(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Znatasha, think it will be too heaty if gv cereal every meal. Maybe you can give twice a day. Lunch and dinner. Unless you can give lesser each feed if you wan give every meal.

Hello ladies, it’s been a while. Wow, even SMH website has changed!
How’s everyone? I’ve been busy since returning from my holidays… moving house and adjusting to work life again. This is the 3rd week at work and things are ramping up.
Didn’t have time to look back at past posts. Hope everyone is doing well.
Hope, Reikibaby, Znatasha, how are your babies? My baby is seeing pd next week and I think I might start him with cereals. His milk intake is still the same!
usagi, u had been doing great. at least bf for few months. Now u will hv more time n energy to play with bb.

Lil glad to hear that your bb is doing great now. Its really not easy to handle a colicky bb, i was worried that my bb will be colicky during earlier days cos i cant stand bb crying non stop. I will go crazy.
Btw, did u saw ur bb smile?

PSP, jia you, maybe try to carry ur bb upright when she is colicky, that's what my friend told me. it might help to soothe bb.

Reiki baby so what solid r u planning to start your bb with?
Thanks ladies for your advice. Recently I keep asking myself whether I've did e right thing to give birth to my girl. Gg thru e ivf procedure and 9 month of pregnancy. Lose all my freedom, sleep and time. My girl is 6 weeks now and still v difficult to get her to sleep. Need to carry at least 30 mins then she will fall asleep, no time to bath and eat. Now my hb doesn't even dare to touch me cos he is worried that during intercourse, my milk to drip. Haizzz..

Reiki, ha ha I didn't realise that Pinkieberrie is you! See what I mean about the dropping of one name of the members confuses me?! How did you add your signature of the baby's age. That is so cool!

znatasha, good to hear that baby is okay now! Hope your baby will feed more and be more 'pui pui' :)

Dian Tang, have you brought your baby to see doctor again? Just wondering how is your boy doing. Hopefully everything is okay now and that his feeds has increased and his thrush has subsided. My baby also reduced his feed recently and after reading your post, I went to check the insides of his mouth because I've never cleaned his tongue. I've asked doctor about this before and he said no need to clean so I left it again. So far only see white stuff on tongue but none on sides of mouth so I will monitor. Thanks for sharing :)

Sade, thanks. Well, I won't say my baby is doing great but he is definitely better :) HA ha! He is not one of those angel babies who can entertain himself, sit on rocker and smile/coo at mummy. Most of his waking hours seems to be crying on/off and wanting to be held. BUT his evening cries and screams are a thing of the past. Yay! He now consistently sleeps at 8/8.30pm every night without much fuss and will wake at 6pm. Waking up twice for feeds. So that is wonderful in my books and I won't complain :) Now my next challenge is to set some sort of routine during his day and to get him to nap! Unfortunately, I'm failing miserably but will persevere. There are days when he hardly naps at all and thus become very cranky. He would fall asleep in my arms and wake the second I put him down. This will go on and on all day and by 4pm, I'm still in my pajamas...sigh. Oh talk about smiling, funny you should ask me today because he finally smiled at me today!! Yippee!! He smiled at DH and nanny since last week but not me. He is still not generous with his smiles so hopefully, it will be more and more from now on. Phew...I was getting worried for a while there. Thanks for asking. What about you? How are you?

PSP, hugs! We are all here to support each other so hopefully you will find some comfort from us! Motherhood is undeniably tough and I have new found respect for all mothers around the world from the beginning of time! Once in a while, when I'm having a bad day, I have also asked myself the same questions you have. And then I will remind myself of what Reiki (or was it Sade?) who reminded us that baby is precious and there are still so many ladies in the ivf forum waiting for their miracle. We are lucky to be here and even luckier because our babies are healthy and growing. All these hard times will pass. You are doing great and have already survived 6 weeks! Everything is so new to baby so she is also trying to adjust to this world. Baby will eventually settle down. My boy eventually stopped his evening cries and sleep better by week 8 and things are still work in progress! Until then, just keep loving your girl as you have. Jia you mummy!
Dian tang, how your boy is doing well now.. Saw the video you posted online.. He is looking very good and very cute! So smiley!

Koirc, welcome back! Hope you had a great time at bkk.. Is so nice to be back in action at work right.. I also hope to be back soon but first I need to find IFC or someone to look after my boys first.

