(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hi ladies: how to get rid if the red red. Now is when I go poo n wipe I will see red clots. Small small blood clots. The nurse said I strain too hard when poo or my stool is hard. No matter how many fruits or vitagen I take. Still see the red. Arrgh.

Babysmurf, if it's constipation then drink a lot a lot of water. At least 3 litres of water daily... Eat more guava it helps for me. Hope it will get better for you.
cos u cannot be very mobile so bound to have a little constipation. u can ask doc to prescribe some medication, it's like a white liquid that helps with bowels movement. that was wat i was given after giving birth so that dun have to strain so much to pass motion.
Thank you ladies: take lactulose for soften the stool. Drink lot of water n fruit. Ended up today LS but still have small little blood clots when I wipe.

Told the nurse n ward dr but to them like not an issues. How to self cure?
My friend just delivered one mth early. It was a wake up call for me. Last weekend was my most productive. Settled all the big ticket items (even carseat!) and cleared my bedroom.
Hi Sade, it's silly question to ask.

Do you know of any "pantang" issue on clearing the rooms like moving the furniture or the unused guest bed? can we touch these things before delivery?
I am planning to move these things to convert the room to baby room but don't dare to do anything now as my aunt keep saying can't touch all these till after delivery
Whiteclover, can the maxi cosi be used on you stroller or only can fit into Quinny stroller?

Znatasha, from what i understand, no moving of these furnitures. But if really need to, then you must not be in the house. If theres not many to move, perhaps your dh can move them after you deliver while you are still in hospital? Thats what most of my frds did. Even setting up baby cot, they also waited till they deliver, then their dh set up the cot while mummy and child in hospital.
Hope ya 3 week for next visit. Guess since we have packages, he don't wan to see us so soon. Haha.

Znatasha, Me don't allow my hubby to move any furniture in my room. For the guest room or living room, it's still ok can move. Like what reiki baby had mentioned, I only plan to move aft delivery. Really space constraint for my room but no choice, don't wan to take the risk. Still trying to clear n throw away unwanted stuffs only. No moving of furniture in the room even thou v tempted to do it.
Hope, I had alrdy booked my ward but it's subjected to ward availability during delivery. I took a form from Alice n then submitted to the counter at level 1. Just like that, no confirmation from them too, guess its more like pre admission record purpose.

Dian tang, bed rest. Post us result once u know it.
Reikibaby, I bought a peg perego stroller. Salesgirl said maxi cosi cannot fit in. Maxi cosi can fit quinny.

Baby hyper store has some bundle deals for quinny stroller and maxi xosi.
Znatasha- I'm getting my cot to be delivered and installed one mth before delivery. Cos i plan to decorate the room with stickers etc etc. My mum says as long as I am not in the house when the cot is moved in, it is fine, plus, she will check dates which r suitable for the delivery.

Most impt, u r comfortable w it.
Sade I see thanks!

Hmm I'm planning to assemble the cot in dec coz its hand me down. No instruction booklet etc so need to assemble to get the measurement to buy the bedding. But I won't be at home... Will be bk only after its done. No choice I guess.
Thks sisters here. The doc also dunno the reasons . I only can take the medicine and keep my fingers crossed now . Wait for the bleeding to stop . Just hope for the best now and prepare for the worst .
Dian tang, bed rest well n think positive thoughts. Talk to bb now. If I m not wrong u r in 2nd trimester now right?
Jia you.
Hi all , thank you ! I was given the jab and medicine and completely rest on bed . I am still in hosp monitoring by doc . I try to stay positive . Yes , Sade I am in week 16 now .
Hi dian tang, must rest well. Don't walk or stand too long for 48hrs.
I also had bleeding ard 18weeks. Doctor said it's due to my low-lying placenta and abrasion from walking cause the bleeding.
Znatasha: when does the bleeding stop? How does ur doc find the reason ? My doc also dunno know the reasons for my case and he just ask me to bed rest . Currently I am still experiencing bleeding when I shift my body .. Stress
Dian_tang: no stress. No good. I also like u. Dr also don't know the reason. I still bleeding for 1 week already. But other then that everything is fine.
Ok babysmurf: u gave me some positive hope . Thanks I will continue to JIA you . U too . Hope everything go well on ur side too.
Hi Dian Tang, my bleeding came like heavy day mensus -- one big pool and stopped bleeding heavily on the same day but I still have remainder brown stains (old blood) for about 1.5 weeks. I didn't go hospital then as I didn't know if I should. From the US scan, my doctor just told me that my placenta is low so that may be the cause.

Do get MC from the hospital and bed-rest for as long as you can. No carrying of heavy stuff and don't squat for the time being.
I've have not logged on for a while.

Dian_tang, just saw this, good to hear that scan shows that baby and you are okay. Hopefully the bleeding will stop soon. Must have enough rest, ya! Take care!

Babysmurf, you too, hope your bleeding will go away soon and don't come back until after baby is here. You discharge from hospital yesterday, right? I know it may be harder to do bedrest at home but try not to move around too much unnecessarily. Take care too!
Hello, was wondering if I can take prenatal supplement over and above my current intake of folic acid and vit C? Don't want to end up taking too much..
Dian_tang, pls rest well. Hope you have books, magazines n videos to keep your mind occupied. Praying that your bleeding will stop. Take care!

Whiteclover, peg pergo stroller doesnt have a compatible car seat? Do you hv any idea how much are they selling quinny zapp and buzz?

Dian tang, rest well. Talk to bb and pray hard. All will be ok de.

Haiz... Just had GTT yesterday and failed badly. Now got prick fingers liao. Sobz.....
