(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hi ladies,
quite sometime since I last log in. Been so busy with bb and housework. Got to rush like mad to do the house work while bb takes power nap of 30mins or 1hr at most...

Need some advice, she has been refusing milk recently. Always drink +/-50ml at each feed. Max is only 100ml. It's not enough for her age I think 3.5mth. The doctor at polyclinic said she didn't put on enough weight and only at 3 percentile this mth... recommend her to see PD. I tried the yu ren shen si shen brown rice powder, and porridge but she doesn't know how to swallow yet so I stopped. Wanted to try the frisocream...
Any advice?
Congratulations Small Bunny! Welcome to Motherhood
Small Bunny, congratulations again! Welcome to motherhood. Rest as much as you can while in hospital and have a speed recovery. Have fun bonding with your boys!

Diantang, Hope and Luvnhope, tongue tied is when the connective tissue under the tongue is too tight or thick making the tongue less mobile. In severe cases, there will be problem sticking out tongue or touch roof of mouth with tongue. And there may be speech impediment later on. So for a baby having tongue-tied will make it hard to latch and suck because their tongue is less mobile and for kids, they will have problems licking an ice-cream for example. The procedure for this is to do a little snip on the tissue under the tongue but as Saralyn pointed out, some doctors believe that this is something that will correct itself as baby grows. So whether to seek treatment now is up to the parents. The thing is that the treatment is considered simple when baby is young and when older it will be more complicated.

I have decided to seek a 2nd opinion on this because I am worried that it may impede my baby's feeding and growth. Sometimes I also wonder if my boy's constant crying is attributed to this. Maybe feeding is tough for him, hence he doesn't drink enough, hence hungry and cry. Anyway, that is only my theory. This saturday, we are bringing baby to a Paediatric Surgeon for assessment and if needed, to get the snip there and then. I hope I can handle watching the doctor cutting my boy

Whiteclover, so did you bring baby to see doctor for his tongue tied?
Saralyn: take care of sore nipple . It is quite uncomfortable to have tt .dunno if hot shower helps?

Lil ponyo: ok I dunno if my bb tougue consider tougue tied cos it also affect his speech too. Let us know outcome of the doc visit
Lil - my baby also drinks little thus wt on the low side. Have not attributed it to tongue tied till now. My baby already 6 mths plus so it gets more complicated cos will need to be put in GA if need to do.

Pls let me know outcome of visit.
Lil, when you latch him did you see his tongue coming out? If yes then shouldn't be that bad or not even tongue tied.. Anyway, hope the outcome of the visit will be a good one.

Dian tang, thanks.. I just have to keep applying the lanolin on them n air dried it too.. Things we have to endure for the sake and health of our precious.

Znatasha, recently one of my boys also always never finish his milk almost all the time.. And he always struggles alot when bottle feed.. But he latches very well.. So I read up on baby rejecting bottle feed and my boy is.. Not finishing milk is a sign of them don't want bottle..
Sade, I'm on NPL till mid Nov. Wonder if I can bear to leave bb. Lol...

I plan to start off with white rice cereal, followed by brown rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, multigrain cereal n quinoa. In between I'll prob intro some purée too. Will intro a new food for 3-4 days n observe for allergies b4 giving any other new food. Will likely give the purée separately from the cereal for the first few mouthfuls so that bb CN taste the individual tastes n then mix with cereal to feed. Porridge n meat will intro when he's older. That's the plan now lah... Will see how things go.
luv thks for sharing. thats nice to be on NPL for so many months. guess def u wont bear to leave bb when its time for u to be back to workforce.
so by when can give bb porridge n meat? does it matter if bb has teeth or nt?

reikibaby ur menses still not here yet? do u still feed fm to ur bb?
Reikibaby, cos less risk of allergy. But some start straight on brown rice anyway too.

Sade, prob 7-9m depending on what u r comfortable with. U can start with smoother texture first, it's ok even if no teeth cos their gums quite strong too. Just monitor n see what bb can take.
Wanted to try Bellamys but oos. I got Heinz instead. Then I will try out Happy Bellies brown rice cereal etc. How abt u? When r u starting solids?
Started already. Tried avocsdobpumpkin apple sweet potato n now carrot. Haven tried cereal yet.

