigger!!
Thanks melody.. Mine was 11.1mm at 7 weeks n 3 days. When I read online my bb seems abit smaller than the average as well... Now I've a scan every week with my doc.. He says cos of my earlier bleeding need to monitor closely..

Is-Elle, spotting is not exactly common actually. I checked with the doc at Kk and my Gynae. Once u have spotting, it's best to monitor closely. That's why I'm now in so many medication..
I read online something about progesterone as well. Says alot of mummies are scared once they are asked to stop on these tablets after week 12-13... Cos a couple of them, once they stop they start bleeding..
If mummymode.

Thou ur bb small but each scan its growing. So dun worry too much, Oso most info on web is based on Caucasian? I only had 1 scan n its 7.7 at wk 6 5d. So I tink my bb smaller than urs? N my gynae says bb growth tallies with my last period. So I tink our bb size is ok.

Glad ur gynae gives u weekly scan.

But we must avoid activities n get bed rest due to future potential bleeding.

Melody I've a maid lookin aft my #1 so aft 2 out will be under her care too. By then will send 1 to cc. Tat x when hv 1 no1 wanna help me look aft so I no choice place bet on maid. Luckily she's fine despite hearing so many horror stories. My criteria is get an old maid, above 35 so they more willing work for $ n not try funny things. But Oso hv young nice ones.
any sign of bleeding is not normal so better tell the gynae.

mummymode and iselle...i did my scan at 7 weeks and it was 10.1 mm...think we are all within the Asian range ba
is-elle, spotting is definitely not common. rest more ok. walk like an old lady and dont carry heavy stuff. i doubt we get to feel our baby heartbeat at any point of time, neither can we see it. at least i didnt with my #1

re: CL
CL usually does simple housework, wash baby and mummy clothes (sometimes hubby too if only 3 of u at home), cook for mummy (hubby may need to top up a bit or you can try to negotiate). at night it depends on your arrangement with CL. if you want to latch, CL will wake you up when it is time for feed. sometimes baby after feed will poo and thats where it is helpful with a CL. but even if you dont latch, i find myself waking up 3 hourly on regular basis cuz of engorgement and the need to pump. truth be told, once baby comes along, sleep will never be the same. the good thing though is CL helps to bath baby and if you are first time mother, can help you give advice about baby so that you wont be so worried all the time. i think very important to rest well during confinement
Melody > I have already called up some Maid agencies to check out the rates and agency fees. I looking at either Filipino or Mymnar helper and the main task of the helper is to help out with the household chores. I will put the helper at my mum place in the day and fetch my 2 kids and helper to my house at night. I do not want to put the risk of my kids to the helper
Hi all...
Im joining this thread to chit chat... Im about 9 weeks -10weeks now... EDD 1st feb 2014... 2nd child... 1st born is 18 months... Boy...

I has some bleeding early on in my pregnancy after intercourse.. Went to kkh and was prescribed duphaston.. Has put sex on hold until after pregnancy is more stable...

Yesterday, had a scare that i may have a prolapse... Felt something stickinh out of my vagina when i was washing... Was worried sick so i went to a&e last night and indeed i have some mild prolapse as a result of my previous pregnancy where i was thought to have pushed too hard... I have a mild cystocele and rectocele... Told to do kegels to strengthen vagina wall... During examination, gynae also found a cervical polyp of about 2cm... Haizzz.... But cannot do anything for.fear of a miscarriage... I think my earlier bleeding was due to an irritated polyp during intercourse.... But baby was well and we were assured that this is all mild... Im really afraid of all these pregnancy scares... Keeps me worried 24/7...
But at least now i can share my concerns here with you... Hoping to go through this pregnancy till delivery together with no complications...
Congrats and Welcome Lilissy.

We have the same EDD !

It's my first pregnancy and i do not have advice you. but do take care and we will be keep each other going

If my wife's breast aren't as sore already, is baby still growing well? A little anxious as this is our #1 after ttc for a few yrs.
Congrats and Welcome Lilissy. My first born is 16 months so our kids are around the same age =)

Mircale> Not all woman will experience sore breast. This is just one of the pregnancy symptoms. have your wife went for her scan?
i hope so.. well, a weekly scan is good cos of the assurance you get after seeing the lil heartbeat.. but its very expensive too.. 1 visit to the gynae with scan is about $350 each time.. fingers crossed after i pass 1st trimester that i dont have to do too freq visits cos from what i know, my frens visit the gynae like once in 3-4 weeks thereabouts.. so mine is way too excessive.. but i guess its cos my doc just wans to make sure everything goes well for a start...

Are u mums all working mums? im having a hard time struggling at work with all the morning sickness and stuff.. gosh.. i wonder how the supermums manage to pull thru...
mummymode, i feel you.. esp havent break the news to boss yet and cannot rely on the usual cup of tea to keep me awake... booo
Hi Mummymode, im working. i wish i can take naps. haha

miracle --> yup i think like what pearl said, not all women will experience sore breast. i do kinda experienced it in the very very very early stage cos its when i found out abt the +ve news. now dont feel already.
blushblush > It all depends on individual .. for me when i had my #1 .. i wouldn't have survived without a CL.. and i even had a bad experience with CL .. i took time to adapt to this new lifestyle of lack of sleep and tireness .. it's not easy for me initially .. so it very much also depend on ur baby if he or she is easy to take care or not .. some babies i muz say is really hard to take care .. like always wanting to be carried due to insecurity and like mine, always waking up and crying frm shock or nightmare .. was quite tiring & traumatising for me as i dunno why is he always crying till his face all red and screaming his lungs out ..

imagine if u hav a sticky baby.. dun tink even a auto spin mop helps when u dun even hav time to go toilet.. so depends on individual i suppose ..
Hi lefaithful.. i told my boss when i was 7 weeks... had to tell him cos i had to leave the office 2x a week for jabs so no choice.. u intending to tell only after u passed ur 1st tri?