Psp, cheer up! That question you asked is also the question I been asking myself even till now. Almost everyday i am very emo and keep thinking why my life has changed to what it is now.. But what Lil said is right.. We are lucky to have our precious in our hands now.. The first few months is the tough one. You are already at 6 weeks! Keep it up. It will get easier.. Trust me. I got 2 boys and even though it is still very tough for me now but I have seem improvement since the first day they are back home.. When they start to smile and respond to you, you will be the happiest person in the world..
Lil, google baby ticker and there will be website tat helps you create the ticker. Once done, they have a url for you to copy and paste in the signature in your account profile. ;)

Koirc, baby sticks to me alot. And by evening he wants no one but me. Lately he knows how to choose who he wants to be carried. If want then will stretch out his arms. But no progress in flipping. Which im fine with it. Means i still can run off toilet n back and knows tat he wont flip. Heee

Sade, just realised baby is 21weeks but if by his birth date, yet to be 5months... am planning to start with sweet potato porridge. Those kind of porridge that cooked till very fine that cant see grains. Will use brown rice. Plan to start this week cos baby seems to demand more milk but my supply not enuf. We should give solid once a day....when can move on to twice a day?
Saralyn ,Lil ponyo, my boy milk consumption has also decreased partly also due to thrust. Kind of worried tt he get dehydrates dur last weekend. We were so worried cos we saw pink stain on his diaper and his diaper were not heavy. So we keep feeding him at 2 hrs interval as he only drink ard 50 ml each time and feeding time was 1 hr.. tiring. Jus hope he get better we even change to softer teat
One of my boy totally didn't want to drink from bottle yesterday morning after waking up from a 5 hours sleep. Sigh.. I really don't know how.

Dian tang, did the pd give him some purple solution to apply on his tongue? It should go away soon from what I read online and hopefully he will drink more. Maybe later I go clean my boys mouth too to double confirm they are milk residue..
Mummies, can share how old is your baby and how much milk they are drinking? Why I want to know is I feeding my boys 160 and 180ml each.. Well, half the time the boy taking 160ml cannot finish. Most of the time I realised he only takes 100ml. While for the 180ml, he always finish it. Anyway, even after finishing the bottle, I will nurse them after 2.5-3 hours and both are drinking very strong and is like they are starving. Wondering for I underfed my boys.. They are 3 months now
Saralyn, my boy on 180ml since 3m and till now. Tried giving mre but he just dun finish so i stick to 180ml. In fact many of my friends saying that he is drinking alot. If they can last 2.5-3h then the amt is sufficient. Also if they are gaining weight. In healthy percentile. Then no need worry.
Saralyn, my boy on 180ml since 3m and till now. Tried giving mre but he just dun finish so i stick to 180ml. In fact many of my friends saying that he is drinking alot. If they can last 2.5-3h then the amt is sufficient. Also if they are gaining weight. In healthy percentile. Then no need worry. :)
Reiki, thanks! I just added one to my signature. Let's see if it works!

Saralyn, realised I forgot to answer one of your questions. No, I no longer feed baby with EBM that has been warmed up for more than 1 hour. After I got my 2nd CL, she seriously frown upon it and forbid me to do so. Then she keeps dumping my milk everytime baby doesn't finish. Really heart pain but baby health is more important. Initially, this made me very anxious because I was worried that I will not enough milk for baby. What made it worse is that baby recently reduced his feed. He is 10 weeks old now and used to drink 90ml but lately, he will just take 40-50ml and drink more an hour later. So it throws us off. We had to dump the unfinished milk and can't warm up the next batch fast enough. Slowly, we got used to his new pattern and it is better now. He is still not drinking as much as he used to but I think it's fine for now as he is still poo/peeing well and seems happy enough. Compared to other babies, he is drinking soooo much less. Hopefully, it is just a phase. Anyhow, I will ask the doctor when I see her tomorrow. Bringing baby to see doctor for his cradle cap.

Whiteclover, how is everything?

Dian tang, did doctor give baby anything for the thrush? He looks really really happy and good though!
Saralyn, the doc gave a oral gel for the thrust. Today just went for development check at poly clinic . Doc said he is ok.

maybe u can use 150ml x baby wt as a guideline on amt of milk to fed yourboys
Lil, my bb used to be like that too, need to be carried and walked around the house just to make her sleep n nap. n the moment i put her down, she will wake up crying. Luckily it just a passing phrase. Read in other thread that their bb are like that too when young. So hopefully it is a passing phrase for your boy too. Finally ur boy smile at mummy!
Its me who said that. Till to date, i still cant believe that i have a bb. Its like a dream and it came true.
I am ok, now getting more busier cos starting bb on solids, and quite lost on what to do, cos some said not to intro solid too early, some said have to. so v confusing, it's much simpler before, just nursing. now have to search for info on how to feed bb solids. hehe.

