(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Whiteclover how do u know there's a Taka special sale? Do they send u a pamphlet or something? Coz just wondering if they have sale on bb stuff
Luv, eskimobaby, chevy,
Ya i also don't know abt these until recently i saw someone mentioned abt it at the last baby fair. The store that sells the instant bath herbs. She told me that there is a package for so hup pills + wu jin pills. Only aft that then i started googling abt it. N then found out that So Hup pills can help to get rid of winds. 12 day consumption right aft delivery.
Wu Jin pills is to promote blood circulation and to get rid of blood clots. Quite skeptical abt it when the young lady told me abt it.
As for sheng hua soup, it's also promote blood circulation.
But aft googling around, still don't know if its effective or not. Hence asked u all abt advices.
Dian_tang: for me I put a bottle of water by my bed. So move to toilet n for meals. But I still have spot spot. These spotting really make me headache.
Btw - re: newborn diapers.
Non first time mummies, can advise roughly how many diapers u use a day in the beginning and also how long it took before u have to upgrade to next size.

Wondering how many to stock up first. Originally just wanted to buy 2 packets. Or I shd buy more?
Babysmurf: when are u seeing doc again? Be positive and rest more. Eat well . I think there is nothing much we can do beside eat well, rest well and take medication .. JIA you
Sade, sheng hua soup is for removing the blood clots. Only can drink twice. Not suitable for everyone, those with cooling or weak constitute should not take.

Chevy, dentist shldn't be a problem for normal dental work. I went to fill a tooth when in week 16. Just let the dentist know u are pregnant.
Dian_tang: my next review in 2wks time on 11dec.

Precious baby: I on hl since 17/11. Still spot spot. So rest at home. U enjoy the moment during Ur Oscar Ur hubby will be excited.
Kiki_gal, ya I heard abt that too. U taking that too?

Babysmurf and Dian tang, Jia you! Rest well, eat well and stay happy n positive.
No need to stock, just stock up 2 or 3 newborn packs. Not enuff then buy. Anyway newborn hardly have promos so no point stocking up, also depending on ur baby size n whether ur baby has any allergic reactions to certain brands or not.
Thanks Sade,Chevy and Whitecover as least now I have a better idea of getting a confinement nanny. Still looking for a good agency hope can find a good one soon. So much things to prepare to welcm a newborn. And so far I haven prepare anythg yet and just only bought 1 pair of booties n mittens...was afraid to buy too early. AT least now bb is 24weeks going 25 le. Can start buying and preparing bb room le
Bbshower, yes i agreed that's a lot of stuffs to prepare for a newborn. Better start early cos now I m in third trimester, I start to feel tired easily. So do it in 2nd trimester.
Enjoy shopping n preparing for your newborn.
Sade I heard 3rd trimester tired out very easily. I din start early becoz I wanna wait til mid 2nd to 3rd trimester then I feel more secure. You know what I mean? Sade 1mth plus is the arrival of ur newborn r u very nervous? Is everythg wel prepared?
Bbshower I totally understand what u meant. I also thou so then but friends been saying don't wait till tummy big big cos it's getting more uncomfortable n anything can happen anytime. When in third trimester will worry abt premature labour. So that's no safe time.
Still have some items not yet settle. Car seat, mattress n bed sheet, herbs etc. Now start to wash bb clothes. Ya exciting but worrying. Felt not enough time to do all.
Btw I m curious, u r not Chinese right? Then y r u still interested to take herbs during confinement?
Hahaha Sade I m Chinese
so you will be getting the whole mth of confinement herbs? But you will know what the nanny is going to cook meh?
bb shower hehe, silly me, then babygalore is not chinese. Got a mixed up bah. sorry.

I din employ any CL.
Yes i will be buying the whole month of confinement herbs. Had just finalised the herbs details. Will be buying soon. As i also need to sort out the herbs into individual pack for longan red dates tea.
Guess i m a control freak, hence it's better to be without CL. And also for me, my confinement cross CNY, so hence much more expensive to employ CL.
reikibaby sure.

I am buying :
Herbs :
Dang gui, red dates, black dates, blue dates, dangsheng, dried longan, wolfberries, beiqi, tong chao, huai shan.

Dried goods:
old ginger, garlic, sesame oil, rock sugar, mee suah, black vinegar, black beans, dried peanuts, black fungus, white pepper, dried mushrooms, dried seaweeds and dried scallop.

Also buying red glutinous wine n yellow rice wine.

I google online and there is various recipe for longan red dates tea and i am following this recipe.

BBshower, my hubby is helping with the cooking and my mum with laundry n housechores.
I am in charge of Breastfeeding and resting. hehe. Had already printed out the menu for my confinement.
Kikigal I got the red glutinous wine from a friend n yellow rice wine from another thread.
I also don't know if I should consume sheng hua soup or not. Will ask yu ren sheng when nearer to edd.
Happy birthday Babysmurf. Where's ur hb? Still have to bed rest cos u r still spotting. At least ur bao bei is with u to celebrate ur day.
Happy birthday babysmurf!

Today had a long day...spent 2hours shopping at baby hyperstore and finally settled my stroller and carseat.
Then went ikea walk walk...really a crowd. Looks like snake baby also popular cos really see many preg lady today.
Happy birthday, babysmurf.

I am also trapped at home, wanted to go shopping but no one accompany me to taka. Can't go out alone to orchard, I am scared of the crowd to my bb. Hubby only bring me out for dinner and buy my week supply of milk.
Happy birthday Babysmurf! Am sure your hubby will be thinking of you during the wedding dinner and be home soon to accompany you.
Thank you ladies. Trapped in Kkh n home for 2 more wks still have 1 more wk to go b4 dr review. Just that the spot spot don't go away. Irrating.
Babysmurf, the bb keep playing hide and seek, take around an hr to finish up the scan. The bb refuse to move the position no matter how hard trying to wake the bb up. Waiting to get the report and bt next fri

Babysmurf: hi how are u? Hope you are doing fine. The spotting condition has improved but I am still doing the bed rest . Sometime I will watch tv or doing some reading. The furthest I go is the clinic where I do the jab . The doc do not encourage me to walk too much now . How abt u?