I bot healthy times brown rice cereal but hesitating cos my baby only poops once in six days. So thinking if shd do white rice first.
whiteclover, your pd recommends puree of fruits and veg before cereal?

Luv, ohh...thanks. I was thinking of starting with brown rice porridge instead of cereal...
but seems like most of you started with cereals.
Am home with my boys! What an eventful 3 days.....boys have v mild jaundice pd said to monitor closely. Wow really wonder how all u mummies handled breastfeeding.... I have one bloody nipple n it's day 3. Now must figure how to let that nipple rest when other nipple is also v sore....
Small bunny: you may have to pump out bm. After that apply nipple cream. Pls get a LC to teach u how to latch. Latching method maybe wrong that y nipple sore n bloodly.
Ya.. This forum looks better but is not friendly on my phone. Looks so small and so little posts on one page..

My weekend was good.. Busy with the boys as usual.. Hope all of you have a good one too.

Anyway, mummies, check with you all on 2 things..
1) how to train my boys to take bottle? Suddenly they don't want to drink from bottle. My helpers only can feed them via bottle when they are half asleep. When they are awake and we offer them a bottle they will use their tongue to push it out and start to cry or scream.
2) my boys sleeps 6-7 hours through the night now but after this long sleep, they drink less drink. Somehow I realised my boys are drinking lesser now. Is this normal? I remember their pd mentioned that after a long sleep I must give them more milk to drink..
Dian Tang, Whiteclover and Saralyn, meant to post about our visit to the paediatric surgeon earlier for the forum was under maintenance.
Just to share our experience with you:

Overall, the visit went well and we decided to go ahead with the treatment for our boy. The doctor explained that the ligament below the tongue if attached in the middle is considered 'Moderate' case and if attached at the end/tip of the tongue is considered 'Severe' case. If severe, it will affect speech, latching/feeding and also oral hygiene because we subconsciously use the tip of our tongue to clean our teeth everyday.

After he explained what it is, he examined my boy and said he is considered 'Moderate' case. Usually, for moderate case, the decision for treatment is up to the parents because it may correct itself as baby grows older or people with moderate case usually find ways to adapt so effect is minimal.

In our case, whether the treatment will improve feeding is hard to say because no one knows for certain if that was the cause in the first place. Finally, DH and I decided to go ahead with treatment so that it is one less thing to worry about ever again, especially since it is a simple procedure at our baby's age. Even if his feeding doesn't improve, we know this is not the cause.

The treatment lasts only 2 minutes. The snip took like 1 second and after that pressure is held on the spot for 2 minutes to stop any bleeding. I did not hang around for the procedure. In fact, the doctor asked me to leave the room and prepare baby's milk because he wants baby to feed immediately after procedure. He then asked my DH to help the nurse hold down baby. While outside, the receptionist told me not to wait in the waiting room either but to leave the clinic and walk to the elevator area.

Boy am I glad I didn't hang around. When I saw my DH later, his eyes were slightly red. He said he had to fight back his tears and remain strong while baby screamed and cried. Poor DH. On the other hand, our baby did very well and was feeding within 5 minutes. 15 minutes later, the doctor checked on baby again, gave the all clear and we went home. The doctor was very good and experienced. A nice grandfatherly figure with great bedside manners. He definitely made us feel better about the whole experience.

Whiteclover, since your baby is 6 months already and is putting on weight well, I'm sure baby is fine. Like doctor said, treatment is optional :)

Saralyn, lately my boy also doesn't finish his feed and drinking less. Don't know why. He would drink half and then drink the rest an hour later. Really throws us off his feeding time. I'm monitoring his intake. Sigh. My boy was already on bottle since week 1 so I'm afraid I have no advice on getting them used to bottle. I read somewhere that you can hold baby close like you are breastfeeding and give them the bottle. Maybe that will transition them easier. Hope that helps!
Sent my bb to emergency yesterday as she was crying and screaming non-stop till her voice hoarse. Doctor check for kidney/urine infection as she's underweight. After a long wait for the test report, she was released home and diagnosed as colic... It's terrible and we really freak out. Anyway, doc said it could also be due to diet change. As her pd suggested to move to cereal supplement. Doc said no wonder medicine for colic :(
Lil ponyo how did u find that ur boy has tougue tied ? Ur boy is definite a brave child. I cant take it if I got to c the procedure.
Dian Tang, I first know about it when I got mastitis and went to the lactation consultant for advice on how to massage my boob. The LC told me to get baby to latch as that is the best pump. When I told her that my baby doesn't like to latch, she checked his tongue and said he is tongue tied. At that point, I was so horrible with the thought of procedure that I dismissed it. But after my 2nd confinement nanny also made the same comment, I took it more seriously.