Reikibaby, think just start giving once per day, n if bb can eat, then no harm giving twice or thrice per day. Read that bb will wake up more at night which means that bb is not having enough so can give more solid during day time. But my girl is not waking up for milk at night yet. So i still stick to once per day. Think your boy has rather good appetite cos can finish 180ml in 3months.

Saralyn, i think it's ok cos i am still nursing my bb on a 3 hourly schedule during daytime. and bb is able to sleep through the night. She drinks from 100ml-150ml for bottle feed. She drinks 5 to 6 times per day. Think boys need more.
Znatasha, biogaia available at pd. Iread in anothervthread unity sells.

Lil - supposed to see dr cheah today. Then baby was feverish this morning up to 38. Had to reschedule. Didnt expect fever as she was ok yesterday. Was busy checking her temp, looking for pd who can see her n putting on her fever patch.
Sade, thanks for the tip! So cute to have the ticker :)
Ya, really hope it is just a phase. Fingers crossed and will persevere with my routine training. Motherhood is really a never-ending learning process. Just when we get the hang of something, we have to learn new stuff like introducing solids! Jia you to all of us :)

Whiteclover, oh dear poor baby and mummy. Hope you managed to see pd and that fever has subsided.
lil, guess it's really a passing phase. my bb used to sleep only when being carried and pat. nowadays, she doesn't want us :( quite missed those times leh!
sade, u alrdy feeding ur girl cereal? white or brown? wat i understand from dietrician is try to feed semi-solid only when bb is 6 mths. not earlier or later like 7 mths. too early, their system may not be fully developed. too late, they may not adept well. hiaz.....so much to learn isn't it? ;)
thanks saralyn and lil ponyo.

Yes indeed im the lucky one, many ladies in the ivf forum waiting for their miracle. sometimes i really dont know what to do. she is always crying and v difficult to put her to sleep. Hv to carry more than 1 hr and when put her to bed, less than 10 mins she is awake. mentally and physically exhausted. i cant even take a nap. Getting bad to worst. i keep asking myself why i hv such a difficult baby.
Chevy, i read that online too, but my pd kept on saying to start anytime during 4-6 months, and yesterday pd said to give porridge to bb now. Hmmm, so different from what i read. anyway i had given my bb a single ingredient every 4 days so now still introducing new ingredients stages. Had told PD abt it n she said now should give porridge and should have intro new ingredients long before. I was like huh? my bb only 6 months 1 week old. n i alrdy started introducing her solid during 5 and half month. N in between i stopped for few days cos bb not interested in solids at all. But now she is slowly taking it.

U started to feed your bb alrdy? sin your bb is alrdy 6 months 2 weeks now.
Chevy, my pd also say anytime during 4-6 months. And not to start after 6 months.

Sade, you pd and mine must have been taught by the same lecturer...haha....believes to start porridge first.
I'm hoping baby can sleep through night but he's drinking alot and lately not enough sleep for me so supply really drop. End up poor boy need to ask for milk before 3h is up...
reikibaby, my pd is a woman, and my hb told me that my pd is a mum too. So maybe that's why she said to give porridge now.
My supply dropped too and i figured that bb is drinking little so that why the supply has dropped. Demand = supply.
Lately my bb only nurse 5-10 min per side and maybe that's why my supply drops and also i dragged till 8 hrs then pump.
chevy, i totally understand and felt it too. at times i miss my girl as a baby. Now when i carry her for nap, she will use her arms to push away from me and keeps on turning ar n looking ar. and worst of all, now had started to protest. whin and cries whenever i try to leave the room. n wanting lot of attention.
Is your bb like that too? U still bf?
Dian tang, hope your boy will recover soon..

I nurse the boys afew time in the day so I can't use your method to check whether they are drinking enough or not..

Lil, I know how you feel when we have to throw the milk away. I do let my boy drinks if it is still within 2 hours. Anything more than that I will throw. Just afew morning ago, I poured 140ml of bm into the sink. My heart so pain.. But well.. I really hope is just a passing phrase..

