(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Lil, my boy starts to hv fun with those hanging toys at about 2mths old. He will even 'talk' to soft toys or those bears on the cot hanging mobile. And he doesnt seems to like pooh..will yell if too close to him or use his hand o push pooh away. He talks to goofy and gingerbread man. Lol. Very cute

Lil, same. I only started putting up the hanging mobile when bb was 2mo and let him lie on baby gym to kick. I have the kick and play piano gym at my parents' place which he really enjoyed. He will kick his legs and swing his hands violently and make funny noises. Haha... So I bought the kick and play piano which you can attach to cot from Amazon.

Btw ladies, I just looked at the health book to realize that Hep B 2nd dose is supposed to be given one month after 1st dose! :S My bb hasn't had his 2nd dose leh. And if 1st dose was given at hospital, can he go polyclinic for 2nd dose? I can't remember who mentioned if go polyclinic cannot go private cos dosage is different?
Babysmurf, yes got the bill from KkH. Mine billed 9k plus coz at A ward. $4 k from my medisave lor.... Zzzzz....

Baby girl last week was down with blocked nose. Brought her to pd near to polyclinic lo. But now she is ok. Must remember to keep her nose clean....

For me, now my bb drink frisolac stage 1. One tin 900g cost $45 cheaper in those neighbourhood baby shop or medicinal hall. I think ntuc or giant sell slightly more ex? Initially drinking dumex but poo poo very hard and constipated.

Booked buffet and cakes for full month on coming Sunday... Time passes very fast and baby coming to a month old. Hope she will grow well and healthy
Hi Znatasha and Usagi, thanks for sharing the links on where to get baby milk powder at a cheaper price than NTUC!

Hi Koirc, after reading what you posted, I went to check Stage 1 and Stage 2 cans (I got the Stage 2 cans from a baby seminar at MBS) and the qty for each ingredient is lesser for Stage 2. Hence, will stick with Stage 1 for a whole year. Thanks for your advice on this. Re staying at home, yeah, it would make the next most economical sense for hubby to stay at home and take care of the babies (if we don't get a nanny) but it isn't just the economics that matter. I don't think he is the best caregiver...there are men who are hands-on and there are men who aren't. And I don't agree with how he would bring up my children on a diet of videos/TV and whatever else. :p And for myself, I wouldn't want to quit and spend my time changing diapers, feeding and getting up all the time through the night. I like the corporate life too much and my job allows me enough flexibility that I can work from home some days and come to work about 10 and leave by 4. So, the live-in 24hrs nanny would be the best solution since my mum and the in laws are well, as they are and I want to be able to have easy access to my twins whenever I feel or want to. As for Enfalac, almost all my friends recommended this as it has a high amount of DHA. Most of my friends are either using Enfa or Similac.

Hi Lil, the amount of intake changes per week and your prince is born 2 weeks after mine Let me whatsapp you the table on the amount of feed later which I got from another mummy. Re pumping, yes I do it in the living room too so as not to disturb my hubby in the night. I pump at 11pm before I sleep in the bedroom and then for the 3am pump, I go to the hall. After that when he goes to work, I pump the 7am pump and the rest of the days pump in the bedroom.

Hi BB, talk to me about rejection! I'm having a terrible time with Twin A! She will only be comforted by the Confinement Lady and wail her head off when I try to soothe her when she cries. She rejects my hubby, maid and mother too, only the CL will do! Things only got better today when I, by a stroke of pure luck, managed to get her in the right position on my chest and she snuggled up there and stopped crying. The CL told me it is all about finding a position that the baby is comfortable with, and that babies understand and can feel our feelings, just that they cannot talk. Maybe my Twin A felt my frustration with her and behaved even worse the past days. Goodness!

Hi Precious Baby, GE also no waiting period. After talking to all my advisers, I'm going with GE for my 2 girls.

One sister here posted she is looking to sell Fenugreek? Is this still available and at what price?
Koirc: u decide to bring your bb to polyclinic or pd for the jab first. Then faster book appt to do the jab. Hep b2 is btwn 1-2mths. Then 3rd mth will be 5in1.
Mofmm: can u pm or whatsapp me the feeding table as well. Everytime I want to up my girl's intake, my sis n mum will make lot of comment. My dh still ask is it better to check with pd first. Faint.
Hi Saralyn, yup tell me about the milk powder! :p Can you imagine if we didn't have any BM how much more we would be spending?
U are lucky you can latch your boys - I would if I could! MILs are famous for criticizing DILs...one ear in, one ear out.

Hi Babysmurf, how come KKH give your baby Enfa leh? I specifically requested for Enfa and they told me that they only have Frisco because they only rotate suppliers after a few months and at the time we admitted, supplier was Frisco so all babies must drink Frisco.

As for KKH bill, just got it. Total bill for 3 days package plus one night extension for A class ward is 8056.23 for me alone. There was an amount for antenatal charges of about 3K but this was deducted towards the end of the bill...u can try matching the amounts.

