(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hope, today scan, 29weeks plus, 2.3kg. Dr loh oni say my tum big, and bb big, and say still can natural. And dun seems to be worried abt bb weight. Cos my weight maintained since 1st tri.

Whats your bb weight?

Wow 2.3kg! Hee. I'm only due for visit next week. At 27 weeks plus bb is 1.2 kg. Hopefully bb will be of a good size so that can go for natural.
Hope, cos dh took leave to spring clean. So want save his leave mah... else he got to take again if see dr loh 3weeks time.lolz. after tat will go bk to 3weeks lor.
Hi precious baby, i went to saloon tat uses this hairdye. Prob can check out the website medaVita. I knew the saloon in wheellock place carries this. But i go to neighbourhood saloon as it's cheaper.
Hi eskimo and reiki, i just had my scan today. Fr scan baby dated week 30, but a bit underweight 1.4kg doctor said BB is 100g lesser but still ok. I Guess it's because i didn't have good diet and i haven't been drinking milk faithfully. Went back to drinking coffee. How to boost up BB's weight? Durian? Or tonic?
Znatasha, i din take durian, beef. I have half glass of HL milk daily starting 3rd tri. Not sure if its due to cordycep soup and paosheng soup which i took weekly, alternate the soup, during 2nd tri. But i think milk can also boost baby weight. But i think u can start taking durian.
Can try taking maternal milk too like ammum which is quite fattening.

If dr loh not concerned then is ok bah esp if u r careful with ur diet. HL milk has very little fats so don't think will affect much.
Baby's weight: Yesterday i went for my antenatal class. My teacher who is also a mid wife said once she delivered a 4.95 kg baby and she asked the mum what does she eat. the mummy said she take bird nest every week and drink 2 cups of milk everyday.
Hi sis,
Glad to find this support thread. I am 40 years old. I am glad I just had my bfp this week under KK Dr Tan HH. I'm currently in Week 4. Hope this is a safe 9 month pregnancy journey for me. I will be seeing dr on 29 jan to check my baby HB.

After 2ww rest, I will go back to work tml. Hope I can cope wif my job. I start feeling nauseous and tired le. I'm wondering how u gals manage ur work balance in this first trimester with the morning sickness. Or will u all continually to get MC till after first trimester? Thank u.
Yes, why not. It's been baked under very high temp so shouldn't be a problem.

Do n eat watever makes u happy during this time. That's how most of us tide through this period. Hopefully ur ms will be manageable. For me, I find going back to work is a good distraction for ms n time passed faster.
Adeline, maybe just avoid the cheese that you sprinkle on top of the pizza. Stick with the cheese that's been in the oven.

Lingsan, congrats on your BFP! I did take medical leave to rest at home during 1st tri. See what would work best for you.
Hi Precious Baby, congrats on knowing the gender! Time for names and clothes hehe

Hi Adeline, I have been eating Pizza Hut and no neg effect. But do not eat unprocessed cheese/soft cheese - if there are any sprinkled on the pizza for some reason (after baking).

Hi Lingsan, congrats once more on your BFP! If u follow Dr Tan HH (the private suite), my experience with him was that he was v understanding during the first trimester and gave me hospitalization leave and anti nausea med when needed - when I was fatigued or vomiting lots. This helped me get through those weeks.
Hope I bought 2 sets only. Gonna depends either once a week or fortnightly.

Congrats lingsan. Rest well n eat n drink whatever u can take it now. Ask for hospitalization leave if u r not well.

Luv how r u? Din see u ar for quite awhile. Have u took your maternity photo shoot?
Sade, been a silent reader, hehe... Yeah, juz did my shoot on Sat! The session took us abt 4h! Skipped lunch too but din even feel the hunger much cos was too excited, hahah... Now hoping the shots turn out nice.
Luv, i certainly think that the shoot photos will turn out great. I was thinking if i want to take belly photos or not....hehe...coz probably this is one of the significant moments in life....

sade> wah work till gv birth ah? Not resting like a week before?
Eskimobaby, thinking of taking leave abt 2 weeks b4 EDD, but will see how it goes too. How abt you?

Girl girl, thanks! Do go for the shoot if u r thinking abt it. Capture the moment.
I took it as an opportunity to do some family shots too since I din do for #1 previously. Okie, actually maybe more like 3h plus, hee...

Sade, wah, you have lotsa energy!
Girlgirl u did your detailed scan?

Luv no choice. Hehe. Just hoping that I can pop any time now. Haha.
Ya it's definitely fun to do photo shoot during pregnancy. Me din do it cos I put on too much weight n also due to my hair colour. But hb did took so not so pro photos for me. Hehe.

Me still doing final spring cleaning. Haha!
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I am beginning to feel really tired. I don't really feel the weight though.

Girlgirl, I've thinking about it since I was 20 weeks and I finally got down to action. Made my booking yesterday and will be doing my maternity photography end of this month. Hubby said since we don't know if we want to have a second one, better do it!

Whiteclover, me too! And since I'm preparing for the photoshoot, I was thinking of doing mani/pedi. Just in time for CNY too. But not sure if can do gelish or not.
sade> my detailed scan on next tuesday. Cannot wait to see my baobei leh.

lolxxx i did cleaning here and there. Hip pain and back pain siah~~~

Koirc> good leh!! we still pondering....
Girl girl if can hire cny house cleaning service to help u. They even steam the bed. Heehee. I will be seeing mine Tmr.
Whiteclover, heard that cannot have mani pedi in operation theatre lei... U going for C soon?

Koirc, my Gf told me cannot do gelish.... But am not sure. I did classic ones.

babysmurf> haha..lucky my hse no1 come for CNY... heehee...but ok lar i sweep the floor twice a week... etc... try to keep things to a minimum...