Yes, my boy is definitely brave. Up till today, my DH still doesn't want to talk about the experience. He said he feels so sorry for baby. The good news is baby won't even remember this at all. He was feeding within 5 minutes of the procedure and after that just napped.

Whiteclover, replied your pm!!

znatasha, my baby kinda have colic throughout his 2nd month. My doctor also said nothing much can be done. Baby will just out grow it. So every night, my baby will cry from 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Face all red and baby all rigid. Initially I could not take it and I would cry when baby cries :( After a couple of days, I realised that I need to be strong and be there for baby. So my CL, DH and I take turns to carry and sooth baby throughout those 3 hours. Now my baby is Week 9 and has stopped his evening cries/scream. Hope your baby will not be like mine.
Finally logged in! Don't quite like this new interface..maybe sign of old-age that I don't like change! haha...

Lil, your boy is brave indeed! And your DH as well. I don't think I could have handled it. Am glad that the procedure went well. My bb also went through a period of reduced milk intake, i know of a few other mummies who experienced same thing.

Saralyn, my bb started to reject bottle when he sensed I was around. He would refuse to drink from bottle but drink greedily when I latched him. So I stay far far away when my helper/DH are feeding him. Also my helper will coax him to use the pacifier, and then quickly replace with the bottle to "trick" him.
Lil ponyo hmm.. at least found out earlier . Hope ur boy recover fast

Recently, myboy cried when feeding and refused to eat as usual . He pee lesser and didnt poo today. I giving him lesser vol of milkcos he csnt finish his usual vol. Tried to change the teats, clear his mucus in the nose, drop ridwind into his milk.really no idea why he is eating lesser
Lil, your boy and dh are very brave. Is a good thing that you left the room. I saw a video of how the procedure is like before and I freak out. Is really very poor thing for the baby. Your dh did a good job to be brave and strong for his darling boy by being in the room. Glad that he is drinking well now. Hope he will drink more and grow faster! Oh.. Happy to hear he stops crying in the night time too! Handling a crying baby is not an easy task!!

You keep the milk out for an hour before feeding him again? I trying to keep to the 1 hour window frame when he can't finish but Everytime is alot left after an hour and my heart ache to throw away. Sometime it can be more than half the bottle..

Bb, for the milk intake, is it a temp thing? I'm worry as my this boy is quite a small size but he is full of "muscles". My dh and I are surprised he can lift his head up 90 degrees and look around for afew minutes during tummy time. His whole body doesn't have much fats..

Staying far away when they bottle feed my boys is what I doing now.. But sometime they still scream and reject the bottle. In desperate situation, I will latch them and quickly unlatch and put in the bottle..

Now, I even intro one bottle feed in the day to them hopefully try will take it well.. And I realised they drink alot during the day compared to the night one. Is this common? Mummies, your baby also like that?

Znatasha, sigh.. Colic is really giving us parents alot of unnecessary worries.. Hope your baby will be fine soon.
Lil: how did u find out ur baby is having colic? My girl cry every night from 6-8pm. Currently she is Week 6. I'm really very tired. She is exactly like ur boy, cry until her face turned red and v fierce.

Moreover I realized is v difficult to put her to sleep, when I put her on baby cot, she will wake up and cry again. I've to carry her for almost 1hr then she felt asleep. When I put her on e bed, she tends to cry abit and become v cranky. I tried to practice e Feber crying it out method on my baby but was stop by my husband. He says will cause brain damage. I'm really in lost, what shld I do to get baby to sleep..

Ladies do U know if can drink coffee if Breastfeeding? Will baby get cranky and sleepless? I've been taking one cup per day.
Pxsjpy, for some of my friends, their babes gets irritated & cranky when my friends drink coffee and bf. I know some food do irritatesbthe baby. You have to trial and error. Try not to drink for a few days and see if you baby crankiness gets better anot.
Baby is too young to try the cry it out method...