Hi GirlGirl, hope you have a great 1 month celebration this weekend! Time flies by so quickly...can hardly believe that our babies will be 1 month soon!
MofMM, I think you should check with pd. Stage 2 has lesser ingredients because bb starts to take solids at 6 mths. As for work, I'm like you. I love corp life too! And I also have flexibility of going to work at 10 and leave at 4. So I can come home earlier to see bb. :D Btw, I am the one who wants to sell fenugreek. I bought two bottles at $29.50 each (100 capsules) from GNC. Letting go at $25 each. Let me know if you're keen.

Babysmurf, pd didn't advise for bb to take 2nd dose after 1-2 mths leh. bb is 3 mths now and going to see pd tmrw where he is supposed to be given 2nd dose. But I am thinking of bringing him to polyclinic since it's free right?
Haha...enfalac got high dha? I think nowadays all milk have all sorts of super vitamins for babies...

Oh ya...just started on post natal massage today. Shiok with the jamu tummy wrap...
I am watching the Ch 8 show. It's so heart wrenching to hear what mums of special children have to go through. I'm sure mummies here are like me who worry about bb's devt. Like what if he is a special child etc.
Girl girl, wash so fast coming to 1 month already for your baby! It seems like not long ago you were just telling us how naughty and active your girl is, kicking you all the time
wish you wonderful and fun filled 1 month celebration!

Babysmurf and Mofmm, that means it will be 1 month soon for your babies too!!

Mofmm, thanks for sending the table over! It will be good for me to check if baby is drinking enough. Sometimes I wish I own a scale so that I can weigh baby and chart his growth.

Saralyn, 99% of my photos of baby is with his eyes closed too!! Ha ha!

Saralyn and Mofmm, just out of curiosity
even though your babies are not identical twins, are you and/or family able to tell them apart easily? Although twins are so hard to take care of, it will be soooo much fun and cute when they start interacting with each other
Mofmm, yup.. I'm glad I still can latch them.. But being able to latch also have its own issue.. Like CL or MIL commenting you starving your own babies coz not enough milk etc. is quite hurting to hear esp during the initial period where your hormones are all over the place and you are still trying to build up your milk supply.

Lil, haha! Ya.. Not all can tell who is who yet except my inlaw and my husband coz we see them everyday. Is really not easy to look after the 2 of them.. Esp when both are crying and I trying to put them to sleep.. I am hoping they can grow faster so they will depend on me lesser but my husband always telling me enjoy now coz soon we won't be able to carry them for the rest of their life.. Which is so true..
Lil: I also celebrate my girl's full mth this sun. All 3 of us, girl girl, mofmm n me, our girls all born 1-2days each other. We have "meet up" at kkh during our D. Hahaha time flies

Girl girl: I just finished my massage session today. Too Shiok. Extend 1 more package heehee
Babysmurf, me! One of my boys always doing that. He makes alot of noise.. So when at night, I always tot he is up for his milk but he is not..
Girl girl and Babysmurf: so envy u that can start massaging. I still waiting for my gynea green light to start the first session.

Koirc: ya .. Hep b 2nd dose is after 1st month . 3rd month is 5 in 1 . Polyclinic follow this schedule. You can go pd or polyclinic for jab . Now polyclinic has free hep b and 5in 1 jab
Babysmurf, my bb also make noise in his sleep sometimes.

Dian tang, ya because of the free jabs, I'm considering polyclinic. I assume that even though 1st dose is given in hospital, can go polyclinic for 2nd dose right? Cos someone mentioned something about different dosage before. And strange thing is, when we went to pd for the 1 mth check up, she didn't give bb 2nd dose leh!

Anyway I am now guilt-striken for complaining about MIL. Sending bb to my parents' place tmrw cos hubby is traveling again. Hubby sent MIL home just now and said she felt sad cos she misses the grandson everyday. I feel bad I complain about the way she looks after bb. But she really doesn't know how to look after. Like today bb cried and she kept trying to make bb sleep but bb was actually hungry and cried even louder! Then she asked why give bb milk? Not 3 hours meh? Tell me how to entrust bb to her when she cannot study situation and be flexible but is so theoretical about everything? So for bb's well-being and my sanity, I just have to be immovable in my decision to let my mum take care of bb. Makes me feel like I am a very bad DIL.
Hi Koirc, it is normal to feel guilt stricken or bad about the choices we have to make, especially the unpleasant or hard choices. But it's either that or choosing the easier choice at the expense of baby. Sometimes to ensure our order of priorities are in order (eg always baby first), we have to step on some toes. If your MIL isn't the right person to take care of your baby, she just isn't and you have to do what is best to ensure your baby health n safety k.

Hi Dian Tang, Massage is good! Really see the diff in tummy size and best part is that the lady can help to clear the blockage or lumps in breasts. Let me know if u need the contact.

Hi Babysmurf, hehe enjoy your celebration too - still recall when my hubby and I visited u at your ward before your op! It's been such a long journey and now our babies are 1 month old! No celebration for my twins, just a cake will do. Still particular about pp touching them - esp now their cheeks look so chubby!