Thanks reiki baby and sade.. Glad to know I not over feeding or under feed them.. My boys are at the 50 and below percentile.. Till I got this mission to fattening them up but not successful.. Monday going for their 3rd month assessment.. Hopefully will have improvement..

Psp, my boys are like that too.. Not just your girl.. FYI one of my boys is in my hands sleeping now.. Can't put him down coz he will wake up. Or rather if I move abit now in my chair he will be awake too..

Really hope this is also a passing phrase!!

Sade, after reading your post, you gave me hope that my boys will improve. I just told them this morning my day is spent feeding you two and carrying you two to sleep and nothing else! No time to sleep or pee or eat or even bathe..
PSP, I totally understand how you feel having a high needs baby. Both my nannies have commented on separate occasions that they have never met a baby who cries as much as mine. One even declared him the 2nd most difficult baby in her 10 year career! My DH and I are very easy going people so sometimes I wonder how our son can be so difficult! Ha ha! Anyway, have you CL left? Why don't you consider hiring another CL for a month so that you can have your sanity back, rest and be in a better frame of mind to care for baby? Exhaustion and sleep deprivation is super tough and it is not good for you or baby either. When my 1st CL left, I thought I could and would take care of baby on my own. But Mofmm was the one who reminded me that a healthy and happy mum is better for baby than an exhausted and frustrated one. I'm so grateful for her suggestion and right now, I still have CL helping me and we are slowly training my boy together to get him on a routine so that everything will be better when we are on our own. This also gives me enough time to rest and recuperate and also build up my milk supply. Do give it a thought :)

Chevy, it never occurred to me that wanting to be held to sleep would be a phase. I thought it is just my son's needy temperament. It's good to know that it will be easier and easier to get him to sleep/nap! Just reading your conversation with Sade about feeding solids just reaffirms what other mothers used to say to me, "oh you think you are busy now, wait till they are older!" HA ha! Motherhood is indeed an endless learning curve and worries too! And yes, sometimes I will stop and think, "wow, can't believe I have a son!"

Saralyn, think we are all multi-tasking! I was bf-ing my boy when I was typing that last post! Ha ha!
Hi gals! Haven't log in for quite some time!

Reiki, Sade, Koirc and Znatasha, my PD says to feed my gal solid only after 6 months coz she has eczema. Which brands of rice cereal are you all planning to use?

Are you all still pumping? Recently found that its quite difficult to achieve let down. Haiz feel abit Sian coz room quite long to pump and hard to do it sometimes when I'm alone with baby. Does it happen to you gals? How long are you all planning to pump or bf?
Iil, haha! We are super mummies now. My hp and iPad are my must have wherever I go in the house coz I can't do much when nursing n putting my boys to sleep.

Hopeful, I am pumping now with my eyes half opened! Feel like giving up every night when I struggle to get up for the pump.. Don't know how I manage to do this for 3+ months..
Sade, my boy also nurse 5-10min a side. And that usuali lasted him till next feed in 2.5-3h. But just these 2 days he started protesting no milk when he latch. Esp my right side. And just like your girl, my boy whines and cries when im out of his sight.

Saralyn, drinking at 180ml, your boy still at 50th or below? 180ml is alot leh. Currently my boy is at
Reiki, ya.. But 180ml is only recent. The last check was at 50 percentile which was 1+ month ago. I was shocked too coz he doesn't look like an average baby. He is abit chubby one.. My the other boy is the headache one.. He is 10-25 percentile.. He does look small but no matter how I feed him he doesn't grow fats.. His body is more of muscles.. Oh the nurse commented he is very active n maybe his metabolism rate is higher so burn faster instead of turning into body fats..
Lil, why do u hv to discard ur bm?

I tried looking for a CL but they are fully booked. In fact, my mum has just resigned but she doesn't want to help until Sept, so I guess Ive to handle myself for this month.

saralyn: how much is ur babies now? U hv any helper?
Sade, ya, most imptly is to introduce single ingredient and monitor for allergic response. And slowly...... Talk so easy hor......thk of it i also panic. So scare i will be lost in translation! My girl will only be starting solids in another 1 and half mths cos she's pre-term and all progress will be checked against her corrected age. So in fact, she's only a 4 mths old bb :)
You can drag pumping for 8 hrs ah? My supply also dropped alot. Good times is 60ml and bad maybe 20ml? Still continuing pumping. How's urs?