Mummies if suspect bb having colic, try to get a tummy warmer to wrap round bb tummy when they sleep. Helps to prevent wind gets into their tummy and keeping the tum warm.
Hmm...this new forum interface is really not user friendly on the phone. I find that I can only post a comment when I'm on my laptop. Also they took away part of member names so maybe it is just me but I'm a tiny bit lost who is who! Sorry!

Thanks, BB, Dian tang and Saralyn, my boy actually recovered from the procedure very quickly. In fact, he was feeding fine within the day or the next morning. Since the procedure, he latches better and wants my boob more. For example when I carry him, he will start sucking at my arm or my chest and try to make his way down, looking for my nipple. Quite funny.

Seems like a few of us are going through the same problem of reduced milk intake with our babies.
BB, thanks for the assurance that this will pass. Hopefully, this phase will pass soon and baby will start drinking more!

pxsjpy (you are PSP, right?), I really empathise with you because I can understand how tough it is when baby cries non-stop. During that time, we feel scared every evening because we know that the crying is about to start. I know this won't help much now but try to remember that all this shall pass.

Initially I wasn't sure if my baby has colic because the description on the internet says baby pull knees up to the tummy. My baby doesn't do that instead he is rigid like a plank. At the 1 month pd visit, I describe it to the doctor and he said it was colic. My baby cried every night from Week 4 to around Week 7. He gradually cried less and less by the end of Week 7. My CL told me that it was normal and will be better by 3rd month so every night, we just comfort ourselves that we are 1 day closer to less crying.

I still do not take caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) in case it makes baby cranky. Have not had caffeine since IVF procedure. Also, I'm not sure if it is true but I try to avoid gas causing food such as broccoli, onion, etc. And make sure that baby has a good burp after feeding. Whatever I can do to reduce gas for baby I tried.
I also dun like the new interface.
yester brought my bb to see doc as intake of milk is still half . Doc diagnosed tt he has thrust on his tougue thst is y he may hav difficult ty in drinking. He also need to do urine test for dehydration. This morning we noticed some pink stain on the diaper .. got to see doc again.. so worried
Psp, sounds exactly like my boys on putting them down to bed.. They will cry once they butt touches the bed. They can only sleep well in our arms. I thought of trying the cry it out method too.. But I really can't bare to see them cry till so poor thing.

I still take caffeine stuffs.. But limiting myself to one cup per day. And if possible I will go for decaf.

Lil, yay!! Sound like you got a hungry boy now! Haha. Enjoy bf him.

Dian tang, is it you boy got the white stuffs on his tongue? My boys got alot on their cheeks.. I put my finger in to remove and most can be removed.. So I don't know is it stil consider thrush or not. I suspected thrush too when they scream during feeding time but is not all the time so I also don't know what to do. Did you latch your boy or he is fully on bottle?
Saralyn, yes it is the white stuff in their mouth which cant be removed by wiping.does ur bb cry very loud dur feeding? Mine start crying bef we put in the teat
Dian tang, most can be removed.. There will be abit left and I don't dare to wipe too hard also.. I thought is just milk residue.. Mine only cry sometime.. It started with me doing direct latch.. They will drink then suddenly making alot of noise like complaining and then follow by cry.. After afew days, they also the same when being offer bottle.. But they don't cry on every feed so I really don't know can it be thrush or not.
Saralyn, if can be removed , it is milk stain .. no worries. Just take care of the hyigene part . Mine is prob I change from using cloth to wire gauze for wiping his gum n tougue. See if it helps

Seriously don't like this new interface...
can only use laptop and even that it's so user unfriendly...
Hi Whiteclover, where can I find the biogaia probiotics?

Ladies, my bb ok now, thanks! Now hope she'll up her milk intake and put on more kg.
She's drinking cereal-milk (fm) mix now. I think cereal taste sweet so she can finish 4oz now. Not sure if I can give cereal every meal in the day? I'm giving her the rice cereal fr Nestle, introduced by the clinic.
I tried the brown rice powder fr Yu Ren Sheng, but she dislike it.

Going to supplement her milk with a little Si Sheng powder, hoping to increase her appetite.