Ya Saralyn, everything feels like a personal attack. It's strange how we can't control our tongue/temper as well as before popping. Guess its the tiredness, stress and hormones.
Dian_ tang: I didn't wait for dr's green light.y massage lady very experience. She massaged every where n help me check my wound area. When massage tummy/ wound area she very gentle on it. She used herb to speed up my wound healing. The binding is gd now my tummy flatten alot. Heehee.

Mofmm: yup cannot imaging how i pull thru the delivery half awake myself. Till today still felt "cheated". our celebration is mini one. Give cake to my relatives n invitated some friends. Told my hubby no touching of girl only see see. Her face too chubby. At the same time try not to be too protective. Make sure anyone who want to carry her/ touch her must hand wash first even my 5yrs old nephew. Heehee
Koirc: yes you can go polyclinic for second hep b jab. U need to call up for appt for jab. I give u the no . 63553000. Strange that ur pd didn't notice that ur bb did not hav the jab if he see the health booklet.

Mofmm and babysmurf: so envy that can massage Liao . Actually the area ard the wound is still a bit pain . How abt u?
That is y I dun dare to massage.
Babysmurf, yes my baby girl also making stretching noises during zzzz.... Haha...

We going to polyclinic for the jabs...next appt on 20 June....for hep b... I got the vaccination fees from the polyclinic counter, then the schedule is based on the health booklet.

Dunno y baby keep crying during night time. Tried changing milk bottles from Avent to Pigeon, but baby also cry and drink very slow, even though she cry like very loudly.....sigh. My mum suspect is the teat problem. Changed the teat and hopefully it works...

Mofmm, babysmurf -- Yeah! Our babies are soon approaching 1 month old.... We can exchange phone numbers...heehee... Can email to [email protected]
.... Wahaha....
Hi mummies! Can anyone recommend their CLs if they are good, and give me the contact if possible? My EDD is Jan 2014, clash with cny so quite hard to find CL! Thanks in advance!
Girlgirl, shld be teat prob. Need upsize. My by will fuss if teat too slow flowing for him..

Mofmm, thanks for sharing the table. Looks like my boy on track. Frds still think im overfeeding.
Mofmm, thanks for the table! Seem like I have under-feed my boys!!!! But the pd did not comment on it when she asked me how much they drinking and they have good weight gain also..

Dian tang, ok! I will pm you my fb email.
thank you.

Girls, I think my hormones haywire again.. Is time again that I feel like giving up bf.. My boys were crying the whole morning.. Don't know is it they are not full from milk or just being cranky! Sigh..
Hi babysmurf, i was also told not to cut during confinement but noone tells me the reason. I google and only reason found is scare wind will get into the fingers ??? But my nails ard too long and sharp i scared will scratch my baby during feeding time so i secretly cut them.
Babysmurf, I didn't know about this rule! Anyways I did cut mine because it was long and was quite inconvenient to handle the baby.. Er.. I feel ok.. No "side-effect" as of now..
Babysmurf, I heard about the no cutting of nails too but I also cut because it was getting long and I don't want to scratch baby. And congrats on full month too! Hope you have an enjoyable celebration!

Mofmm, you too! Congrats on full month! I've decided to delay our celebration till my in-laws come to Spore which is around the 6-8 weeks mark. By then baby will be bigger and stronger!

Saralyn, I rely on bottle to feed ebm to baby when he gets cranky because when he is fussy and crying, he has less patience to suck on nipple. Bottle is easier and faster for him and ît works! The upside is I know how much he is drinking but the downside is he wants my boobs less and less.

Dian tang, please add me to fb too!

Koirc, don't feel bad about how you feel regarding you mil. In my opinion, baby's safety and well being is more important than people's feelings. Maybe you can involve her in other ways that does not compromise the care for your baby. Also thanks for the link. One point that my DH and I were saying is actually in the list "if you didn't believe in love at first sight before, now you do"

Psp, how are you?
When can we start excerise to tone our tummy after csect? N what kind of excerise can we do?

Paisey so many question today. How to shape my girl head round round. She has a habit sleep in 1 side until flat flat
Bb went for his pd appt today and we just decided to have the jab there. There goes $250! Sigh. Could have done it in polyclinic for free. But hubby says get over and done with and he can claim from his company. Bb was very brave. He cried for a short while when being poked. I expected him to cry all the way home. Haha...

MofMM, thanks for sharing the table.

Reikibaby, I don't think you're overfeeding. In fact, I think your bb is progressing very well. I asked pd why bb's intake has halved. She said it's nnormal at this age. Bb is now only taking 90ml leh!

Lil, thanks. Yes, you're right bb's well being is more important.
hmm I also cut my finger nails. Getting really too long and I scared scratch baby when carrying her or feeding her.

Reikibaby, yeah should be teat issue. I upsize the teat and bb drinking ok as of now...

Babysmurf, hmm I cannot seem to open PM. Hmmm...

Hi Babysmurf, my girl too, like to sleep on her right side till the head a bit out of shape. my aunts and MIL and even the polyclinic doctor said to let her sleep in sarong. It helps. The elders said have to quickly shape it back before 4th mth as by then the skull bone harden and it'll be too late