Now bb got new pattern, ever since she can sit up, she doesn't want to be carried in sleeping position. It's either sitting or carried straight up. Else she can cry n cry n cry...... C her also quite funny cos can stop crying at once when we change to the position she wanted. Hiaz.......we are slaves to our bb:rolleyes:
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Reikibaby, ur supply also drop? I understand that it's quite normal when bb starts solid. Maybe that's your case? U taking supplements?
Lil, glad u r doing good n happy with your CL :)
I'm sure your bb will outgrow this phase too lah.
Yes, I have heard ppl also say "Wait til they can walk and run, u will know what busy is" :eek:
I believe we still have that feeling of disbelieve that we are actually mummies after so much "hard work"....At times when I look at my bb, I will tear lor. Drama hor! :p
Managed to see my pd yesterday. My gal diagnosed with sore throat. Pd says prob cos teething n dhe dticks all sort of things into her mouth. Came home w a bag of preventive medicine.

I think impt to keep some med at home for those days where cannot get appt. Pd also adked me to start on 2 solids feeds a day n start porridge. My gal is lightweight

This morning discovered another tooth sprouting out. Quite worried cos am still latching as she refuses the bottle n now sometimes bites when nursing.
Chevy, but i yet to start on solid. On good pump i have 80ml (usualli at night) on bad ones 40ml. Feeling so sad esp when i have to give baby more fm...:(
Was taking fish oil and probiotics and multi vits...but stopped for few weeks cos was just too busy and forgot. Now im getting back on my supplement, hopefully miracles will happen... Plan to start EPO too....
Psp, I think there is some typo.. What do you mean "how much is your babies now?" You want to buy my boys? Heehee..

Reading all the mummies starting their baby on solid kinda scare me.. Oh man.. Another things to learn about my boys in afew months time.. But I'm looking forward to them eating solids coz it will be easier for me when we go out.. If I go out now I have to spend 1+ hour in nursing room to feed them or cover myself at cafe or restaurant to feed them..
Saralyn, sorry typo. Want to ask u how old are ur boys? Wah u spend one hr in nursing room?

Btw I realized my bm amount is getting lesser. Used to pump at least 170ml each side, but these few days only 100ml. Is this normal?
chevy same as my girl. ever since she knows how to sit up, she just wan to sit up. so now she will sit on high chair during my dinner time nshe will be v happy. I can pump 60ml to 120ml n I nursed my girl whenevr possible.
yes I dragged till 8hrs at night n I can pump 120ml one side n bb drink from the other side.

lil exactly. lots to learn. n they r right. wait till bb can walk n we got to run aft them.

hope I also experienced slow let down during pumping. I dont like to pump now. prefer latching cos fsster letdown.

saralyn yes keep ur fingers crossed. lot of different patterns for bb. its still better to nurse now then feeding. cos once start on solids, hv to cook n feed n wash. feeding times might take longer than nursing.
saralyn soon ur bb will nurse fsster. I used to spend 45-60min for nursing whenever I go shopping or eating. but now much faster. tink at 4months old.
Psp, my boys are 14 weeks today.. N yes I can spend up to 1+ hour in the nursing room. Coz I feed one boy at a time when I'm outside.. One boy takes 35-45 mins.. So *2 is 1+ hour.. Because of this I don't like to go out..

Sade, I hope so! But so far they still nurse very long and I have to stop them most of the time..
Sade, today gv my boy brown rice porridge (cook till like paste) and sweet potato pureed mix with it..realli not easy feeding him. I put him on those bumbo seat but his hands will keep wanting to touch the spoon and bowl. But its a great experience when you see him enjoying. I gv him 3 soup spoon... but seems like he can still eat more. How much your girl having for cereal?
reikibaby initially she only take a few baby spoon n get v frustrated. I let her sit on high chair n she is slowly enjoying her
solid now. yes v messy, I gave her another spoon so that she wont snatch my spoon but she kept on throwing the spoon on the floor n I hv to pick it up. she will snatch my spoon n bowl too. I wont put nor take the bowl. she dont like to sit on bumbo. will get cranky aft 15min.
ur bb is 4month 4 week old only, its alrdy good that he ate 3 soup spoon.
how do u cook the brown rice porridge? me gave my girl brown rice with carrot puree. n she ate alot. abt 10baby spoonful.

sade, you mean your girl eating rice?
im using the soymake to cook the rice paste. so cant taste grains one. then i steam my sweet potato, mash and mix with the rice paste/porridge.
i think you can use the grinded brown rice powder to mix with water and cook...should be the same.
